Ch:25 – Cycle Three
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Once the meal was over, Medusa took me outside and then behind the magnificent building, allowing me to find a smaller one. Without reservations, we entered it, finding a dark fur wolf young man with red eyes, which quickly struck us with his gaze.

“Upon orders I’ve brought her for the examination exam,” Medusa’s hand bumped into my back, causing me to take a step closer to him.

“Very well, take a seat,” his finger pointed at the closest seat just on the other side of his desk, where a few things remained atop.

“First question. Do you have any memories from the spirit realm?”

“Not that I can remember.”

His finger shone as he wrote magic letters on a page of paper.

‘So that’s how they wrote Angelica’s book,’ seeing as technology wasn’t on the greatest level, it meant they were still advancing it, or something else had taken its place: a world full of magic, just like Destiny had said. I smiled faintly, wanting to learn how to use magic like that, too.

“Show me your information.”

At his request, I thought of accessing it, causing the status to appear before him.

His eyes twitched and his long mouth slightly opened, allowing me to notice the big and sharp fangs.

“Mi-o,” his voice stuttered, causing his fur to rise as if static had gone through his body.


“Are you...” his eyes started shining as if he was about to cry, “the one?

“I believe so.”

The wolfman bowed his head, causing his long mouth to hit the table, causing him to moan in pain but incredibly ignoring it.

“Forgive me, master Mio, someone as great as you don’t need to go through this.”

“Not at all. Please go on,” the growing curiosity within me compelled me to see through whatever this was.

“Ri-right. As you wish,” nervously, he got hold of the paper, checking which step he was at.

It didn’t take long for him to gulp a few times, moving an orb on top of the desk between the two of us.

“I’ll check your rarity tier. Please, place your hand on top of this artifact.”

“How cool!” Quickly, I did as instructed, making use of my right hand, recollecting something similar from my past world where they could check glimpses of people’s future.

Next to me by the door, Medusa, who had watched everything silently due to shock, decided to speak, “I turned out as epic with a purple color.”

“Are there many ranks?”

“There are six in total. It starts with uncommon and common which are usually grey-toned. Rare, which is blue, epic being purple. Legendary is orange, and divine a splendid golden, or so it's written in tales.”

He lifted a finger in the air grabbing my attention to it, “anything above rare is already considered an enormous blessing to us.”

“Interesting,” I added, willing to know mine.

The orb started resounding, shining through the different colors, causing our eyes to glitter in purple, orange, and then golden. And just as we believed me to be of the most special ever tier, it turned completely dark, as if it had absorbed all the colors into one.

Silence reigned, leading us to be dumbfounded, none willing to utter a word about what had transpired in this room.

“Sadly,” he took a moment to breathe. “I don’t know what that means, so for the time being, we’ll leave it at that.”

My expectations shattered, and with a brief glimpse, I could tell Medusa felt the same way.

‘As to be expected of the great swordmaster,’ is what I imagined he would say.

‘Of all colors... why black?’ I wished there was a way to solve all my questions.

‘Maybe with a wish?’ Strangely, I looked forward to my next cycle. A way to gather information would be quite the thing to ask for. My dumbfounded expression was quickly replaced with a cheerful grin, hopeful to have received a hint to clear my existent doubts.

‘Maybe the secret lays in the way my wishes are used,’ was it possible that power was not the only thing I needed? Perhaps I could aid my heroines in better ways.

‘Except Angelica,’ by no means she wanted anything other than almighty power, someone that could cut a path open for her objectives to become true.

Those golden eyes I saw spoke in her place of a divine will capable of shattering the current system.

My fingers curled and gripped, turning into a fist. I knew it was too much for me. I was far from ready to take on such a role and power. Never once in my life had I physically fought with anyone. My willingness to become strong was half-baked, the unease in my heart, and my cowardly self remained hidden in the blood that pumped into the rest of me. 

‘Can I become someone better?’ My hand reached out for the air and then, with all of my strength, I smashed it on the wolf’s desk.

Their bodies shuttered for a moment, looking at me with a half-innocent, half-worried glint.

“What can I do to become stronger?”

“Master Mio!” His eyelids shone with pride and excitement at my words. He must’ve truly believed me to be the incarnation of the past noble spirit.

But I wasn’t. 

I had just been a normal girl, with common daily issues and a tad boring life. 

A part of me started wanting to be more than what I was now.

There was an itchiness in more places than on the fur of my tail that waved gently.

“My path...”

“Yours will be a long journey,” a familiar voice came from the entrance, which caused me to turn my head to its encounter.


“What was the result, Wolfy?” Upon her words, the tension cracked.

“Your name is Wolfy!?” I shouted, causing him to feel flustered.

“It was not my choice!” He yielded in despair at how much I began laughing.

“To think a tiny fox would bully the badass evaluator,” Medusa added, hiding her reaction to two of her snakes.

Her low-toned voice caused me to burst even more aggressively, causing tears to slip through the corners of my eyelids.

“It seems I have brought shame upon you,” Angelica chuckled, placing three open fingers in front of her delicate lips as if enjoying this situation.

It seemed not even the lady nun could stop herself from joining this humorous situation.

“Black!” Angrily he shouted, crossing his arms and turning his face away from us.


“That was the color I got from the trial after passing through all of them, a shiny golden included.”

Her happiness vanished as her fingers descended. Seriousness took over her face, causing our smiles to quickly cease.

“Black?” She opened her book, causing the pages to pass in a swift and constant motion.

For once, her eyes widened, and I could tell there was confusion where there had only been perfection.

“New information again...” she closed her book, turned her body around, and left.

If someone was trying to surprise her, then it seemed I had been the one, twice, at that. An achievement I didn’t feel a hint of pride in, but clearly, it was more than others had done. At least that’s what I thought of her peculiar behavior.