56. The Devil In The Details
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As the research progressed into the experimental phase, Bruno found himself engulfed in a whirlwind of tasks and responsibilities. The days seemed to shrink in duration, leaving him with a never-ending to-do list that included grueling training sessions. Despite the mounting exhaustion, he pushed himself relentlessly, steadily increasing the intensity and pace of his efforts.

Meanwhile, the seed of liberation that Bruno had planted in the minds and hearts of Mamadou and Javohir continued to grow. However, the young alchemist knew that there were formidable obstacles he had yet to overcome if he ever wished to walk out of the estate as a free man.

Mamun's warning echoed in Bruno's mind, serving as a constant reminder to keep his dreams of escape from becoming firm resolutions. Consequently, the collar around his neck only served to generate a peculiar tingling sensation, a constant reminder of his constrained existence. Yet, despite his cautious approach, thoughts of freedom lingered in his mind, existing more as wishful thinking than concrete plans.

With his thoughts preoccupied, Bruno failed to realize how accustomed he had become to this new normality. It felt reminiscent of his days working on the production of ’Fix’, as he attempted to build something in Blackrock. Perhaps a nucleus of a trading empire. There was a subtle difference, though—a niggling sensation at the back of his mind, a constant reminder that he was not truly a free man.



The day began like any other, with Bruno proceeding through his tasks in a natural and fluid manner. However, at a certain point, he had to leave his small laboratory and switch it to the library in search of answers. As he navigated the open space between nearby chambers, makeshift racks filled with various ingredients caught his attention. Bags and crates were strewn across the floor, tucked away in corners, while a few cages housed rats. Of course, the area used by Mamun remained devoid of any of those potential obstacles, to not disrupt the busy archmage.

After a quick scan through everything, he resumed his walk to the library.

Though some breakthroughs had been made, Bruno had not yet achieved the desired outcome in his experiments. After sitting down at a table cluttered with piles of books he had been checking over the past few days, he quickly scanned through them, moving them from one tower to another, until he found the one he sought.

His reading was abruptly interrupted by the appearance of a figure in his peripheral view. The familiar sight of a blue robe caused Bruno to set the tome aside.

"Yes?" he inquired, meeting Mamun's gaze head-on.

"I know you're busy, but things are changing and evolving with time. Soon, I may no longer have the opportunity to do what needs to be done with you," the old man explained.

"Are you referring to the process?" Bruno asked.

"No. I want you to use the new formula on yourself and undergo the necessary procedures. This part did not change. It's something else entirely, but it's connected. You see... I used to teach the basics of magic to everyone who underwent the process. Time is slipping away, and if I wait any longer, I may not have enough of it to spare. If it were anyone else, I would postpone it without hesitation. But with you... it feels like too great of a waste. Besides, I believe you can handle it. Or am I wrong?" Mamun finished with a subtle jab at the boy's ego.

"I'm already pressed for time with my research. It can be done, but I would have to rearrange my daily schedule. And before you suggest that I give up the morning physical activities, let me point out that they have a significant positive impact on my performance. My mind becomes clearer, and my work more efficient," Bruno countered.

"How close are you to completing the formula? How much longer do you think you'll need?" the old man inquired.

Bruno let out a heavy sigh, sinking further back into the chair and directing his gaze toward the ceiling.

"I believe I'm close. I've had some breakthroughs with processes that should enhance the efficiency of the elixirs. Certain aspects of the treatment are already complete, but I didn't mention them earlier because they require testing. It's too early to celebrate, but... perhaps a month? Maybe two," he replied, his focus unwavering.

"That's acceptable. To be honest... I must admit that your methods are quite remarkable. If you possessed the innate magical ability and considering your incredible intellect, I dare say that even the gates of Harothep would open for you in no time. You've surpassed my wildest expectations, boy. Keep it up. Keep it up," Mamun remarked, his face and eyes momentarily undergoing a subtle transformation.

Almost missing the change, Bruno's eyes shifted from the ceiling to the old man. There was undoubtedly something brewing in his mind, and the boy's immediate thought was that it could be something dangerous.

"I'll do my best, as I always do. Just please keep in mind that my estimate was rough, so it may take longer," Bruno interjected.

Mamun nodded, showing his understanding. "I'm aware. It took me five years to develop this formula. Another five to make it work, and yet another five to refine it to its current state. And how long has it been for you? Five months? In that time, you've already made remarkable progress in your research. I never said it to avoid inflating your ego, but you may very well be more talented than me. Perhaps even more talented than anyone I've encountered. We shall see... Just stay focused on your work," the old man cautioned.

"I simply enjoy alchemy. It's fascinating," Bruno replied dismissively, turning his attention back to the book he had set aside. His photographic memory allowed him to resume reading from the exact page he had left off.

Mamun departed, pausing briefly at the library's entrance to cast another glance at the boy. A wide smile emerged on his face.  A smile of a man who was about to enjoy a very good meal after a long while of having tasteless food.

Bruno continued to read, although his mind was not fully engaged in his research. Part of his thoughts fixated on the change he had observed in the archmage's expression during their conversation.