Chapter Twenty Three: CEO Tawaga Hanae
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The hanging paper lanterns lit up the final spiraling staircase with a warm reddish glow. As a private access to the rooftop it was much fancier than the rest, no longer did they climb utilitarian concrete and metal now they ascended upon reinforced glass and gold-gilded handrails.

With sonorous exertions Anaya laboriously climbed the final steps alongside the stoic ZM-11833 as they finally reached their intended goal: the long desired summit.

They had finally made it.

The conquering of 179 floors had been attained in a chemical induced march, it now spread out before them upon exiting through a heavy steel door that creaked and groaned in defiance but ZM-11833 might could not be denied.

Immediately they were blinded by the bright sun that bore down from above, not even the clinging smog reached this high thus its majesty was unblocked and free high in the great blue above.

Only memories remain of fighting under acid rain and oppressive cloud for ZM-11833, faint rays of grim light had been the only illumination in those muddy stained trenches.

But for Anaya this was her first time outside.

An entire lifetime spent hidden away inside the dense concrete tower of humanity amongst the decaying landscape. Her only reference was the occasional old movie that somehow survived into this war-torn century.

Nothing could properly convey the awe of the blue sky and bright sun that was reflected in the crystalline tears that dripped down her pale cheeks and emerald eyes.

To ZM-11833 Anaya’s happiness and childlike admiration was more beautiful than any sunrise. The warm morning sun bathed Anaya’s red locks in a halo, alighting her in brighter colors than ever before.

ZM-11833 gazed deeply at the breathtaking vision, recording the sight.

They’d trade anything for just a moment longer.

Alas far far in the sky a bright star grew ever closer bringing a fiery animosity with it.

Time, it seemed, cared not for their wonder.

The fresh breeze brought with scents that tickled ZM-11833’s olfactory sensors; the floating fragrance of flowers and plants. Turning their gaze away from the blue they took in the actual rooftop before them.

Planters full of bright flowers that bloomed were displayed around like a vast maze-like garden the size of the floors below. It was enormous in size, a garden of charm and elegance placed upon the tower of brutality and greed.

Alongside the flowers and fragrances were a series of plazas and pagodas of ancient Japanese influence, tall pillars of red-colored wood supported sweeping black tiled roofs. Each open side was decorated with hanging pendants of paper and metal bells that swayed and chimed in the soft breeze conjuring a delicate symphony of harmony and peace.

In the center of the garden was a much larger pagoda that housed a small living space, soft cushions and low tables decorated the sheltered space and a steaming teapot sat before a shadowed woman.

Presumably this was the woman they were looking for, Tawaga Hanae.

She sat calm and collected as she awaited the tea to cool, seemingly unperturbed by the harrowing violence below nor the impeded death above.

Her gaze rose as the newly arrived duo slowly approached, eyes like coal inspected them across the way, measuring their steps. ZM-11833 couldn’t detect any fear or surprise at their sudden arrival, perhaps expecting them?

There were many questions that remained unanswered and perhaps they’d gain those desired answers soon alongside the DNA they’d need, ZM-11833 hoped she’d give it willingly but they doubted it.

Maybe they’d have to be tricky.

Despite having a clear and unobstructed path forwards it still took several laborious minutes to navigate the twisting garden, all the while under that piercing gaze. As she kept an eye on them ZM-11833 too kept an observing look, watching for any movement or prelude to violence.

Tawaga Hanae was a tall woman with a proud posture and cold look to her eye. Long silky black hair cascaded down past her sharp eyes and expensive makeup eased her pale skin into a healthy complexion. Below her sharp nose lay thin and severe lips coated with wine-red lipstick, creating a deep contrast.

A black silk kimono was wrapped around her slim but compact muscled form, only a pregnant stomach deviated from a thin frame. Silver dragons coiled around the hems in a hypnotic dance, flowing through the fabric as if moving through water.

As they approached the low table she sat at she gestured to two cushions laid out before her in opposition, seemingly awaiting them. A pair of empty mugs accompanied the equally empty seats.

With only a brief hesitation they sat and awaited.

As Hanae extended the teapot to pour into their mugs ZM-11833 got a glimpse of a pendant hung around her delicate neck. It was made of silver with an inset ruby of a bright red, something about it seemed strange to ZM-11833 but it was hidden back in the folded silks before they could figure it out.

As she sat back having poured the pair a mug of steaming tea her hands naturally rested on her protruding baby bump with a tenderness that wasn’t reflected in her frosty expression.

A chilled atmosphere formed between them as the clouds of steam swirled up as if to obscure the parties from each other. The silence stretched out only broken by the occasional sip from Hanae as she was content to wait, a wait that they couldn’t afford.

With an impending doom creeping closer Anaya was not inclined to play the waiting game and so was one to break the lull.

“So you’re Tawaga huh, the CEO. What are you still doing here?”

Hanae shifted her coal like eyes and cold gaze towards the brash punk, in her eyes ZM-11833 spied a look of disdain.

“Why would I not be here? This is my home after all.”

“Not for much longer, what with the impending missile coming to turn this place into a radioactive crater,” Anaya snarked at her unconcerned attitude, “just to let you know, in case you missed out on that tidbit of information. You might have missed the company memo.”

Hanae gave Anaya a colder look at her disrespect.

“I’m not worried about the futile gestures of the old world.”

Anaya raised an uncomprehending eyebrow at Hanae’s reply before leaning over to mock whisper at ZM-11833 “oh no, she’s another one of the crazies.”

Hanae didn’t rise to Anaya’s provocations but did cast a freezing look at the two, her body seemed to be chilled by the flowing breeze but to ZM-11833 it seemed as if her body was indifferent to the temperature abound.

A sigh escaped her lips like wind whistling through the cracks in a glacier.

“Don’t take me for one of those fools who preach about things they have no knowledge of. They are nothing but morons who stumbled upon greatness, useful only as fodder like all the rest.”

“So you admit it then,” Anaya accused with righteous indignation, “it was you who unleashed the aliens from containment, you let them rampage uncontrollably. Is there even anyone besides us left? You're a CEO of nothing.”

She didn’t seem bothered by the accusations, her gaze remained as cold as her soul appeared to be, devoid of regret or empathy.

“Progress doesn’t come without a cost. If humanity wishes to survive we must ascend beyond our mortal bonds. These aliens that had been gifted to us by fate or by chance are the key to immortality, to traversing the stars and growing beyond what we have confined ourselves to. War, greed, pride? All these have broken our world, we huddle in twisting towers of tribal clans. I seek to break us free and you judge me for it?”

Her words grew more heated despite the chilling tone they were conveyed in.

“With this alien technology in my hands I'll be able to take mankind to a new height.”

“With you sitting comfortably on a throne of corpses naturally.” Anaya snarked.

“Naturally.” Hanae agreed without a shred or remorse.

With all her talking she sought to wet her lips with her herbal tea, unfortunately her cup was empty so she sought to pour another but before she could ZM-11833 reached out for the ceramic teapot.

“Allow me.”

Hanae coolly eyed the smiling robot before acquiescing, with smooth and fluid action ZM-11833 poured the tea with precision. While doing this seemingly innocent action of subservience they carefully swept along the rim of the cup where lipstick had stuck, collecting a sample of lingering saliva.

As Hanae sipped on her now refilled cup she took in the differing pair, the angry human and the calm machine.

“I have watched your progress through my archology, watched as you destroyed and ravaged your way through the new lives borne into this world, children. And you call me the monster?”

“Children?” ZM-11833 asked curiously “do you mean those strange fruit monsters? They didn’t make very good smoothies, I'm afraid.”

Hanae gave the glib fashion-bot a sharp look of barely contained anger that slid off the machine’s cold heart. Something about her eyes in that moment sent a shrill of danger through the honed instincts that they had cultivated. It would seem that there was more to this fragile looking human than meets the eye.

As they were speaking ZM-11833 awaited the results of their sly exchange, awaiting the confirmation that Anaya had been registered as the new CEO.

“What I still don’t get is why you haven’t left,” Anaya spoke suspiciously, “why don’t you just take the information and samples you’ve collected so far and just leave. Sure you might have a way to survive a nuclear missile, which I doubt, but why risk it?”

The end of her sentence coincided with the results of the transfer, ZM-11833 glanced at it with mild shock but more in conformation with what they had suspected.

Transfer failed: DNA not a match.

“She can’t.” ZM-11833 interjected.

Anaya turned towards ZM-11833 with shock and confusion, Hanae just looked at them with a cold amusement, well aware of their ultimate goal in confronting them and knowing it was useless.

“Her DNA has been altered too much,” ZM-11833 turned to the icy woman before them, “you’re not even human anymore are you?”

During their tense confrontation ZM-11833 had noticed she was far too cold, too pale and too odd for what a human should be, like someone who knows what they should be but couldn’t quite bring it to reality.

A creature playing at humanity.

“I’m so much more.”

Now exposed she no longer cared to remain as she once was.

The kimono that clad her slim form split into a thousand shredded remains of humanity dignity no longer needed as her flesh and bones expanded, skin split and bled as spikes of bone erupted forth along her spine.

Her fingernails grew longer evolving into keen claws as her limbs elongated, pressing her onto all fours as her spined back collided with the roof, cracking the wooden frame.

Tiles spilled down like darkened hail as Anaya and ZM-11833 fled the collapsing structure that was no longer suitable for the dread behemoth within.

A fang filled jaw and burning eyes of cold fire glared out from the rubble trying to find the pair that defied her will, that lone pendant of silver and gleaming ruby hung tightly around her neck.

COME OUT, STOP HIDING AND FACE THE JUDGMENT OF YOUR NEW GOD.” Hanae’s voice boomed around the open air, sounding like a landslide of rocks and lava.

As the dazed pair of human and machine hid behind a low wall from the prowling alien creature they contemplated their goals. Anaya thought that they only needed to escape the gaze of the monstrosity but ZM-11833 knew better, with Hanae’s DNA being so changed there was no way to escape.

But something nagged at ZM-11833, that necklace seemed strange, why was she still keeping it?

Perhaps salvation was at hand, they’d only need to snatch it.

It wasn’t like they had any better options.

As the time ticked down ZM-11833 cracked their neck in a fashion they’d seen humans do before before giving Anaya a stern look.

“Seems like we need to enforce a corporate takeover.”

“What? Was that supposed to be a joke?”

ZM-11833 ignored Anaya’s lack of humor and broke cover.