Episode 60
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“Can you stop?” The captain loosens her legs from around my waist. “We’re close and I need to get the blood flowing.”

Stopping, she slides off silently shaking her legs out. We’re closing in on the Rex. I’ve been working hard to mute my hearing to keep him out. Another wave of its power pushes against my ears. My eyes flare bright in response and I turn around to hide them.

“Don’t.” Her voice is muddy.

“No.” I hold one hand out in front of me to stop her. “I’m not safe.”

“Yes, you are.” 

I’m breathing hard to stop the surge inside me. She walks towards me. I take two steps back for every one of hers.

“Halt, warrior.” She commands and I obey on instinct.

She stands fearless in front of me. Pushing my fist away from the center of my chest where I always imagine caging my powers inside. Her small palm lays flat over my center and energy rushes forward to meet her touch. 

My eyes glow brighter. I back up and she fists my uniform to keep me still. Her other hand raises up and her fingers trace around my eyes. The flare reflects brightly back in her goggles.

“Focus on me, my breathing. Close your eyes. You’re not a danger, Oren.”

I want to believe her. But this moment proves I’m not in control. The Rex pierces my abilities and I'm afraid of what that means. Her steady strong rhythm finally breaks through, a consuming welcome. My powers lock on to her. That sweet scent, soft murmured words, and drawing heart is a lullaby. I can breathe again. She drops her hand and steps back. We face each other, a synchronic pulsing beat, breathing in the other's breath. 

“Move Elites! Move now!” Kane’s desperate call draws my powers back to the surface.

“What?” The captain summons her sword and turns to scan the area.

“They’re close, and they’re in trouble.” I turn to sprint off, but stop. I can’t leave her alone.

“Fletcher!” I wince at Addy’s fear. She’s awake and in danger.

“Go! Save them. Whatever it takes, Oren.” She’s telling me to use my powers. To save her squad.

“Please.” Her green eyes blaze.

It’s all I need to move. I take off through the trees. A horde of demons rush the squad’s position. Which means the captain should be safe on her own. Boom! The ground shakes as I near the clearing with the squad.

We’re only a few miles from the wall, but the demons have boxed the warriors in. Targe’s voice grumbles through someone’s comm. Backup is twenty minutes away. But it will be too late. 

This will be the first time I try to teleport on purpose. It's the only way to make it in time. I summon my blades and grip the hilts emerging from my forearms. The ring of my weapons alerts the demons to my presence.

Grunts and Blaze herds growl and chortle, turning away from the squad to face me. I peer through them to the clearing on the outer edge of the squad’s position.  My chest squeezes and I push all my energy into my legs, ready to take off. That pulling sensation roars to life in my center. This time it's more of a blur than a vortex followed by a complete blackout.

The demons turn into smudges of browns and grays as I streak through them. My body solidifies outside the squads perimeter like my blades coming from the ether. I did it.

“What the hell was that, Oren?” Iva’s face is drained of color. Thick matted curls stick to his forehead and hang over his dazed eyes.

“Later.” I nod at the advancing horde.

There goes my plan of sneaking in while they were busy fighting for their lives. At least I’ll be gone before I have to explain myself.

“On your left, Targe.” Fletcher’s arrows whiz past Cole, followed by shrieks from a Flick.

“Damn good to see you, man.” Fletcher’s smile is somehow as bright and tireless as ever.

“Traps reloaded.” Iva calls.

We fall back, tightening our stance back-to-back as a green barrier ignites around us. Its hold is wobbly, flickering bright and then dim. There’s not as many demons as our last stand. Maybe the barrier will last long enough for back up to arrive. 

“It’s not going to hold.” Addy whispers behind me.

She’s pale and leaning her weight on one side. My weapons flare bright as I punish them with my grip. She wouldn't be injured without my hesitation to save her. My decision to save myself instead. With a loud sizzle and a pop the barrier dies.

“Shit.” Iva curses.

“True strike, Elites.” Kane calls from my left, his scythe coated with demon gore.

He steps forward. We follow to expand our circle, making room to fight. His weapon and advance are slow. Dirty soaked bandages wrap one knee and his ribs. They’re all in rough shape. Luce lies on a makeshift stretcher of branches and jackets still unconscious with her head bound.

Cole yells and throws his body across the clearing. His hand shoots out to grab a hold of Luce’s leg as a Grunt pulls her stretcher into the horde. Fletcher snaps his compound bow out, turning it into his double-bladed weapon for close combat. The air stirs to my right and three Flick demons blink into view right in front of me.

“Addy, keep close.” Fletcher’s intense blue eyes guard his tiny twin behind him.

My breath stutters seeing her bruised and bleeding. The light that shines from her is dim as she gives him a watery smile. They lock on each other, like they’re taking their last looks. But I’m not hesitating this time.

“Stay together.” I command before I dash into the Flicks.

“Oren, back!” Kane’s order floats away in a strange echo as I race ahead.

My blades jab and slice through demon parts. I streak from one side of the clearing to the other. The heat from a Blaze herd increases. And I push off the ground to jump clear of their fire breath. 

I’m pure instinct. A line of demons are now on fire caught in their own attack. Too bad I can't turn off the pungent smell of charred demon flesh. It’s all I can do to keep moving and not throw up.

Power burns electric throughout my limbs. My sight flares bright as the demons move around me in slow motion. Every tick and every breath reveals their next move. 

My warrior marks are still glowing. And I wonder if they’re fueling the electric blue light consuming my blades. Whatever it does, my weapons stay sharp and clear of flesh and gore until there's no more demons to slay.

“Oren!” A shout from the captain stutters my instincts. 

I imagine myself in front of her and then I’m there. Her mouth drops open when I solidify, but she isn't scared this time. The others whisper behind me, but I tune them out and what they think of me.

“At ease, warrior. Just you and me." She whispers and I search for her calm.

Her hands are steady in front of her. One palm hovers over my chest like she’s soothing a wild creature. My reflection in her goggles is crystal clear and I realize I never put mine on this morning. The bright glow of my eyes eclipse the rest of my face. 

I close them and will my blades back into the ether. I'm deflating and back in control. Now’s the time to leave. They are safe. Now I can run before the squad recovers from the shock. Before General Targe arrives with the backup team.

“Hell yeah!” Fletcher's shout causes me to spin around blades, back in my hands.

“Whoa. Easy super warrior.” His chuckle is uneasy and he gives me his too white smile as he assesses me from head to toe. 

I release my weapons and hear Cole’s sharp intake. I don’t want to check the others. I can’t. Instead, I watch Fletcher stride toward me. My arms shake with residual energy. The captain stands closer to my side and his shoulders drop with the movement.

“You’re still scrawny.” He laughs and throws a hand on my shoulder like he always has.

“I’d hug you but, eww.” Addy’s tiny body comes into view. Pushing her brother out of the way, she invades my space like she always has. Round, clear blue eyes smile up at me, her light sparks. A groan escapes me seeing the long angry gash. It runs from her temple down the side of her perfect heart face.

“I’m s..sorry.” My stomach turns, thinking of the pain she's in from my selfishness. “I could’ve saved you . . . and Luce.” I retreat a few steps.

Their smiles, this acceptance, I don't deserve it.

“You did.” Kane takes up Addy’s side. “You saved her, the captain, all of us.”

One side of his mouth lifts to smile and I blink back, stunned at the odd expression on his stoic face.

“Damn, all this time. Always wondered if you actually had teeth, Kane.” Fletcher points.

Addy claps happily, slower than usual, pointing at me.

“Shit, both grumps are smiling. I’m almost afraid to wonder what will happen next.” Fletcher pulls his sister in for a hug. She melts against him in a rare show of sibling affection.

“Damn good to see you, captain.” Kane breathes out and pulls her against his bulky frame for a quick hug. That turns into a pat down to check for injuries. She rolls her eyes and pushes him away.

Iva is quiet behind the twins, fidgeting in place. He give me a smirk. “Something to share with the rest of the class, Oren?”

A steady march of boots is closing in. “Backup is a few minutes out.” I say, more than ready for the distraction.

I check the trees and find Cole guarding Luce. His black eyes hold fast to mine, but his gaze is miles away. He saw everything, and even if the squad is willing to stand by me, there’s no way Cole will. My window to leave is closing.

“Where are you going?” The captain asks and I find myself backing further into the woods.

I shake my head, not sure how to reply. How to say what I need to say. Will she let me go? They can’t really stop me. I gaze at each Elite and stay stuck on Cole. The captain follows my stare.

“Squad.” Her command fades to the background when a high pitch frequency pierces my brain.

My hands rush up to my ears to shield the onslaught of the Rex’s call. I fold over and crouch into a squat unable to stand. I can see the squad rushing around to secure the area, ready for an attack. Kane half carries, half drags me back to the clearing next to Luce in their center. My power surges out of my chest protecting my ears. 

“It’s the Rex.” I stand on shaky legs and summon my blades. “He’s calling another wave of demons.”

Lots of things happening in this one. I'm on the edge of my seat. How are you doing? - Thanks for reading!