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There was nothing there but it was everywhere.  It was hard to describe and even harder to put into words.  There was no color, not even black or white.  The only thing around was what appeared to be some kind of text floating in the nothingness as if it had been logged for some time and waiting to be read.

It was impossible to tell what the language was as it seemed to be every language all at once.  Even the thought of how it could be read seemed beyond comprehension, since there were no eyes to read it.  The messages were just there, like thoughts stuck in a mind but of alien origin.

[Core terminal access detected...]

[Warning: unauthorized access in root systems detected.]

[Attempting to purge core terminal...]

[Process overridden.  Access granted.  Administrative safety mode initiated...]

[Race creation in progress...]

[Warning: Attempted race creation exceeds safety limits.  Additional core power required.  Searching for alternate sources...]

[Alternate source found.  Retrieving nearest available source.]

[Soul retrieved.]

[Warning: administrator restrictions reinitiated.]

[Merging soul with current core...]

As the last message appeared, the nothingness of everything began to fade into something.  A rushing of existence finally existing came in and along with it came a sense of feeling.  There was a sense of self there now, granting a feeling of freedom as if shackles had been released.  Along with all of that came a kind of pull, as well.  It felt like a vacuum cleaner trying to suck everything up.

Along with the last thoughts of what is a vacuum cleaner, everything was sucked away including conscious thought.