Chapter 1 My boring Life
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Soooo Hey first i am using Translation apps to help me so don't expect Perfect English. Second if you find an Errors fell free to tell me And Third this is rly just something i do to pastime so don't expect new chapter every day, maybe one Chapter Weekly if i find the Time. Because finishing one chapter takes me 3- Hours if I am fast. I need to come up with an idea write it down in my Language then read through it then Translates it and then read through it again ;)


The Story of my New Life  


Chapter 1 My boring Life  


'' Oh man I don't want to.... ''  

'' why am I even doing this anymore? ''  

Get p, go to school, kill time somehow, come home, eat, play video games, sleep and do the same thing all over again the next day. Now you probly think that I should not complain, other people have it much harder. Others have no food or drink, are treated like slaves or live in war zones and have to fear daily for their lives. And yes of course I'm glad that I have a roof over my head, eat and drink and do not have to worry every day for my life but..... but therefore I may still complain about my life!!! I hate this boring, quiet life here.   

'' ah....I should probably get up slowly. ''   

I want....I want to have adventures and not end up in some boring office job after school. All those movies, anime or series about fairy tale worlds.... how I would love to be in one of them. In a fantasy world where I simply travel around the world all alone, experience adventures, fight against monsters. A world where I don't have to prove anything to anyone, a world where I only have to care about myself and only myself. A world in which I can simply do what I want to live my own life. That would be my dream, but of course I know that this dream will never come true.  

'' I just want to enjoy my that really too much to ask? '' I said as I put on my uniform.   

I opened the door and went to the bathroom, where I looked in the mirror for a few seconds before brushing my teeth. I splashed water on my face, looked in the mirror and said to myself.  

Today is going to be a beautiful day!  

Hoping it would improve my mood....but it didn't, so I made my way into the kitchen, soaked and annoyed. Once in the kitchen, I opened the fridge and saw....that it was empty.   

'' well then, I guess it's off to school today without breakfast. '' 

I picked up my backpack, put on my shoes and made my way to the front door before opening it and leaving the house. It was a sunny day with a light wind, my favorite weather, and hopefully today would also be a quiet day, just like the days before. But after a few minutes, I saw a large crowd of people gathered around a car. I couldn't see what exactly had happened, so I went closer before I was able to see a car that was completely destroyed. And as soon as I arrived at the accident I heard sirens from a distance and because I didn't want to be accused of being a gawker I turned around again and followed the road to the school. But not before I turned around one last time, and saw the person sitting in the was a man. However, in the exact seconds as I saw that, I could also see people taking of the dead body.  

'' .... ''   

I didn't say anything but looked disappointed before I turned around and continued walking. After a few minutes I finally arrived at my school, went through the door, changed my shoes and went to my classroom.  


Now you probably expect me to say that I wasn't popular at school or had no friends or that I was bullied, but none of that is true except for no friends. Because although you cannot tell it by looking at me, I can fight well. I don't know why I can fight so well, but for some reason I always had a feeling for it. But although it should have only advantages, my luck showed me the middle finger. The reason why I have no friends is because I can fight so well. It was after school 2 years ago on my first school day here at the high school. The school bells had rung, and I was on my way home. Everything was normal until I passed the playground and saw a group of high school students. There were about 20 of them, and it looked to me like they were cheering someone on. I was curious, so I went to the group there I saw it then 2 guys fighting. 

It were my classmates who were fighting and although it had not interested me and I thought to myself that it was probably a quarrel between 2 guys I stayed there and watched. After a few seconds I heard the reason for the fight and could clearly recognize one of the boys. I didn't know his name, but I remembered him because this boy was ....shorter than the rest of us. I only knew him for one day, but I already knew that he was a nice and shy boy who preferred to stay out of trouble. So I was surprised to see him here, and it was exactly the moment when I learned the truth from one of the guys standing next to me. Apparently, one of the boys from another class had approached a girl and confessed his love to her. The girl, however, refused and said that she was already in love with another boy. She went to the boy and confessed her love to him. The problem with the whole thing was that the boy who had asked her was very rich and also relatively good-looking.  

For him, of course, this was a shock, so he wanted to take revenge on the boy, however, he probably didn't had the courage to face the boy himself. The boy was not fighting against the rich boy but against someone else. Apparently the rich boy paid the strong boy to fight for him. The moment I heard all that, I was about to intervene, but just in that moment, the girl came running and got in between the two boys.  

'' WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE? '' screamed the girl in tears   

'' G-Go...I am fine. '' said the short boy while he was spitting blood.   

'' yes you heard me, fuck off....or do you want some too YOU WILL PAY MORE RIGHT?! '' the strong boy shouted to the rich boy who was laughing and watching the whole thing.   

'' Hahahah but of course I will have fun with her,'' said the boy laughing.  

As the rich boy said this, the strong boy took a swing and was about to hit the girl before the short guy pushed the girl aside at the very last moment and got hit instead.  

'' RITO'' screamed the girl and ran back to the boy who was now lying on the ground bleeding and covered with wounds.  

'' ..... don't do it....someone else will intervene. '' I said to myself   

But....even now...everyone else was just cheering at the boy who was about to beat 2 innocent people to death.   

'' HAHAHA i get money and have fun what do i want more...hey who are you now?! ''   

Just before the boy was about to hit the girl, I finally intervened and grabbed the boy's arm. The other high school students all stopped cheering and looked at me in surprise.   


At that moment I felt a strange feeling that I had never felt was anger? Up to this point, I had never really fought or been angry or mad at someone. But at that moment I felt something traveling inside me, so I hit the boy in the face with my right fist. The boy fell to the ground and grabbed his nose, which was covered in blood from my punch.  

'' THAT'S IT, I'M GOING TO KILL YOU! '' the boy shouted as he got up from the ground and ran towards me.  

Now, I was expecting him to beat me up, but for some reason I was able to dodge all of his punches. I was able to dodge them all as if I had never done anything else, and when I saw a gap I hit him back. With my right fist into his kidney and with my left fist into his face. He immediately fell to the ground and started crying while gasping for air.   

'' What the hell do you think you're doing here, huh? ''   

'' huh? ''  

While the strong boy was still lying on the ground, the rich boy suddenly came up to me and started yelling at me.   

'' do you even know who i am, i will make your life a pure hell if you don't get down on your knees and lick my shoes right now, also apologize of course. Because if not, that boy there in front of you on the ground might take revenge on you, Oh and of course I will help with that. '' said the boy with a Big grin   

Once the boy had said that, silence returned, I just looked at the ground and saw the dirty grin of the boy telling me, ,, come on, refuse, and I will get my revenge on you ,, So I did it.....I grabbed his left arm that was on the ground in front of me, put my foot on his back....and began to pull his arm. 

'' wa- what are you doing-DA AHHH AHH AHH AH LET ME GO YOU BAS-  



I let go of his broken left arm and grabbed his right arm, the thug was in tears and was just apologizing to me while screaming for his mommy.  




Once I had broken his right arm too, I let go of it, and looked at the rich boy who, as well as the others, were looking at me fearfully and scared.  

'' you think.....that he still wants to take revenge on me? '' I said to the boy in a calm voice.  

Meanwhile, the other high school students all ran away except for the boy on the ground who was unconscious from pain, the rich boy and the girl who was holding the other boy in her arms. The rich boy in front of me fell backwards to the ground before getting up and running away. I just looked after him before I went to the girl and boy, who must have also passed out from the pain. The girl didn't say anything but looked at me shocked and disturbed before I got down on my knees and asked if they still needed help.  

'' N-n-n-no I-I have already called the cops d-you better go too. She said, pointing to the boy with the broken bones.  

She was probably trying to tell me that if the police found me and put me in touch with the boy, I would be in trouble too. So I got up again, took my backpack and went home before the girl said one more thing to me.   

'' WAIT, what's your name? " she asked me in tears.   

'' .... Rin ''   

'' THANK YOU RIN. She said and bowed her head. 

After she said that, I heard the sirens in the background, so I quickly left. I waited all night at home for the police, but to my surprise they didn't show up. The next day I went to school on my way to school I already noticed how everyone was staring at me. The story had probably already made its rounds once I arrived at school, I noticed how everyone began to ignore me. Even the girl who had thanked me yesterday ignored me completely. I asked her about the boy and how he was doing, but she didn't pay any attention to me and just passed me by.   

While I was still talking to myself, I finally arrived at my classroom and opened the door. And just like that day, I was ignored by everyone again today, no one greeted me or looked at mE. I think the boy wanted to punish me by somehow by getting everyone to ignore me. But... I have to admit I really like the silence, the teachers don't call me. I can even sleep during the lessons, even then it doesn't bother the teachers. I guess the boy didn't expect that I would like this isolation. I sat down on my chair like the days before, put my head on the table and began to sleep.  

'' ahhh today will probably be another relaxed day. '' I said as I fell asleep.




And 2 hours later the first lessons were already over I got up, stretched and headed out for lunch. I walked out of the classroom and down the stairs to the vending machines. I got a candy bar and went to my favorite place, the school roof, which was hard to reach for others but not for me. I put the candy bar in my pocket and made my way up the stairs until I was on the last floor. Right when I was about to turn around the corner and go up the stairs to the roof, 2 students came running towards me.   

'' And if I catch you both up here next time, you're in real trouble! '' shouted a male voice. ''  

'' Poor things. I said and went through the door to the stairs.  

Before a teacher stood in front of me, now you probably think that at least the teachers would talk to me or pay attention to me but...  


'' Don't you want to stop me Sensei?''   

'' ... ''  

'' haha that's what I thought. '' I said and went up the stairs.  

Once at the top I opened the door and finally arrived and the first thing I felt was this cold wind that I loved so much. I laid down on the floor and stared at the clouds while the cool wind went through my face.   


'' It must be beautiful, isn't it? This silence, this calm, this loneliness? ''   

But just as I was about to close my eyes, I suddenly heard a female voice, it was the most beautiful voice I had ever heard in my life. I opened my eyes and looked in front of of me and there she stood.   

'' mhhhhh do we know each other? Are you even from school? Oh, what am I saying hahaha otherwise you wouldn't be talking to me. '' I said while standing up  

'' ... hahaha no I am not a student or a teacher. ''   

'' ok what are you then ? ''  

'' mhhh good question, I am Sara glad to finally meet you Rin. '' said the girl with a smile  

'' Huh? I don't remember telling you my name? ''   

'' That's right you didn't but for a god like me, I guess it's easy to figure out a human's name haha. '' she said laughing   

A god? I beg your pardon? Am I still dreaming?   

'' So you are a....God? '' 

'' I don't blame you if you don't believe me, but I'm not here without a reason, I'm here to fulfill a wish for you. ''   

Cough, cough   

'' mhhh? Are you ok? '' I asked her after I could hear her coughing heavily.   

Suddenly, after I said that I felt everything around me starting to shake, the whole school building. I looked at the girl again and could see that she was hurt and was bleeding a lot.  

'' You're bleeding, are you sure everything is ok? ''   

'' Don't worry cough we don't have much time anyway say, your wish is to be summoned to another world, in a fantasy world right? '' the girl asked me with a serious look    

'' what the- sigh ha yes that is my wish. '' I said to her   

'' ha...ha... then everything is fine, I was afraid that I would have to summon some random human being who would rather stay here, now I am relieved. ''  



'' ah what the- what was that?! I asked myself after I heard a loud explosion.  

'' damn he's coming listen boy we don't have much time, give me your hands. ''  

Said the girl with her last strength she still had, so I stretched out my hands without thinking.  


But at that moment I suddenly heard a male voice from the sky, so I looked up and saw an...angel with a spear flying towards us. But just then, the ground underneath me suddenly lit up and a circle with strange signs appeared under my feet.  

'' Cough- cough ha..ha now I guess it's time to say goodbye Rin I'm sorry that I have to say goodbye to you already. I....wish I had found you sooner.... '' 

That's when I saw tears, tears running down the girl's face.  

'' I'm so sorry....for all of it I...COUGH hope.... we.... will... meet.. aga-. ''  


Shouted the man before I was pulled towards the sky with a jerk only seconds before the man pierced through the girl with a spear. And the last thing I saw before I faded away was the girl's face....her last smile.