Chapter 90: Selling Beast Corpses
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Meng Lin woke up, gasping for breath and covered in sweat.

She could feel shock and horror wash over her as if she’d been there and experienced it in real time.

It took her a while to calm down and her heart was heavy with uncertainty.

She knew that it was just a dream, but the images were still fresh in her mind, and she couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that lingered.

She closed her eyes and focused on calming down and suppressing the pulsing ancestral symbol that was in her Dantian.

A few minutes later she opened her eyes to realize she that it had already been the next day, with the sun already high in the sky.

Meng Lin got up from her bed and went to the bathroom to freshen up.

As she washed her face, she couldn't help but think about her dream. She wondered if it was just a product of her imagination or if it was a vision sent by the ancestral symbol.

She has a large abundance of memories worth five hundred to six hundred years of history, experience and knowledge.

There were a few instance of cultivators receiving insights and visions through their ancestral symbols, but she had never experienced it herself so she can’t be sure.

Meng Lin shook her head, deciding to not think about it too much for the time being.

She realized that even if it was true, she couldn’t do anything about it, the only thing she could do was continue to improve her cultivation.

She went back to her room and started to prepare herself for the day ahead.

Meng Lin decided to head out to another division building once again, she needed spirit stones.

A few minutes later she arrived at the division building, she could see other diciples going in and out of the building as at the top it says.

*Inner Sect Exchange Center*

it was a sect exchange center where cultivators could exchange items or sell them for resources from the sect.

Meng Lin made her way inside and headed straight to the exchange counter.

As she approached the exchange counter, she was greeted by a friendly middle-aged man who had a warm smile on his face.

"Hello there, young lady. How can I assist you today?" he asked.

Meng Lin smiled back and handed him a storage bag, within it are the ‘items’ she had brought.

"I would like to exchange these for spirit stones please," she said.

The man looked through the items with a raised eyebrow before he nodded.

"These are of good quality. I can offer you a fair exchange rate," he said.

Meng Lin nooded, waiting as the man thought for a moment before speaking.

“For the spirit beasts, I assume you already know that they are at a fixed price, early stage Rank 1 is 20, middle stage is 40, late stage is 60 while the peak is 80”

Meng Lin nooded as she didn’t think much about it, her focus were on the Rank 2 corpses.

“For the next ones, the rank 2, it is 200, 400, 600 and 900 for each stage of the realm, But depending on the damage dealt to the body of the spirit beast, the price may vary”

Meng Lin nodded again, understanding the pricing system.

“Now let’s count, four peak Rank 1 spirit beast totaled to 320 low grade spirit stones, for rank 2 its one early stage Lighting snake, one middle stage Razorteeth Crocodile and one late stage Dragon blooded Dear, the Fiend Deer”

“All that added with two peak rank 2 ape carcasses and the 17 Orchid Spring Flower would be 4250 low grade spirit stones”

Meng Lin was pleased with the amount she would be receiving in exchange for her items so she agreed to the exchange immediately.

The man handed her the spirit stones, and Meng Lin counted them before putting them in her storage ring.

She thought for a moment as she doesn’t have the required amount for that Lunar Stone sword and she wanted to buy even more things after that.

She asked, “how much is the exchange rate for a rank 3 spirit beast”

“That’s 2500 for the early stage, 4000 for the middle stage, 6500 for the late stage and lastly it’s 8000 for the peak stage”

Meng Lin nodded, considering her options. She had known that rank 3 spirit beasts were incredibly rare and powerful, so their corpses were sought after.

After a moment of hesitation, she made a decision.

"I would like to exchange with you an early stage rank 3 beast corpse" she said to the man.

The man's eyebrows raised in surprise. "An early stage rank 3 spirit beast corpse? That's quite a rarity, young lady. Are you sure you have one to exchange?"

Meng Lin nodded confidently. "Yes, I do. I came across it during my cultivation journey."

The man nodded, impressed. "Very well, the exchange rate for an early stage rank 3 spirit beast corpse is 2500 low grade spirit stones. Do you have it with you?"

Meng Lin nodded and took out another storage bag and handed it over to the man, who examined it closely before nodding with approval.

"This is indeed an early stage rank 3 spirit beast corpse. I will offer you the exchange rate of 2500 low grade spirit stones, since it’s intact” he said.

Meng Lin agreed to the exchange and received the spirit stones in return as well as her two storage bags.

"Is there anything else I can help you with?" he asked.

Meng Lin thought for a moment and then asked, "Do you have any cultivation techniques or martial arts manuals available?"

The man nodded his head. "Yes, we have a wide selection of cultivation techniques and martial arts manuals however those can only be exchanged with sect points”

Meng Lin nodded, understanding the exchange system. She knew that sect points were earned through completing missions and contributing to the sect.

"Thank you, I will keep that in mind," she said to the man.

With her new resources in hand, Meng Lin left the exchange center feeling satisfied and ready to continue with her plan.

Wasting no time she headed towards the teleportation area which took her a few dozen minutes before arriving.

She passed through the formation before arriving at a new environment again with the same bustling of activity as yesterday.

Meng Lin walked around before heading towards a single shop, a small shop at the corner of the market.

After arriving, she instantly saw the shopkeeper, who upon seeing her, greeted her with a smile.

"Welcome back, young lady. Have you come for that sword?" he asked.

Meng Lin nodded. "Yes, I have. I would like to purchase the Mystic Lunar Sword," she said, unintentionally giving the sword a name while handing over the required 5000 low grade spirit stones.

The shopkeeper examined the spirit stones before nodding with approval. "Very well, the sword is yours," he said, handing over the sword to Meng Lin.

Meng Lin took the sword and felt its weight in her hands once again.

She knows the power and potential within the The Mystic Luner stone, and she plans to make it a valuable asset in her cultivation journey.

"Thank you," she said to the shopkeeper before leaving the shop with a placated smile on her face.