Chapter 27: Welp!
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What's this? 

“These mortals are like backyard weeds, a pain to deal with and yet so overrated.”  

It was a simple battle that took many lives, yet to her, it was nothing. Mortals came and went, just another figment of existence. 


Her eyes trailed across the scenery in front of her, nothing but rubble and blood. The sky was still bright but a little more dusk looking. A land facing two Suns. A heat that burned everything.

Looking around at the disarray with a thousand bodies lay strewn across the bloody battlefield, a sense of fear was emanating from the survivors. The smell was horrendous and disgusting, rotting flesh with durian cut up on it.  










Whom could it be? 






“Hey girl.....its me “. 



“You know, its me your boss....Just came to say that I love your work.....I mean you went against what I told you....But likeeee Whatever right, just fix everything and find me that fucking goat”. 


“Master....My Lord, Im truly sorry if I seemed to have went against your orders....I did the best I could. Please give me a chance to prove myself. I'll flay myself alive if you ask”. 


“Really, because everyone’s dead, your orders were very clear. But you didn’t listen, Hahahah! Seriously, you had clear orders.......Should I erase you.....Tear you limb by limb ................Goat-man was right there!!! AhahAha....should I just …...” 

“Just what? My Lord?” 

“Well obviously...Kill everyone! Erase everything! There is no need for failure!!”. 


Lithia’s thoughts were in disarray, she was able to tell that the Master had become strange, because previously, the Master never spoke to her in anyway. Only meaning was convened, images of persons and feeling attached. It was difficult to go along with that. But she was able to figure something out from it. 

A feeling of hate and death pointed towards a mortal. A furry one. 


But now, she has heard her Creator’s voice. Something she has never been aware or even contemplative of.  


‘The hell is going on.....did the Master watch everything, then why was I not stopped?’. 

“I watched everything” 

“Then what do you want to do?” 

“First find the goat-man". 


“Then chop his head off?”. 


“Your a witch aren't you!! Do something witch like! Find him?!”. 

“ do know that there are other gods around, right?”. 

"The fuck you talking....other gods? Seriously your crazy as hell....Just do your damn job?!!!" 


It was a problem...The minute I saw it, the entire game plan changed. 


The Master should have already seen the Spell Denial around the area...I count around 20 gods holding this place hostage.....Blocking Oversight......Denying certain Spells that might interfere from being cast. 

‘Honestly its nothing......But'. 

If I overwhelm by sheer force... the backlash would force the nearby asteroid belt next door, to crash upon this planet! 

These damn gods...No damn insects! How dare they oppose me! 

The Master! The Creator! The Lawgiver! This is his DOMAIN! 

To fuck over the Master!.....These pretentious shitwads....Time for these parastic trash to undertsand something...The Master allows them  to exist because of his kindness!!They have no power to say no or otherwise! 

‘Great Heavens , Give hope to the worthless and damn thy nameless. Let Evil reign, let good sunder, and please to your hearts content.Should all those who stand in your way, please make them scream,scream, scream , and scream....For the spirits of the trees and seas that walk on solid sky, give hope to the damned and spite to all those in the mud!’ 

‘Make the evildoers scream in all four corners, with blood and rage covering the land...With my Hellish hate, please begin the Sundering.’ 

‘Open....Outer Control, Forbidden Sight: Twilight of the Gods!’ 






The Realm of Yaphe and Talos. 

Two gods watched the battle scene. 


The Dragon God of Strength and Fortitude, standing against the mindless evil from beyond the veil of Valak. 

 Jelly Tree God and the Patron Deity of Fubar, many names were given and taken from the Jellyfish Invader of Tsark. But a name even the mortals who worship him below has become normative. 


“The hell is with that bitch”. 

“Is her...She walks now among us....Her name is Lithia, Goddess of the night, she-”. 

“Mhmmm? she an invader god, from beyond this planet....Possibly a visitor beyond the stretches of Tsark”. 

“She’s from a wouldn’t believe it....All I know about her is that she is dangerous beyond anything possible”. 

“Well... too late....A bunch of gods went to teach her some manners”. 

“They will die”. 

Bout turns in wonder. 

The idea of god-killing isn’t abnormal...But, to actually kill a god, full erasure of existence would be needed. And that was impossible. 

Because it would take powers that might shake the fragile world. Maybe, even force it off its orbit, towards death in the cold or flames raining against the Sun. 

“Do you question the powers of us Gods?”. 

The Bright skies shook with unbelievable ferocity. 

The shaking grew and grew. 

But, the two gods just stood there, not a flicker in emotion. 

Suddenly, the sky parted, and a foot was put forth. 

The form that came forth was shining in the highest intensity. 

The lightform had many eyes and mouths. 

A strange malformation of things, no real image of its form could ever be more descriptive. 

“Goddess of Order and Heaven, Tarnianolourous Aygan”. 

“As do you Bout and Daion”. 

She turned her many eyes toward Daion 

“I overheard you...Please continue”. 

Daion looked sheepishly from Bout and Aygan, sighing with resignation. 

He began to relay the story. 

As he spoke, he dared not look the Goddess in the eye. The entire gist of the story might actually cause her to smack him across the universe. 

But looked in yawning interest, the story wasn’t interesting.... 

But when Daion mentions dark energies that beguiled the norm, Bout tenses up instantly. 

The gears turned inside his head with lightspeed, plans and ideas churned instantly without even a flicker of change for his outside view. 

“So, you believe in this Kut and this strange theory”. 

“Theories...a theory is a-”. 

“I don’t give a damn! Are you sure you weren't tricked!”. 

