Episode 3: Black Siren (1/3)
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⌖⨊ Tatsuki Rize ⨞⋅

I know I must be the weirdest character you’ve ever met. But hold on to your horses and don’t panic. Let me tell you a little bit about myself.

I am a reincarnator.

I was formally known as Reese Rine, the daughter of Viscount Lukas. The first world I lived in was that of swords and magic.

In my second life, I was born on Earth, a world of smartphones and social media. My parents were Shiro Tatsuki and Rika Kobayashi. Most of you reading this should be familiar with this universe.

It was early in the morning, the cafe I managed was filled with the aromatic scent of coffee.


The college girl who had just walked in, her hair was blonde, and eyes a hazy blue. She studied the chalkboard menu behind me.

Then turning to me, she ordered.

“Can I have the Coffee Latte?”

“Would you like anything else…?”

I don’t remember the price exactly, but I think a latte was 800 yen? She didn’t order any confectionaries.

She took a seat right by the counter. Her eyes observed me as I brewed her drink. Showing from her creased brows, she looked fed up about something.

She was the only customer I had at the moment, so I asked.

“Are you troubled by something?”


“Are you troubled by something?”

I repeated.

Having lived through what people would consider a ‘fantasy world’, I realised that the biggest difference between modern and mediaeval culture was that modern people were all pretty confined to their heads. The only things that dominated their minds were things like money and influence. Relationships were secondary while material gains reigned despite complete abundance.

Who knew peaceful humanity could be this sickening.

“Yeah. About stuff.”


I added milk and then placed the coffee in front of her with the receipt.

“Life sucks when no one understands you.”



“Did you get into a fight by any chance?”

“I wouldn’t say I did.”

“Your boyfriend?”

“No. Family.”


There was a peculiar sense of longing as a child towards their parents. They wished to be understood, recognized and loved.

While I did receive the recognition and love I had always yearned for from a parental figure, I was never really understood.

“I think I can sympathise somewhat. So, what’s up with your family?”

I learnt a lot about modern culture and philosophy from this second world.

Politics and technology vastly differed from what I knew in my first life. People were a lot more wimpy, and the sheer quantity and quality of entertainment you could find here would make you question life itself.

With so much to do and an infinite array of information on demand, I found myself lost in my pursuits. For a period in my existence, I became a cog in this cursed civilization. There were many moments where I questioned life itself, which was funny considering how I’ve already lived a life prior to this one.

It wasn’t the easiest thing to reflect about ‘meaning’ in such a distorted world, but at some point in time I made a vow to stop chasing.

Ever since that first visit, EunHa would stop by the shop to have a drink. Most of the time alone, sometimes in a group.

And from those visits, we became close friends.

Until she just stopped coming one day.

And just like that, she became a memory of someone important buried deep in my mind.

I passed away from a natural death in the second world.

And woke up after death into my third world.

2nd Eden.

Set 138 Origin years after the fourth-dimensional calamity known as the ‘Second Revelation’. A national-scale isekai.

◃⊰⊱. ϕ⊹ ⋈⊶⌖⊹⊰⊱▹

◬ Origin Year 138, 22nd of Hana.

The medical officer passed two filed documents over to me.

“It’s rare seeing you gloomy.”

“Do I look gloomy?”

Maybe it shows on my face? I wouldn’t be surprised if someone said I was a little prickly these past few days.

“You saved many of us, we’re grateful. So I’d appreciate it if you take time to look after yourself. ”

Now that’s embarrassing. People see me as a war hero now.

“Will do! Thank you doctor!”


A fourth of Fortress 13 had become Swiss cheese, much of the interior fell into ruin. Most of the damage we owe to Mr. Giant Kraken fingers that turned reinforced concrete into playdough.

Approximately 40 percent of all soldiers died in battle, which was quite a conservative number for a Category 5 Cloud Hive. The rest were either not injured, in a critical state or bordering death.

Leaving the mortuary office with the files in hand, I trudged all the way to the other side of the Fortress, climbing a few flights of stairs, and then went back in the same direction from a different floor.

…All to reach papa’s office.

I could’ve taken the shorter route if not for the ‘Warning: repair in progress’ sign that blocked the entrance to one of the stairs.

“I’m here papa.”


I was polite this time and knocked before entering.

Papa was alone, sitting at his desk looking through papers. I laid the two files on the desk.

Contained within are the certified death certificate and report of the deceased.

One was Ms. Lili’s file.

The other one was EunHa’s.

“Are you doing okay these days?”

Instead of the file, he looked at me and asked.

“I’m doing my best to cope with it.”

Ms. Lili’s death was the most recent loss of someone I loved. While I knew emotionally how to manage myself in these trying times, I just couldn’t get used to the feeling of emptiness that accompanied it.

I didn’t have a mother in this life, but Ms. Lili felt like one to me. She was caring, upright, and strict at times, but always warm and cosy. She was the person whom I turned to whenever I wanted to bully papa or chat about girl problems.

Now that she’s gone, I feel like I’ve lost a part of myself.

The world felt lonelier without her around.

By the way, we found out a day after the incident that the bullet wound was inflicted by Sergeant Suzuki. He came to us and confessed his crime.

Since it wasn’t ‘on purpose’, we couldn’t really blame him. Ms. Lili played a part in her own death too.

Anyhow, he was immediately kicked out of our company. He’ll be transferred to some other team in due time.

“How about you papa? Are you alright?”

“I can’t say I am.”

He sighed deeply.

Ms. Lili’s death also meant a loss of important talent. She was the one in charge of documentation affairs, and the management of younger privates. He had to fill in her spot temporarily until someone else joined the squad.

I wrapped my arms around his neck.

“Did you cry?”

“I did not.”

“I did though.”

There was nothing wrong with mourning for someone you love. Much better than putting up a front saying everything is fine when it isn’t.

He touched my head. I shook his hand off and pulled away.

“Papa—no. First Sergeant Hai. I have a request.”

“What is it, Rize-chan?”

He turned to me and looked at me straight in the face. I took a deep breath.

“Let me resign from the squad.”

I’ve made my decision.

◃⊰⊱ϑ⊹ ⨞⋅⫝⫘⌖ ⊹⊰⊱▹

◬ Origin Year 138, 14th of Hana.

Around two weeks ago, our squad received a weird mission from the high court of the Third Stratum.

It was to ensure the death of a ‘cursed girl’ within a stipulated time.

With all things considered, we couldn’t refuse the order because it was endorsed by influential people and stuff. Even the super popular War Saint had her name on it.

Who was this ‘cursed girl’? It got me curious.

So when Ms. Lili brought her to the meeting room in Fortress 13, I received the shock of my life.

Bubbly pearl blonde hair and cerulean blue eyes that looked as if they came straight out of a fairytale.

I actually knew this girl! Vaguely, though, since it had been decades since I last saw her.

She’d probably win Miss Universe for Korea if only she would smile. That’s how great of an impression I have of her. Which was why I couldn’t believe they were sending her to the gallows!

“I have been notified of the order. But I can’t help but be curious about your decision.”

“It should’ve been summarised sufficiently inside the reports.”

Just what kind of situation did she end up in to develop such a depressing mindset?

“The report alone didn’t mention anything about why this is a good decision. Care to explain yourself?”

“No. If I don’t die within this one week. You must kill me.”

Out of curiosity or otherwise…

“Can I become her executioner instead of First Sergeant?”

I decided that I would investigate this girl. Having lived so long, it had been forever since I last saw someone so eager to die.

“It’s up to her to decide.”

“Really? Then EunHa, can I be your executioner?”

I turned to her. She looked doubtful.

“Please, please! I’ll make sure you have a painless death… or maybe a painful death, if that’s what you want. I’m a pro at this, trust me, I have a lot of experience in torturing—geh.”

Scrap that. I’ll completely brainwash her and dig out her deepest, darkest secrets!

◃⊰⊱⊹. ⊹⌖Ω ⩏⊹ϑ ⊰⊱▹

They say to conquer the mind you must first conquer the stomach.

“What do you think Cinnamon?”

Snap. Snap.

Needs more sugar huh?

I added a little more coarse sugar into the sauce.

Cinnamon is my pet sky turtle. I picked him up from the Zeroth Stratum during a data collection mission a few years ago by chance. He thought my hair was jellyfish and clung to me.

True story you know?

Anyways, Cinnamon is cute. We’ve been together for about 4 years now and he’s grown so much since we first became pals. From the size of a golf ball to now my whole palm.

Anyways. Focus on the food.

Salmon with sweet-sour teriyaki sauce.

The grilling salmon was taken off the searing pan and plated.

“Rize-sama, what are you cooking? It smells good.”

Sato LieZi, a chef and friend, peeked over the counter. She’s someone who alway goofs off during work time, especially when I’m around.

“Grilled salmon in teriyaki sauce.”

“Wow. That looks delish.”

Even if saliva drips from your mouth, you ain’t having this.

But I can make another set for you if you’re insistent.

“You’re not making this for yourself, aren’t you?”

“I’m making this for a guest.”



“I wonder who that is…”

“She’s a very special guest.”

“I’m jealous, she gets to eat your cooking…”

Yup. You should be.

“Oh yeah, how long is your stay here in the fortress?”


Until EunHa dies? I can’t say that, can I now?

“I’m not sure. We’re here on a mission to take care of that guest I mentioned.”

She nodded contemplatively.

“Oi! Sato-chan! Stop slacking and get your sorry ass over here! We’ve got work to do!”

The head chef yelled.

“Hikh! Roger that s-sir! Sorry Rize-sama, I gotta go!”

“Good luck!”

“Yes thank you!”

Wherever, and however dire humanity’s situation may be, good food was an indispensable essential in one’s life.

◃⊰⊱ϑ⊹ ⨞⋅⫝⫘⌖ ⊹⊰⊱▹

“Here’s your dinner.”

EunHa stared at the dish I made.

Was she stunned by how beautifully I plated the salmon? Or was she moved to tears by the service? It’s got to be either one of them right?

“I can’t believe they even hired a chef to cook for you. Crazy. Who are you exactly?”

That chef is me!

“…Someone who deserves to die.”

She said…what?

I didn’t mean the question literally.

“Do you want me to accompany you?”

Concerned for her well-being I asked.

“No. I can eat it myself.”

She insisted on independence. Hm…

“Be careful alright. I couldn’t find a blunt knife in the kitchen so I can only give you this one.”

She kept staring at the pointy sharp knife.

Should I have given a butter knife instead? That would’ve made the set look weird though?


I was pretty certain by this point that this EunHa didn’t have memories of her past life.

This could mean one of two things.

First was that this EunHa wasn’t EunHa. She was a doppelganger. Or, second, she’s the real one but she just doesn’t have her memories.

Since I can never figure out which one is true, I’ll just make up a third assumption.

She’s the EunHa of this dimension. Simple.

After making and serving dinner, I was called to papa’s office.

A big man with a dependable aura to his presence—First Sergeant Hai Aki, or as I would call him: papa. He sat with his spine straight, his fingers interlaced.

“Rize-chan, I don’t know what kind of situation this is, but avoid getting too close to her. We don’t know what kind of trouble we’d get ourselves into if we’re not careful.”

“Uwe, but I’m her executioner, don’t I decide how I look out for my prisoner?”

“I understand that you have the greatest authority over her at the moment, but… no. Let me clarify. I’m concerned about your safety. The information about her is unusual.”

He took something out from underneath the desk. A thick file.

“I think it’s best if you read this.”

“What’s this?”

“Don’t tell anyone I allowed you to.”

He allowed me the privilege to read the confidential document which would have otherwise been illegal.

The first thing on the headlines…

“She stabbed her fiance?”

Only an insane person would do something like that.

Then proceeding, I read reports on the Battle of Horyuji and Jeonju among other missions. Instead of a curse, I’d argue that the people who died were just unlucky.

“…I feel like she’s been super lucky to survive so many near-death experiences.”

Should you even call this a curse?

There was a part where they compared mission data from normal engagements and those she was engaged with. Clearly, the statistics showed some harrowing discrepancies.

Thanks to some unfair survivorship luck, and potential disaster magnetism, she always finds herself in missions that were just a tad too dangerous. Likely, monikers like The One Who Heralded Death and The Devil owed themselves to these unlucky encounters.

“As a disaster magnet myself, it seems I have attracted another disaster magnet in need of babysitting.”

I muttered.

I can’t believe the EunHa of this world experienced so much cruelty.

“The one we need to babysit isn’t her, it’s you.”

“Wha! That’s mean! I’m not a kid that needs your constant complaining you know?”

“Then act like an adult and prove me wrong.”

“Uwa! Papa I hate you!”

He wasn’t wrong. I’m only 12 years old.


That night when I snuck into EunHa’s room to secretly retrieve the cart and plate, I saw her still awake.

I smelled something familiar, and there was a striking red colour in the dark which painted her hands.

It took me I think a full two seconds to realise what she was doing. It took her way longer to notice me.

In normal cases, I wouldn’t even bat an eye at someone killing themselves. I’ve witnessed enough to become desensitised of such things.

But this person was… my prisoner. And I decided that it was unacceptable to do something like that.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

I grabbed her before she lowered the knife onto her skin. She turned to me like a broken doll. A gloomy glaze shadowed her normally bright eyes.

“How long have you been doing this?”

I’m angry.

◃⊰⊱. ϕ⊹ ⋈⊶⌖⊹⊰⊱▹

◬ Origin Year 138, 15nd of Hana.

“All units prepare for battle. Category 2 Hive, bearing 293 degrees from the bow, engagement in 30 minutes. General composition: lesser demonica and Colossal-class demonica of Short Whales and Bloodfin Orcas. No sentient-class, the possibility of swarm-class demonica is unconfirmed. I repeat. All units prepare for battle. Category 2 Hive bearing 293 degrees…”

Oh, here comes a Cloud Hive.

I was sulking on the veranda overlooking the sky wharf. The soldiers scampered like ants that found honey ever since the loud siren came on.

“Looks like I have to get to work. What are you going to do?”

Mr. Chen stretched from the railing and turned towards me.

I groaned, dropping my head.

“I don’t know. EunHa doesn’t want me.”

She abandoned me for Ms. Lili!

“Come on, she’s probably just sensitive because her life is coming to an end.”

“That’s the problem! Can’t she at least be happy about that! Making that pathetic expression saying that ‘she has to’, ‘she has no choice’, ‘she must’. Why can’t she just cry when she needs to? Why can’t she just admit her pain? Why can’t she just accept that she’s the victim of it all? Like seriously, who does she think she is?”

“Aiy, aiy. I heard ya captain.”

Yup. I came to Mr. Chen to bad mouth EunHa.

She chose Ms. Lili over me.

Even though I was being so nice to her!

Snap. Snap.

Cinnamon the turtle bit my hair.


“Sorry Rize-chan, I really have to get going. Since you’re so concerned, how about you go find her and maybe talk it out?”

“Good idea!”

Mr. Chen rolled his eyes at my response…

What did I ever do to you to earn that reaction?

Leaving our secret spot, I first went to Ms. Lili’s office.

It was empty. So I made my way to EunHa’s room.

It was also empty.


Where could they be?

I made my way to the base floor. The soldiers were busy moving. I asked those that I knew were part of our company if they saw Ms. Lili anywhere.

“Staff Sergeant Chu? I saw her walk right by here a minute ago.”

“She went there.”

“Sorry, I didn’t notice where she went, but maybe to the command centre?”

“Rize-chan, who are you looking for?”

Finding Ms. Lili and EunHa was like a dynamic treasure hunt.

“Oh yeah. I saw her twice. The second time, the girl wasn’t with her anymore.”


The first bombardment ensued, and the sounds of gunfire ruptured through the air. In that instant, I realised where she could be—the battlefield.

Was she really going to commit suicide like that?!

I’ve got to stop her!


“Ms. Lili!”


“Where’s EunHa!?”

“That’s what I’m trying to figure out too!”

I found Ms. Lili at the western side’s fifth line of defence. She too, like me, was trying to find EunHa. We asked around the soldiers if they had seen a girl wearing a dress and holding a gun.

Like, there’s no way someone like that wouldn’t stand out when everyone else wore a proper uniform.

“I’ve searched the southern and western border. I haven’t seen her.”

“How about northwest?”

“I haven’t gone there.”

“Then I’ll look northwest.”

The Cloud Hive was coming in at bearing 293∘, which means the most battle-dense region would be there.

Short Whales, Bloodfin Orcas, Beak Octopus, Jawfish, Drifter Jellyfish—they covered the sky like soot blocking out the sun.


Ms. Lili shouted, pointing at the girl fighting in the air—holy smokes! I thought the report was a lie but she can actually fly?!

Demonica swarmed her like candy, creating something like a tornado where she alone was the eye.

From the gaps in between the busy swarm, I saw her fall painfully onto the deck. Many soldiers were using the opening she created to strike down as many demonica as they could.

“I’ll go bring her in!”

“Be careful!”

Wind Magic, Acceleration!

A light green glow covered my body as my body zipped through the battlefield at a breakneck speed.

The blue spark created at the base of the gun at each fire, bullets that scattered a trail of cold air behind, the splattering of bloody guts everywhere.

I observed as the world’s time slowed in my eyes.

A Bloodfin Orca’s jaws wide open, no more than a few metres away from EunHa.

I didn’t have the time to grab a gun or sword from my shadow storage or anything of that sort.

And even if I did, it could barely do anything to change its forward momentum.

The fastest available move was using magic.

Flame magic? No, I need something that would blow it away.

Wind magic was impossible.

Earth magic would be too slow.

My shadow magic isn’t strong enough to swallow an entire human being.

Well, so be it.

Enchantment, Reinforcement Magic! Wind Magic, Acceleration, Double-time!

Piercing through the horde. I arrived before the monster and—


Literally threw my entire body at it.

I felt something snap.