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... Woah.. My arm, it's.. So much lighter. No— My entire body is lighter than usual. It's so cold.. I can feel wind on my skin.. What happened, where's my fur..? More importantly..

Why am I in such a soft enclosure?

"ɿԵ ՏԹՎՏ ɧeՐe ԵɧԹԵ ɧɿՏ ρԹՐeՌԵՏ ԺɿeԺ ɿՌ Եɧe ՇՐɿՏɿՏ, ԹՌԺ ɧe'Տ ՌeעeՐ ԹԵԵeՌԺeԺ ՏՇɧԾԾʅ ԾՐ ԹՌՎԵɧɿՌԳ ʅɿke ԵɧԹԵ."

(It says here that his parents died in the crisis, and he's never attended school or anything like that.)

Who's that? Why do they sound so.. Soft? Where's the aggressiveness? The demanding voice? Isn't this a dungeon, or a hierarchy? Just where in the hell am I?

My face seems to be covered with something.. Something hard.. But thin? What is this light?

My eyelids slowly separated from each other as I looked to see just what was happening. And.. I saw, not one.. But a figure in all white-clothing, and something covered their face. They were oddly short.. And.. What kind of beast are they?

No fur? No defined muscles? Where's their powerful aura? What kind of creature are they?

"ɧʍ..? ɿԵ ՏeeʍՏ ԵɧԹԵ ɧe'Տ ԹաԹkeՌeԺ"

(Hm..? It’s seems that he’s awakened.)

What? What did he just say? I can't understand them.. This thing has something on it's chest.. What are those symbols? It's nothing like I've seen before.

I scanned my eyes across the room, I need to know of my whereabouts first. I saw a large window that made it looked as if we were floating.. Or, maybe we were just really high up.

I looked to my sides. A tall, thin tower with a box that seemed to light up with numbers when touched it, judging from what the animal in clothing did. “ɧɿՏ עɿԵԹʅՏ Տeeʍ ԵԾ Յe ʝՄՏԵ ԲɿՌe, ɧɿՏ ɧeԹՐԵՅeԹԵ ɿՏ Թ ʅɿԵԵʅe ɧɿԳɧ ՅՄԵ ɿԵ'ʅʅ eԹՏe ԺԾաՌ ՏԾԾՌeՐ ԾՐ ʅԹԵeՐ..”

(His vitals seem to be just fine, his heartbeat is a little high but it'll ease down sooner or later..)

A large box sat high on the wall in front of me.. Wait.. How is it doing that?! Levitation magic? I suppose that’d be a better answer than screwing it into the wall or something stupid like that.

The thing I was laid on was oddly soft, my head felt as if it were staying on lovely clouds.. Suddenly, the man put his hands to my face, slowly taking off the white thing I had on my face.

"Hello, Mr. Kim." The man spoke.

"What are you?" I said abruptly, I didn't care for his greeting.. And plus, who's Kim? Mr. Kim at that? What's a Mister? 

What, no.. How can I understand him?! Just a moment ago I couldn't understand a single word he said, though, those unknown symbols from before, I still can't read it?

Hmm.. It seems my skill [Rapid Growth] was in play then. Usually it takes one or two weeks to learn a completely new language.. Is this beasts' language that easy to learn?

"What am I? Heh, Mr. Kim, I have no idea what you mean. I'm a doctor, of course. Dr. Yu, if it helps you feel any better." The man said to me, reaching out his hand.

"The hells a doctor?" I lifted myself up, sitting over as I swiped my hand, slapping it away. "What makes you think you could so peacefully reach your hand out to me, you peasant!" 

The 'doctor' did not seem pleased, but I didn't care. I glared daggers at him whilst he hurriedly scanned through the documents he was holding. 

"Nowhere on here did it state you have memory lost in all the scans we've done?" The doctor was confused, he looked up to me, slightly worried. "Er.. Uh, Mr. Kim, can you tell me your full name?"

... My name?

"Of course! I'm the axe demon, and the strongest boss there is, Onokuma!"

I yelled at the top of my lungs, I'm proud of the monster I am! After all, I am the boss of the top dungeon, housed by animals weaker than me. I should leave, however.... This doctor thing looks.. Confused? Is he perhaps shocked to be in the presence of me?

No, something's off.. I looked down, seeing something I didn't expect... White, soft skin. My eyes widened, "WHAT IS THIS BLASPHEMY?!" I screamed out. Not only that, my body is incredibly small. I growled, glaring at the doctor.

"What have you done to me?!" I shouted, the doctor flipped through the pages of his paper even more— and this time faster. "And he has a spilt personality?! How come I was informed of this!" The doctor said.

"Split personality? You dare say I share a body with another?" 

"I might need some assistance." The man said, he reached for his jacket, pulling out.. Wait, what is that? It's a tiny rectangular object. It was black, and somewhat thin. "What is that, doctor thing?!"

The doctor looked around to see what I was talking about, and then I pointed at the object. He now looked worriedly confused. "How do you not know? Whatever, you might have amnesia AND a split personality. It's a phone, Mr. Kim." — "IT'S LORD ONOKUMA!"

The doctor started tapping on the.. Phone. Suddenly, a loud ringing noise made it's way to my ears. "A bomb?!" I backed up hurriedly, flipping off my bed and putting my hands up in defense. The doctor watched me, not even surprised anymore, but I sat there, bewildered.

"It's not a bomb?" — "Of course not, why would I risk my life, and plus, get back on the bed. I'm supposed to be caring for you, Mr. Ki-.. Onokuma." The doctor said.

I suppose that means he's my slave. I silently walked back to my bed, laying down, and watching him.. So if he's my slave, I can question and order him around, correct? "Doctor." I said, staring at him.

"Yeah, I need assistance. Okay, mhm, I’ll see you later." He spoke out loud, was he talking to me..? No, the vibrations coming from that phone sounded like a voice speaking back.

He looked down at me after putting his phone thingy away. "What liquids do you beasts have?" The doctor sighed, moving his phone away from his ear and slipping it back into his cloth. "You mean a drink?"

"Is that what you call it?" — "Yeah, sure." He responded with a nonchalant look in his eyes. Maybe he's had enough of me, though, it doesn't matter, he's my slave, he has to follow me no matter what. "We have water, soda, te-"

"What is that?" The doctor rose an eyebrow, "What's what?" 

"Soda? What is that liquid?"

The doctor paused, motioning his hand across his chin as he thought about it. I sat impatiently, tapping my foot on the ground. He looked down after some time.

"I guess it's similar to water, just more tasty."

"More tasty than blood?" — "What."

The doctor was now shocked, stepping back two. He looked at me with worry while examining me. I believe he's worried I may attack or kill him, which I would, but I'm feeling rather nice today. After all, not many people interest me as he does.

"Uh, sure. It definitely is." He said after a short pause, I released my glare and looked away, sighing. "Go fetch me some of this, soda." 

"Anything to get away from you for a bit." The man whispered, though I could still hear it. As he turned, the door opened and clicked when it closed. I sat quietly for some time before crossing my arms and looking up.

"... It appears I'm not in my real body." I said, it took some time to accept it, but.. "However, I have no idea what I am, or.. In the slightest, who I am."

My slave kept referring to me as Mr. Kim, which must be my name. Though, why am I in these white clothes, where's my armor? I guess being transferred to another body meant I don't get anything else.

"I wonder... If I can still use magic."

I lifted my arm, flattening my palm and concentrated on what magic spell I wanted to use. Just something usual.. My lava blast. I opened my eyes as a glowing red effect flew slowly out of my hand.

And then, a large spout of red magma slammed across the wall, melting most in it's way. I gripped my fist in excitement. "So it does!" I said, smirking.

But.. For some odd reason.. The lava blast is so weak. It should've easily been able to burn out this entire building. Why can't it destroy a wall? Not just that, but I feel drained now..

Just how weak is this body?!

The lava has already dispersed, as well. I stroked my chin while I thought about it. Well, I wasn't expecting the blast to be AS strong as I was before, but.. At least similar. 

Who am I kidding, I'm not even a demon anymore.. But then what am I? Just when that thought had entered my head, the door opened wide. I turned my head, seeing the doctor thing approach me with.. A cylinder? What is this?

"Here you go, 'Onokuma'." The doctor reached out his hand, offering me the cylinder. I grabbed it, oddly, the cylinder seemed to be filled with liquids.. Is this where the 'soda' he mentioned is in? What an odd casing...

I stared at it, before tilting my head to drink it.... Nothing came out. "What?" I said annoyed, I shook the drink so it could open, but nothing came out. I glared at the doctor, "Did you hand me a false drink?!" I yelled.

"What? No, of course not. You're just not doing it right, here, give it to me." I handed the canister to the doctor, and he used his finger tips, and grabbed onto a plastic tip the bottle had, and... Cracked it? A minimal sizzle sound came from the can as he gave it back to me.

"Hmm... This smell.." — "It's enchanting!"

This smells way better than blood! No, not just blood, but many foods I've eaten, cooked or raw! W-what is this?! I can't wait to drink it!

I leaned my head over, tilting the bottle to drink it... And, a flowing sensation entered my mouth, followed by a stinging pain! What is this, I tilted my head back over, coughing loudly. I glared at the doctor, why did it burn? Did he poison me?! Shit, was this his plan?

I jumped at him. "YOU WRETCHED BASTARD!" I slammed onto his chest and dropped him onto the ground, a loud thud erupting through the room. "You dare poison me?!" I cranked my fist back, pounding his face into the floor. "Ngh! W-what do you mean, poison?! It's soda— it's supposed to burn if you don't drink it alot!" 

What kind of lie is that! No liquid is like that! I growled, grabbing his collar and slamming his head into the floor. "I'm telling you, Onokuma!" He shouted, I don't believe him. I put my arm in front of his face, a red glow emanated from my hand as I stared at him. "I'll blast you away if you don't reveal your secrets." 

Suddenly, the door opened again... Shit, did they find out?! Are they going to ambush me? I turned my hand, stomping the doctor's chest and pointing my attack at whoever walked through the door.. However, this felt too easy.. Maybe the doctor was supposed to be a distraction, and this person was supposed to kill me.

Is this why I woke up in this weakened state, they transferred me to another body to end me?! What species is this! I hate to admit it, but they're quite brilliant. However, a female in the same clothing walked inside, her eyes widened, out of shock I assume, and ran towards me..

Or... The doctor. I looked down as she dropped to her knees. "Dr. Yu! Are you okay?!" She shouted, the doctor man coughed and shifted himself upward. "I'm fine, he just thinks I poisoned him.." — "Because you did!"
The female whispered into the doctor's ear, however, I could still hear it.. After all, my earing is unlike any other beast, considering I am the strongest demon.. Or I was.

“Shouldn’t you call the security? You’re a bit hurt.”

The doctor chuckled, looking up to the girl. “He possibly has amnesia, or even worse, total memory loss. Of everything.” —  “I won’t blame him for being confused.. And even then.”

"If I poisoned you, wouldn't it have already taken effect?" I paused in my step.. He's got me there. If this species truly was smart, or smarter than other beasts, then without a doubt I should've felt it by now, even at the very least drowsy. "Why do you think that anyways, Mr. Kim?"

"He says his name is Onokuma." The doctor spoke, I perked a grin, finally he remembered my name. "Split personality?" And now I'm even more pissed, "I am me, and no one else shares this body with me, damn it!" I screamed. The nurse ducked and nodded quickly. I lowered my arm, stopping the use of the lava blast. I looked away, "The doctor claims the soda is meant to burn if you never drank it." — "Erm.. Yes, that's correct."

I looked back, a bit taken aback. With all the facts laid out... Maybe I was overreacting a bit. Just maybe. I leered at them before turning away and walking back to my bed. I sat there, quietly thinking.

"I have a question for you two. Answer it." I demanded, the doctor slowly lifted himself up, chuckling. "At this point, what's the worst you could ask.." He muttered, now's the chance to find out exactly what I am... I glanced toward his direction. "What is my species?"

The doctor looked at me confused, "Of all things, I'd expect you to know this.." He said, a bit surprised, he rubbed his neck, looking back at me.

"Humans. Me, you, her, we're humans."