Chapter 36: Transparency
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Darkness vailed the sky and heavy pressure descended from the heavens, the air tightened around the venue and everyone stood with heavy oppressive weight upon them.

“Hump” A soft voice was heard throughout as a large burst of light spread from the stage of the venue.

The brilliant beam of light was propelled into the sky and came into contact with the “dark sky”, breaking through as it easily shattered like glass.

The light spread out across the sky illuminating the venue and dispersing the darkness that had encased the whole area showing the clear sky in the air that had not been visible before.

Everyone’s gaze was at where the light had come from, they looked towards the corner of the stage where the first organizer Lu Yung was standing with shocked expressions as all of them knew that no Soul Wondering cultivator was able to do that.

The venue became quite as they all started making their own assumptions of her with those that were perceptible knowing that she was not the cause of that light.

Everyone suddenly started looking up with worried expressions, the darkness may have been lifted but the pressure had still remained on everyone that was on the ground, a pressure that seemed to be building up in momentum as it made every individual’s heart sink in.


A cracking noise was heard in the sky as it began to open up or rather to crack down before slowly making a makeshift large gate that led into the void.

Nothingness, oppressive currents were weaving inside of it threatening to destroy any spiritual activity thus making it impossible for anyone to dare set foot inside.

And yet within that nothingness seemed to be activity, a large carriage like shuttle with no mount was slowly coming through the ‘gate’ with its size being hundreds of meters across as it brought its front through the gate.

It was giving off a strong presence that seemed to be blocking off any spiritual consciousness from scanning it.

A small door was opened from its front wherein came a large group of cultivators that stormed out before forming two parallel lines in front of the door.

Each of them were wearing armor from head to toe and carrying a variety of weaponry with them, however most of them seemed to be releasing aura of the soul wondering realm, a difficult realm that would make any single cultivator be able to form their own sect and yet here they were lined up like harden warriors.

The crowd below was shell shocked when they saw the events that were unfolding before their eyes.

the imposing line of roughly 100 cultivators were the least of their concerns as the massive shuttle that was radiating strong presence was more alarming.

It was releasing power comparable to a Nascent Soul cultivator.




Heavy footsteps were heard as a silhouette emerged from the carriage to reveal a young man not even thirty years old.

With a head full of long white hair he adorned a gold robe that glowed from the constant outflow of his spiritual energy.

It seems to be both absorbing his qi and hiding his realm from any perceiving gaze at the same time, he had an unusual aura around him that was seemingly covered up by his arrogant eyes.

Floating along with him on his sides were two voluptuous women that had on revealing robes, they had no spiritual energy, but it was evident that they were not ordinary people.

Behind them was a patch of space that seemed to be bending every time they moved, their figures were slim and they walked with a grace that could put even the most prestigious of dancers to shame.

Every man would be gazing at their figure in lustrous detail if they were not all looking at the giant figure behind the trio.

A massive figure was slowly walking behind them from the side, he was adorned from head to toe with armor and walked alongside them as if he was on the ground.

With clear impacts of his heavy steps being heard throughout the quiet venue, everyone’s eyes were focused onto him as he seemed to be emitting a strange presence of a Nascent Soul cultivator.

The young man in front noticed the stares and ‘stepped’ forward a couple feet before shouting in a loud and dominating voice.

“I demand that you bring forward your sect’s highest authority” As the young man said this, the area seemed to vibrate as his voice echoed throughout.

The pressure that was upon everyone’s heart was intensified as waves of suppressive force descended from the massive armored giant into the surrounding atmosphere.

A burst of light appeared once more from the stage as the suppressive force was lifted from the area, while an equally potent force was released from the light as it aimed toward the young man who had just demanded with his voice.

But the force did not travel fast before it was snuffed out by the massive figure behind the young man as it stepped forward in front of the young man.

The young man had on a shocked face while this was happening, he looked at the light as his expression quickly changed from shock to a face full of anger and disdain.

He spoke once more. “I will not take such humiliation, who do you think you are, come out”

“That’s what you should be answering yourself” a female voice said from the brilliant light which ceased to reveal from it a figure that slowly floated up.

The mesmerizing figure of a woman that looked a lot like the organizer Yu Yung was facing the sky.

She was wearing a luxurious robe that shimmered with a silver shine all around her while behind her was a small white sphere that was shimmering with white qi.

The woman looked up into the sky with a slight worry in her eyes, and yet it the arrogance that the young man in front of her was displaying seemed to have gotten under her skin as she carried herself with an annoyed demeanor.

“A woman?” The young man laughed as he looked at her with distain in his eyes, unaffected by her words, he carefully looked at her face before laughing again.

He continued “What do I think I am?, I think that I can do whatever I want and so what can you do about it, I should have you killed for that but seeing as I need a few more bed warmers, I allow you to join my harem” He put up his right hand in an inviting gesture with laughter in his voice as he spoke.

“Hump” the woman snorted with rage in her voice as her eyes glazed over in coldness while the small white sphere floating behind her began to quiver before slowly sinking into her back.

Clouds gathered around the sky while thunder roared in the backgrounds, everything lost their meaning while a brilliant light became the center of attention.

The wind howled and whipped around the venue as the brilliant light ceased to reveal it it’s stead something else.

Floating at about three meters high was the mesmerizing woman in an ethereal white dress.

Her long, jet black hair rippled around her in the wind, revealing her graceful features, features that would be more appreciated if they were not transparent.

The crowd below gasped at the sight in front of them, the woman’s whole body was transparent and seemed to be in another dimension altogether.

Seeing this the young man stood unfettered with a hint of amusement in his eyes.

He looked towards a certain spot In the sky before he shook his head in disappointment, pointing a finger towards the woman.

his arrogance not the slightest bit diminished as he spoke with anger in his voice.

“It’s a pity that you rejected my goodwill and any act of rejection towards me is offensive, sentinel bring her here”


The massive armored giant didn’t utter a single word as it’s body suddenly began to glow in red.

Massive energy was released as it raised one of it’s massive hand in the air, following which a portion of his hand became transparent as it clawed towards the woman.

For a moment, space shook as a massive transparent hand appeared in front of the woman.

It opened up its fingers to grasp her into it’s grip all the while releasing a loud roaring sound like thunder that echoed throughout the area.

The crowd below could hardly make out what happened through their spiritual consciousness as they suddenly heard a loud booming sound echo across the venue causing the elders to grunt in pain and the disciples to pass out in shock.

“Ugh” Lu Yung, the former organizer next to the stage felt her heart beat quicken as she began to worry for the woman in the sky.

Just the sound produced from an attack that was not even directed towards her was causing her ears to hurt.

She looked up in the sky while clenching her fists in worry, her grandmaster was going to be facing against the attack in full force with no support.

Up in the sky the small figure in front of the massive hand had not even moved. she looked unfazed as her pupils glowed silver before she waved her hand in a swiping motion.

The swipe, while small resulted in an invisible force meeting the hand that was just a few inches away from her.


The sky became white for a moment as the two forces connected, the large hand that seemed to encompass the woman was instantly obliterated as the force from the blast continued on its trajectory, headed towards the massive armored giant.


The massive armored giant shook and rumbled for a moment before it too was suddenly thrown back.

It’s body moving a few steps back as it stamped its foot in the air stopping right before the young man with the arrogant smile.

You” uttered the young man, his long white hair blowing back in the wind revealing a handsome face, framed by an intricate tattoo next to his ears.

His eyes flashed dangerously as he looked at the massive armored giant before him, turning his gaze towards the woman he laughed out loud before licking his lips.

“an interesting thing, aren’t you, my sentinel usually doesn’t require any move after that, but today I get to witness more, you shall suffer for making me feel shame woman”

Showing sharp teeths his voice became deep as he menacingly glared at the woman with contempt in his eyes before tapping gently on the massive armored giant.

“Use all your strength”

The quiet giant finally let out a noise as it raised its head in the air and roared with frightening intensity as it marched towards the woman.

It’s heavy armor creaking with each step as it moved through the air with its massive body releasing newfound energy.

With each step that it takes it’s body began to slowly become transparent, until eventually it’s whole body became see-through.

It released maddening aura as its qi whipped in the atmosphere causing pressure to flow downward.

raising its hand in the air it gathered energy from the surroundings as it harnessed it into two big gauntlets that appeared on its hand, appearing in front of the woman it punched with a hand that was transparent yet carried enormous force.

It caused the space between to tighten as wind compressed around it’s target, stopping with any movement throughout the area.

The woman seeing all this finally became serious about this confrontation.

She closed her eyes and placing her hands in front of her as she gathered her qi and concentrated it towards her head before opening her eyes again.

Her eyes now blazing silver suddenly released an intense wave of force which clashed with the giant’s punch and created an explosive shockwave that rocked the entire area.

It caused the entire venue to shake as the shockwave boiled in the air before dissipating.

When it cleared, the crowd below were dumbfounded as they saw that through their spiritual consciousness, the woman had been propelled several dozen miles away in an instant before finally colliding with a mountain in the distance.

It created a huge crater that replaced the entire mountaintop.


That was all it took for the crowd on the venue to react as they stared in disbelief at the spectacle before their eyes, they could not understanding the difference between the individuals in this realm that had opened itself up today.

“Hahaha “ laughter reverberated through the air as the young man began to laugh cynically as he shook his head in a mocking manner.

Looking towards the crowd below he said,”You fools truly haven't seen the strength of experts but it’s to be expected from a backwater place like this”

“Go get her sentinel” he ordered as the giant acknowledged with a nod as it’s transparent body suddenly morphed into a huge fiery ball that dashed into the distance moving through miles in an instant.

“Now then” the young man said as he turned his head towards the sky towards a specific spot in the air

“i will not repeat myself, show yourselves you cowards, do you think that I Di Luan can’t tell who is peeking towards me” he smiled as he said this with an air of provocation and distain in his voice clearly seeing everyone as beneath him.