Chapter 1: The Seed is Planted
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Viktor Andrews lost his wife.

It was a Thursday night, the fourth day of the spring semester. He was an English Professor at Tidetown College, had been for four years, and he was grading when he got the call. It was so unexpected, he laughed right in the face of the tragedy. "You have the wrong number. My wife is getting her hair done."

He can't remember much after that. After identifying her body, he got blackout drunk off of her coronas and strawberry Smirnoff. He took time off of work the next day and went on a drinking binge, crying and puking his way through an entire week. It was the darkest period of his life. He felt like a piece of himself was ripped off; he'd feel her arms around him in the middle of the night like a phantom limb, invisible but there, loving him beyond the grave. After that, he felt a void begin in his chest. It grew and grew until it swallowed him whole, completely numbing him. Apathy took over, and nothing was the same again.

That is, until her.

It was March when the new student arrived. Daisy’s golden blonde hair, freckles, small stature and green eyes made his breath catch in his throat. She could’ve been Bella’s sister with how strikingly similar they looked. Suddenly, he no longer felt like a corpse with a heartbeat, waiting and waiting for his life to be over. He felt life in his veins and a skip in his step, itching all day until he could see her again. She was an English Major, so he lent her his copy of East of Eden. He wasn’t sure if it was his imagination, but all of the sudden it seemed her shirts were getting lower and tighter by the day, and that she was smiling at him more frequently, big eyelashes batting in his direction as she chewed her gum with her mouth open, bouncing her leg up and down like she had too much energy for her own good.

She was in his dreams and in his thoughts when he stroked his cock. He knew he should be thinking of Bella, but whenever he pictured her now, she was rotting in that fucking coffin and the numbness threatened to creep in again. It was much better to think of his student, as problematic as it was. To think of her spearmint breath, plaid skirts and high-heeled shoes. He wanted to ravage her, pin her down and consume her until she was crying out his name. Would she be a quiet moaner or loud and proud? Would she cream or would she squirt?

He swore to keep his feelings hidden, to secure the secrets of his perverted heart under lock and key…

But as fate would have it, he didn’t have to fantasize for long.


A pink bubble popped outside Daisy’s red lips. “Do you think Andrews is cute?”

Alec stopped talking. He was her closest friend on campus, a sweet football player who was smitten with her. She knew he’d be biased, but had asked, anyway. He looked shocked at the question. “What?”

“I mean, you’re bi, so you–”

“SHHH!” He took her by the arm, guiding her away from the stone path leading to the Learning Commons. When they were far enough away from strangers’ earshot, he spoke to her in a low, urgent voice. “Please don’t talk about that publicly.”

“Dude, it’s 2023, why–”

“Just respect I don’t want anyone knowing, okay? Please?”

She saw the concern in his eyes and felt a pang of guilt. “Okay. Sorry.”

“And what is it with you and Andrews? You like him?”

“Yeah, he’s a total hunk. I think he likes me, too. He’s always staring at me and lent me his favorite book and– and– I dunno. I just have a feeling, ya know?”

Alec sighed. He ran a hand through his brown curls. “Even if he does like you, which I’m not saying he does, he could lose his job over making a move. You realize that, right?”

“I know,” she said with a devilish grin. She blew another bubble, snapping it in between her teeth. “That’s why I’m gonna.”


He was in his office when she came in, heels clacking against the floor.

“Daisy?” He turned in his swivel chair and raised his eyebrows. It was 9 at night on a Friday, after all. Shouldn’t a young girl like her be pre-gaming with friends or out with a boyfriend?

She took the pale pink lollipop from behind her lips out of her mouth. That was something else about Daisy– she was always chewing or sucking something, a fact that made Viktor’s pants tight if he thought about it too much.

“Professor… I was wondering if I could do anything to raise my grade.”

“Oh! Like extra credit?” His heart pounded wildly in his chest as her gaze wandered down to his crotch. “Don’t you have a B in my class?” he said with a nervous laugh.

Daisy closed the distance between them, leaning down and close to Viktor’s face where he sat.

“I want an A,” she murmured, voice suddenly low and sweet. Slowly, she touched his face, long rose-colored nails on one hand gently pressing against his cheek.

And Viktor wasn’t strong enough; even if this student told someone, that wouldn’t end his life. His life ended the second he got the phone call– and began again the moment she stepped into his classroom. So, he pulled her into his lap and sealed their lips, tongue penetrating her mouth. She tasted like mint, youth, and faintly of tobacco.

Suddenly aware of the situation, he picked her up, hands on her plump ass as he walked to the door to the office and slammed it closed. No one was in the building, to his knowledge, and fuck it, he hadn’t felt this alive in a long, long time.

(What do you guys want to happen next? Leave a comment below and I’ll consider adding it to the story. Bye for now!)