Chapter 25: Orthodoxian
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The slew of residents within the club can be seen running out, now fully free from the sin's mind control they all seize the opportunity to escape from the lecherous club. The room is left with the two girls hovering over the possessed sister, all that's left is for them to expel the demon from her body.


"Since it was only possessing her body, I figured she wouldn't be that strong, nice assist there Hibiki!"


"Hai! Anytime Onee-Sama!!" The girl chimes back with a salute-like manner. Hibiki had come here for the sole purpose of being more useful this go around, and she can confidently say she had succeeded in that task.


"Damn you two…!" The pair of eyes gaze back down at the beaten woman. Wendy was confident that her punch was enough to knock her out, so they were left with the assumption that Lillith wasn't the one currently talking, it was the demon.


"I sensed Greed had awakened not too long ago, that fool was in a rush to outdo us all, I figured he went and got himself purged. Don't tell me he was defeated by you two!" The sin mutters from the unconscious woman's body.


"Yep! Onee-Sama defeated him here without breaking a sweat!"


"He did in fact cause me a whole lot more trouble than you did."


"Curse you…! I'll inform the other sins about this, a pair of girls capable of undermining our sin's effects. We'll see to it that you're both killed!" The demon states in an attempt to sound menacing.


"Is that so… well until then, well just go ahead and get rid of you."


"No, you won't. If you try anything, I'll take the life of this woman I possess!" The sin says, ensuing a menacing pink aura on the ground. From out of nowhere, Hibiki pulls out another water bucket and throws it on top of the girl. Now even more soaked, the sin can't help but start to burn away from her infiltrated body.


"Gah! Damn you! If only I had full-awakened, then this would have no effect on me!" The sin screams in torment as it begins to be purified out of existence. Hibiki can't help but let out a cheeky laugh at this.


"Coof coof coof! Look at this Onee-Sama, this big bad demon can't even muster enough power to fight against some water!"


"Easy, don't jinx it now Hibiki."


"Hehe, sorry." Wendy summons a few blue spirits in her stead and surrounds them around the possessed woman.


"I won't let your sins hurt anymore people, you're my responsibility and I'll take on all the repercussions of my actions. So go ahead and inform me to the other sins, I’ll still crush you all!" Wendy says this before engulfing the body in her spirit flames. The blue flame emits a purifying hue as the demon is forced out of the body of the estranged sister. The phantom spirit now hovers above the group in an attempt to run away.


"Hibiki now!"


"Right, Onee-Sama!" The girl in question holds out the gospel of lust and opens its pages. Immediately the spirit gets consumed by the divine scriptures, and after a screeching whale, Hibiki closes the book, sealing the demon within once and for all. The room is left silent as the girls successfully complete their tasks.


"Phew, that was a close one!" Hibiki says, notably exhausted.


"No kidding… I hope she'll be okay."  The pair gaze their eyes upon the sleeping woman.


"Lilith? I think she'll pull through, I have faith!"


"Faith huh… well I hope you're right." After a few minutes, the police had shown up on the site along with a few representatives of the U.O.C.B. They had taken inquiry about the events befalling this nightclub and secured the overall people's safety, The two girls that had infiltrated the place were nowhere to be seen, along with the Nun that had hosted the event. Back at the church, the girls are taking a hard lecture from the Priest.


"So to recap, you two stole the tickets I had obtained to enter the club, and came into contact with the sin against my back." The two girls were in a feeble position as they looked rather guilty for their actions.


"Yes, please forgive us, Father Isaac! But we were able to defeat another one of the Sins!"


"That is not the problem!" The priest replied sternly back.


"Hibiki, without order, there is no justice, and without justice, there is no faith. How am I supposed to trust you if you're going to go behind the church like this? Within our denomination, faith is a pivotal need in order to secure the orthodoxian roots of our church. The truth of the matter is that we didn't have enough information to go off of, you could have gotten yourself killed, or worse Miss Wendy could have..."


"Okay please, that's enough..." Wendy replies abruptly.


"Father, I understand your concern but don't be mistaken it was my idea to infiltrate the club. Don't reprimand Hibiki for an action I instigated, if you need to punish someone then I'll gladly accept." Hibiki looks up at this at the older woman.


"Onee-Sama…" Issac has notably calmed down and begun to speak once again.


"A punishment is not warranted, for either of you." They both look up in curiosity.


"Yes, I am heavily disappointed with being deceived, but it is true that now two of the seven sins have been defeated. Upon this news, the Pope has asked for an audience in her person at once. So I'll be making my way over to Vatican City in the morning. Until I return, however, I ask that you do not engage in any unnecessary combat until my return, for all we know the next sin will be right upon us." Upon hearing this, the two girls nod their heads forward in confirmation.


"Very well then, you two should go ahead and get some rest, I've had the nuns prepare a room for you as well Miss Wendy. I'm sure you two have had a long night." The priest bows his head before excusing himself. The girls then immediately walk into Hibiki's room, throwing themselves on the bed in complete exhaustion.


"Uhhh I'm so tired!!" Hibiki says while kicking off her heels. Wendy can be seen doing the same before replying.


"Yes, I am too. I'd take a big high-stakes battle to the death over mingling with that many people any day…"


"Right! It was so condensed and populated, I felt like I was going to suffocate!" The girls laugh about their shared experiences for a moment.


"All those people dancing and dry humping each other left such a bad taste in my mouth," Wendy says recalling more of the details, Hibiki on the other hand was jolted back to their intimate moment when the word mouth emitted from Wendy's lips.


"I mean… it wasn't all bad."


"Yes, we were able to defeat the sin without causing any casualties…" Wendy says, stretching her arms from her position in the bed. Hibiki is looking away from her however as a light blush covers her face.


"Well, I was actually talking about… our kiss." Wendy is taken back for a moment.


"Oh… Yea I completely forgot about that. Sorry, I was so drunk and under that sin's spell I couldn't control myself..." Wendys apologizes with a melancholy tone. From her impression, Hibiki deduced that the kiss wasn't much of a big deal to her. After a moment of silence, the girl can be seen hanging out of their outfits, now sporting more appropriate sleepwear. Hibiki still hasn't said a word since she brought up their intimate moment which brings a level of concern to Wendy's mind. As she brushes her blue hair, she gazes back at Hibiki through the mirror.


"What's wrong?"


"Hmm! Oh, it's nothing!"


"Dont lie to me, you're being uncharacteristically silent right now."


"Well… it's just…" The girl was left silent once again, in truth she simply has no idea how to form her thoughts into words. Wendy doesn't like this sudden tranquil tone of hers. Yes, she had often found Hibiki's loud and boisterous attitude quite annoying sometimes, but it was an annoyance she had already gotten used to. Deciding to take a more forward approach to the situation, she makes her way over to the bed, now laying side by side with the quiet girl.


"It's just… what?" Now being forced to confront her immediate feelings, Hibiki tries her best to come up with the right words.


"It's just, not the way I had pictured it is all."


"The kiss?"


"Yes, well I mean, my first kiss."


"Oh!" Wendy looks back with a surprised yet understanding look.


"I-I'm sorry, I didn't realize I stole your first."


"No! That's not it at all, if it was going to be with anyone, then I'm glad it was with you Onee-Sama! I just... I don't know…"


"Yes you do, just take your time and tell me."


"It wasn't... Romantic."




"Yes, I know it's stupid. I just always thought when I did kiss someone, it would be the most magical and romantic feeling in the world. I'm not saying it was bad of course, in fact, it was very stimulating. I just didn't picture it going like that is all…" Now taking in the girl's thoughts, Wendy is left contemplating her own thoughts on how she was feeling on the matter.


"I see…" The girls stay silent for a moment, both not really knowing what to say at this point. Hibiki was the first to speak up as she couldn't take this silence any longer.


"Please don't worry about this Onee-Sama, it's fine really! I was just…" Before she could get those last words out of her mouth, Wendy suddenly, but slowly, connected their lips together once again. This time, the kiss felt infinitely different than the one in the club. Not consumed by the sin's grip, or under any alcohol influence, the kiss felt warm, soft, and gentle. Hibiki's eyes slowly close from her astonishment, as she returns the lip exchange. The maiden's hands reach up and grab hold of each other, pressing their faces close as their kissing continues. Now having a better understanding of the matter, she's able to synchronously move her lips in tangent to the blue-haired woman's, taking in the full softness of her lips. There's no lustful or lecherous tone to this exchange, just a soft exchange of heat and passion. After a few seconds, the girls parted from each other, a small string of saliva connecting the ends of their plump lips, their hands remaining interwoven. 


"How was that?" Wendy says softly, barely escaping a whisper from her voice. Lightly gasping, Hibiki can be heard trying to lightly breathe in the oxygen back into her lungs.


"That was... really… nice!" Hibiki musters out,blushing as red as a tomato. This caused a light smile to be plastered on the older girl's face.


"Good! Now you can stop complaining. The one back in the club doesn't count, so that was your real first kiss!" Wendy lifts herself up from the pillow and prepares to exit the room.


"Now don't go and get any ideas, that was just a friendly kiss! Nothing more! Now I better get back to my room before Issac gets suspicious."


"W-wait…! Why d-don't you just sleep here!" Wendy looks back at the sister, who had also lifted her head up from the pillow, still holding a bright crimson blush presumably from their most recent exchange.




"Y-yes, I mean you've slept here before! Plus after everything, I don't really want to be alone right now…" Wendy takes a moment to contemplate the whole thing before giving in.


"I suppose if you really don't have a problem with it…"


"Yes, of course, I don't Onee-Sama!" The sisters then lay their heads back on the pillow, now wrapped under the same blanket. After a few moments of trying to go to sleep, Hibiki perks up.






"Do you think we'll be able to stop those other sins…" Wendy takes a moment before replying.


"Lust said they were going  to warn the rest about us, so these next few might be a bit more of a hassle than the first two… but…"




"As long as we stick together, I'm sure we can beat any demon that comes our way…" Wendy says this last part with a smile, turning her head to look at the silver-eyed girl.


"Now go to sleep~" Hibiki smiles back at her with her fears being calmed down.


"Hai, Onee-Sama!" The two then close their eyes and fall to sleep. 

The next day had fallen upon them, now dealing with the aftermath of the club raid. The sister who had hosted the event was in the middle of the cathedral, surrounded by a slew of her fellow sisters, Wendy and Hibiki stood before her.


“Does she look possessed to any of you?” Wendy says from the huddled up group.


“Gah! Why are her bobs so big! They’re bigger than Silvias” Hibiki points out, standing behind Wendy. 


“I don’t see what that has to do with anything.” Silvia's points out.


“Ho ho ho~ I’m sure all that malice and evil was hiding inside that chest of hers this whole time!” Gilda  interjects, standing behind Silvia. 


“That doesn't make any sense…” Wendy says before looking back at the stirring nun. Lilith begins to open her eyes, insinuating Hibiki to cower behind her big sister.


"Well… are you back to normal?


"Mmmm… what happened… what was I…" The woman begins to speak before seemingly recalling all her past behaviors.


"Oh my… I was possessed wasn't I…!?" The girls take a moment to look at one another before looking back at the sister and nodding forward.


"Oh, how embarrassing! I'm so very sorry! I must have caused so much trouble for all of you!" Lilith says in tears. 


"It's okay, just calm down. Thankfully  Hibiki and I were able to subdue the sin before it caused any real damage." Lilith seems to calm down for a moment.


"Oh thank heavens…" Hibiki re-emerges from Wendy's back before inputting.


"How did you get possessed anyway?"


"Oh… let me see… Last I remember I was with my fellow sisters giving our prayers in the street, when a man I offered prayers to approached me… To my recollection he was wearing an Ankh, so I tried to persuade him into joining our following, that’s about all I can remember.” As she says this, Wendy recalls the bodyguard wearing the weird looking ankh from back in the club. 

“That guy… could it be?”


“Onee-sama, you don;’t think…?” The sisters all seem to have drawn the same conclusion, except for Gilda who seems clueless.


“Huuh? What’s going on, what does this mean?” Silvia leans over to her sister to explain the situation. 


“The cultists are here.” At hearing this, Gilda pauses before screaming.


“The cultist!! Oh no, what are we going to do then!? Does this mean we got to move!” She says in fear while Silvia seems to be trying to comfort her. 


“We aren’t running, not from them or anyone. If they try to get in our way… I’ll simply crush them too!” Wendy says sternly and heroically. 


“Onee-sama’s so cool!” Hibiki says before being immediately pushed out the way, so easily like if she were trash by the big-chested pink haired nun. 


"Oh Thank you! Thank you Thank you Thank you!" Lilith says, still restrained but standing up to get closer to Wendy.


"I am so honored to have been saved by you Miss Wendy. And some of the other sisters had our doubts, but my heart is clouded no longer. You saved me from both that sin and myself! There is no doubt in my mind any longer that you truly are the goddess we have so desperately been waiting for!" Wendy is taken aback by this, she hasn't had much kinship ensue with the sisters of this church outside of Saliva and Gilda. To suddenly be praised and honored to this extent was a bit unsettling for her.


"Oh… well don't mention it…!"


"Oh but I will! The whole church, Nay, the whole world must no off your heroics! I will make it my mission to take charge amongst my group of sisters to spread your good faith and honor amongst the people! I will spread your name, your beauty, and your might to the whole world until everyone can see how divine you truly are." At this little speech of hers, Lilith can be seen blushing and slightly drooling.


"I think I can see where her lust factor comes from…" Hibiki whispers into Wendy's ear.


"Yea no kidding." Lilith then turns to face her fellow sisters.


"Come my sisters! Let us Spread the word of the Ogdoad's fabled Spirit Goddess!" They all respond in agreement before departing from the church's halls.


"Well, that went better than expected…" Wendy says leaning on one of the pedestals.


"Yep! I'm glad Sister Lilith is feeling better now!" Hibiki responds back before looking over at Silvia, who decides to remain here with Gilda.


"I see you two have been able to secure your partnership, defeating two sins already is far better than any of us had anticipated," Hibiki smirks at Silvia’s remark.


"He he! It's only natural, no one can stand against the sheer might of Onee-Sama!" Wendy smiles at this before looking at Silva.


“ So Issac has left already?"


"Yes, it'll just be us girls for the time being," Hibiki speaks up.


"I have to start my communion again today! With the recent events that have transpired, I have a lot more confidence in my abilities!"


"Communions, I guess I'll tag along for that too!" Wendy responds.


"Excellent, if you'll excuse me then, I have some reading to get to, do enjoy yourselves, come on Gilda" Saliva removes herself from the room while dragging a reluctant Gilda. The two sisters gaze upon each other before smiling, Wendy speaks first. 


"Ready to go?" 




A montage ensues. The girls walk around the city, passing out flyers and giving prayers to various people. In a week's time, the two girls go on daily communion, many onlookers only pass but many more start to take an interest as of late. Various people are drawn to Wendy's aura if some might recognize her from her modeling, or as the person seen fighting against the green monster from before. Nonetheless, various people start confiding with the sister's during their communions, sharing their fears, their hopes, and their prayers with the girls. After the week of communions, many more people start to affiliate with the Egyptian Orthodox Church, slowly but surely restoring the preexisting faith of the old Gods. For the time being the members of the church are satisfied by this, for it was always to be expected that increasing the faith amongst the people was always going to be a tough incline to overcome. But with time, passion, determination, and faith, Hibiki along with the church's affiliates believe that their efforts will be paid off.


Being satisfied with their week-long efforts, Wendy thinks they deserve a reward. She along with Hibiki can be seen poking their heads into Silvia and Gilda's shared rooms. The montage ensues, with the four girls now making their way back to the infamous nightclub in much more appropriate outfits. The club had reopened in the midst of the sin aftermath and has been put under new management. Lilith along with the other sisters have decided to repurpose this place and change it from a place of having fun by releasing your sin, to a place where you can have fun while still respecting one another's space. People have also begun to educate themselves with the Egyptian denomination, as they can express their hopes and faith in the new deities. Sitting at a high table, the four girls are seen drinking and laughing amongst each other. Truly and honestly enjoying their time with one another, exchanging stories, and getting to know their sister's better. After a few drinks and reaching a drunken state again, Wendy pulls Hibiki over to the stage, which had been converted to a karaoke type setting. Hibiki, who had never even sung before, decided to put all her faith in her Onee-Sama. They both begin to sing awkwardly on the karaoke machine, eventually getting over their humility and singing to their heart's content. Partying and laughing ensue as the other pair of sisters take their turn as well, massive amounts of clapping ensue as everyone lets go of their insecurities and continues to have as much fun as possible. In the midst of her haze, Wendy's mind rushes through everything she's been through as of late, from being reincarnated, to fighting demons, and meeting the old gods. Her life has begun far more hectic than she'd ever predicted, though it hasn't all been that bad, she wonders if she'll be able to secure more happy and fun nights in the near future like this one, truly only time will tell.


As the girls continued their fun night, Issac was still within the Pope's care, going over the aftermath with Wendy and her battles.


"I see, she's already defeated three opponents, that girl is truly incredible."


"Yes, I agree. Your elegance knows no bounds." The priest responds, looking up at the Pope.


"Issac, I had trusted you to continue caring for the Spirit Goddess. She must be protected at all cost if humanity is to ever have a future."


"Yes, you can count on me… Though I doubt that woman needs anyone to protect her."


"Yes… she is quite strong already isn't she… Do you suppose she might be ready to defeat the others?" Issac takes a moment.


"The sins have attained different forms than from the past, one can only guess if Miss Wendy will have the power to defeat them." The pope responds.


"Yes, I've been informed by the prophets that there have been no appearances thus for the other sins. They must have taken the hint and decided to lay low until they regained their power. With that said, there is another reason I had called upon you here, I would like you to prepare those girls for her appearance."


"Who's appearance?" Issac asks, honestly have no clue who the Pope is referring to.


"One of the Dragon Gods, Bae-Fong. She seems to have taken an interest in this matter, I have been reported that she's making her way to Japan as we speak." Issac is stunned by this, the Wind Dragon Goddess is infamous for not taking any interest in matters outside of her own.


"Miss Bae-Fong? What could she want from Miss Wendy, I wonder...'' Issac mutters in his head before continuing his long conversation with the Pope. They both hope to use this time to better secure tactics for dealing with the incoming threats and ensure the eventual spirit ritual isn't met with any red herrings. As the two men continue their discussion, an ominous figure can be seen lurking within the Vatican's walls. This Figure is a slimy reddish worm that's crawling inconspicuously out of view. This worm disappears into a nearby shadow, transporting itself to a dark red domain, this place is all but empty, with slides of blood coming down from the vast emptiness. A man with a skeletal-horse face is seen standing there, surrounded by a slew of more demonic-looking worms. He grabs onto the newly arrived worm that was eavesdropping on the two gentlemen's conversation.


"I see… So not yet..."