32. To The Pit
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It had been quite some time since Vere had taken Hasib, and in that duration, no new customers had arrived. The other two boys attempted to pass the time through conversation, but Bruno preferred to observe and seek out opportunities. Perhaps a way to escape or to gather more information about his current predicament. However, snippets of information were scarce as there were few chances to overhear the guards or the enigmatic old man himself.

But one day, someone unexpected appeared. A figure, relatively tall yet not as towering as Vere, emerged dressed in robes of deep blue adorned with intricate patterns embellished with delicate threads of gold. It was difficult to discern the figure's gender, given the hood draped over their head and an additional cloak that partially concealed their form—a clear sign that it was a clandestine arrival.

One of the guards hurriedly entered Nirav's room, summoning him. The scarred man promptly made his presence known.

"I didn't expect to see you here this early, ay," Nirav remarked.

"I was compelled to come," confessed the figure, their voice deep and resonant, indicating that they were male.

"I have three..." the old man began, but he was abruptly interrupted.

"No. I only need one. I am not here for subjects. Who among them is the most intelligent?" the hooded man inquired.

Nirav's gaze initially fell upon Bruno, capturing the boy's curiosity.

"This one, my friend," Nirav stated, pointing toward one of the boys on the opposite side.

The man in the blue robe produced a small pouch and handed it over to the slave merchant without uttering a single word.

"Take him out," the old man instructed the guard, who promptly obeyed.

Bruno hesitated for a moment. He pondered whether he should seize this opportunity to prove himself and secure his place. He had no inkling as to the identity of the figure in the robes, but Nirav's reaction made it abundantly clear that he didn't want to sell Bruno to whomever the mysterious individual was.

Biting his lip, the young alchemist weighed his options, contemplating every alternative at his disposal. Meanwhile, the chosen boy was escorted out of his cell by a guard, and both he and the figure commenced their walk toward where the exit presumably lay.

"Wait!" Bruno shouted. "I am smarter than him!"

"Silence, boy, ay," Nirav barked in response, clearly irritated by Bruno's outburst.

The man in the blue robe continued walking without even acknowledging Bruno's plea. The boy realized that his words held no weight in this situation.

Shortly thereafter, Nirav reappeared, striding down the corridor and making a beeline for his room, forcefully slamming the door shut behind him. The sound reverberated through the dimly lit passageway.

"So, I suppose it's just the two of us?" the boy in the neighboring cell remarked, approaching the bars. He leaned forward, revealing his face in the eerie red glow emanating from the torches. "Bruno, right?"

The young alchemist remained silent, offering no response.

The boy sported a slight mustache above his upper lip, suggesting he might be slightly older. His black hair was curly and greasy, a testament to the lack of opportunities for cleanliness. There were faint scars and bruises adorning his cheek and forehead. A defined chin with a sharp jawline added to his overall appeal, hinting at a handsome appearance.

"You're not much of a talker, huh? I figured because of all the silence...," he chuckled at his own joke. Not receiving any reaction from the other side, he shrugged and retreated into the shadows.

Moments later, Nirav stormed out of his room once again, slamming the door with even greater force. Clearly incensed, he clutched a larger pouch in his hand, its shape indicating the presence of coins.

"Grab them, ay. Bind them, gag them, and bring them outside, ay. We can't wait here any longer, ay," he barked loudly at one of the guards.

"But didn't you agree…"

"The boy is so weak, he'll be dead in The Pit within two months, my friend. Just do as I said. Mamun was our last hope, ay. If he is no longer looking for any more subjects, there's no point in waiting, ay," Nirav declared with frustration.

"Bran will be furious if he finds out."

"I couldn't care less, ay! Just do it, you worthless sack of shit, ay! Business is business, ay!" the old man snapped, even raising his hand with the pouch as if he intended to strike the guard with it.

The guard nodded, visibly intimidated by Nirav's wrath. He swiftly moved to carry out the orders. Neither of the boys put up a fight or resisted passively; they knew they had no chance. They allowed the guard to secure their hands with rope, stuff cloth into their mouths, and tie them up. Then, they obediently started walking in the direction the guard pushed them, their fate uncertain and foreboding.

They traversed the dimly lit corridor until they reached a flight of stairs, ascending them with cautious steps. At the top awaited a door that led into a dank and putrid space, the stench wafting through the air. However, the guard navigated effortlessly, relying on his familiarity rather than his sight. He instructed them when to turn and when to halt.

Their journey through the maze-like corridors lasted only a few minutes, concluding with a climb up yet another set of stairs. The doors above appeared weathered and worn, riddled with numerous holes that allowed slivers of moonlight to filter inside. A clear indication that the outside world was shrouded in the cloak of night.

Bruno confirmed this observation as they emerged from the dilapidated doors. They found themselves standing on a cobblestone road, mere steps away from the shore. The gentle lullaby of crashing waves resonated through the air, as the sea stretched out before them. To their left, ships swayed with the ebb and flow of the tides. On their right, a collection of crates and a lone cart covered by a tattered piece of cloth stood abandoned.

Nirav awaited their arrival at this makeshift rendezvous.

"Get on," he instructed.

They complied, climbing aboard the cart and huddling beneath the covering cloth for concealment.

"Make a sound, and you'll find a knife in your gut, ay. It's better to keep quiet. No one will come to your aid, ay," Nirav added with a chilling warning.

"Did you pay off the guards?" inquired the other man.

"Of course, you imbecile," growled Nirav. "Have I ever failed to pay them when we're transporting goods from the underground? Now, grab the handles and start pulling. Be useful for once, ay."

And so, their clandestine journey through the darkened streets of Meshek commenced, shrouded by the veil of night.