Just island?
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9:00 AM.

Seliph was about to board the boat while his mother stood a little way off, watching him with concern. She quickly approached and began to talk to her son in a loving yet firm manner, demonstrating all her love and concern for him. "My love, remember to take care of yourself. Don't accept anything that could harm you. Use a condom, okay?" she spoke with a sweet voice, caressing her son's face.

Seliph's father, standing next to his mother, seemed embarrassed by her behavior and tried to dissuade her from continuing to speak. He gently nudged her with his hand, as if asking her to stop. But Seliph's mother continued to speak, maintaining her gentle and loving voice. "We are very proud of you, my dear. Obey your teachers and learn everything you can so that you can have a bright future," she continued, demonstrating all her affection and concern.

Seliph's father tried to justify his behavior, saying that men don't say goodbye like that, but Seliph's mother firmly rebuffed him without ever losing her tenderness. "Stop being silly, my love! Your son will spend years without seeing either of us and you're being silly like this?" she spoke with a smile, still showing her love for her husband.

Seliph boarded the boat with a completely red face from embarrassment at what his mother had just said. He could feel the curious looks of other people near his mother. The boat was not big, so he realized that the driver was looking at him with an amused smile.

"You can sit here next to me," the driver offered Seliph a seat, which he thanked and placed his suitcase next to the chair before sitting down.

"Bye, my baby! Say something, man!" Seliph's mother shouted to him, still worried. She nudged her husband, who until then had not said anything to their son.

Seliph felt embarrassed but at the same time grateful for his mother's concern. He could feel her anger with her husband, who seemed not to have cared to say goodbye to their son. "Mom, I'll be fine," he replied with a still slightly trembling voice, trying to calm her down.

Seliph's mother looked at him with teary eyes and gave him a tight hug. "I know, my love. It's just that I miss you so much," she whispered in his ear, still hugging him. Seliph felt his heart warmed by his mother's love but also felt a pang of sadness for leaving her behind.

Meanwhile, the driver smiled at them, seeming to enjoy the scene. Seliph realized that this only increased his embarrassment.

After saying goodbye to his family, Seliph was ready to head towards Frost Academy, one of the most renowned schools in the world, if not the most renowned. The young student was excited and anxious to start his journey at the academy, where he hoped to become one of the best people of his generation.

"So, let's go," said the boat driver, sitting in his seat and starting the engine. Seliph took a deep breath and settled into the seat, watching the waves of the sea move slowly as the boat moved forward.

However, as they moved away from the coast, Seliph began to feel a certain discomfort. He was the only passenger on board, apart from the driver, and the silence seemed more oppressive every minute. As the boat moved through the dark waters, Seliph couldn't help but wonder if he had made the right decision by enrolling in the academy.

After two hours of travel, Seliph began to see the island in the distance, and his anxiety increased even more. He knew that the academy was extremely demanding, and that only a few people were accepted every year.

As the boat approached the island, Seliph became more excited and his hands trembled with anticipation. The island was surrounded by a dense forest, and as they approached the coast, Seliph could see the tall trees that seemed to touch the sky.

Finally, the boat stopped at the island's beach. Seliph disembarked, excited but at the same time surprised by what he saw. He expected to find a large building, as in the stories he had heard about the academy. However, all he could see were tall and imposing trees that extended all around.

"Excuse me, but is this the right place?" Seliph asked the boat driver, who seemed as perplexed as he was. "Yes, according to the information I received, this is the island of Frost Academy," replied the driver, looking around at the trees and the beach.

"Okay," Seliph replied, unsure of what to do next. He took out his phone from his pocket, intending to call his mother and tell her about his journey to the academy, but when he checked the signal, he realized he had no coverage. Without a phone number for the academy to call, he found himself with few options. "Do you want me to take you home?" asked the driver, noting Seliph's hesitation.

"No, I'll go into the forest," Seliph replied, taking a deep breath and gathering the courage to face the unknown. He put his phone in the pocket of his pants and began to walk along the only visible path. "I'll wait for you here for a maximum of three hours. If you don't come back, I'll understand that you found the academy, which is difficult, because all I see are trees," warned the driver, pointing to the dense forest ahead.

"Okay! Thank you!" Seliph replied, keeping his eyes fixed on the path ahead. Without looking back, he entered the forest, leaving the beach and the boat driver behind. Soon, the sunlight disappeared, swallowed by the darkness of the forest, leaving Seliph scared and unsure. He took his phone out of his pants pocket to turn on the flashlight of the device, illuminating the path ahead. The silence of the forest was deafening, and he could only hear the sound of his own footsteps. Seliph felt a chill run down his spine and looked around, seeing only tall and dense trees around him.