Chapter 11: Second Day
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The next morning comes early, and after breakfast, I’m off to school. The ride there goes by quickly, and before long I’m back in the halls of the school.

Social studies is more pre-Lilith history, covering in more depth how the monster and human populations kept each other in check with Demon Lords and Heroes.

Magic class is the same as last time. After a short introduction on technique, all the other students go down to the practice field while I stay at my seat to watch. I get a couple of sidelong glances as students pass, as well as a smirk from Heather to my back. 

I don’t have a blind spot, dumbass.

I spend my time watching the other students, studying their techniques so that I can apply them to my own magic when the time comes. Heather has the neatest technique, unsurprisingly, but a couple of the other students are making progress using their mana more efficiently as well. 

Science is interesting; we learn more about the moons, and how they cause strong tides that lead to more mingling of aquatic and land-bound groups in coastal communities.

I sit with Ava and Kirby again for lunch, and Kirby asks me about my old world.

“So there were really tall buildings in your world?”

“Yeah, like hundreds of meters tall,” I tell her, “and everything ran on electricity, even some of the carriages.”

“Electricity, you mean like what Raiju and Thunderbirds have?” she asks.

“Yep. Except contact with it would hurt, instead of being… pleasurable, so we had everything protected so that no one would accidentally shock themselves.”

“Oh, like lightning! I read that lightning strikes can kill people outside demon realms,” Kirby says.

“What about magic?” Ava pipes up. “Your world didn’t have any?”

“Right, my old world didn’t have magic. Things probably would have been a bit safer if we had magic running everything instead of electricity,” I comment.

“Speaking of, you’re in the Magic class, right, Lily? How is it?” Kirby probes.

“I can’t actually use magic yet, but I’m learning from watching my classmates do it,” I reply. “What about you?”

“I figured out my best affinity is for water, followed by lightning, so I’ve been practicing my Mana Shot for those two. It’s a shame we’re in different classes, though.”

We run out of time to talk just then, with the bell signaling that it’s time for our next class. We make some jokes about how tedious our next class is going to be as we make our way through the halls.

Penmanship both drags and flies by with the busywork of practicing writing paired with Ava’s frequent quips about how boring the class is. The teacher reprimands her once at the beginning of the class, but after finding that Ava is keeping up with her work, the teacher lets her be with a faint smirk on her face.

I guess even the teacher finds this class boring.

Math breezes by as we're taught some basic algebra that I had already learned in my previous life, and during P.E. we practice balancing on tight coils, making everyone in the class really tall. We have mats, of course, in case anybody falls.

After that, I head home, do my homework, and then settle in with a book in our living room. Katie joins me after a bit, and I put down my book.

“What’s up, sis?” I asked in response to her eager look, but being careful to not actually look up at her.

“I was wondering, what’s it like going to school as a reincarnator?” Katie asks.

“About like normal,” I say. “Math is boring because I already know it, and Penmanship is boring too, but other than that, the classes are all new stuff to me. Between Magic and History, I couldn’t tell you which is more interesting, and Science is teaching stuff that’s different from my previous world. Plus, school is the place where you make friends that you potentially have for the rest of your life. No way I would miss out on that.”

“Well, that about stacks up to my experience. I always found history super interesting, especially since we’re, you know, living in it? I mean, the Demon Lord’s second grand spell wasn’t even that long ago!”

“Still longer than either of us have been alive,” I point out. “We have an older brother who’s twenty-eight, and the spell was another four years before that.”

“Still! Our parents are fifty-seven, that’s well within their lifetime!”

“Sure, but we’re a different generation. I guess you could say we’re living through history since we’re in, like, the second generation with boys being born to Monster Girls,” I conclude.

“See! You get it now, we’re living history,” Katie shoots back. “Plus, you’re a living piece of history in the making, too, even if you don’t realize that yet. Reincarnators aren’t all that common, and when they do show up, things tend to change.”

“Ugh, I guess you’re right. It’s not like I wanna be the center of attention, though.”

“Girls! Dinner’s ready!” Mama calls from the kitchen, bringing our conversation to an end. 

During dinner, we all talk about how our days went, and how we hope tomorrow will go. After that, I help Mama clean up dishes, then go back to my book till bedtime.

The next week goes by fairly similarly, with Heather’s taunting growing slightly by the day, until Friday comes.