52. Recovery
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The aftermath of Bruno's action yielded a successful mixture, which he entrusted to one of the maids. Exhausted, he retreated to his room, collapsing onto the bed. For two consecutive days, he slumbered deeply, his head comfortably nestled on the pillow.

When he finally awoke, his bleary eyes caught sight of a girl with twin braids of lustrous, dark hair. She possessed a round face adorned with captivating brown eyes—a countenance unfamiliar to him.

Unbeknownst to her, as she was engrossed in her knitting, afforded him a precious opportunity to observe her closely. In the confined space of the room, she had no choice but to sit right beside his bed.

With hunger gnawing at him and his body too feeble to rise, he continued to scrutinize her, pondering whether her presence stemmed from necessity or simply represented an extension of the old man's entourage.

Various conjectures whirled through his mind. ‘Was it monetary need that brought her here, or perhaps she had no other option?’

"I'm hmf..." he eventually attempted to utter, though even his lips and tongue struggled to cooperate.

His muffled sound caught the girl's attention, instantly triggering a wave of panic. Hastily, she abandoned her work, rushing to assist him in sitting up.

"You are weak. Don't talk. I'll bring you some food. Just stay seated for now," she said.

Surprisingly, she possessed strength belying her petite frame, implying familiarity with arduous labor. Bruno confirmed this as his gaze drifted to her hands, which bore the marks of struggle.

Soon after, she departed, leaving him in his newfound position. Despite his immobilized state, he refused to remain idle. With determination, he attempted to flex his arms and legs, accomplishing some movement. However, the effort also underscored his inability to move independently.

Thus, the decision to wait was imposed upon him.

Before long, the girl returned, cradling a mug in both hands. Wisps of steam emanated from the vessel, indicating the warmth of its contents.

"Drink this," she instructed, offering the mug to Bruno.

As she drew near, she assisted him in taking the mug and securing it in his hands. It contained a thick broth, easily passable through his weakened throat. Slowly, he consumed every drop, and the girl gently guided him back into bed.

"Rest," she advised. "You need more rest."

Shortly after, he drifted back to sleep.

When he awoke for the second time, a modicum of strength had returned to his body, enabling him to sit up. The girl remained faithfully by his side, knitting. With immediate concern, she set aside her work to aid him.

"I'm hungry," he managed to utter, though each word required painstaking effort.

"I'll bring you something to eat," she reassured him.

Before long, she departed, returning swiftly with a bowl and a wooden spoon protruding from it. Despite his attempt to feed himself, she took over the task, gently guiding the nourishing sustenance into his mouth. Once Bruno had finished, a yearning to leave the confines of his room overcame him. With her assistance, he managed to stand, discovering a renewed vigor and vitality coursing through his veins. Curiosity piqued, he couldn't help but wonder about the contents of the food he had ingested. Despite intermittent bouts of dizziness, he could now walk with minimal assistance.

His appearance in the corridor caught the attention of Mamun, who at the moment emerged from his mysterious laboratory bidden behind the massive slab of a door.

"I see you've improved," the archmage remarked. "Excellent. I evaluated the elixir you created—remarkable work, I must say. It's not just good... It's better than good. A substantial enhancement to the recipe."

He paused momentarily, resuming before Bruno had the chance to interject.

"I've also perused your notes. You had some brilliant ideas. Surprisingly talented... You weren't lying when you claimed to be the smartest one. Truly, you were. I regret not buying you in the first place. Thet fool Nirav…,” he shook his head. „It even leads me to question if your original purpose for coming here was the right one. Perhaps... We shall see... Yes... I think…"

Clearly engrossed in deep contemplation, Mamun's focus narrowed on his thoughts. The boy remained silent, patiently awaiting the old man's decision.

"I want you to undertake something. Something more challenging than the previous project you completed for me. However, first, you must regain your strength. Rest, and when you're ready, we shall discuss the details."

"Is it alchemy?" Bruno finally inquired.

"Yes," confirmed Mamun. "This time, though, take your time. Don't rush it... Oh, and since you fulfilled your end of the agreement, you may ask for something in return."

"Is leaving this place as a free man an option?" the boy asked, almost instinctively, though deep down he suspected the answer.

Those words elicited a chuckle from the old man.

"No," he replied, a smile lingering on his face. „And I believe you knew this even before asking.”

The boy slowly nodded, confirming the accusation. "Then I will need to consider my request."

"You have plenty of time," Mamun said. "No need to rush. Recover, and we shall continue this conversation at another time."

As his attention shifted from the boy to the maid, he issued his instructions.

"Take him to his room, keep a watchful eye on him. Ensure he is well-fed and cared for. This boy is a valuable asset. He needs to regain his strength as soon as possible."

In response, the girl bowed, then gently clasped Bruno's arm.

"Let's go," she whispered to him.

He offered no resistance, for his mind was already consumed with thoughts of what he should ask for. Numerous ideas swirled, yet none captured his attention more than the others.

Before he knew it, he found himself back in bed, the girl by his side, knitting with a contented smile, but he didn’t pay much attention to her. The question of what to ask for needed an answer. An answer which would move him closer to freedom, and finding it required a lot of thought, so that’s what he focused his mind on.