Chapter One – Before it all happened
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Narrated by the protagonist

Hi, I'm Sofi, lie I'm Lucia, Sofi is my kitty, the very shameless one who ignores me, that's not loyalty. Well, that didn't matter now, I was already late for school, and I guess I shouldn't have watched anime to wake me up, in the end, it just distracted me more than it should have but who the fuck cares I mean what does it matter.

By the way, I have red hair, and very weird yellow eyes but cute to others, it brought me problems but I'm over it thanks to someone...

As I was saying. So I tried to get in without being noticed by the management or I would die trying, but luckily I could, the teacher was cool, so he let me in without saying more than a joke about my tardiness.

When the break finally started I left to continue watching anime, they will tell me that I'm antisocial but my friend hadn't come today because she was sick and the other girls only talked about idiocy.

Why the fuck do I want to know that they met a cute guy or saw a guy that was better than bread, I don't want to know how one of them likes another guy, we all know that it won't last, no offense but the girls I know are like that. Well, I don't deny that there are cute guys but I'm not going to talk about it all my life, once is ok but always, for that, I hit a shot, plus I have a boyfriend, he's a year older than me, plus he works, he said he wanted to go to college after he's used to his job.

Anyway, I'd rather be true to my inner child than go, be fake to them just for a second of attention so I don't look bad, they always talk behind other people's backs after all and that's why I'll never eat an apple pie..... Wait! what was I talking about?

Damn! You are right that so many stupid videos rot the brain but ñe, but I am stupid of my own free will and that's how I finished high school, there you have it for those who thought I couldn't.

Getting out of my thoughts that never come to anything, since I get distracted even with a potato, I started to watch anime.

After a few minutes, the break was over.

The hours had already passed and I was on my way out, I was kind of I'm free, I'm free, it's just that I finally finished my last day of school. But well while I was walking all happy, I don't know what was going through my mind but when I saw a lady with her daughter, who was challenging her, I got angry, I was bipolar.

How could that woman not pay attention to her daughter, she wasn't looking at her and was distracted with her cell phone, just when I wasn't going to look anymore, since luckily she started to look at the girl, I was walking calmly, until I heard a car braking hard. When I turned around, I could see how a man had saved the girl from being run over, luckily the driver stopped "in time" and the girl had been saved, but the man was seriously injured.

But for me, it was the last straw but to my luck, a grandmother appeared who looked at everything and approached the woman and slapped her so hard that she threw her to the ground, many will say why?

Well, you saw that I said that the woman began to pay attention to the girl but it seems that she did not, because I could see how the woman was now wearing a headset, which she did not have before, plus she was already a few steps away from the accident, watching everything with an astonished face on the floor. And so the grandmother began to scream like there was no tomorrow but stopped when she heard that they called her grandmother, because yes, it seems that she was the biological grandmother of the girl. And the most incredible thing was that the man who saved the girl, was the girl's father, because when she barely got up, the man also hit her out of anger, shouting why he neglected Anaís, which was the girl's name, and also emphasizing that she was his only daughter.

I was about to continue watching but the man simply got into the ambulance that looked like someone had called him, together with the girl, the grandmother got into the last one but before, she shouted at her telling her never to go near her granddaughter again.

With that weird episode, I could only see how the woman, stayed on the floor with a low face... It seemed that it was not the first time she did that stupid thing. It was intense, it was like a soap opera.

With all that I just went along like all the other gossipers... I include myself.

But with what happened I was thinking about something, would I also be like that? Naa my mother taught me very well that the family is always first and that I respected it to full since I had younger siblings.

Even though I was adopted she always loved me and took care of me like she did my other siblings, but of course, with a few loving blows here and there, it wasn't her fault, it's just that we had stupjitis. I admire her a lot since she didn't leave me even when she had her first child, she wasn't like the others who left the child aside just to have their own, without a doubt she is the best, and no matter what I will follow in her footsteps.


I narrate

And so with a big smile and a great admiration for having a mother like that, our protagonist continued on her way home. But as soon as our heroine turned around, a portal began to form in front of her and if it wasn't for the fact that it started to glow she wouldn't have noticed it.

'What?' (With astonishment seeing the portal) 'I do not remember using drugs, well if the anime counts as drugs it could be that....'

Before our prota could form another meaningless thought, the portal had trapped her. For our prota everything had gone dark. It had been a few hours, but she had finally woken up.

Lucia - "But what? Where? My cell phone!" - She looks for it and sees that it's ok - Fiiuu it's okay, now... WHERE THE FUCK AM I?! - Seeing that she was in a forest.

With such a scream our protagonist began to despair, she moved from one side to the other, she wanted to shake something, hit someone, and she wanted to make war. She did anything to calm down, but when a long time was passing she began to "calm down".

Lucia - "Well, Lucia, if you don't calm down, your mother might come and beat you to death if you make a drama, so.... as your mother taught you if you get lost, it is always better to look for water, that will help you to survive if you get lost in a forest, besides you will be able to see if you are not crazy because if you are crazy nobody will help you" - She says it desperately.

Decided our prota starts looking for a river, picking up the backpack that luckily she still had. She spent some more time searching with her nerves on edge that she didn't let out, because she had to calm down.

When she finally found a river, she was very happy, she quickly went to drink water to calm down and wash her face, because for a long time, she felt that she was seeing blurry since everything looked like an anime... Until she realized.

Lucia - "What?!" - Shouting to the four winds - "It can't be, it can't be" - Getting upset again - "I thought I was seeing blurry! It can't be" - Looking at her hands and face - "I look like anime!"


Lucia - "Luckily I still look the same... but in anime!" - All upset but decides it was enough - "I don't usually show all my emotions like that but since I'm alone it doesn't matter luckily I'm still in my formal suit, as it was a few classes and activities for the last day, I had to go formal what things" - She sighs - "I better calm down" - Looking that the sun is already going down.

Already knowing that it was an anime and knowing that she would not find an answer for now, since she would only waste time she went to look for a place to sleep, she was not used to sleeping outside, rather who is.

But she went in search of anything, a house or a cave, because if she was in a huge forest she would not find anyone and the caves were the best option for now, she only prayed that she was not in a place full of wild animals, she is not prepared to deal with that.

As the hours passed, it had already gotten dark and she found nothing but a cave, she had not gone far from the river, as she knew she could not find another, she was not someone prepared for survival. And so with hunger but more with sleepiness and tiredness she fell asleep inside the bend but not so much, as she wanted to see a bit of the sky, which felt unreal.

Thus spending her first night.





This story doesn't belong to me. Credits to the respective author. Ivana7-2_M I only Translate this story.