Chapter 2: Chapter: Septo of the 6th
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Chapter: Septo of the 6th


< Friday Morning >


“Can we meet up at the tree?”


“The tree you said?”


“Yes, I was hoping to talk with you.”


Without saying anything, immediately looking like she understood what I wanted to do, she gave me a nod.


“Let’s meet up later, thank you.”


Not giving any response she nodded once again and walk away.


That’s one problem done, now I just need to be strong enough to accept any answer that I am going to receive any time soon.


Hoping for the best I must say, I don’t think I should expect any favorable answer, but still, I want to believe I have a chance with a girl like her.


“Oh shit.”


I forgot to tell her what time we should meet up…


If she understood it correctly, I was talking about meeting her after class. It was easy to understand knowing I said I’ll meet with her later, or maybe not.


Well, I should just go to the meeting place immediately after finishing the class and wait for her.


< Friday Afternoon >


Class ended ten minutes ago, and I was standing here at the tree for 7 minutes now, but there is still no sign of her.


Knowing that the class ended for a while now, maybe she is just getting ready… Totally hoping she didn’t run away, because with this kind of meet up, one could understand that a confession is going to happen.


“Septo sorry, did you wait too long?”


Here she is.


“Just got here, I forgot to say what time the meeting should be, sorry about that.”


“No worries, I immediately knew that you are talking about after class.”

“Yeah, I’m worried that you might be confused about the time.”


“So, what did you want to talk about?”


Here it is…


“It’s been 5 months now, right?”


“5 months? Oh… You’re talking about the class, right? Yeah, I thought I wouldn’t be able to enjoy this school, knowing that I am a transferee, and I don’t know a single person here.”


“But you managed to blend in within the classroom easily, just after a week you managed to befriend everyone in the classroom, including me.”


“I’m glad everyone here is friendly that I was able to befriend everyone, a very welcoming class I must say.”


Knowing that I am a transferee as well, I agree with her, the class is friendly. Funny thing is that I don’t even have any close friends in the room, or should I say only Maia is the person who talks to me inside the classroom.


“Thank you for talking to me, I don’t think there is someone who talked with me as much as you.”


“I’m pretty sure you don’t even try your best on befriending someone in the classroom as you don’t even talk with your seatmate.”


Well, she’s right about that.


I laughed awkwardly…


“Hahaha, you’re right. The way I act inside the classroom is the main reason why I don’t have friends. No, with the way I am right now, it’s impossible for someone like me to have friends at the first place.”


The person I am right now is not worthy of anyone, but I still want to try, and be at least true to myself and to someone.


“Well, if someone like you decided to be friendly, then having a friend will not be a dream anymore. Besides we are already half the school year, if you don’t move, chance you’re going to graduate without any friends. If you would count me as a friend, then that’s good, other than that you don’t have any other friends.”


“You’re right… Being a loner after all is a sad thing.”


“Right, if you ask me, I wouldn’t even want to imagine how it feels to be a loner inside the classroom.”


It’s a place where communication is helpful after all, to have friends and to learn is one of the reasons why school is memorable.


. . .


“I like you.”


I said it finally.


She looked at me with a surprised face.


“I know that it is sudden, and I’m not expecting any answer either, I just want to tell you.”

She didn’t respond, but instead looked away from me.


. . .


It didn’t take too long for her to run away from me.


I let out a heavy sigh…


It was a failure, although I expected it, the pain of not receiving any kind of response is worse that I’ve imagined.


Oh… I forgot to bring my bag.


What’s worse is that I forgot to bring my bag, and I must go back to the room. That was a mistake in my part, I deliberately chose to confess on Friday so if somehow, I failed, I can use the remaining two days to rest.


This is the worst.


I’m just hoping I don’t meet her in the classroom right now. Considering she runs away, there is a chance that she is in the classroom right now. In short, I might end up seeing her again now.


As I entered the classroom, a sight of group of people can be seen staying at a single table. I can’t see what’s happening because they are blocking the table with that many people.


Well, I just need to get my bag and go home.


I got my bag and tried looking at the table where the commotion is.


Maia is crying. But why?


I looked away immediately.


. . .


Am I the reason why she is crying? But I never said anything that could hurt her, she didn’t even respond but instead run away without saying anything.


I can’t go to her right now, or to be more exact I can’t go to her because I know this is not the right time. To exit is the probably the best thing to do at this moment.


As I’m about to exit the room, I caught some of my classmates looking at me. For what reason, is something I don’t know.


I tried looking at everyone.


They are indeed looking at me for some reason.


I have a bad feeling about this situation.




Suddenly my back collided with the floor.


What’s happening?


Thankfully, my bag was able to shield my back from getting harm, but right now I need to stand up.


Just as I was about to turn to identify the person who grabbed my bag from behind, a punch suddenly connected with my face, catching me off guard. The force from the blow sent my body crashing back to the floor, leaving me disoriented.


Like a soulless body, my body was left lying at the floor, unable to respond after the unexpected punch.


“Stop Robert!”


A loud voice, I guess she is stopping the person who punched me.


But Robert huh… I guess it’s natural, knowing he likes Maia. But that doesn’t explain why he suddenly punched me out of nowhere.


“Can you stand Septo?”


I don’t think I can respond to questions right now.


I tried getting up, and luckily, I managed to stand up, but was still not able to properly understand what is happening.


“Think you can walk?”


I didn’t notice earlier, but it’s Luna who is assisting me right now.


“I’m fine, I can walk.”, I answered her.


I guess the damage is not that much, knowing I can still walk right now. But it sure do hurt getting punched right in the face, especially it’s Robert who looks formidable.


As I exited the classroom, I once again took a glance at Maia and everyone. She is still at the table with her head down, while everyone is looking at me.


Not sure what I’m looking at right now, but I don’t feel welcomed right now.


Both my eyes and body are exhausted and can’t take this anymore.


I walk and continued walking until I reach the gate, with the bitter feeling I am experiencing right now, I ended the last school day of the week feeling lost and terrible.


< Friday Evening >


I don’t know what I should feel right now. But I do know that I am in a situation where my body and my mind want to rest, but because what happened earlier, I can’t help but think about it.


Setting aside how Robert attacked me without any notice, I don’t know why Maia is crying. Only a few minutes have passed when she runs away from me, is that enough time for something to happened to her?


That seems impossible, in that case I could only think that I must be the reason for why she is crying in the classroom.


It was me who got rejected, but from the looks of it she’s the one who got hurt and started crying after she left me standing in the tree.


There must be some reason, something I wouldn’t know.


< Sunday Afternoon >


I got tired from home while doing nothing so I might as well take a walk outside the house.


Having nothing to do, I could only think of what happened on the classroom. So taking a walk might give my mind a little peace and rest from those happenings.


> > >




I looked behind me and I saw Luna.


I never really talk with her, so I don’t know if I should start a conversation.


“You okay?”, Noticing I didn’t respond, she asked me.


I nodded in response.


“It’s our first time talking like this right?”


I nodded once again.


“You don’t like talking?”


That might be right.


“Hmmm… That’s a yes I guess.”


I didn’t say anything back, but we are still walking side by side.


“I know this might be not the good time to ask this question, but a time like this might not happen again. Do you know why Maia is crying?”


A question that even I don’t know the answer. But since Luna is a close friend of Maia, this might be a good chance to ask some things to her.


“No idea.”


She looked at me like she’s won a prize.


“That’s the first time you respond at me.”, She said while smiling and looking amazed. “But right, I don’t have any idea why she is crying too.”, She added.


Even her?


“Even though both of you are close friends?”


“You can say that, but as I said, she entered the room already crying. And this might come a surprise to you… I actually knew that you are going to confess to her. She said that she is going to meet you at the tree, so I had the idea that you are going to confess.”


That was embarrassing to know…


“Did she tell you anything about what happened?”


“Nothing, after you go home, she stayed silent the whole time, and left after a while.”


“I guess everyone don’t know what happened either.”


I thought everyone knew, considering everyone was staring at me that time.


Without saying anything she took a seat in a concrete chair beside a shop.


“Sit first.”, She said.


I took a seat beside her.


“Right, some of them are still in the room at the time, I’m one of them. She entered the room already crying, meaning she don’t have time to tell us what happened.”


“That makes sense, but why did everyone was staring at me?”


“Uh that one… I’m not too sure, but I do have an idea.”


“You have an idea? I could only think that she must have tell everyone that I am meeting with her.”


“That’s not right, although I can say that everyone has an idea that she is meeting with someone under the tree at that time.”


“What do you mean?”


“She was moving around the room relentlessly, looking like she don’t know what to do. I noticed it and I said that she should calm down, knowing that everyone has noticed it to, they gathered around her and told her the same thing. She then answered that she is going to meet someone now.”


So that’s why she took too long to arrive.


“I guess that gave everyone the idea?”


“Idea of what?”, She respond.


“The idea of someone is going to confess.”


“I guess you’re right, she never said it directly, but I feel everyone already knew that it is going to be about confessing. Although they are not sure if Maia is the one who is going to confess or the other one, which they didn’t know is “You”.”


I see… But it doesn’t really explain why they are staring at me.


“But that doesn’t explain why they are staring at me.”


“You’re right.”


“You said you have an idea.”


“It’s probably not the best idea to tell you.”


What is that supposed to mean?


“I’m not sure I understand what you are trying to say.”


“Well, if you’ve been interacting with the class, you might probably have an idea what is happening.”


“Meaning at the first place it’s impossible for me to know about it?”


“I guess you could say that.”


That’s unfortunate.


“But I guess I could tell you about it.”


I was confused so I looked at her looking like I don’t get what is she trying to do.


“I know I just said it that it’s not the best thing to tell you about it, but knowing that almost everyone knew it, I think it’s unfair for you to be left out.”


“I guess you’re a good person Luna.”


“Not in a way you think, probably. But well, a good is a good, might as well take it.”


I simply mean that she is good for helping me about this.


“Everyone knew that Maia is interested to someone.”, She added.


Oh really?


"That's news to me."


"I bet, that's what will happen to someone who don’t interact with their classmates at all.”


Right… I can’t deny that.


"I guess that makes sense that she rejected me."


"She did?"


"I mean she did run away and didn’t respond to me. But it doesn't make any sense, considering she was crying."


"It could make sense or not, but I'm also not sure why she is crying. All I know she is interested with someone."


"Hmmm... I guess there are many things we wouldn't understand at all. A bit of help would be nice..."


Making sure she heard that one.


"I can't really help that much, but you could say that when she said she is interested in someone, some people get the idea of what type of person that guy is."


"Idea? How did they get that?"


"She said it, she said that the person she is talking about is a quiet guy."


"A quiet guy?"




I see, I can understand some things now.


"If what I'm thinking is right, you believe that some of our classmates thinks that I'm the reason why she is crying? Simply because I'm a quiet person?"


She nodded as response.


"That's the idea, but it doesn't prove anything to be honest."


Right, that doesn't prove anything, but rather just gave them an idea if I was the person who's the reason for why Maia is crying.


"I think I can see a bit of light now."


"Good to hear that, especially you look exhausted that day."


I couldn’t remember how I feel that day.


"Am I? I guess knowing that I got rejected that day, and getting punched straight in the face does take a toll at my body."


Luckily it didn't leave any mark at my face.


"Hahaha...", She awkwardly laugh. "I'm surprised you didn't get angry that time, but I guess you're too tired."


Angry huh...


"I rarely get angry actually."


"Is that true?"


"Actually, I don't know."




"I guess I feel sad, I don't know."


All I know is that I get tired that day to even think of what I'm feeling.


She stands up.


"I shouldn't take too much of your time, you probably need some rest."


I nodded.


"See you.", She waved goodbye and walked away.


I learned many things today, and realized I was living far away from the rest of the class.


If she didn't approach me, I'll probably be ignorant about these things for the rest of the class year.


I'm getting sleepy now...


I should start going home.


< Monday Morning >


I just entered the class, and nothing unusual for the moment. No teacher yet, but most of my classmates are already here.


That includes Maia.


She is talking with someone as usual, but I don't see anything different from her.


I'm probably the only one here is overthinking that situation last Friday.


No, that's not right. They still don't have any idea why Maia is crying that time, that's what I learned yesterday from Luna. Most likely only Maia knew why she cried that time, even Luna who's her close friend doesn’t know something about it.


Knowing I don't have anyone to talk to at this class puts me in disadvantage, I absolutely know nothing about everyone.


I could only wait for time to pass and wait if Maia is going to talk about it.


< Monday Afternoon >


While I was eating lunch someone approached me.


"Follow me."


It was Robert, and this could only mean danger. But knowing he punched me last time, I think I should just follow this guy for now.


After walking for quite a while, we reached the back of the building.


"Tell me what did you do?", He asked while glaring at me.


I didn't respond but rather looked away.


A sudden punch reached my stomach.


I can't breathe...


Holding both of my shoulders up with his hands, he asked me again...


"Why was Maia crying?!"


Seeing that I don't intend to answer anything, while holding my shoulder, he holds it tightly and threw me to the side, causing my right shoulder to hit the ground.


He then walked away, leaving me behind.


I was lucky to be even alive, I thought he is going to eat me alive. But being not able to breathe after a punch in stomach feels like I'm going to die.


I guess I was too weak to even fight back against that person.


I tried sitting, leaning my back against the wall.


"I guess that's how anger looks like."


I wonder to myself.


> > >


It took me awhile to recover from that encounter but I finally reached the room.


Luna looked at me, and that look started looking like she is concerned.


Do I look different somehow?


I took a seat, and I noticed that Robert is sitting quietly. He seems like a good boy when you look at him like this, far from how he acts earlier.


I took a glance at Luna, but she's not looking anymore.


I then tried looking at Maia, she still the same, doesn't look like she is bothered by anything.


Lowering my head at the table, I'm slowly realizing that the class is going to leave me behind. The feel of being a student at this classroom seems getting further and further away.


> > >


Class ended and I just exited the school. I guess I feel a bit more excited now that the class ended, especially knowing that I do not feel good at going at the class at all.


I still don't get why Maia acted that way, simply because I'm in a position where it's impossible to know things that I want to learn about Maia. But I guess it doesn't matter anymore, or I want to believe that it doesn't matter anymore.


I'm still affected with this.


If getting rejected is already worse, I guess I also got myself a bully at the same time.


"Yo!", Luna tapped my shoulder. "How's day?".


"Totally bad.", I answered.


She nodded. "Look at your uniform, I can see some dirt attached to it.", She said while pointing the dirt.


Oh right, I never noticed anything at my back because I didn't bother on looking at it.


"I just know that Robert did something to you.", She added.


Knowing that he called out to me inside the classroom, I think it's very logical to think that he did something to me. Considering how he punched me last Friday, everyone would easily be able to think that Robert is angry at me.


Instead of responding, I stayed silent while we are walking.


"I see, you are a quiet guy indeed.", She said that while nodding her head multiple times.


The silence continued since both of us decided to not talk anymore. After a while we parted ways.

- This is the POV of Septo in 6th grade.