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“So… I’m gonna be honest, I don’t really care about the whole situation with the humans.” Sloth was characteristically bored as she spoke, letting out frequent yawns as she spoke. She was still in her pajamas, a nightcap on her head. “So what if they all really like you up there? I don’t really get the point, more worship just means more responsibilities.”

Pride didn’t respond. The phallic gag in her mouth prevented any kind of speech.

“I mean, the rest of you keep yourselves busy playing these stupid games. One person gets power, then another one forms an alliance to usurp them, then someone backstabs someone else, and then somebody else wants revenge, and it never really goes anywhere. Don’t you ever want to take a break?”

Pride winced in pain. The harsh clamps on her nipples were starting to get to her.

“Maybe I’m saying this to the wrong person,” Sloth continued. “Like, I guess you of all people would be driven. You’re always working the hardest. You’re trying so hard to impress everyone, and to be honest I don’t really know why. I respect it, don’t get me wrong! But I also think it’s a bit dumb.”

Pride tittered about in place, trying her best to remain balanced on her feet. The extreme points of her ballet boots made it rather difficult.

“I keep telling everyone, you’re going about it all wrong. You want worship from humans? Be something worth worshiping. Laziness is something to aspire to, it’s what everyone wants. I actually think animals have the right idea. Fun fact, most animals spend the majority of their day lying around and doing nothing. Why am I  the weird one for trying to do the same thing?”

Pride did her best to shield herself from the magical feathers tickling her exposed ribcage, but with her hands stretched up above her body, it was futile.

Sloth paused for a moment as she took a sip of her hot cocoa. “Sorry, what was I saying? I go off on weird tangents when I’m tired. I’m just rambling on again.” She blinked a few times before continuing. “Right. as I was saying before, I didn’t really want to do this in the first place. Like, I never wanted to join this plan at all. Who cares if you get a month to yourself? I’d prefer it if you and the others each took two months and then left me alone.”

Pride let out a yelp as her ass backed up a bit too far and the electric prod gave her a zap.

“But Envy just kept bothering me. You know what she’s like, always such a busybody. I swear, she tracked my schedule to figure out when I’m sleeping, because she kept interrupting me in the middle of naptime. Four times! It’s so annoying to get woken up like that, you know? Eventually I agreed to join in on her plan just so that she would shut up and go away.”

The massive dildo inside of Pride’s cunt continued to buzz at a frustratingly low pace, never allowing her to cum. It was held up on a pole, and she dreaded what would happen if she slipped and allowed it to fully enter her.

“Only that led to even more problems.” Sloth let out an extra deep yawn. “Because the whole point of the plan is to punish you, right? I figured I’d just bring you here and then go back to bed and be done with the whole ordeal. But now Envy’s got the others on their side, and if I don’t do anything to you they’re gonna be pissed, and I don’t wanna deal with that kind of headache.” She was shifting her weight back and forth in her fuzzy bunny slippers.

The dildo in Pride’s mouth spurted something hot and sticky down her throat, and she did her best to quickly swallow it down before it caused her to lose her balance.

“They all want me to torture you for… Hours? Days? I wasn’t actually paying attention during that part of the plan. My point is, Envy wants me here, doing some sort of elaborate and ironic punishment to make you suffer for your hubris. Honestly that sounds about as annoying as the alternative. Like, what’s the point of me agreeing to this if I actually have to put in work?”

With the two plugs inside of her, even the tiniest of Pride’s movements caused a ripple effect as the invaders stretched her insides.

“So basically what I’m saying is, I’m doing this as a compromise. Now that you’re rigged up in this little thing, I’m just gonna head out and take a nap. You get your punishment, I don’t have to do anything, Envy hopefully doesn’t ride my ass for not doing enough. It’s win-win for everyone!”


“Okay, well maybe it’s not a win for you. But I’m not punishing you as much as I theoretically could be, right?” Sloth finished off her cocoa with an extra long slurp, taking an extra moment to grab the mini marshmallows with her tongue. “Anyway, no hard feelings, right? If you manage to get free and turn the tables, I hope you remember this generosity. Really you should be thanking me, I’m letting you take it easy for a while.”

It was too much. Pride lost her balance for a moment, her knees buckling in place. Pain shot through her arms as she was held up by them, and the cattle prod jammed directly into an already sore spot on her ass. Worst of all, the dildo thrust itself all the way inside of her, to an excessively painful degree. She did her best to quickly regain her balance and alleviate this torment as best as possible.

“Anyway, Imma head out now. Someone will be here to pick you up… eventually, I suppose. We never really worked out a proper shift change. Or at least not that I remember. But another one of the sins will be here eventually, and they’ll probably be much worse to you. See you when I see you, I guess.”


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