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Warda lay belly down, her breasts sliding against the smooth furs that covered the ground within the tent. Her glasses were strewn a few feet away and were turned, staring back at her. Despite having not moved much herself she panted as though exhausted. That was because her muscles were on fire due to her body tensing from the pounding she was receiving from behind. Malik was on top of her, not laying. His hands were planted either side of her head. His tremendous cock easily filled her completely, even from such an awkward position. She could feel his balls slap down against the back of her thighs. As it continued her legs slowly began to bend upwards and her toes curled as well. In those moments where she felt like she could cum with every new thrust Warda knew she was in love. It was a love that she never thought she could feel for anyone. Certainly not an Elven man.

'This is it.' She thought. Not in the sense that it did not feel good or fulfilling or amazing. Because it was all of those things to her. She felt so much happiness in providing such a service to the Orc, to Malik that it overcame any rebellious urges. Yet still the nagging in her head, the inner voice that was her ego felt left behind.

'This is all that I am now. A breeder... A mother...' What would have been shameful to her former self had become exciting and fulfilling somehow, but the thought of that shame never left her; the idea that it should be there, even if she did not feel it as strongly. The feeling of all her work and study being for nothing continuously crossed her mind. She, who wanted to feel useful and to be given praise for that use was receiving it in a sense, just for something she absolutely had no value of.

“Good...” Malik grunted, stroking her messy brown hair. It had been tugged out of it's pony tail at some point during the lovemaking.
“You're good. Good and tight and toned. A good woman.” He complimented. Warda grinned and felt a wash of euphoria that was almost greater than the feeling she received while her insides were being plunged by his Orcish cock. It was a fantastic praise and she felt as though, given time, it would be all she needed. For the moment, at least, she was still feeling some sense of shame over it.

“Thank you!” She still uttered enthusiastically, her voice raising as he reached the peak of another thrust. In her mind she thought again, a little more favorably.
'This is it...' With that thought her sex tightened in response to his throbbing member beginning to unload into her already stretched womb. He always fucked her pussy and he always came inside of her. Both times. Warda figured it would be impossible to not be pregnant at this point. She was given a warm feeling, both by her full belly and the thought of having his child, of contributing to the Orc's world.

Malik lifted himself up and gave her rear a firm smack. “Alright.” He grunted.
“That's enough fun. We need to get you working.” Warda blinked and turned onto her side. She was leaking from her cunt onto her thighs. and her muscles burned, but he was talking about work? When she looked up he was smiling confidently down at her. It was a subtle confidence that she felt might have been in her, but she was not sure.
“Also, make yourself presentable.” He paused, staring down at the stunned Elf.
“You hear me?”

“Yes!” Warda nodded, pawing the ground ahead of her. Her hands found her glasses and quickly placed them back over her freckled face brown eyes. As she turn back over onto her belly she hastily picked at her frazzled hair and pulled strands behind her long, pointed ears to get them out of the way. As she was fussing, the great Orc slid a hand under her stomach and easily scooped her up, setting her to her feet. The pressure on her abdomen as he lifted her sent quite a bit of his seed spurting out.

“Wear what you wore, for now.” He advised.

“Okay.” Warda nodded and searched for her belongings as Malik left the tent.

'What does he mean by work?' She wondered. In her mind she imagined a handmaiden or some type of dancer tied to her master by a chain around her neck. But then what would presentability have to do with any of those positions? She could arrive naked, dripping and frazzled and it would not matter. Was it a point of pride or preference for the Orc?


Warda assembled her uniform as best she could and became her best interpretation of presentable, as she would have done were she presenting herself to her superiors back home. It was all she could do. If he wanted any more or less she realized she would just have to endure the punishment or mockery. It could have been that, a mindgame to see what she would do then degrade her no matter the choice. It was the type of behavior she imagined from an Orc. All of his behavior was.

She entered the Command tent to see Malik leaning over a map with several markers in different colors. She knew it to be the map of Waren. The mountainous region was occupied by red markers all over while there was a small cluster of green markers on the edge that likely denoted their location. He looked up at her and made no mention of her appearance. Instead he asked.
“What do you make of this?” He offered a studying gaze by looking down his small, flat green nose at her as she approached the map.

Warda studied it closely. She pointed to markers all around the map, explaining each one. “If I'm correct, these denote supply points while others show forces in movement and others fortified. I think further back you've shown suspected reserves.” Warda looked up to see what he thought. Malik was nodding slowly.

“What do you think of all that?”

The girl bit her lip. “My honest assessment?” As she asked, Malik offered a look of incredulity, as though the answer was obvious. She looked down nervously.
“Right. Well...” It was a hard truth to say. It always was. Even if it had to be said, it always meant someone was going to need to take the fall and it was usually the messenger, unfortunately.
“You're losing.” She braced for either a verbal or physical lashing. Instead what she got was:

“Correct.” He answered encouragingly.


Her eyes fluttered as she looked up at him with surprise. “The... People in red are fortified where they need to be and advancing where they have ample supply coverage. Reserve numbers mean that they are prepared to sustain losses, but it doesn't even look like they need them.” She rolled her shoulders slightly and slipped back into her old advisory role easily. He was content to just let the young officer speak.
“This was the common problem we faced in advancing into Waren ourselves. The people were prepared to fight and knew how. They knew their own terrain. They knew wars and how to carry them out. It was always best to engage them outside of their terms while they attack into our territory but here they've prepared. Waren's ruling class has been bolstered by the ceasefire. There's no chance of victory from this position. Since you are on the border, you are essentially taking the same position that we would have, as invaders, but with less troops and no supplies flowing in from across the border.”

Malik crossed his arms. “You're right. On all points. My beliefs are... Extreme. You all have an opinion of us, but not many Orcs, especially those of us in power, are in favor of the level of agitation against our neighbors that I want.”
Warda pursed her lips, as what he was essentially saying was; 'Orcs are not the stereotypical warmongers that you take us for. But I am. That is me.' He owned it fully and part of her loved that he did. He did not lie to her, he made himself known in all of his flaws and then subsequently made her love them.
“Warda, was it?” She nodded to the question. Hearing him say her name was far different from hearing her superiors back home say it. The connotation was far different. She could feel the affection in it.
“What do you think of this?” As he asked that he took all of the green markers and slowly dragged them across the border into Poren's southern plains.

Her eyes widened. “That's...” She lifted her thumb and bit it lightly. The girl was about to say bold in harsher use of the word, but then she thought about it. About the state of the nation and the positions the troops had taken as of late. Malik calmly moved the red markers down to occupy their current ground and lined them up against the border before brushing his hands together.
“It works.” She was amazed that it would work, but it just did.


Warda nodded and drew a circle around the lush plains in the south with her finger. “I understand the mindset of the metropolitan's. They've always considered the southern plains a buffer but they almost never consider the importance of the land itself. Invading puts your small force on a timer, but you're likely to be unchallenged in the meantime, though it does put you on a timer.” She reached across the border.
“However! Disagree or not-” She pulled red markers from Waren and dropped them into the green camp.
“Agree or not, if you occupy the land and provide spoils and actual benefit, you will see more Orcs from Waren joining you.”

“Is that so?” Malik lifted a brow.

“That is what happens. I've studied the prior invasions and wars. It also just makes sense.” She looked to Malik for approval.
“Waren uses professional soldiers, but I don't think that they are kept past a certain point.”

“Correct.” Malik nodded.

“You are providing an incentive to professionals, which is what you want. I am guessing your current force is volunteer based?”

Malik shrugged. “Skilled volunteers, but yes.”

She exhaled lightly. “Retreat to advance... Attack from weakness. It sounds so strange. The most viable and rational move is this.” Her ears drooped.

“What's wrong?” Malik questioned sympathetically. He rounded the table and placed a large hand at the side of her face to caress her cheek. The man looked down at her approvingly. He was showing empathy on the surface, but beyond that he also seemed to be testing her. He grinned as she spoke.

“My... This also means my report was technically wrong. My interpretations were incorrect. I assumed that hostilities 'could' spill over but looking at everything here, an invasion is the only thing that could've possibly happened. Maybe if I presented it like that-”

Malik rested both hands on her slender shoulders. “You really think that? You, who were so starved for appreciation that you came to ME? You're doubting yourself. Nothing you've said so far suggests that they would've changed their opinion. You tell them that an invasion is coming? It's like you said. The south is a buffer. They'll treat it as such and would give us time regardless. There was never anything you could've done that would stop me.” Warda felt giddy. He was explaining how her old world was going to come to an end and there was nothing she could have done, even if she tried, and somehow that was exciting.
“Listen.” Malik ordered gently. Her ears twitched at the command and almost stood up like a rabbit's.
“You haven't told me anything that is new to me. Nothing I didn't already know. The information you brought me? It was comforting to know that my own information gathering was actually correct, and not just likely to be correct, but nothing changed.” Warda's heart sank, but then he continued.
“However, what you've showed me is that your use is not in what you have provided, but in what you can provide. I trust now that if I showed you a different map with different information in different circumstances you'd tell me something entirely different that's also entirely accurate.”

As he leaned down and kissed her forehead her eyes welled up with tears. It really was the nicest thing anyone had ever said to her.
“Thank you.” Her legs felt weak. She dropped down to her knees and looked up. Malik was so large. Not just in stature but in the aura he gave off. She could feel herself being sucked in. She not only wanted to serve him, but she needed it. She wanted to be useful to him. She wanted him to look upon her with approval and feed her praise. Her legs spread subtly and her mouth watered; she wanted him in every sense. Warda was in a trance and she was not sure she would ever wake up. He rested a hand on her head comfortably. She relaxed beneath it like a favored pet.


“How many has it been so far?” Malik asked. He was not asking to know, just to know that she was keeping track. She enjoyed keeping records and the more he asked, the better she felt about taking notes about every little thing. She felt the results of her work in his actions and the way he treated her. Even though the relationship was toxic in the sense that at the end of the day she retired with him to either clean his cock or to get put on her back and fucked, she loved that part of it as well.

“Three towns.” She observed what was happening around them. When the Orcs took a town they took everyone. Conversion was in order and it did still make her slightly uncomfortable. Warda did not like to look and it was noticeable.

“What's wrong?” Malik asked, turning her gaze upon the process.

“They're still my people. With respect, they didn't do anything to slight me the way my old Commander did.”

“You're wrong, though.” Malik claimed. Warda looked at him questioningly.
“They aren't your people. You're an Orc. Those are elves.”

“Uhm...” She had heard that before and she knew that it was something that was going to be pushed on her heavily. She enjoyed playing along, but her subtle act of uncomfortably brushing her hair back behind her ear, then feeling the long appendage spoke volumes to him.

“You aren't a believer.” He stated.
“Not truly. You don't think that you can 'become' an Orc.” As he spoke, Warda blushed and stared down shamefully. He grinned and turned her chin up to look at him.
“It's nothing to be ashamed of. You all, all the Species of this world made names for themselves. Stole traits. Took our place. You don't even know and so you think you are this thing called an 'Elf.' It's rational.” As Malik spoke he made soothing gestures, things that he knew would lure her into feeling good. As he spoke the important words, his hand gently caressed her cheek and a finger touched her temple in preparation.
“But you are ALL Orcs.” A subtle arc of static moved from the top of his finger into her temple.

“All I want to do is to unify the world and bring everyone into the fold. No more wars, no more hardship, no more worry.” There was another. Warda shuddered.

“I-I see.” She was not sure if there was something particularly compelling about his words, or if she was simple used to listening to him. But she felt it. She felt the truth in what he was saying and the justification for what was happening to average folk. They were Orcs. They were joining a society that would soon have everything. Everything under Malik.

He continued. “It is for THEIR good.” Another bit of static. She shuddered at that one.

“Yes.” Warda breathed, her thighs tightened together.

“Their societies are wrong and they don't know it. They don't understand how they're living in ways that do not benefit them.” With so many, she began to salivate and feel a growing need in her nethers at the next shock.

She actually became frustrated. “They don't- they don't understand that we're doing what's best for them...” She glanced back at the scene with a renewed feeling of justice. Not shame, not pity.

When the Orcs took a town they took everyone. To a society such as the Orcs where all were men, they viewed all outside of their pure blood as female. They were all treated as women by the soldiers occupying the town. The conversion of the men involved emasculating them. Showing them the difference in size. Forcing them to watch as their women were converted right in front of them; made to love their captors. When the women were made 'Orc' they could more easily lull the men. They could use social and sexual pleasure to alter their behavior and manipulate them.

Warda observed closely one such scene happening nearby. A local sheriff was being pleasured by a woman that he admitted to having feelings for while and Orc rubbed his sweaty cock over the man's face. Slowly, as the woman's pleasuring became more intense and her verbal manipulations more effective, the Sheriff surrendered briefly and kissed the cock. All it took was more encouragement for the former male to be fawning over his new Master's member. Both he and the woman he loved would serve him, placing him under the woman's manipulation until he too was fully converted. Then they would be split up and given new roles within Malik's society. It was a rule that left those who were willing to serve in power, so long as they submitted to their male Orc superiors when necessary. To Warda it looked fair and just, but also efficient. When the main host left, with just one or two Orcs left behind a town could continue to be trained and indoctrinated until every member was fully bought in.

“I am so sorry for doubting you.” Warda gushed.

“It's not your fault. You're misguided. I need you. Your faith, your unquestioned loyalty. You are more important now than you ever have been.” He explained.

Warda gulped. The moment he said that, the point was illustrated when two subordinates approached. The dropped to a kneel. Both were elves, though their conversion to Orc women was technically complete. One former male elf and another female. Both were scouts and wore their old uniforms, though they were tattered and somewhat cum stained.

“Be more assertive.” Malik gave her rear a firm smack.
“Confident. You are better than them because you are mine. There is a pecking order among Orc women. Hold your head up.”

Warda breathed and lifted her chin. “R-right! What is it?” She asked.

“A contingent of rangers has moved down from the northwest. Miss.” The woman spoke, her head was down.

Warda blinked and bit her thumb. “Faster than I thought. They're likely acting on their own. Command would not send resources down without support for risk of losing them, but this is actually the right move on the individual unit's part, because we are not in a position to defend or hold significant ground without sustaining losses ourselves.”

“Hm...” Malik grunted.
“How unexpected.”

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