Chapter 15 – Revelations
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“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I replied.

I willed away any trace of doubt or fear from my eyes, desperate to maintain a semblance of control. But beneath the mask, panic gnawed at my core, threatening to unravel everything I had painstakingly built.

This can’t be happening... Did she figure it out?!

A flicker of irritation danced in Dahlia’s eyes as she straightened her back, a regal posture befitting her status. The weight of her gaze bore down on me, unyielding and perceptive.

“Lying is futile, my dear,” Dahlia declared, her voice carrying an air of certainty. “I have long suspected, and now I am sure. You are a Remnant.”

A Remnant?!

A jolt of trepidation shot through me as Dahlia’s words hung in the air. How had she discovered the truth? I was sure I’d been careful, and meticulous in concealing my identity. The thought of everything I had worked for collapsing in an instant threatened to overwhelm me.

Despite the storm of emotions swirling in my mind, I noticed something strange. In Dahlia’s gaze, I detected not malice, but a knowing understanding, a recognition of the complexities that defined my existence. There was zero indication that she was up to something bad. All I sensed from her was an air of genuine curiosity.

Instead of going behind my back, she decided to confront me personally. Maybe she’s not after me. Maybe I can use this as an opportunity...

As the world around me wavered, I steadied myself, determined not to crumble under the weight of her words.

I guess I’m going to have to roll a dice on this... I can’t give her my full name, but I can give her something...

“I... I used to be called Vick,” I confessed, my voice barely above a whisper.

I held my breath, waiting anxiously for Dahlia’s response, uncertain of how she would receive this revelation. Would she reject me? Or perhaps treat me differently?

For a moment, Dahlia’s expression remained inscrutable, her gaze locked with mine. I couldn’t decipher the thoughts that raced behind those unreadable gray eyes. But then, a glimmer of relief shimmered within her gaze, as if she had unearthed a long-sought answer.

Dahlia’s lips curved into a soft smile as she bowed respectfully. “Vick, I thank you for sharing your true name with me.”

“I prefer to go by Lucian these days.”

“Lucian it is.”

The tension that had filled the air slowly dissipated, replaced by a newfound sense of trust and understanding.

Seizing the opportunity, I mustered the courage to ask the question that had been gnawing at the corners of my mind. “Dahlia, what exactly is a ‘Remnant’?”

I’d just heard her mention the term a few seconds ago. It was the first time I ever heard of it.

A flicker of contemplation passed across Dahlia’s features, her gaze momentarily distant as she sought the right words to explain. “A Remnant is someone who has reincarnated and carries memories of their past lives within them.”

Dahlia cleared her throat. “When I was young, I used to hear stories of people who never lost their memories, even as they traversed the cycle of life and death. I was told the Gods chose them to bear witness to the tapestry of existence.”

My heart quickened at her words, my mind racing to grasp the implications of this revelation. Did that mean that I was not alone in this extraordinary phenomenon? Were there others, like me, that carried the weight of their past lives?

“You are the first Remnant I have ever encountered,” Dahlia confessed, her eyes filled with wonder. “I had always heard rumors that Remnants existed but never really believed them. To be frank, I found those rumors to be incredibly absurd. But now that I’ve seen you, I suspect that you may not be the only one. There may be others like you, scattered throughout the vast expanse of our universe.”

Shock reverberated through every fiber of my being, the realization sinking in with a newfound gravity. This was big! This changed everything...

“I’d like to ask you something,” Dahlia said, her voice pulling me out of my thoughts. “Why are you so obsessed with growing stronger?”

Caught off guard, I fell deep into thought, deliberating the consequences of revealing my true intentions. I couldn’t risk divulging the full truth, not to Dahlia. She was Valtair’s master and friend, and if she knew I sought strength to kill him, it would jeopardize everything I had worked for.

With a racing mind, I grasped for an alternative, a partial truth that could hint at my pain without revealing the full extent of my scars.

“In my old life, I was betrayed by the one person I trusted most,” I confessed, my voice trembling with the weight of my hidden anguish. “It’s a betrayal that still haunts me to this day. No matter what I do, I can’t seem to get rid of the pain. ”

Dahlia’s expression softened, a glimmer of understanding flickering in her eyes. It seemed she also knew the torment of betrayal intimately. “Revenge can be a powerful motivator.”

“Yes... Yes, it is.”

As I finished speaking, I became aware of the tension in my hands. My palms throbbed from the tightness of my fists, and blood welled beneath my fingernails, evidence of the force with which I had clenched them.

Slowly, I released my hold, feeling a mix of relief and vulnerability wash over me.

“I won’t ask any more questions about your past,” Dahlia said as she turned to leave. “Thank you for sharing your secret with me. I assure you that whatever was said between us today, will not leave my lips. Before I head back, I’m curious to know your real age?”

“Fifty,” I said, a small smile playing on my lips. “With my past life included, I turned fifty a couple of months ago.”

“You’re still a young soul in my eyes, my dear boy.”

As Dahlia returned to the house, I couldn’t help but feel a peculiar sense of relief washing over me. It was as if a fragment of the burden I carried had been lifted, if only for a brief moment. Opening up and sharing a piece of my pain had stirred something within, a glimmer of peace that had eluded me since my untimely demise.

Lost in my thoughts, I was startled by a sudden cry that pierced the air. Debbie, with her signature exuberance, came charging towards me, her face lit up with excitement. Her infectious energy brought a smile to my lips, momentarily diverting my attention from the weighty matters that had consumed me earlier.

I couldn’t believe how quickly time had flown. It felt like just yesterday that I had arrived at the grand mansion, when in reality, over a year had passed since that fateful day. Memories, both joyful and challenging, flooded my mind as I reflected on the last couple of months.

One of the most remarkable transformations had been the bond between Debbie, the shy bunny girl, and me. Initially, she had been quite reserved and hesitant around me, especially when we first became sparring partners. But as the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, something changed. Debbie’s walls began to crumble, revealing a spirited and vivacious companion hidden beneath her shy exterior.

Just like me, she was also under the tutelage of Dahlia. Despite her innocent and shy behavior, when it came time to fight, this girl was a force to be reckoned with, especially when she wielded a spear.

Together, we embarked on countless adventures within the sprawling estate. We explored the secret passages that lay hidden within the mansion’s labyrinthine corridors and engaged in impromptu races through the enchanting gardens. Every moment with Debbie was filled with laughter. We shared in each other’s triumphs and setbacks, growing stronger and wiser with every challenge we faced.

There was an inexplicable connection between us, one that defied logic. It was as if our souls recognized something in each other, and I cherished the moments we spent together, both in training and in idle conversations that lingered long into the night.

Despite all of that, part of me couldn’t help but feel guilty for categorizing her as a distraction of sorts.

As I reminisced on the past year, my heart swelled with gratitude for the bond that had formed between us. Debbie had become an irreplaceable presence in my life, a kindred spirit who had broken through my cold exterior.

“Lucian!” she exclaimed, barely containing her enthusiasm. “I hope you haven’t forgotten that today is our weekly sparring session!”

“Seriously? Is it that time of the week already?”

Debbie punched me in the arm playfully and chuckled. “Don’t lie to me! I know you remember.”

I raised my hands in surrender and smiled. “Okay, okay... I admit that I remember.”

We shared a laugh, our playful banter filling the air with a sense of camaraderie. It was moments like these that solidified the bond we had formed over the past year.

“What happened to your hands?” Debbie asked, noticing the blood dripping from my palms.

“Oh, yeah! I hurt myself while doing pull-ups.”

Debbie’s eyes flashed with worry. “You better not be lying to me!”

“Don’t worry about me. It’s nothing serious, okay?”

For a moment, Debbie stared at me, her gaze filled with turmoil. I could tell she was torn between pressing for more information or letting it go. Even though I didn’t like that she worried too much, it felt good to know that someone in this world cared about me.

“Fine,” Debbie sighed in defeat. “I won’t ask any more questions, for now. Let’s go spar.”

PHEW! That was a close call...

As we made our way to the center of the training ground, excitement bubbled within me. The sparring sessions with Debbie were always invigorating. Although I knew I was stronger, fighting her was no walk in the park either. One mistake was all it took for her to spring on me like a lioness, devouring its prey.

As we readied ourselves, our eyes met, and a silent understanding passed between us.

With a nod of agreement, we assumed our stances, the energy of the training grounds humming with anticipation.

With a sudden burst of energy, Debbie lunged forward, thrusting her spear at my head.

I sidestepped, narrowly evading the wooden blade as it whistled past my ear. Seizing the opportunity, I retaliated and swung my sword forward, aiming for her shoulder.

Debbie’s reflexes were lightning-fast. She pivoted on her heel, shifting her weight to dodge my attack as her spear came around in a sweeping motion, aiming for my legs.

I jumped over the spear, barely avoiding the strike.

We circled each other, eyes locked, searching for an opening.

"I'm going to win no matter what!" Debbie sprung forward, attempting to catch me off guard.

Lowering her stance, she went for a low sweep, but I saw through her ruse. It was a feint. She wanted to force me back.

Wanting to capitalize, I jumped over the spear and swung my sword at her exposed neck.

Debbie was quick to react. At the last second, she twisted her body, narrowly evading my attack.


In one seamless motion, she rushed around me, her spear arcing through the air toward my back. I spun around, deflecting the strike with the flat of my blade, the impact reverberating through my arm.

The rhythm of our battle intensified. We exchanged a flurry of strikes, our weapons clashing in a symphony of drums. Each movement was calculated, and each strike was delivered with precision. Sweat trickled down our brows, a testament to the effort we exerted.

As the fight continued, our movements became more calculated and focused. We were so used to each other's techniques, that we were predicting and countering with split-second timing. This battle wasn't a test of skills. It was a test of endurance.

With a final burst of energy, I lunged forward, driving my sword toward Debbie’s hips. She deflected the strike with a swift parry, redirecting the momentum of my blade. Seizing the opportunity, she swiftly disarmed me and pressed her spear against my chest in a declaration of victory.

We stood there, chests heaving, sweat-drenched, and breathless. The training ground seemed to hold its breath, the silence echoing in her victory.

“You win,” I declared, feeling my lips curl into a proud grin.

With a nod, Debbie withdrew her spear, stepping back to offer me a hand. I accepted it gratefully, the tension of the battle dissipating.

“You let me win!” Debbie scowled angrily.

“I did no such thing!”

Debbie shook her head. “I know you’re stronger than me... Much stronger...”

“Just because someone is stronger than you, doesn’t mean you can’t defeat them.”

“Promise me you didn’t let me win!” Debbie urged, grabbing me by the collar. “Promise me that you gave it your all.”

Damn, she’s feistier than usual today...

“I promise that I didn’t let you win,” I replied, putting on the best smile I could manage.

Debbie’s big brown eyes bore into mine, pleading for honesty. She wasn't buying my words.

“I’m not lying to you, Debbie,” I sighed, hoping to put her doubts to rest. “Even though I tried my best to win, you still beat me fair and square.”

“Well, if you put it that way, then I guess I really did win.”

Just as I opened my mouth to make a joke about how vigorous she was being today, a loud bell echoed through the mansion.

“It’s lunchtime!” Debbie exclaimed, practically leaping in the air in excitement.

“Wow, is it noon already?” I asked, looking up at the sun.

“Yes, it is!” Debbie yelled, before taking off on a sprint. “Last one to lunch is a rotten egg!”

I watched as Debbie sprinted back into the house, her energetic steps carrying her effortlessly.

“I can’t believe she still has that much energy after sparring with me.”

The corners of my lips curled into a wry smile as I dusted off my clothes, a hint of amusement dancing in my eyes. Even after all this time, I had no idea why a sweet-hearted girl like Debbie, would want to be friends with a grump like me.

“I must be getting old,” I chuckled softly, the thought lingering in the back of my mind.

As I made my way to the dining room, a growl in my stomach interrupted my musings.

I paused, placing a hand over my abdomen as if it were a separate entity making its demands known. “I wonder what Orsik made for lunch today? I hope he made those delicious ribs that he cooked last week...”

With a renewed sense of purpose, I quickened my pace, eager to savor the flavors that awaited me.