43. Price To Pay
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With an unrelenting force, one of the brawny pirates shoved Viki and her brother into Billy's cabin, their bodies crashing against the wooden floor. The impact stung them physically, but it was the blow to their egos that struck them the hardest. Despite their elevated positions within the gang hierarchy, their newfound status meant nothing aboard "The Blue Whale."

Collecting herself, Viki rose from the floor and directed her gaze ahead, to where the captain stood behind his desk, bathed in the morning light streaming through the windows. His attention seemed fixated on the vast expanse of the sea, immersed in the symphony of crashing waves and creaking wood.

Marco, the stoic bodyguard, maintained his usual post, devoid of any visible emotions as he stared blankly at the opposite wall.

"Why did you want to see us?" Tom inquired, brushing off his shirt with a trace of concealed anger lacing his voice. The slightly soiled new garments, acquired with the proceeds from selling 'Fix,' gave him a bit more mature appearance.

Viki saw them as a poor choice since they weren't really the cleanest people around, and even the slightest blemish would be prominently visible on this kind of attire.

Billy turned around slowly, his gaze falling upon Tom as he regained his footing.

"Are you stupid?" he retorted, his face an amalgamation of anger and surprise.

Reacting swiftly, Viki drove her elbow into her brother's stomach and stepped forward. Tom doubled over, clutching his belly in agony as a low groan escaped his lips.

"We know why we're here," she asserted, mustering her composure. "But I'm not sure what you want us to do."

"You killed the man I placed here for a reason," Billy seethed, his eyebrows furrowing deeper.

"It was an accident," Viki offered in response, suddenly feeling stripped of her authority, reduced to the status of a scolded child.

"In what world is a knife to the skull an accident?"

"He wanted to regain control, and…"

"Cut it!" Billy's voice thundered, filling the cabin. "You killed my guy, and there have to be consequences for that. I can't go easy on you. This is a matter of principle and respect."

Tom attempted to interject, but Viki swiftly intervened, her hand striking the side of his head with force, pushing him aside. Billy disregarded the gesture, directing his unwavering gaze solely at her.

"What's the punishment?" she demanded, her words laced with unwavering determination, akin to a soldier poised to carry out a command. Even her posture underwent a transformation, emanating an aura of steadfast resolve.

Billy didn't respond immediately. He savored the weight of his words, as if relishing each syllable. His gaze briefly flickered to Marco, seeking some form of validation, but the impassive bodyguard remained unresponsive, his body frozen in stoic silence, making Fisher redirect his attention back to Viki.

"From now on, you are part of my crew," he finally declared, the gravity of his pronouncement palpable in the air. "And for your punishment, you will be cleaning the deck. You will be cleaning the FUCKING deck until I can see my reflection in the FUCKING WOOD! Do you understand?!"

"Yes!" Viki's voice erupted, resounding with acceptance and determination.

Both she and Billy turned their gaze toward Tom, who visibly trembled with fear, rendering him mute.

"Y-yes," he managed to squeeze out, his voice strained.

"Now get the fuck out of my cabin and start working!" The pirate dismissively waved his hand at them.

Instinctively, they bowed slightly, their movements akin to servitude, before exiting the cabin, leaving the two men alone. Marco moved his hands, speaking with gestures.

"What? No. I'm not going to hang them...” The captain shook his head. „I know. I fucking know! No... I'll deal with the crew myself. Don't you worry about that."

Marco sighed, assuming his customary position, his eyes fixed on the wall. Billy, observing this, heaved a sigh of his own and turned slowly, peering through the window at the vast expanse of the sea.

"Fuck," he muttered, the word escaping his lips in a mix of frustration and resignation.



Hasib stood behind the princess, positioned near a window where the morning sun filtered in. While the princess wore only her white sleeping robes, he stood fully dressed, holding a comb in his right hand and delicately securing a strand of her hair with his left, preparing to brush it.

From his vantage point, he could catch a glimpse of her reflection in the nearby mirror, resting upon the desk where she performed her beauty rituals. A pure, innocent smile adorned her face.

Striving to emulate her demeanor, he focused solely on the task at hand, pushing away any lingering impure thoughts that surfaced within him. His attention remained fixated on her hair as he meticulously brushed through the strands.

Lost in his careful grooming, Hasib failed to notice the sudden transformation in Hallel's expression. In a fleeting moment, her eyes widened before the innocent smile contorted into a wicked smirk. Abruptly, she spun around, startling him and causing the comb to slip from his grasp.

"Did something happen, princess?" he inquired, his voice laced with concern. His eyes immediately raced towards the item that fell, now laying on the floor.

She offered no reply, instead placing a hand against his chest and forcefully pushing him onto the plush bed. Caught off guard, he stumbled and landed heavily upon the yielding sheets, his breath escaping him in a shocked gasp.

"P-princess..." he stammered, attempting to speak, but his words were stifled when she slowly slipped the shoulder straps of her robe down, one by one, allowing the garment to cascade off her form, revealing her firm breasts with their perky nipples.

The sight before him left Hasib speechless. He gawked in astonishment as she drew nearer, eventually climbing atop him, their lips nearly brushing against each other.

"Do you like what you see?" she purred, her voice taking on a seductive tone.

Even though her voice had shifted, exuding allure, his befuddled mind failed to register the change. Consumed by her physical allure, he remained oblivious to any questions that should have surfaced.

As she continued her descent, he could feel his manhood straining against his pants. She deftly removed his shirt, a collaborative effort hindered by their shared position in the bed. Propping himself up on his elbows, he assisted her in removing the garment.

Once the shirt was cast aside, she gently pushed him back down, flashing a seductive smile as she planted a kiss on his chest. Slowly, her lips trailed lower and lower, tantalizing his skin.

His thoughts became clouded as she reached his pants, leisurely easing them downward while maintaining eye contact. His focus remained steadfast on her face, oblivious to the sudden movement of her hand slipping beneath the mattress. By the time he noticed, it was already too late.

The princess abruptly lunged, causing the silver blade to glint with the rays of the sun before it plunged deep into his chest as she landed upon him once more. The dagger struck a rib before slipping off, piercing his heart.

Hasib gasped in agony, while the princess immediately recoiled, toppling backward and descending into maniacal laughter. The boy struggled to remove the blade, succeeding but failing to staunch the flow of blood gushing from the wound.

Hallel crawled away, landing on her backside before rising to her feet. Meanwhile, her slave, fueled by vengeance, managed to stand upright, clutching the weapon in his hand. He took a step forward, clearly seeking retribution, only to freeze in confusion as her expression abruptly shifted.

The smile vanished, replaced by vacant eyes, as if her essence had vanished, leaving behind only an empty vessel.

Without acknowledging him, she casually retrieved the fallen comb from the floor and strode purposefully to the desk, resuming her hair brushing as if nothing had transpired. Hasib, on the other hand, crumpled onto his side as life gradually ebbed away from his fragile body.