006 Small Fry and Their Ember
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At that time, the Village's serenity is suddenly ruined by a loud boom, like they thought there was an attack in the middle of the Village.


"Oh my gosh! What's that!?" Shout a woman who walks past the training center.

Everybody around the Village was suddenly stunned by that loud bang, even children at the training center, who usually do not care about whatever the guards do, attract attention.

Meanwhile, there is a big hole in the wall at the training center where the guard does their training, with Willy's body sticking right there. A woman is also standing and gripping her sword to the ground after she has slashed her sword.


It turns out that I put too much force on my hand and punch-fly Willy.

Then, I loosened my stance and sheathed my sword, Looking at him for a little while, I pulled out a potion from my pocket and threw it at one of the guards.

"Help him," I said to the guard, who looked at me while pointing at Willy's body lying on the ground after she fell from the wall.

Some guards hurried up to help Willy, giving him first aid and helping him with a potion I'd passed.

"Father, announce the winner…" I request my father.

"Ahh… Ehem… The winner is Alivia!" My father shouted to the crowd, who was murmuring about something.

"UUOOO!" All the guards looking at our mock battle shouted, clapped, and even praised me, even though that was the shortest fight.

"I DON'T AGREE WITH THAT DIRTY CHEAT?!" Someone shouted to my father. Everyone hears his shout and draws another attention wave, and that person is Gimmy, Willy's friend.

"Why you think so?" My father asked with a cold tone,

"Do you think she is using a magic! I'm sure that he is using kind of dirty trick to winning this mock battle!" He still has not accepted my win. Ahh, like I thought, he is just a burden.

"Sigh… Are you sure, you see right she isn't using any mana, have you tracing her using your magic during the fight?" My father asked back; I could see his face like, 'I shouldn't let this mock battle before.'

"Urk… But how can she punch my brother until he flies for 10 meters!?" Jimmy still cannot accept this match. Ou, so he is Gimmy's brother; I think I understand the flow.

"I am just stretching my muscle, and with that, I get quite a big force that even could send your brother, who does not have a proper defense," I explained.

"Bullshit, my brother has greatest strength for a child around us! How could a child from a lowly b*tch have a big strength?!" Shout Gimmy with every rage that he has. That word stunned everyone at the training center, even the village chief and Gimmy's father, who just came to the scene.

'So… he just call my mother a bitch huh? I see, I don't need to hold everything when it comes to my mother….' I thought that,

I Dropped the sword to the ground quite loudly and approached him slowly while holding a rage of mine.

"So… you want another match, huh? Alright… I'll give you the match, but because your brother is still unconscious, you'll be my opponent, right" I said coldly and drew the third attention. But because I release my killing intent from ice magic, with the temperature suddenly cold, everyone at the scene quickly thinks the same thing. 'Something is wrong right now.'

"Right… I'll be your opponent right know," Gimmy accepted my words; he quickly drew his ornament sword and made a stance for the match, but because of my killing intent, his body trembled uncontrolled.

"Alright… Should we start 'the fight'? and because I'm not using a sword, you'll allow me to use a magic, right?" I said that with a little smile and kept my killing intent on.

And after that, everyone at the training center, no, the whole Village stunned after looking at the sky.

"Ha – Ha – Ha… you're joking right," Said jimmy; that was the only word that came out of his mouth; everyone only stunned after I chanted ice magic and made around 100 magic arrows in the sky at the same time.

I couldn't hold my tension; I aimed all my magic arrows at Gimmy and launched at him.

"EVERYONE!!! GET DOWN!!! MOVE FROM ARENA!!!" That's the only thing my father shouted. They are not even thinking about Gimmy; even his father runs away from his son, and everyone chaotically gets out of the battle. They just hope that Gimmy is still alive.


Ice arrows barraged from the sky continuously for 30 seconds. Until everything has ended, everyone is just silent. Looking at me, who is still standing, look at the last Gimmy standing around 10 meters from me; I walk slowly approaching that point.

Ice or dirt dust surrounds us; I keep looking at Gimmy's last place. Until everything becomes clear, they can see that Gimmy is still alive even though his condition battered him mentally.

I don't intend to hurt him, even though he is a dumb brat who talks too much. I aim at the ground near him. Make him taste the feeling near death.

"Ge-get out… pe-please… I lost" With a stammering voice, Gimmy's whole body shivered like he faced the biggest fear.

Then using my magic, I create a nice longsword, then pointing at his neck.

"He-help…" He cannot hold anymore, the biggest fear in his life. He pisses his pant and collapses unconscious.

Looking at how sassy he was before and is right now has frustrated me. Just facing someone like me, he becomes like this; what about if he confronts another person who is more ruthless than me? He just mumbling about something useless.

"Sigh… alright… I think I've done to much today," I said. Then I walked to my father, who was still stunned by his magic barrier.

"Father, this is all of our training, right? Are we will end this training today?" I asked my father, and this was nearly sunset.

"A-ahh, right, alright everyone we can finish our training today you can leave, great work," My father quickly ordered all the guards and trainees there.

'I think I'll wait Father and we go home together,' I thought. So, I walk back to the tree I used to place my stuff before and wait for my father there.


"Oh… you aren't go home yet?" My father asked me after I waited for a while for him.

"Nah… I need to ease my mind and recharge my mana after that fight" I said in my meditation position.

"Alright, let's go home shall we?" My father asked with a smile on him.

"Umm…" I answered with a nod for my father's offer.

We go home with an orange sunset light spread around the horizon.

"So, what are they talking after that incident?" I asked my father.

"Why? Are you curious? Even though this is adult talk?" My father asked back my question.

"Nah, honestly, if they are talking about me and those two brothers, I will conclude that there is a failure as a parent.

"Why?" My father asked me with a confused face.

"Because if they still intervene child's problem, he is also no more like their children themselves," I answered, and honestly, it just makes their children look like a coward.

"So, you feel strong because you can beat up Gimmy and Willy, and even you have confidence you can handle an adult, huh?" My father teased me.

"Why not, if their reason aren't rationally…." I answered.

"Hahaha… my daughter has grow up huh" My father responded my answer with messing up my hair again.

"Argh… stop it, why adults like so much messing my hair" I responded to my father's feelings.

"Hahaha… honestly, they talked about how to separate both of you. Father's Gimmy still couldn't accept for what happen to their sons. Even I give the best solution, he just want you to leave this Village. Luckily, every people disagree because what you did, like selling your potion or joining subjugation team. You did the best thing for your age," My father explained.

'I think our problem never end huh?' That's what I thought. "Yeah, don't worry I'll leave at age 12 after the ceremony right?" I answered with a question.

"Yeah… but that's not the problem, because that brother's only give a trouble for other kids in this village you know," My father responded with a smile.

"Sigh…". 'what a troublesome little brat' I thought; he will never give up, I guess?

My father, who looked at me, just responded with a smile and an awkward face, like giving a question, 'are you more troublesome than them?'

"Thank you," Father said, thanks to me suddenly.

"Ehh… What's wrong?" I asked back because he thanked me out of nowhere.

"Thanks for protecting our family," My father explained to me.

"Nah… don't worry… who else that didn't angry after someone insulting their family" I state.

"You're right, if it isn't because you, probably father will did the same thing," My father said to me, with a relieved tone.


After returning home with a tired body, we tried our best to reach the front door. But suddenly.


My mother has opened the door, like waiting for us. She only gives a smile and a cold face. Like, she knew everything that we'd throught out today. He asked us.

"Could you explain why you come home late today?" My mother asked with a cold tone.

"A-ahh… we have a little bit problem out there… Ye-yeah… that's right," My father answered as if trying to hide something.

"Really, Alivia, could you explain what happen in training centre at noon? I see a big magic formula and around 100 ice arrow created. Even I traced your mana, is it what you did?" My mother asked me.

"Ri-right…" I'm also answered like my father. With a trembling voice and looking down, I couldn't face my mother's face.

"Ohh… is that so? Shall we discuss this problem at dinner? Right… honey?" My mother asked father, even with a tone colder than before.

"O-okay..." That's the last father's response.

With that, we were scolded for more than 3 hours.





Hey, thanks for keep reading this novel, I'm sorry for my sudden disappear. I spent few days ago reading some novel, yeah, I got addicted again reading another novel... I'm sorry okay... also the last note... for one of my reader that active give comment. Hurtstorm, I'm sorry if this novel not fulfill your expectation before, like I said, this novel is actually has uploaded on Webnovel. But once again, thank you for your comment, probably I'll use your idea on another novel that I'll made later.