Helpful Chimera [25]
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The darkness of the night sky is split by rays of sunshine as black fades to blue. Crackling blue flames appear in the early morning twilight, and from those flames form skeletal creatures not of this world. God's divine power sculpts monsters with which to test his creations.

While this process takes place some distance away from the humans there is one sapient mortal watching the process. Cain's eyes are that of a hawks as he watches from a nearby tree. His body is lengthy and scaled while his eyes bulge and centipede legs twitch along his sides. He moves in an unsettling dance of legs and muscle down the tree's truck.

Mastering the mixing and matching of different forms took two days, but Cain is now a changeling through and through. His mind remains the same as it was when he was human, however the instinctual urges of certain animals affect him when he channels their forms. He considers it a manageable weakness.

"I wonder what instincts you will give me?"

Cain writhes alone the grass as the abomination he is whilst the soul seekers march toward the nearby humans. Their gleaming blades glint in the morning sunlight as dew wets their white bones. None of them pay Cain any heed.

This acts in his favor as Cain approaches the nearest sword and shield wielding soul seeker before his body lunges on its own. He's able to suppress his urge to consume, but releasing it will result in efficient movements based purely on his body's unique urges.

White bones composed of soul shards along with the blue flames of the soul seeker's eyes are melted into the changeling's body much like sugar into water. Cain is shocked by how easy it was to assimilate, and he quickly morphs into the human sized skeletal monster.

"Oh... This isn't right."

Cain's mind is aching as the urge to slaughter and fight conflict with his intelligence. Several sword and shield techniques are injected into his brain, albeit they feel flawed. Cain's trembling boney hand lifts his sword up before stabbing it into the dirt beneath him.

There's a moment of hesitation before Cain abruptly morphs into a snake headed rabbit with a pair of hawk wings. Cain's chimera form brings a mixture of instincts, but none of them are anywhere near as strong as the soul seeker's violent urges.

"It feels as if killing is part of their very existence..."

Shouting in the distance brings Cain out of his thoughts as the soul seekers engage with a group of humans hiding in a cavern. The clang of metal on metal is unending, and Cain can't help but feel compelled to help his former kind.


Vim's sword cuts into the white bone of his opponent while another soul seeker's spear pierces his thigh. The enemies come in larger numbers every day, and the group is losing hope as they struggle to fend off the eighth wave of monsters. Vim ends his opponents brief existence by smashing its skull with the pommel of his sword.

"We can do this!" Vim shouts hoarsely.

The gleaming tip of a spear nearly impales Vim's throat as his other enemy strikes, but Vim's blade is quick to parry the blow. The spear wielder meets a quick end to Vim's crude counterattacks, but the battle is far from over.

Tonn is bleeding on the ground with his bandages torn and a soul seeker standing over him; The monstrous thing lifts its battle axe to deal a finishing blow. Vim roars in rage as he tries to bound over to his comrade's side, but a sword and shield carrying monster blocks his path. The two of them clash while the axe comes down toward Tonn's neck-

"Die!" Something roars.

The soul seekers don't pay the thing any attention as it smashes their ally to dust. The battle axe is gripped in a skeletal hand attached to a wolf with snake fangs, and hot drool oozes from the creature's maw onto Tonn's bleeding body.

"Has god forsaken us?"

Vim's face pales as he watches the creature flex a pair of deer legs, and leap over his head to smash into an unsuspecting soul seeker. Bone turns to dust in a series of rapid skirmishes as the beast moves as the embodiment of death itself.

The chimera's skeletal arm grips the battle axe tightly as it sweeps through the horde of soul seekers like a fish cutting through water. Vim's allies are all just as awestruck by the display as Vim, and some take a few wounds for their lapse in focus.

"Fight the skeletons! It's on our side!" Vim roars suddenly.

With their leader's words the group snaps out of their revery and engages the enemy. Newfound strength and hope aid them in combat as their tired muscles push through exhaustion to achieve victory.


Several minutes later Cain is heaving as he leans up against a tree at the edge of the clearing. The sound of heavy breathing mingles with the rushing sound of the nearby waterfall, and the humans all look at him with cautious yet thankful eyes.

The loudest of the humans approaches Cain, but before he can get too close the chimera holds up a single wolf paw to stop him. Tugging sensations are wracking Cain's body as he feels the desire to feed pushing his intelligence back. He's barely containing the instinctual urge to assimilate right now.

"No. I must go, but I will return." Cain growls.

Their faces betray their confusion, but Cain cannot stay to explain further. He quickly bounds away into the forest with his primal desires fading into the back of his mind. Their voices call out to Cain, but he cannot risk sticking around to have a conversation.

The drive to consume and change his form is overpowering, and fighting so intensely for several minutes has Cain struggling to keep it in check.

"I hope Nim is still alive."

Cain's body changes to that of a large wolf as he bounds toward the scent of blood in the distance, and the sun illuminates the landscape beautifully.