Chapter Five: Queen Mila
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Leylin wearily made his way back to his chamber, the late afternoon casting a weariness over him. The constant strain of maintaining his vigilance and exerting his mind left him feeling irritable and drained. Seeking solace, he gathered some clothes and set off towards the bathhouse, hoping that a steamy, soothing bath, much like the one he had enjoyed that morning, would help alleviate the tension in his muscles.

As he walked towards the bathhouse, the recent deal struck between him and Arslen replayed in his mind, lingering like an unfinished melody seeking resolution.



Leylin remained steadfast in his position, unmoved by the tempting offer made by Arslan according to him. Arslan sighs warily, 'It seems the younger generations are getting greedier,' his face darkens, 'and corrupted with seven cardinal sins.'

Arslan then led Leylin into a chamber filled with a rich aroma and exquisite artwork depicting various subjects and meanings. He talked about life as they walked, two servants, one male and one female, followed closely behind. After a brief period of time, Arslan asked Leylin what he desired, promising to fulfil it if he had the means to do so.

Arslan realized that he needed to satisfy Leylin's desires in order to prevent him from being swayed by malicious parties who might seek to harm his grandson, Olma. Among the noble children selected, there were those who appeared cordial but secretly harboured ambitions to overthrow the royal family. Arslan knew of their longing for the royal family's demise, and there are those acolytes he had beaten early. He could keep them in check by soul contract which he had found out about in his journey throughout the South Coast, but their dogs, those black robe knights he can't guarantee they will not slip.

Leylin gazed at the portrait before him with a mix of fascination and desire. It depicted the current ruler, a woman of seductive and captivating beauty. Her allure seemed to emanate from within, as her lustrous locks cascaded in waves, framing her face with enchanting softness. Each strand of hair seemed to tell a story, weaving together the experiences that had shaped her into the woman she had become. With a delicate gesture, she would tuck a strand behind her ear, revealing the graceful curve of her neck and an air of subtle elegance.

Her deep and expressive eyes held the secrets of countless worlds. Like pools of liquid sapphire, they sparkled with intelligence and depth, reflecting the love and devotion she had for her children and her kingdom. Behind those mesmerizing eyes, one could glimpse the wisdom and resilience that had been cultivated through the joys and challenges of her rule.

Her figure embodied both strength and femininity, exuding a captivating grace. Her curves were soft and inviting, celebrating the natural beauty of the female form. Draped in her Royal Beige Gown, her ample bosom strained against the fabric, while her motherly hips and slender waist evoked desire and longing from those who beheld her.

The female servant had been attentively observing Leylin's reactions throughout the tour, while the male servant followed Arslan with reverence. The female servant keenly noted the changes in Leylin's demeanour, storing the information in her heart.

In Leylin's mind, he wanted to confess to Arslan that he desired the woman in the portrait. However, as he cleared his throat, his words took a different direction. Arslan looked at him with a hint of trepidation, knowing he would have sent his formidable guards if he could. For now, he could only wait for Leylin to reveal his true request.

"I want..."



As Leylin sank into the luxurious, steam-filled bath, fragrant with the alluring scent of jasmine and infused with the warm embrace of golden wood incense, a sense of tranquillity washed over him. The soothing waters enveloped his body, melting away the tensions of the day and lulling his mind into a state of utter relaxation.

Leylin's mind, now freed from the burdens of the outside world, began to wander, tracing the contours of his recent triumphs. Each successful endeavour had become a euphoric jolt, releasing waves of dopamine that surged through his veins. It was an addictive sensation, the rush of accomplishment and the promise of lucrative rewards intertwining in his brain, creating an insatiable craving for more as such his mind automatically started to spin a new web.


In the grand corridor of Arstin Palace, a stunning, curvaceous woman gracefully made her way forward, accompanied by a retinue of three maids and two formidable men clad in resplendent golden armour. Worry marred her beautiful face as she approached a massive golden door, guarded by two imposing sentinels donning the same uniform as the men trailing behind her.

With a bow, the guards opened the door, revealing a spacious room adorned with a magnificent arched window. As she stepped into the room, the others remained outside, though their restraint couldn't prevent their eyes from being drawn to the woman's alluring figure. Her dress clung to her curves, accentuating them in an enticing manner instead of concealing them.

Their gazes roved over her form, silently exclaiming, 'Damn that juicy ass!'

She wore a long, sheer crimson gown that revealed daring slits below her waist, unabashedly showcasing her ample, motherly thighs and generous backside. Her hips swayed with an extra hint of sensuality, and her steps were light and captivating.

Though their blood surged with desire, the men maintained a stoic facade. After she entered the room, the guards closed the door, eliciting a sigh of relief from the quartet. One guard exchanged a sympathetic glance with the other two men. They endured the torture of being in the lady's presence constantly, able to admire but never touch her. She was akin to a forbidden fruit—a ruler in her own right, the sovereign of this kingdom, Mila Arstin.


As Mila stepped into the corner of the room, a breathtaking sight awaited her. It was a room filled with wonder, a hidden gem tucked within the sturdy stone walls of a grand castle.

Nestled within these walls was a medieval potion-making laboratory, a haven of alchemical magic and mystery. The room came alive with the soft glow of candlelight, casting enchanting shadows upon the array of alchemical apparatus and ingredients that adorned the space.

The walls were lined with shelves, displaying jars of all shapes and sizes. Within these vessels lay a treasure trove of exotic herbs, roots, and mystical substances gathered from distant lands. The air carried a captivating fragrance, a symphony of earthy notes, delicate floral scents, and hints of rare spices that mingled harmoniously.

Taking centre stage was a large, weathered wooden table, its surface adorned with intricate symbols and runic inscriptions. Here, an orchestra of glassware and metallic instruments awaited their moment of creation. Flasks, retorts, and alembics stood tall, reflecting the dance of candlelight on their polished surfaces. Nearby, mortars and pestles bore the marks of countless mixtures brewed in pursuit of arcane knowledge.

In the midst of this alchemical symphony, a frail-looking boy in his early teens worked diligently at the apparatus. Despite his delicate appearance, his countenance possessed an otherworldly charm that could captivate anyone his age. With long, flowing black hair, high cheekbones, and an angular face, his piercing dark eyes sparkled beneath thick eyebrows. This was Mila's son, Olma Arsrin, a young pioneer of alchemical arts.

Mila observed her son's unwavering dedication to his craft, watching as he carefully manoeuvred his tools and ingredients. It was in this very laboratory that he had requested to pursue his passion when he was just six years old. Overjoyed by his newfound love for alchemy, Mila readily granted his request. It brought her immense happiness to witness her son exploring a different path, especially when he couldn't partake in the secret Knight Breathing or Combat techniques practised by his siblings.

In this room of wonder, where the flickering candlelight illuminated the mysteries of alchemy, Mila knew that her son had found his own calling—a realm of magic and discovery that was uniquely his own.


Olma carefully mixed the concoctions in his apparatus, engrossed in his experiment. He had been tirelessly working with the ingredients his mother and grandfather had provided. With bated breath, he watched as the green liquid slowly turned colourless. Lost in the chemical reaction, he didn't notice the person standing beside him.

Alas, the reaction slowly turned yellow after a few seconds making him groan in frustration.

A mature womanly voice suddenly startled Olma, "I really thought you would succeed this time." He turned wide-eyed to see his mother, her attempt to hide a smile and feign guilt failing to deceive him. They had spent enough time together for him to recognize her mischievous tendencies. Though she loved him dearly, she also enjoyed teasing him.

"I told you not to intrude in my workstation. And I am going to succeed, the Elixir just isn't stable enough yet," Olma replied, annoyance evident in his tone.

Mila, his mother, spoke in a subdued voice, "I came here to inform you about the changes regarding your journey to Death Beach." She had kept the morning incident a secret from him, not wanting to burden him with worries.

Perplexed, Olma gestured for his mother to sit in the nearby sitting area. He prepared tea-like beverages from earthly ingredients, serving her one and pouring another for himself. They sat together, sipping their tea, gazing out of the window at the bustling city below, resembling an army of ants.

Breaking the silence, Olma asked, "So, what has changed, and why?"

Mila looked at her son with a conflicted expression. She wanted to tell him the truth, but she knew his intelligence surpassed that of his siblings. His maturity, too, concerned her. If she revealed the details, he would worry and potentially harbour ill feelings toward the Magi, which could be dangerous. Despite Arslan assuring her that the matter had been resolved and a trustworthy warrior would protect Olma, her son would still be under the Magi's guardianship during the journey. If he lost his temper or harboured any malice toward them, she might never see him again.

"It's nothing serious. Your grandfather had urgent tasks that prevented him from accompanying you to Death Beach. As a result, you will travel with the caravan," Mila paused, allowing the information to sink in. "But don't worry, your grandfather handpicked the best warrior from the group to be your guard. You can trust him, as you know your grandfather always does his best for you," she finished with a radiant smile, momentarily stunning Olma.

'My mother is too beautiful for her own good,' Olma thought to himself. "Alright, I don't have a problem with the arrangement. I'm just sad that I won't see you and Grandpa as often," Olma said with a tinge of sadness.

Mila's heart ached to see the sorrow on her son's face. She stood up, walked towards him, and enveloped him in a warm embrace, burying his head in her bosom. Olma gasped for air but relished the comforting feeling of her soft breasts against his face. He wrapped his arms around her slender waist, holding her tightly. After a few seconds, he felt uneasy and released the hug, walking back to his laboratory.

Mila sighed, realizing how quickly her son was growing up. She noticed the subtle changes in his body but refrained from making it awkward by addressing it. She saw him return with a black wooden container adorned with intricate golden patterns.

Glancing into his eyes, Mila said in a serious tone, "Are you sure this will be enough? It's a grave and important matter. We cannot afford any mistakes."

Olma rolled his eyes. "I know. That's why I created them freshly when Grandpa sent a message through Bailon, and I've been extremely careful throughout the process," he replied. Handing the container to his mother, he added, "It contains enough for ten people to reach the Grand Knight realm. Please make sure to convey the message that they should not become addicted to the elixir and should not take more than one each in a week. The consequences would be a gruesome death," Olma's face paled as he recalled the horrific deaths of two Knights from the Serpent Legion.

Mila chuckled. "Don't worry, I will deliver the message accurately."

Observing her son, Mila knew that despite his otherworldly beauty, he possessed a brilliant mind. Arslan had never seen anyone as gifted as Olma in the realm of potion-making. It was thanks to him that their kingdom had such a formidable army compared to their neighbours. He had invented marvellous elixirs that surpassed anything found on the Chornobyl Islands. These elixirs could aid a Knight in reaching the Grand Knight realm, a feat he had achieved during his experimentation.

Mila let out a soft sigh, hoping that her son would become a great Magus in the future. She wished for him to be respected and never looked down upon by others. Above all, she hoped he would safeguard his kind heart on his journey.


In the midst of a starry night drenched in rain, the rhythmic sound of hooves echoed urgently. Seated upon a mighty black stallion, an elderly man embarked on a westward journey with breathtaking speed. It was as if the horse possessed an otherworldly aura, emanating a cyan glow from enchanting runes adorning its hooves.

Arslan had to meet some of his old fellow acolytes as soon as possible. Although he had beaten those young novices to submission, safeguarding his kingdom and family remained a paramount concern, especially in the face of his eventual demise if he couldn't break through into the Magus rank. He had already ensured that they signed a soul contract, but Arslan believed in exercising an abundance of caution, leaving no room for uncertainty.


[Author's Note:

Hello, dear readers,

I extend my warm greetings to all of you and hope that you are in good health and spirits. Regrettably, I must deliver some unfortunate news. It is with a heavy heart that I inform you that the release of new chapters will be sporadic until the 15th of July. I offer my sincerest apologies for this inconvenience, as I am currently facing a demanding schedule that leaves me with limited time for writing.]


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