Ch:7 – Cycle One
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Before allowing myself to fall into an infinite silence, I protested, "I can still be useful! I'm supposed to have a class!"

At my words, her eyes widened, and her expression jolted in fury, "how do you dare lie? I order you to be honest with me!"

"My class is called spirit summoner," my eyes twinkled with resolution causing her anger to dissipate instantly.

With hasty steps she walked over to me, grabbing my neck with both hands, choking me.

"Stop that," I complained while grabbing her arms, attempting to subside them, but to no avail as she was older and stronger than me.

"You lunatic! There's no such class! Even your race is something that never appeared before!"

"But I'm not lying!" Despite my struggles, I held on to her, slapping her wrist and kicking her legs so she would let go of me.

"Class is not something a spirit gets till much later; if they do at all," her fingers detached themselves from my throat, causing me to fall on my knees coughing.

"What do I need to do to get it?" 

"You're quite persistent aren't you?" her menacing eyes hovered over me, allowing me to feel her wrath. 

Despite the shiver from top to bottom, I kept on, knowing that I would be sold to some creep otherwise, "I'll do what I must to prove I'm right!"

As her arm extended back to slap me, the door of the room abruptly opened, "that's enough Farnese."

"Father!?" The man walked next to her, a silhouette clad in a black outfit with red ornaments that looked like jewels along with golden chains that linked the different gems to one another. It reminded me of the night sky where constellations remained with glittering stars as if together they all made a symbol.

"It's not every day that we find such a willing spirit."

"But father, look at her parameters, they're utterly horrible!"

"I know, I said it myself."

Without allowing Farnese to subdue her father, I insisted through a different method, "can I have a sword? A small one?"

His eyes glanced to the side momentarily towards the golden letters that dictated my current information, "why do you want a weapon?" After some brief thinking, he added further, "that is not the right question, now is it?" the sharpness in his gaze hovered over me as if gauging something. "Tell me Kitsune. Where did you hear about swords?" his question made the maid and the daughter open their mouths briefly.

"There used to be some in the world where I came from."

"Then why is it that your statuses are so low?"

"I don't know why Destiny made it like that, she promised I could grow stronger with time..." my mutters made the man fall into silence as if trying to understand my words.

"I've changed my mind," he turned around, causing his long noble cape to flow softly.


"If your spirit doesn't win a single tournament at the battle academia, then you can sell her and still make a fortune."

"I understand," she muttered discontent, wielding a strange smile on her face, following after him. Quickly the door hit and I remained in the maid's presence.

"Are you okay?" she extended a helping hand which I took hold of.

"I'm better now," I passed my fingers softly on my neck, feeling its soreness.

'But seriously, she's such a spoiled bitch,' the girl turned out far worse than I could imagine. It was to the extent that I would gladly beat some sense into that beautiful skull of hers if my physique allowed. At least her father had some manners and was willing to give me a chance. 

'My third wish turned out to be rather awful. She doesn't deserve me at all.' 

The maid's white apron had a pocket to which her hand retried a tiny brown bottle.

"More poison?"

"What? I wouldn't dare! It's an ointment for the skin, it'll help with the pain," her fingers meticulously opened it, spreading a bit on her skin before lending it to me.

"I'm surprised you have something like this."

"It was a gift."

"From a lover?" 

She blushed at my words, "something like that."

She giggled causing me to be at ease, putting a bit on my neck, hoping to avoid any marks remaining for longer than they had to.

"I'm Lia," her body greeted me with a little bow.

"I... don't have a name."

"Not yet. But you will get one when you've come of age, and with it a gift. Hopefully, it will make you stronger."

"A gift?" 

"Your potential unlocks when you receive a name, but it's never anything big. It's more like an indication of what you're good with."

"Oh... that is rather interesting," after all, Destiny had given me a good one. Would it enable me to break through my weakened self? 

I couldn't help myself but want a name right away. It also made me wonder how did it work. Was the act of naming different for spirits? Back in my world, naming a baby meant little, practically nothing.

"When do I come of age?"

"At twelve," she added briefly, faintly smiling my way.

'This world sure has some curious things about it,' still, four years was a long period, not to forget such was the time it would make me be sold to the perverts. I couldn't rely upon such a late power-up. Not when my life and womanhood could be at risk.