45. Little Rat
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The dim, orange light slowly seeped into the kitchen, casting an ethereal glow on Bruno, who stood between Hadiza, a woman he had just met, and Vere. They awaited the arrival of Bruno's new owner, and he could already discern the sound of her footsteps descending from her room at the pinnacle of the tower.

"What did you want me to see, Vere?" she inquired, her voice carrying a sweet timbre as she entered the chamber. Startled by the unfamiliar face before her, she paused momentarily, her surprise evident.

Bruno quickly assessed her, recognizing her beauty and youth, traits befitting a princess. She donned a dress of delicate blue, cascading down to her shins, accentuated by a plunging neckline designed to captivate any observer.

Aware of his circumstances, the young alchemist heightened his senses, attentively absorbing every detail in his surroundings.

After briefly glancing at the boy, Hallel's gaze shifted to Vere, lingering upon him momentarily before turning to Hadiza. Finally, her eyes returned to the tall man.

"And who is this?" she inquired at last.

"This is Bruno. He will be serving you from now on," Vere explained.

Her curiosity piqued, she pressed further, "And what happened to Hasib? Where has he gone?"

A pregnant pause hung in the air before the tall man responded, his expression inscrutable.

"He yearned to return home, so I granted him permission to leave," he eventually divulged.

The princess appeared momentarily perplexed before dismissing the matter entirely.

"Very well, then," she declared with a smile. With a twirl that set her dress in motion, she swiftly ascended the stairs, disappearing into her room.

The trio remained in silence, waiting patiently until Vere broke the stillness.

"Come with me. I will show you your room," he beckoned, leading the way.

Descending a few steps to a landing where three doors stood, the tall man halted and opened one of them.

"This one is yours," he announced.

Judging by the limited space, it was evident that all three rooms were small, but Bruno's was undoubtedly the smallest. Upon entering, he discovered that the entire area was occupied by a bag filled with hay, serving as makeshift bedding. Positioned near the ceiling was a small window, just within reach if he were to stand on his toes. However, the notion of utilizing it as an escape route was implausible.

Pointing to another door, Vere indicated his own chambers before swiftly returning with a metal collar in his grasp. "Put this on," he commanded.

Bruno accepted the collar but hesitated before encircling it around his neck. A brief exchange of glances with the towering man confirmed that there was no room for negotiation. Reluctantly, he fastened the mechanism, hearing the click of its lock.

"Do not try to remove it or go beyond the walls surrounding this tower. If you do, the collar will end your life," warned the tall man before departing, ascending the stairs.

Unsure whether he was expected to follow, Bruno watched Vere momentarily until the man vanished from sight. With no indication of objection to his absence, the young alchemist proceeded to his modest chamber, seeking rest after an exhausting day filled with arduous training.

He dozed off quickly, awakening at the slightest noise, only to drift back into slumber after vigilant listening. Rising early, he refrained from leaving his room until Vere opened the door, stepping aside to signal that Bruno should exit.

Together, they ascended the stairs and joined Hadiza in the kitchen, where a nourishing meal of porridge and bread awaited. Absent was the presence of the princess, yet to Bruno's surprise, additional individuals made their way to the tower. Adorned in proper attire, a group of maids assisted the elderly woman in preparing significantly more extravagant dishes, likely intended for the royalty residing above.

Completing his meal, Bruno discreetly observed everyone while appearing focused on his food. Soon after, Vere ushered him outside, placing a broom in his hands.

"Sweep the cobblestone and find me when you're finished," he instructed curtly.

The boy merely nodded, clutching the broom tightly as he set to work, all the while attentively monitoring his surroundings. When the tall man vanished inside, the boy cautiously scanned the area, searching for a small object that could serve as a concealed weapon. His eyes landed on fragments of wood from a broken crate, situated beside a cart stacked with intact counterparts.

Slowly approaching, he retrieved a piece, contemplating sharpening it and concealing it within his shoe as a means of self-defense.

He cast frequent glances back at the tower, ensuring that no prying eyes observed his actions. Satisfied that he remained unnoticed, Bruno delved into exploring the contents of the cart. The majority appeared to be provisions, tightly packed bottles nestled amidst hay to prevent breakage. There were an array of grains and spices, though some containers eluded his investigation as their sealed nature and lack of distinct aromas made identification impossible without opening the containers, which undoubtedly would draw somebody’s attention.

Returning to his task, he diligently swept until the call for lunch echoed from the tower window, beckoning him to the kitchen. After hastily consuming his meal, he swiftly returned to complete his duties. The remaining hours of the day granted him freedom, which he elected to spend within the confines of his room. It served a dual purpose—to hone the piece of wood into a sharpened weapon and to distance himself from the tower's inhabitants. Hidden danger lurked among them, and while he possessed some clues pointing towards the princess as the mastermind, he kept an open mind, cautious of unexpected treachery from an unknown source.

Nightfall eventually descended, and after dinner, he retired to sleep with the anxiety of a startled rodent. His makeshift weapon remained within reach, and even in his slumber, his senses remained acutely attuned. The slightest noise would rouse him from rest, prompting attentive listening, each sound dissected with caution. Only when he would assure his safety, he would allow himself to return to slumber.