007 Magic and Their Concept
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"Remember! Relaxed your mana nerve to absorb mana around yourself!" A woman shouted beside me, only watching me cultivate the mana process in my body while she kept reading a book.

She still wears pajamas even though it is nearly noon. She has blue hair and eyes, smooth white skin, a height higher than mine, and a slim body. She had a perfect figure that could attract every male that she met.

"Keep focus! If you careless just a little bit your body will explode!" That woman keeps shouting at me. You might wonder why I'm in this situation.

So, this is part of my daily life; besides coming to the training centre to train my swordsmanship, I train my magic skill in this place too.

The place is far enough from our village. That woman, let's say she is my mentor for my magic training, Madam Lune.

Basically, she is a witch (a woman with substantial magic compatibility, not in a negative term) but also an alchemist and a doctor. She always comes to our village to treat sick people. Both sicknesses by physical or magical.

How can I find this place? I could say this is just a coincidence. When ten years old, I always explore the forest around this village, like foraging or hunting with my curve bow. As I was near this area, I found a body lying around. At first, I thought that is a dead body, but after I came closer, I found that she was still alive, and right when I checked her condition.


"He-help…" The woman said with a low voice right after she became slightly conscious after knowing my presence.

Quickly I helped him, and after that, I knew she was the witch always coming to our village. And in the end, he was willing to teach me magic with a payment; I must make her food.

From there, I made considerable progress in learning magic from her and entirely understood magic in general.

Basically, magic is output from our body caused by a mana reaction inside our body. Both living and non-living things have magic. How magic work is simple; imagine energy gathered at one point (this energy could feel more clearly after you feel from another person that imbued mana on your body). Visualize some element like water, fire, or any other on our hand or finger.

If you have a solid visual, it will come out from nowhere. Though you can chant magic for more accessible visuals, using an ancient language called "Gabrius Grimoire." It is usually used for advanced-grade magic, and development is magic focused on that right now.

Then, there is "Mana Pool," a term for our magic capacity that can increase with training or killing monsters.

Also, there is a term called "Magic Capability," like which magic element that is compatible with mana on your body every people have. Even though everyone can control all magic elements with effort and hard work, learning the magic that fits your mana will be easier.

Element magic is basically the same as natural elements, like Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, Light, Dark, and Support. The easiest to learn is dark and light magic, and four other nature elements depend on your magic capability. In contrast, support magic has some complicated formula to form. I mastered a few support magics after knowing that the formula for that magic is basically the same as some math and physics laws from my previous life.

Like what I'm doing right now, this is how to increase our mana pool by continuously releasing and absorbing mana in the body. Like exercise training, this is one trick to increase our mana pool; other than that, you can use the items to increase your mana pool or kill the monsters, and it will absorb their mana automatically.


"Ouch!" I yelled after I got hit by something blunt.

When I open my eyes, I see my Master sit down and look at me with a pouting face. "What's wrong?" That's my response to her behaviour. Because right before, I still could hear her shout directed me.

"Come on… I'm hungry right now" She grabbed my shoulders and cried like a baby.

"Huh…" Look at her with a confused face. Stunned a little bit, I understood why she was pouting. She wasn't having breakfast yet and couldn't make any food.

"Are you even an adult?" I responded to her crying with a disbelief face.

"How cruel… Your Master is hungry… Hurry up make a food for me" Then she yelled more, disturbing my cultivation.

"Alright-alright… I'll hunt some food… Be patient for a bit," I said while getting out for hunting, calming her.

"Ahh, right, take this for your snacks and wait for me," I return and throw a little pouch to her. She opened the pouch, and her face became more bright.

"Yeay… Cookies!!!" Her face became so bright. 'Aww… is she a sun?' that's what I thought, but, nah... no way. In adult form?

I've outside Master's hut. Then I started with chanting detection magic. Different from the usual detection magic. I've made a new development on my detection magic. Where usually they transmit signal from mana in all directions at once, I only use one way at a specific area and then circled. Like sonar detection from my previous world, this is quite effective; besides saving my mana, it can reach further than regular detection magic. And, of course, it is also known by my Master.

I need around 10 seconds to configure what kind of animals I found. And then I found one deer-like creature. Without wasting much time, I pull out my curved bow and run to that deer, keeping my magic detection active to ensure the deer is in a real-time position. At around 50 meters, I finally spot the deer.

I activate my concealment magic. Then cautiously approach the deer with my bow until our distance is only 15 meters; I think this is enough to take a shoot. Put my arrow on arrow rest, then draw the bowstring.

Watching the deer, who was still eating food without realizing me. I'm aiming at the deer's lung. Then release the bow string. The arrow flies quickly to the deer's body, right in both the deer's lungs.

Late to react, my arrow hit deep the deer without realizing anything. The deer quickly fall—instant and humane kill.

Then I strapped my bow on my back, deactivated my concealment magic, and walked to the dead deer's body. I can see the arrow that only leaves the feather that isn't stuck inside the body.

I took my knife and started dismembering the deer's body, draining the blood and peeling the skin, cutting the body that I'll use to make food. Also, don't forget to bury the waste of unused deer bodies.

I went back to the hut. It did not take a long time; after I opened the door, I could see the Master's body, which was lying on the sofa. While eating the last cookies, I gave.

"Sigh… I guess I know why she isn't mind have a triple job. I think just for a food?" I thought, then I left her alone and walked to the kitchen.

This is what a magician's kitchen is like with equipped well equipment. You can choose any kitchen tools that are hanging on the wall. But there is only a table for making food and a box. How about a stove? Nah, we use our magic to make a fire.

I look at the box and open the box; inside the box is cold; using an ice magic stone, we can use a box for storage of organic things in order not to spoil. Like a freezer from my old world.

Inside the box, I can see the previous seasoning still there; I guess she didn't make any food.

Take some seasoning for my dish today, then prepare the meal.

'Because I made dish for only two people and I gathered meat so much, I guess we'll make a steak,' I thought while looking at the ingredients I'd prepared for today.

After preparation, I chant fire magic to heat a pan and wait a little while. While waiting, I grind a seasoning, rub it on the steak meat, and cover it with oil.

Then, I check the pan to see if quite hot enough to roast. Add steak to the pan and roast it for 8 minutes.

After that, I put it on a plate and add some fragrance seasoning to increase appetite.

The meal has ready; I bring it to the table. Look at the Master, who is still lying on the sofa.

"Master, the meal has ready," I called Master, then she quickly reacted after hearing I call her.

"Yay!" That's what she responded after waking from the sofa. She jumped and came close to me.

Then we eat food together. I can see how bright the Master's face was when she took her first bite.

"Umm… So Delishoosh," She said while still full of food.

"Don't say anything while eat a food master. Or you'll get choke," I warned her.

"Whaatt? This is sho ghood… Gulp… I mean, I've never ate other delicious food like this before you know," While pointing her fork to me after gulping whole food inside her mouth.

"Nah… You just need to explore food tour master, I believe there are other delicious food other than me," I said; I just learned whatever I got from my previous life when I cooked with my wife. Even if that isn't long, it's a precious time for me.

"What are you saying... You know that I can't make a food, right? So you should know why I can judge that your food is delicious?" Master asked me.

"From village that you begged for?" I answered with a guess.

"Uuu. I'm a princess and adventurer before, you know!" She shouted while giving a pouting face to me. Ahh, right, She is a princess from a Kingdom, even though she doesn't want to tell that. I don't know why. Also, she has joined to become an adventurer, even though she resigns right now, and the choice becomes a witch in a rural kingdom.

"Ahh right… you mention that before," I said while giving a thinking gesture, trying to remember. Even though I know, just teasing her because it's pretty funny for me.

"Nah, I've do a food tour for long time so you must feel proud that your dish praised by me," She said arrogantly.

"Alright… alright… this is my honor praised by a princess," I said with a little smile while eating my food.

Then we spend our lunch together, spending the rest of the day, or that's what I thought.


"Then, show me what you've got after our last training," Master told me. After we ate the meal, the Master took me out of her hut. This is actually our daily routine to make sure what I've got after training until today, to make sure that I keep track of magic training.

"Alright, wait a second," I said, then I closed my eyes and chanted magic on my thought.

[Test… Test… Could you hear me, Master] I thought.

"Grasp!" Master was quite shocked by what I did.

"So, you've completed your progress on [Clairvoyance] huh? Good job!" She said to me while giving applause.

"No, there is one more," I responded, my master applause while keeping my eyes closed.

"Ehh? You still have? Interesting, show that to me," My Master asks me with her smile to show others.

"Alright…" I respond but keep closing my eyes, and the time has passed for 10 seconds.

"Umm… Ivy?" My Master asked me what was happening, but I kept closing my eyes until a magic circle formed where I stood and in a blink of an eye. Quickly the magic circle faded, and I lost sight.


I stand right behind my Master. The Master who watches my performance still faces my last place where I stand. Until I realize I'm right behind her.

"So…You've also expertized teleport magic huh?" My Master asked me; she kept facing forward without looking at me as if I knew I'd be there.

"No, that's a [Wrap] I only could move for a short distance. Because my lack of mana pool, it's difficult to move for long distance," I answered, then opened my eyes.

She looked at me after hearing my response.

"Ou… so, how about [clairvoyance]?" Master asked me, and this time, she turned back to me.

"I still couldn't expertizing that skill 100 percent, I need time to encode human brain who has different structure and also the success of [Clairvoyance] depends on other mind. If a person has strong mind resistance, it quite difficult to deal. Unless I encode directly with conduct my mana to other brain directly with physics," I answered. That's everything that I've worked from the last training with the Master.

"Alright good job," My Master said while patting my shoulder.

"I think this is the time for you to take a test from me, do you want to take a test today?" Master asked and also offered to me.

"It's depend on what kind of test," I responded.

"Nah, not difficult actually, you just only give a little scar on my body or cloth at least," My Master answered.

I think for a while, try to consider this offer.

"Alright… I accepted" Then I quickly moved around five meters from the Master.

"Ohh… So you willing to fight your Master, huh?" Master asked me; she seemed pretty surprised by my answer.

"Why not? When else where I can fight someone who stronger than me."

"Hou… I like your response; you are only allowed to use your magic, so using a physical attack without magic is forbidden, okay?"

"Hmm... alright then..." I don't know what my teacher means, but I agree.

After that, we only stared at each other for a little while. We are in position standby, I figure out how to land a hit on Master while Master with his calm demeanor only give a little smile but ready to attack at any time.

Then, quickly we rush forward using magic and attack each other.