Chapter 24 | Dungeon Dive
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Days passed by and I started attending the academy again. I was still in 2-E. I didn't accept the class change provided by the academy. I don't intend to stay here for long anyways.

The classes went like normal besides a few looks from other people here and there. Currently, we were in the last lecture.

“This is it for this class.“

As the teacher announced many students started getting ready but the teacher still had things to say. 

“Stay still everyone! There is still an announcement.“

Everyone instantly stopped in their tracks and started focusing on the teacher. 

“The academy has announced the long-awaited Dungeon Dive. It's an event that happens only every few years. You can choose to party with any year student. From the first to fifth year, all students are allowed to dungeon dive with at least a party of 3 to party of 15. If you want to you can abstain from this event, and I recommend abstaining if you aren't able to get into a good party. Now, any questions?“


“Yes, Zill.“

“How many dungeons must we at least complete?“

“That is up to your choice. But if you are dungeon diving then I recommend at least clear 5 base different types of dungeons to get an idea about how each of the 5 types work.“

“Thank you, teacher.“

“You're welcome. Now, next question.“


As they were talking about this significant event, I was just sitting and skimming through Korsel's memories. 

This dungeon dive event was a significant event for the hero and his party. In the gameplay, they had to at least raid 5 dungeons. And the more dungeons you clear, the stronger the Hero can get. 

This event is also one of the events that made Luna fall for the Hero. 


Now, that leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Honestly, I didn't want to skim through Korsel's memories because there were lots of scenes and moments about the Hero and Luna. And watching them made me more and more annoyed. I know it won't happen anymore but I still don't like it. 

Anyways, I don't intend to participate in this event—

“Ai, let's participate in the dungeon dive.“


(There goes my idle time with her.)

We were currently in a restaurant outside of the academy. We were going to get some food and just wander around. It was basically a date. 


“Why? You should rather ask why not. This is one of the rare chances to explore dungeons without much complications.”

“I don't... want to.“

“Ehh? Why?“

“I don't feel good about it.”

“About what?“

... I honestly didn't want to tell her or she would tease me 24/7. And when I say 24/7, I mean 24/7. Luna moved from the Academy dormitory to my residence. And we even sleep together... 

“Umm... I don't have good memories regarding this incident from Korsel's memories.“

“Huh? Regarding which part?“

It wasn't like Luna didn't have the memories. I gave her every memory regarding the game.

“Regarding you... and... the Hero.“



“Aww~ Is my Ai jealous~?“


(There it goes.)

“Don't worry about it. I only love you and will only love you.”

“Me too... but—”

“Don't worry. We will go in as a party of 3.“

“Party of 3? Who is the other person?“

“I have somebody in mind... but if you want you can also recommend someone.“

“...I have no one like that.“

“...A-ahem. My bad, I forgot that my beloved was a loner.“


(You didn't have to say that...)

“Anyway, the one I have in mind is Mira.“

“Mira? Mira Lorance?“

“Hmm~ She is the only one separated from the Hero entirely.“

“That's odd.“

In the game, she wasn't that interested in the Hero at first. But after watching most of his actions firsthand, she started to fall for him too. But it was now going differently. Probably due to me. 

“I know. She approached me a few days ago and said that if I was interested in the dungeon dive and if it was possible to take her in as a party member.“

“I see. Well I have no problem with that.“

“Alright, then I will inform her later about this. Next, how many dungeons should we dive?“

“Until you are satisfied?“

“...O-okay. Then we will decide it along the way.“

For some reason, she was blushing. Was it due to her satisfaction? Well, I whispered something in her ear after getting near her. 

'Don't worry, it's the same for when we are in bed~'


She was now beet red and was giving me a very shy look.


“Yes yes, idiot for you.“

“Uhh~ You are such a tease.“

“Hahaha. Anyways, let's eat our food now or it will get too cold.“


And like that, we spend our date by dwindling around everywhere.


“So, welcome Mira to this temporary party till dungeon dive.“ (Luna)

“Yes, thanks for the opportunity.“ (Mira)

“Welcome.“ (Airu) 

It was now the next day. We were at a restaurant inside the academy. We held a meeting place here to discuss about the dungeon dive while also welcoming Mira.

“It's been a while, Airu-san or should I call you Deathsborn?“ (Mira)

“Airu is fine.” (Airu)

“Deathsborn?“ (Luna)

Now that I think about it, I didn't tell Luna about my name, did I?

“I'll tell you about it later.“ (Airu)

“Okay~” (Luna)

“So, back to the main point. The dungeon dive, we will continue to complete many dungeons without a certain goal. If any of us feel like not doing it anymore, let's inform each other.“

“Okay.“ (Luna)

“...Alright.“ (Mira)

“Hmm? What is it Miss Mira?“ (Airu)

“Yes?“ (Mira)

“Why are you looking at me like that?“ (Airu)


“A-ahem... It's nothing. It's just that you have changed a lot.“ (Mira)

“Changed?“ (Airu)

“Yes. You used to always quarrel with us and got beat up by those four. But now, you are almost leading this party here and is one of the strongest in almost all the empires.“ (Mira)

“...“ (Airu)

Uhhh... It is true that I wasn't getting any more quests or rather I was plainly ignoring the Villain Card since it had no use to me at all. So, I wasn't doing any of the villainous deeds like back then. 

“I changed him!“ (Luna) 

Luna spoke back quite enthusiastically. As if she was proud of her work, that's how she claimed to have changed me. But honestly, I couldn't deny that. Without her, I wouldn't even be at the academy anymore.

“You... How?“ (Mira)

“By making him fall in love with me~” (Luna)

“Huh???” (Mira)

“...“ (Airu)

“What?“ (Luna)

“So, do you love him or is it just one-sided love from him.“ (Mira)

... Now, I really wanna smack her in the head for some reason. Wasn't she a holy knight or something? How could she come to that conclusion?

“We are lovers now. Isn't that right, D-darling?“ (Luna)

(Why'd you even try if you are gonna blush like that?)

“Yes, we are lovers.“ (Airu)

“...“ (Mira)

“What?“ (Airu)

“Huh? Uhm... Nothing, I was just thinking how you guys even came to this point.“ (Mira)

“You better don't—” (Airu)

“You want to hear our love story?“ (Luna)

Oh fuck. Not this again. Sometimes ago, when we went to an outskirt city, some people were curious about our relationship, and she went ahead and read a paragraph based on our story thus far. 

“Sure, I am free.” (Mira)


“Let's begin our story then!” (Mira)

I could see the enthusiasm in Mira's eyes. It looks like it's going to take a long time. So, I excused myself from their conversation and went to meet Sir Ian. 


“How have you been, Sir Ian?“

“I have been better.“

“Looks like it for sure.“

His room was... literally like a junkyard. There were research papers and a lot of artifacts here and there.

“So, what are you here for?“

“Before that, what are you researching so hard?“


“Tell me, tell me, I won't tell anyone.“

“Haah... Fine. You see the Dungeon Dive event?“


“It's regarding that.”

“... About?“

“Well, a recent dungeon opened near the Tanil Empire's border in one of their major city.“

“And there is something special about it?“

“Yeah... That dungeon has this specific framework built so that people can't use any kind of energy there. If they do use it, their energy goes berserk and they will eventually break.”

“... How are you supposed to beat it then?“

“That's what I am researching about. And, the worst part is that there are Grade 6 and even much fiercer monsters in there.“


“From the looks of it, the dungeon boss might even be a grade 3 monster or demon.“

“Tsk... That's going to be troublesome.“ 

“Yes, and all the empires are deciding to send some physically built student party and forces from the Imperial forces.“

“... Don't tell me.“

“Yes, as you assumed, the Hero party going is a must. And other parties will be chosen based on their performance.“

“Really troublesome.“

This wasn't in the memories of Korsel. Something changed. Something troublesome changed.



From this point on a lot of the characters will be involved. Not sure by how much, but it won't be low.

Hope you guys liked this brief chapter~