Chapter 112: Purple’s Strength
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As the man released his monstrous force, the very air around them seemed to tremble in response. Meng Lin could feel the oppressive weight of his power, pressing down on her like a thick blanket.

But she didn't seem bothered. Instead, she stood her ground, her eyes filled with confidence.

“Purple, you deal with him,” Meng Lin said as a small smile formed on her lips, eager to witness Purple's prowess in combat.


Purple, her sleek and shimmering spirit beast companion, coiled itself up, its scales glinting with a faint spiritual hue.

With a sudden burst of agility, it lunged towards the man, its fangs bared and ready to strike.

“You…” The man's eyes widened in surprise as Purple moved with lightning speed, appearing near him before he could even bring out the word he was about to say


Suddenly a burst of wind blew through the area and Purple’s body was thrown back and only after a few seconds did it manage to stop itself from moving backwards.

“Hmm” Meng Lin uttered as she narrowed her eyes. ‘That was no ordinary move, it seemed to have contained a significant portion of a rich concentration wind, i wonder’

“Hump, telling a lowly spirit beast to deal with me, you have some nerve!” The man's voice boomed through the ruins as his arm was extended, conjuring around him a swirling shield of wind.

“Tempest Art: Wind Cyclone” the man roared, his voice echoing through the ruins, the moment he uttered those words, the air crackled with energy, and a powerful gust of wind erupted from his outstretched arm.

The cyclone grew larger and more powerful, its swirling winds threatening to tear everything in its path apart.

Meng Lin's gaze shifted as she watched the cyclone expand, its force becoming increasingly overwhelming.

Dust and debris swirled in a chaotic dance, obscuring her vision, the howling winds whipped through her hair, tugging at her clothes with a relentless intensity.

It felt as though the very space was being attacked, twisted and contorted by the sheer power of the cyclone.

But amidst the chaos, she could still see clearly, her sight on Purple. The massive serpent that stood tall and defiant.

Its sleek 20 meter body coiled up within the cyclone, shimmering with spiritual light.

With a flick of its tail, Purple unleashed a burst of energy, creating a powerful shockwave that rippled through the cyclone. The winds momentarily faltered, giving Purple an opportunity to strike.

With lightning speed, Purple lunged forward, disappearing before appearing next to the man with its mouth opening high enough to engulf the man's entire upper body.

Its fangs gleamed in spiritual light as it snapped shut, causing a massive sound to circulate in the air.


Yet when it’s mouth shut close it felt no sensation of flesh. The man's body was gone, leaving behind only a gust of wind and a faint trace of his presence.

Meng Lin's eyes widened for the first time as she couldn’t detect the man, even within her spiritual consciousness.

Before she could react, the cyclone intensified once again, its winds roaring with even greater ferocity.

Meng Lin began to feel herself being lifted off her feet, but with a slight adjustment she stood rooted to the floor, unaffected by the wind.

However the same couldn’t be said for her spiritual beast, purple.

Purple, despite its immense size and power, was being tossed around by a cyclone that kept going towards the sky.

Purple’s coiled body struggled to maintain its balance and its scales shined with a dimmer light as the winds battered against it.

Meng Lin's heart began to race with concern as she witnessed Purple's struggle, however she continued to watch as she believed that Purple hadn’t revealed everything.

She focused her energy to her mouth and called out. "Purple, show me your true strength!”

Within the cyclones Purple’s eyes gleamed with a purple hue as if understanding her words.

Its scales shimmered with a brilliant blue light, intensifying in color and radiance.

With a surge of energy, Purple coiled itself tighter, bracing against the relentless winds of the cyclone. It seemed to grow larger, almost expanding beyond its physical form. The air crackled with electricity as Purple's power surged.

And then, in a burst of light Purple’s aura intensified, his power at the very peak of the rank 2 stages.


Purple's body shrunk, it’s scales became more compact and it’s aura more intense.

It’s 20 meter long body shrunk down to 19 meters before reaching 18 meters and not stopping.

As it’s body shrunk, a dense cloud of toxic mist erupted from its scales, engulfing the entire cyclone. The mist spread rapidly, permeating every inch of the swirling winds.

As the mist spread, the cyclone began to weaken, its winds losing their ferocity. The mist appeared toxic and acted as a corrosive force, dissolving the very force of the cyclone.


Within moments, the cyclone dissipated completely, leaving behind only a calm atmosphere as Purple finally landed on the floor, it’s body 13 meters long.

Meng Lin stood in amazement, her eyes happy with light. Purple's power was truly exceptional.

She was about to speak when she saw the man reappear from within the dissipating mist. His expressionwas a mix of shock and disbelief.

" is this possible?" he stammered, his voice filled with disbelief and hoarse.

"You underestimated him," she said calmly. "Purple is not just an ordinary spirit beast. Although he doesn’t have any special qualities that make him unique, his power are focused on speed and poison”

The man's face turned pale, realization dawning upon him. He had underestimated this girl.

Suddenly, the man's body began to tremble, his movements becoming sluggish. His eyes widened in horror as he realized what was happening.

" poisoned me!" he gasped, his voice filled with both fear and anger.

Meng Lin nooded with a blank face. "Yes, Purple's toxic mist is not just for show. It seeps into the very core of your being, poisoning you from within, unless you have the strength of a Gold Core Realm, your fate is sealed”

The man fell to his knees, clutching his chest in pain. His breaths became labored, and his skin turned a sickly shade of purple.

"You...get away with this," he wheezed, his voice barely a whisper.

But it was too late. The poison had already taken hold of him, its venom spreading through his veins like a deadly serpent.

Meng Lin watched as the man's body convulsed, his eyes rolling back into his head and a few minutes later, he lay motionless on the ground, his life extinguished.

Meng Lin approached the lifeless body, her gaze complex yet cold. "You brought this upon yourself," she said, her voice filled with a mix of pity and determination.

She turned to Purple, who had returned to its original size and coiled up beside her. "Well done, Purple," she praised. "Your power and venom have proven to be your greatest weapon."

Purple hissed in response, its eyes gleaming with pride, Meng Lin then said “Go rest”

Hiss! Purple reluctantly agreed as a burst of light emerge from Meng Lin’s hand to obscure the body of the disappearing purple.

After that Meng Lin stored the lifeless body of the man before turning towards two certain directions, her gaze piercing.

“How long are you two going to be hiding”