Chapter 10 – The Chained Man
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Jordan screamed as he was held down by several knights in a spread eagle position

Jordan looked at him angrily, because not only was he going to be tortured, but he could simultaneously feel Melissa's breasts being groped and her pussy being fingered and was worried what would happen to her next

Suddenly, he felt something inserted into her pussy and he could feel someone's weight on her body. Was it that fucker that was lording over this place?

One of the knights pulled and extended his cock which brought him back to his predicament and the knight lifted his an axe

"Too bad. You were popular for killing the minotaur. But you attacked the Lord and must be punished" he said and chopped down on Jordan's penis

But to everyone's surprise, Jordan was unharmed but he felt thrusting into Melissa's pussy

"No!" he said, realizing that she was being fucked, ignoring the knight, now knowing there was nothing they could physically do to him

The knight looked confused and tried again, chopping down on Jordan's dick to no response

"Let me try" another knight said and brought out his dagger, using it as a saw to saw on Jordan. 

Jordan suddenly felt his link to Melissa disappear and he got worried what happened to Melissa!

By now the knight had replaced his dagger with his sword to no avail

In the room of the lord of this place, the fat man smiled as he saw Melissa was bleeding from her groin area

He used his hand to touch her genitals and was pleased as he thought he had taken Melissa's virginity, not knowing that it was from the knight chopping down on Jordan's cock

"What do we do? We will be punished if the lord knows we didn't castrate him" the knight said

"Don't worry, I have an idea whereby the lord will be pleased" another knight said

Jordan was brought in chains to the arena as several workmen were forced to work into the knight

A ring was heated up over fire which caused it to expand and it was placed around Jordan's cock head

It somehow didn't burn him and it was attached to a chain created to anchor in the middle of the arena!

Jordan was held in place by his chains and after a while, the ring cooled down and shrank over his cock head, too small for him to remove!

He was then released from his chains but the cuffs around his wrists and ankles remained, and he found himself chained by his cock to the middle of the arena with only a 2 foot length of chain holding him in place, barely enabling him to stand up straight

"You will die tomorrow" the knight that failed to castrate him laughed as the other knights left the arena

Jordan sat on the ground, trying in vain to remove the chain and ring around his cock

He wondered what had happened to Melissa and worried for her. But he was in his own predicament now


All night, Jordan tried to remove the ring from himself, chaining him in position

Although he was nor physically tired since he had seemingly endless stamina, he was mentally drained, not only from being chained to the middle of the arena and going to face who knows what, but he was also worried about Melissa whom he lost contact with

He could not feel her at all!

Slowly, as the sun arose, people started streaming in to watch the arena battles

They pointed at him and laughed seeing how he was chained by his cock to the middle of the arena

He ignored them and sat cross legged, next to the place he was chained to, blocking the view of the chain and closed his eyes

Whatever he was going to face today would probably require all of his concentration

Before long, the crowd started chanting and clapping and as Jordan looked up, he saw the fat man walk in, with Melissa obediently following him from behind!

"Melissa..." he whispered, but she apparently didn't recognize him by her actions and obediently sat on his lap

He could recognize her easily, although her hair is now braided and she wore a more revealing outfit, barely covering her naked bits

She apparently started fiddling around and moved her clothes aside, as the fat man moaned with a satisfied look on his face and Melissa started bouncing up and down his lap

Jordan's eyes widened as he knew fully what was happening, but the fat man smiled and his hand entered her top, groping her openly

"Let the games begin!" he commanded as trumpets sounded

Jordan heard several doors open and his eyes darted to see what he was facing

Suddenly, 3 doors all around him opened and in each was a different monster

The first was an orc, but it was double the height and girth of the orcs he saw yesterday, and it had red skin. It was armed with a battle axe that was half the size of it's body

The second was a hobgoblin, looking much like a more advanced goblin, only being twice the height of a man, wielding twin swords

The third was a mutant kobold with wings. It brandished it's claws and licked it's lips seeing Jordan served up on a platter for them

It was uncertain if they were mercenary gladiators or were captives like he was, but they looked dangerous

He leaned away, but he was held back by his extended cock stretching to it's limits and the three creatures attacked immediately

They were fantasy creatures never seen on Earth and they moved with ferocity and speed like that of apex predators, each simultaneously slashing and cutting Jordan all over

But he found that he wasn't hurt, although was unable to retaliate

He actually managed to punch the orc on the face, but could not cause enough damage with the punch. Fortunately, his fist didn't receive any damage either!

But he was battered to the ground as all 3 sliced  and slashed at him. But the only pain he felt was the stretch his penis was being imposed on as they threw him everywhere. His body somehow was pulled back in place by his penis making it look strange as if they were playing with a tennis ball attached to a chain

He started balling up, since he was unable to be harmed, but the sight and feeling of clubs and swords aiming at his face was uncomfortable

In the meantime, Melissa was quietly experiencing all of Jordan's pain as her body subconsciously clenched her pussy muscles

"Ugh.. ugh" the fat man grunted, as he suddenly trembled and a whitish sticky liquid flowed down from Melissa's legs. He was unable to resist her convulsing pussy as he grabbed onto her breasts and squeezed hard from all the cumming

The fat man eventually got up and gestured to the guards before letting Melissa lead him to his bed, no longer interested in the fights

The guards nodded and signalled for the doors to be opened as an assortment of random gladiators streamed in

They were all given one instruction. The last one alive will be set free!