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Waking up in the morning is a curse! Nothing could be worse, if the nausea caused by vampirism wasn't a problem, my hatred of mornings wouldn't change

"Son, wake up, it's time to go to school!" My mother's voice from across the room made me groan

"I'm coming Mom! Just one more eternity" I complained turning to go back to sleep

"Victor!" My mother's words came again "Get up, you have to go to school, it's part of your growing up"

Her words didn't have Joana's soft and playful tone! no, it was a strong and gentle tone

"I'm going!" I jumped out of bed at super speed and changed in milliseconds.

The world seemed to come to a complete stop as I moved to change. That was the best side of vampire powers, the speed!

I managed to master it yesterday when I went out to drink a bag of blood at dawn. it was easy and it felt like instinct to move at a super speed

Losing my concentration, I saw that my mother was at the bedroom door watching me use super speed.

She didn't look surprised she seemed to follow me entirely with her eyes and I noticed her firm but gentle gaze.

Nothing like Joana's playful and soft look

"Which one are you?" I only asked to be sure, because I already knew the answer

"I'm Nyx," My mother said "Joana's counterpart! You caught on quickly, my other son never noticed"

My spine froze and I took a deep breath ready to flee, holy shit does she know!

"Aren't you angry?" I asked with fear and fear "That I have taken the body of your son?"

Nyx shook her hand with a mocking face "Not at all, my other Victor is in paradise, with his beloved, Joana and I understand that, besides, you are my son and Joana's!"

She approached me and placed her finger on my chest "Your soul is the same as Victor's, My son, you who had to go through a lot because neither I nor Joana was close to you in the reality that your soul came"

She then raised her hand to my face and a tear fell from my eye, I'm not an emotional man, but I've never felt maternal warmth and love like this in my life.

"I'm sorry that my counterpart in your reality was not present in your life and let you suffer" Nyx, no, My mother spoke with a sad and emotional look

I couldn't let that happen and I smiled at her "Maybe you from my reality died, you know, I was an orphan!"

"Impossible!" My mother replied with a slightly irritated tone "The night cannot die, it was irresponsible"

Before I asked what she meant, My mom changed the subject and pointed outside "Now go to school, there's a present for you out there"

I was excited about the gift and I knew she wouldn't bring it up, that we were talking further, so I decided to ask what intrigued me the most.

"My mother, another mother!" With a bit of a stutter, I asked, "Does she know about me?"

"About vampirism or your soul?" Nyx asked pulling away

"Both?" I replied with hesitation

"Yes, she knows about vampirism" Nyx replied with a sigh "About your soul... she was the one who convinced me not to destroy you before I recognized that you were my son"

Would she destroy me? fear entered my soul and the cute way she spoke like it was nothing! I shook my head, let it go!

Taking a deep breath I asked, "Even so, why does she ignore all this?"

"Joana, you don't want anything to do with the supernatural anymore!" Nyx replied in a weary tone, "She's already lost too much, my son! Please understand!"

"No talk of the supernatural then!" I responded by showing a jeweled finger

"Nothing supernatural" Nyx winked at me "Now I have to leave, your sister will not tolerate me in her domain any longer, goodbye son"


My mother went back to being Joana and she took me outside the house where there were two cars, an old pickup truck and a black Opala 79

Ohh, an opal, I've always dreamed of having an opala, it's a dream come true"Thanks, Mom!" A tear fell from my eye as I jumped on her hugging her.

"It was nothing, son! You deserve it for being a wonderful son!" My mother stroked my head as if I were a child and I liked it.

I could see Bella looking at her truck with an awkward smile at first and after my reaction, she broke into a happy smile "Thank you, Charlie, thank you! she hugged her dad"

The fun ended when a boy and a man arrived, the man appeared to be a native and I felt a growl come out of me, and for the first time, I felt my instincts screaming as I looked at the two

Kill, kill, kill, danger, destroy the threat, it's a threat, destroy ~~

I could feel my fangs grow in my mouth and the veins stood out in my eyes as everything calmed down, the moment I felt my mother's hand take my arm and I finally calmed down.

what was that feeling?...