Chapter Twelve, Part Two
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Thanks to everyone for reading! Please comment on any characters and universes you’d like to see in the future below the chapters. I can’t guarantee they’ll make it in, but I want to have some fun and fit in the audience's favourites if I can! Thanks again, and a huge thank you to my Patrons! I can’t make this content without support, and I’m super grateful for our first two supporters! This fanfiction is also available on my Patreon, I’ll always keep it free, so please visit! Any support there makes this work possible, and if enough patrons want this novel to be a priority, it will be!


Now, on to the chapter!

“Do we have to go to this thing…”


Dan sniffed at the air as he squinted at the Garnib assembly hall. A few months ago a humanoid bear had delivered an invitation to this gathering, but Dan had essentially forgotten.


“You don’t have to come, but I want to meet our neighbours,” May rolled her eyes at Dan’s disinterest. “The letter said that they would be voting on joining the republic. If this is going to be our public home, we should be involved.”


“I know you’re right, but I feel like a kid who’s being forced to go to the assembly,” Dan laughed as they walked toward the door. “I’d rather skip it and play outside.”


Dan and May passed through the wide entrance. A large, circular chamber, filled with tiered seats loomed ahead. Each curved ring stood a metre above the last, until it reached a centralised stage below. Prominent crystal sculptures dominated the decor, abstract and beautiful.


“It smells like wet fur in here,” Dan muttered as the odour he’d sensed outside rolled around in his sinuses. “These bears need a bath…”


“Just get Venom to plug your nose,” May hooked her arm through his. “Now be nice, I want to give a good impression.”


Dan sighed and followed her advice. With the symbiotes help, his nose was tempered to a manageable level. The intelligent polar bears of Garnib were a welcoming people, but he had a prejudice against bears.


“It’s not my fault that I’ve had the same nightmare since I was a kid…”


“Even now?” May raised her eyebrows. “I thought it would have been left behind or something…”


“I don’t think that’s how dreams work,” Dan shook his head. “I blame the ‘Fox and the Hound,’ that bear was pure evil.”


“Well, these are polar bears, not grizzlies,” May dragged him to a seat right near the front. “Now come on, local politics is important!”




“It is with a warm heart that I announce Garnib’s decision to join the galactic republic,” The respected sculptor, Vornest Dep-thesel Digarsarg opened his furry arms to take in the crowd. “Our meeting is concluded, in six months time we shall reconvene and vote on the chosen representative to the senate!”


The bear-man banged his gavel and the people of Garnib delivered a polite applause. Dan and May joined in, but Dan leaned close to speak with his wife privately.


“We need to find a representative that we can influence, a voice in the senate that can work in our favour…”


[Quest available: Gain the trust of the people of Garnib.] The system chirped in his ear. [Quest will be complete when fifty percent or more of the planet's population has a positive impression of you and your family. Rewards: one politically minded summon. Bonus rewards for higher satisfaction percentages!]


“A faction influence quest, huh,” Dan frowned as he went over the completion requirements. “But this one has a bit of a loophole…”


“Another quest?” May leaned closer as the beings around them began to filter outside. “What is it?”


“We need to win the hearts of the people, here on Garnib,” Dan grinned as a plan formed in his mind. “I’m going to leave the work here to you, if that’s alright? I have an idea to guarantee the quest’s victory conditions, but I’m not sure if the system will count it as cheating…”




“The scans show a massive conflict on the planet's surface,” Ultron highlighted the display in an ocean of red. “These Mandalorians you’re so fond of seem to be at war with each other.”


A communication came from the surface, an automated message. It warned away all comers, with no promise for protections to any who chose to land.


“Weird…” Dan wracked his brain, he understood the Mandalorians' situation in about four years from now. He’d assumed it would be much the same, so close to the start of the main plot. “Bring us into the atmosphere, but don’t land. We’ll do an airdrop to keep the new scoutship safe.”


Dan walked from the bridge, Ultron’s main body on his tail, as they made their way to the ramp. Venom spilled from within him and his form swelled to more than double his size. It would be great when he could fly on his own, but Venom was a great substitute.


“You should attempt to fuse that creature with one of my suits,” Ultron pinched at Dan’s new skin, Venom’s complaints ignored. “It has the potential to combine with far more than simple organic matter…”


“UNHAND US!” Venom snapped at the A.I.’s fingers. “WE ARE PERFECT ALREADY!”


“Not even close,” Dan rolled his eyes. “Ultron is right, you’ve got the ability to absorb and replicate technology…” He shifted course to the armoury. “I had plans to get you to steal beneficial genetics from other beings, but I forgot about feeding you machines!”


“What use is a machine, compared to our might?” Venom sulked. “Your genetic code has increased our abilities by so much, no metal fabrication can compare.”


The door opened and Dan stepped up to Ultron’s newest work. He’d ignored the more refined suit, in favour of the symbiote within him. Ultron had reminded him he could have both.


“Just fuse with this thing and stop complaining,” Dan rolled his eyes. “Every tiny increase to our strength is worth it, especially when Ultron can replicate enough vibranium.”


For now, they were limited to kryptonian steel. Powerful and durable, but far weaker than Ultron’s main body. The symbiote grumbled, but obeyed. A wave of black that enveloped the armour and dragged it into Dan's body.


“It tastes of steel and fire,” Venom mumbled around his food. “With a hint of the A.I.’s taint…”


“Yeah-yeah,” Dan ignored the complaints. “How long until you can use its abilities?”


“The defensive quality has been absorbed already,” Venom snarled. “The reactor and plasma generation will take more time to digest.”


“Good enough,” Dan grinned. “Let’s go interrupt a war!”

Thanks again, and a huge thank you to my Patrons! I can’t make this content without support, and I’m super grateful for our first three supporters! This fanfiction is also available on my Patreon, I’ll always keep it free, so please visit! Any support there makes this work possible, and if enough patrons want this novel to be a priority, it will be! Updates for this series will be at five a week, a chapter part monday-friday, with bonus chapters whenever I can get them written and edited.