Chapter 8 – Enslaved
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Jordan wondered whether it was wise to simply surrender without a fight

The group of men were in slavers who were bringing a chained line of other slaves and Jordan was chained to them

As he looked at the men in front of him, they were all half naked, dressing in loincloth and many of them didn't look human

But as there were hoods placed on their head, he couldn't quite tell what they were, only that they had humanoid bodies

The loincloths didn't fully cover some of their genitals and some of them didn't have human shaped penises, and were much larger than human

As for Jordan, he was the only one naked there without a loincloth and the last thing he saw was a hood being placed over his head as he joined the chain gang

He didn't know what would happen to Melissa as she was brought away beyond his vision

He found that while he no longer felt pain, he could still have sensation in his body, otherwise he will just feel numb all over. This had to do with Melissa's wish of his pain being transferred to her own body, but he didn't know that

And he could somehow fell whatever Melissa was feeling at the moment. Somehow their bodies seemed to be linked, not knowing that as a soulless puppet, he had established a link with her when he fucked her. 

He could feel her breasts being groped and a finger was inserted into her pussy, but as he could not see, he was wary of retaliating as he didn't know what would happen to her

He tried to strain against his chains, but having mere human strength, he could not budge the metal cuffs as he tried in vain to look through the rag over his head

Suddenly, he felt something hit his back. It was a whip and he could hear as the humanoids around him grunt in pain

As their hands and legs were chained together, the other humanoids started marching and Jordan had to move along or stumble and get trampled on

They marched in silence for hours, and Jordan angrily tolerated the feeling of Melissa's pussy being fingered and something being forced into her mouth!

He could guess what was happening but was glad the cock in her mouth didn't feel very large and didn't choke her

But as she was unresponsive, he could feel her get slapped, but she was left alone after that

Jordan knew it was perhaps not the best idea to bite down when she had the creep in her mouth, and was glad that he stopped

Two days later, under the rag, he heard the sounds of a city as he was marched into civilization

He was marched onto what looked like a stage and his hood was taken off

To his shock, we was being paraded naked on top of a stage in front off multiple bidders bidding for him and the other slaves next to him

But Melissa was nowhere to be seen. He could still feel her body, but it appeared she was being paraded somewhere else as he could feel multiple hands groped her all over

He looked around him and was shocked as those slaves next to him were all stripped nude as well

He suspected that he was not on earth anymore, due to fighting mages and a werewolf, but now it really hit him of this truth

Next to him were a few naked humans, and many of them were addled, one having an eye missing, while another had an arm missing. The rest were a mixture of dwarves and presumably elves due to their pointy ears as well as short men that were not dwarves

On another nearby stage were beastial looking men and humanoids that were mostly reptilian with scaly skin and long tails and stood 2 meters tall

On a further stage, there was a large 4 meters tall minotaur, with large horns and a hairy, muscular body. But while it was hairy, it's fur could not cover the large penis and testicles hanging down it's legs, each testicle as large as a basketball and it's penis as long as a baseball bat!

A man wearing an eyepatch nodded and made a sweeping gesture as all the slaves, including Jordan and the minotaur were whipped and prodded to move to other rooms

Their chains were removed as they were forced into separate rooms, randomly several people a room

Suddenly, there were screams from another room and a ruckus but nobody bothered to check on that room. Jordan looked around him and the men around him avoided each other's eyes and seemed to have a grim determination about them

"What's going on here?" Jordan asked

But everyone was in their own thoughts and ignored him

Suddenly another door opened on the other side of the room and the other men actually rushed out

Jordan didn't believe they were being let go. What was going on here?

He walked into a large open aired arena and he looked around at the cheering crowd. Suddenly, the elves and dwarves and the other men rushed towards the weapons that were sprawled all around the ground

Many of the weapons were broken, but they all grabbed whatever they could and started eyeing each other warily 

Jordan had a bad feeling, seeing that he didn't get any usable weapon that was lying around. He wasn't even dressed and felt vulnerable

Suddenly, another door at the far end opened as a large group of those bestial men rushed out naked

"Orcs! Gather up" an elf shouted

But among the men, the elves gathered up among themselves, while the dwarves and halflings gathered together. The humans didn't coordinate at all and acted individually

Jordan started backing off, not realizing another door had opened behind him

He heard a hiss as his visions was suddenly blocked as reptilian claws sliced his neck from behind and a group of lizard men attacked from behind!

Jordan felt his body being thrown aside as the lizardmen attacked the other forces

He lay on the ground, in shock as he was trampled on by the lizard men

But he was unharmed and could see multiple scaly legs pass over him

"What were those? Are they balls?" Jordan wondered as he reached up and grabbed the testicles of a lizard man, squeezing it hard

The lizard man was shocked as Jordan held on to it and used it to pull himself up

The creature cried out in pain, but Jordan by now was no stranger to violence

Although he had only human strength, it was enough to rip off the lizard man's balls

The lizard man was stronger than a normal human and eventually threw him off, and it vengefully attacked Jordan

Jordan realized that although he could be overpowered, like with the mages, he couldn't be harmed and had seemingly endless stamina

He jumped wildly into the fray, attacking not only the lizard man but also the orcs, humans, elves, dwarves and whatever, not caring who he bit and who he hit

He hit, kicked, and bit freely, but when any others attacked him, even with a weapon, he was unharmed and didn't feel any pain

One of the orcs even bit his cock as he went flying by, but he ignored it and bit it in it's cock back

It was smelly and gross, but Jordan was beyond caring, using every advantage he could get

About an hour later, there was only Jordan, an elf and a couple of orcs left as the rest had killed each other, and Jordan didn't lack in his death count

Feeling the weaker combatant, as even elves and dwarves were stronger than him, he was extra violent, smashing heads to mush with weapons and biting off many a penis with his mouth

Although he was the weakest, he was ganged up on by the elf and the two orcs

Suddenly, another door opened, and the giant minotaur was wheeled out on a wooden contraption

Jordan looked confused. What was going on? He thought he only had to kill the elf and orcs. But now there is the minotaur. 

Surely he didn't have to fight this monster?