Chapter 13 – Towards The Hot Sands – part 1
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The scouts of Elder Vara have finished conducting the census in the city. Since the arrival of the kobolds three months ago, the population of Gorkaki has more than doubled. It now stands at almost 15,000 inhabitants.

The majority of the newly arrived kobolds still live in makeshift camps on the outskirts of the city. It will take several more months for all of them to receive plots of land in the designated residential areas. Shaman Farat fears the emergence of slums. It's a race against time.

  • Kobolds: ≅ 9,700 
  • Common goblins: ≅ 2,900 
  • Orcs: ≅ 900 
  • Other beastfolk: ≅ 800 
  • Hobgoblins: ≅ 800 
  • Gremlins: ≅ 400 
  • Bugbears: ≅ 200 
  • Trolls: ≅ 200 
  • Ogres: ≅ 50 
  • Cambions: 9 
  • Unicorns: 3


Most of the kobolds speak Standard Goblinoid as well as Draconic. The Goblinoid language has several dialects, such as Orcish and Trow. However, any speaker of these dialects can understand the standard variety of the language. Additionally, the Goblinoid language has heavily influenced the languages of various beastfolk tribes. It is only natural for it to be the common language of the city.

Another change to be made is in the composition of the Council of Folks. Now that the kobolds are, by far, the majority of the city's population, they need their representative to have a seat on the council. The chosen one was, obviously, Priest Latharon.


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The kobold surprise delayed the start of my campaign of conquest into the desert. Once things settle down reasonably, I head east, followed by two dozen desert beastmen.

It has been years since I've been to these wastelands. Nothing worthwhile to hunt. Just sand, rocks, and dry, cracked ground.

Several goblinoid tribes believe that the end of the world is connected to this desert. That its sands will swallow all of Dro-Ur and everyone will be devoured by sandworms.

In a way, it makes sense. The desert is expanding.

Slowly, but expanding. Farat fears that in a few millennia, if nothing is done, it will devour the steppes of Darog and then the whole continent. The orc shaman asked me to start gathering resources to prevent its expansion. It will be a battle that spans a lifetime. And I have my doubts if we can win.


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Nearly a week after venturing into the desert, we finally reached the first oasis. I have to fly more slowly so that the beastfolk can keep up with me.

This oasis will be our first outpost. It has a huge and strange tree at its center that emits a magical aura. Its stem seems to be covered with plates and carapaces and its leaves look like bristles.

A pack of coyotemen currently occupies the place. Fortunately, there are some desert beastfolk of that species among my group. They will explain the situation to their kin.

The coyotlings initially don't quite understand what is happening. Many of them fled upon seeing me flying towards the oasis. The ones who remain are either too weak to venture into the desert or too foolish to try to fight me.

"My offspring will not be your food, wyvern. Not without a fight." A warrior, or maybe huntress, approaches me with a spear. She wears feathered ornaments on her arms.

"What is your name, coyotling?"

"I am called K'ekuk."

"K'ekuk of Maz. Do you prefer to serve or to die?" I ask bluntly.

"I'd rather die fighting." She responds defiantly.

"And what about your children? Do you prefer them to live long and prosperous lives or to die in vain?" I ask, looking at the pups hidden among the palm trees.

"I have no interest in devouring your scrawny children. My objective is the cities of Shaxai and Ialdai. I merely need outposts for my troops to rest. In return, we will ensure the protection of your oasis against desert beasts."

"But how will I know it's not a lie?"

“Why would I lie to a lesser being like you? I could just tear you in half and swallow your children in a few bites.” I answer, bluntly again.

"And why aren't you doing that?" She asks, still suspicious.

"Because I am trying to control my anger. A blind angel on my right shoulder says, 'You need to show compassion, prove that you are not a mindless beast,' while the demon on my left shoulder says, 'Why eat them and burn them when they can serve?'" I speak as I start walking through the oasis, leaving its inhabitants unsettled.

"Now answer me, K'ekuk of Maz, for I will ask only once. Do you prefer to serve or to die?"


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Two months have passed since we entered the desert. Three secured oases and five converted tribes.

The last one was a caravan of nomadic fenekin. These fox-like people agreed to help us track the desert worms in exchange for protection at the oases.

The fenekin are weaker than the other races that control the oases, which is why they adopted a nomadic lifestyle. Now they can settle in one of the oases we control without fear.

One of their rangers quickly located the trail of a sandworm. It’s probably dormant beneath the ground, waiting for its victims.

Sandworms, like dragons and unicorns, are magical creatures. However, their magic is quite simple. They cannot cast spells like unicorns, but they can use magical abilities just like I use Dragon Breath or Dragon Flight. The most important of their abilities is the ability to absorb moisture from the air.

Indeed, this feat is extremely useful. Not all sandworms are carnivorous. Some of them feed on nutrients from fungi and plants. To do this, they release some of the water they absorb into the soil, allowing plants and fungi to grow.

This is how most oases in Maz came to be. The strange trees in their centers are actually the moisture-collecting organs of sandworms. There are more of these organs underground, growing deep. The oasis worms remain immobile and grow downwards in search of water. They are probably some of the largest creatures in all of Erdonya.

The carnivorous worms are smaller and more agile. However, some of them are still gigantic. The one we are tracking now must be at least three times larger than me.

The beastfolk accompanying me are a bit restless. They are easy prey on the ground. But their concern is futile. None of my minions shall become worm food in my sight.

"That way." The fenekin ranger points in a direction after analyzing the sandy ground. Tracking anything in the desert sands is an almost impossible task without special abilities, especially a creature that moves underground.

Luckily, this fenekin guiding us is the most talented in their tribe. They possess a whole set of skills related to tracking sandworms. Vision, hearing, smell, and even what they might call a "sixth sense".

The foxling signals that they have found the worm. I fly over the indicated spot and see one of those tree-like organs, but much smaller than the ones found in the oases, standing at about three meters (10’) tall. In addition to absorbing water, the structure serves as an olfactory receptor for the predatory worms. These creatures have a very keen sense of smell.

My beastmen begin to retreat to avoid becoming targets of the creature, while I start circling above it.

Once they are at a safe distance, I swoop in.

My teeth sink deep into the base of the tree-like organ. Blue blood spurts out as my bite tears through the worm's flesh.

It's strange. The blood tastes metallic, but not like iron. It tastes like another metal.

It tastes like copper.

The sandy ground starts to destabilize as the worm's tree thrashes about. The creature emerges, revealing its enormous size.

The tree-like structure retracts above its head. The worm towers 6 meters (20’) above me. And most of its body is still buried. Its gaping maw is lined with rows of teeth, and its body is covered in bristles and appendages that the creature uses to move through the sand.

It tries to engulf me, but I am more agile. I counter by digging my talons into its tough flesh, causing more blood to trickle out.

The sandworm writhes and thrashes its body against me, pinning me to the ground.

I stand up, take flight and then breathe fire over it. The creature lets out a cry as its skin bubbles.

Its tongue lunges toward me like a spear, piercing my abdomen.

I bite into the creature's tongue, tearing a piece of it off. The taste is horrible, but I don't care because I’m raging.

The worm dives back into the sand, attempting to launch a surprise attack. My red flames bath the desert sands, creating a layer of glass over the ground.

The wound from the worm's tongue was critical. I won't defeat the creature relying solely on brute strength.

I land on the still-warm but solid layer of glass. My rage fades as I try to use one of the spells Farat taught me.

I close my eyes and place the claws of my wing over the wound as I channel my mana.

The sensation is different. I must not just burn the mana. I must transform it into something else. Into light. Into life.

I feel the wound tingling, and when I open my eyes, I see it closing while emitting an orange glow.

[Cure Wounds]

Finally, I did it. Nothing better than a true challenge to drive us forward.

But there is no time to celebrate. I feel the ground shaking and the glass shattering. The sandworm emerges once again, trying to swallow me. But I react quickly.

The creature attempts to dive back into the ground, but this time I try to stop it.


The sand and glass start to coalesce, immobilizing the thrashing worm.

Two sand spikes emerge, binding its head. The worm opens its mouth wide in agony.

[Scorching Ray]

I aim into the soft throat of the immobilized sandworm. A stream of concentrated red flames begins to traverse the worm's insides, roasting it from within.

It ceases its thrashing.

The sand spikes dissipate, falling to the ground along with the lifeless body of the creature.

I lie on my back on the hot sand, scattered with shards of glass.

I am exhausted. Magic drains much more energy than anything else I have ever done.

I check my Life Scroll while catching my breath.

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Name: Akalani | Race: Copper Wyvern | Class: Barbarian 3 Fighter 2 Druid 1

Title: Dragonlord | Background: Savage | Age: 40 y.o (wyrmling) 

Size: Large | Speed: 9m (30’), Flight 18m (60’)

HP: 134 | MP: 36 | Defense: 22

Attributes: Strength 5 | Dexterity 2 | Vigor 4 | Intellect 1 | Senses 2 | Charisma 1

Skills: Athletics, Fortitude, Initiative, Intimidation, Fighting, Survival, Will

Features: Draconic Scales (Fire), Dragon Breath (Fire), Dragon Flight, Monster Vitality, Darkvision, Rage, Unarmed Attack, Primal Instinct, Spellcasting, Wild Shape

Spells: Cure Wounds, Earthbinder, Scorching Ray

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And yet, it is through magic that true power comes. And I will attain it, no matter what.