50. The Gambler
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Bruno quickly discovered that, for some inexplicable reason, he was adapting to his new surroundings with surprising ease. Upon reflection, he realized it was due to a combination of factors. First and foremost, he no longer felt constantly threatened with imminent danger. Additionally, the solitude he experienced played a role in his adjustment.

Most of the time, he found himself alone in the peculiar basement. The occasional sound of Mamun's presence in the corridor could be heard, and maids would appear sporadically to deliver his meals, but that was the extent of his interactions.

With a list of the archmage's desired creations, access to the library, and the necessary ingredients at his disposal, Bruno primarily occupied himself in the small laboratory specially organized for him within one of the five rooms. He became engrossed in his work, leaving little space to plan his escape. After all, he reasoned that planning did not equate to attempting, and he was not overly concerned about defying Mamun's orders, even though doing so could potentially result in his demise. However, even contemplating his options without making any concrete decisions triggered a reaction from the collar, inducing an irritating tingling sensation in his neck.

Thus far, Bruno had encountered numerous obstacles. The collar and its accompanying orders served as the first hurdle, followed closely by the imposing presence of the archmage himself. The maids constituted another challenge, while the lack of a suitable hiding place outside the confines of his current surroundings proved to be the fourth barrier.

Such was the rhythm of his first few days—a blend of dedicated work and strategic contemplation during the limited moments of respite. Armed with his prior knowledge and experience as an apprentice, Bruno quickly acquired the necessary expertise to tackle the tasks on his list. The fruits of his labor began to materialize, and on one particular day, as he put the finishing touches on the last few elixirs, a maid knocked on the door, signaling that his meal was ready.

Bruno's new laboratory was a small and cramped space, filled with an array of equipment. The crystal affixed to the wall provided ample illumination, ensuring he had all the necessary resources at his disposal. Well, almost everything. The absence of a chair proved to be a persistent annoyance, as standing for long stretches of time became increasingly tiresome.

Having completed his work, the young alchemist left the confines of the room and made his way to the dining area. Like the other chambers he had encountered, it was minuscule in size. The same crystal adorned the right wall, accompanied only by a small table and a solitary stool. There was nothing more to it.

Inside, a bowl of porridge awaited him, accompanied by a broken piece of bread roughly the size of his fist. He devoured the meager meal hastily before promptly departing the area.

Normally, Bruno would have returned to the laboratory, but a peculiar noise caught his attention. It was the sound of furniture scraping back and forth, accompanied by an unexpected moan. Intrigued, the boy focused his senses, determined to discover the source of the commotion. The peculiar sounds emanated from the room across the corridor, concealed behind a dark door adorned with golden ivy along the edges. Carefully, he approached and pressed his ear against the wood, straining to listen.

Suddenly, everything became clear. The old man was indisputably engaged in a passionate encounter on the other side. Bruno took a step back, contemplating if this newfound knowledge could be of use to him. While it was undoubtedly valuable information, he concluded that, at the present moment, he couldn't leverage it to his advantage. With that in mind, he returned to the laboratory, making the completion of his work the top priority.

In the following two days, Bruno successfully finished all his tasks. However, it was evident that Mamun desired more from him. seizing an opportunity to potentially impress the archmage with additional elixirs, Bruno opted to delay reporting that everything was ready. It would only require an extra day or two, but it could potentially bolster his standing in Mamun's eyes—a reasonable gamble.

All he needed was one more evening, and the familiar noises returned, acting as a peculiar yet distinct signal. The young alchemist remained vigilant, keeping his ears attuned to the peculiar sounds. Once he ensured the laboratory was in a secure state, he quietly departed, making his way toward the enigmatic dark door.

As he drew closer, the moaning and the screeching of furniture on the stone floor grew louder. Bruno paused for a brief moment to listen intently before swiftly knocking on the door and barging in without waiting for a response. He entered with an air of urgency, panting heavily as if he had rushed to deliver important news.

What he beheld within the room was an awkward sight. The old man stood before him, his robe haphazardly rolled up, pants pooled around his ankles. A maid lay sprawled across the grand, ornate desk, her legs wide open and her dress tossed over her head.

"I came to report that I've finished!" Bruno declared, his voice booming. He quickly stepped back, taken aback by the spectacle before him, and hastily retreated from the room, slamming the door shut behind him.

"Thank you for the report, but I'm busy!" Mamun's voice echoed after him.

A mischievous smile formed on the boy's lips. While he might not have paid attention to every detail in the midst of the awkward situation, his photographic memory had captured every nuance of the chamber.

A magnificent chandelier adorned with glistening crystals hung from a short chain, casting its sparkling glow upon the scene. A luxurious rug on the floor extended up to the edge of the heavy desk, which was cluttered with scattered papers, some of which had fallen to the ground, pushed by the presence of a half-naked maid.

To the right stood a sizable wardrobe, its door securely locked. Bruno speculated that it held not clothing, but rather rare books, ancient scrolls, or even clandestine correspondence.

However, the most captivating feature was an imposing portrait that adorned the wall behind the desk. It depicted Princess Hallel, flawlessly captured on the canvas, albeit slightly aged. She wore a red dress, which was a peculiar difference, as she preferred blue ones.

All this newfound intelligence left Bruno pondering while he made his way back to the laboratory. He knew he would have to apologize to the old man when they next crossed paths, assuring him that the encounter had been nothing more than an accident and vowing that it would never occur again. However, lying came easily to Bruno, and he considered it a small price to pay for the wealth of insights he had gleaned. It shed a significant amount of light on Mamun's potential plans, but the most important was his attraction to the maids.