Chapter 2
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And like that the two groups were ushered in a classroom without anyone understanding why they followed such a ridiculous order. Ainz's team took all the seats at the right side of the room.


Ainz himself was sitting in the middle with Albedo to his left and Ulbert to his right. Buku and Pero with their children Aura, Mare, and Shalltear took the back row while Ankoro, Cocytus and Demiurge sat in front.


Splendora was picked up by Pestonya who ran the daycare connected to the school. 


It seemed that everyone had been given a role they needed to fulfill in some sort of compulsion. Like roles in a stage play they were forced to participate in. 


Ainz looked around trying to see any outlier but by the looks of it, no one was trying to break the programming that was enforced upon them. 


Rimuru and Tanya sat next to each other a row behind the front with the rest of their group following suit and sitting behind them. Shuna and Shion took two seats behind Rimuru, Shuna sitting directly behind Rimuru with Shion to her right.


Behind Tanya was Benimaru and Hakurou, Hakurou taking the seat behind Tanya while Benimaru sat diagonally behind her right side. Behind them and centered with the rest of the group was Gabiru and Otto, with Milim walking around pouting as she tried to decide where to sit.


Eventually Milim decided upon sitting next to Tanya, ending up with a seat nearby Ankoro, seemingly enticed by the smell of sweets that emanated from the werewolf.


Tabula was ushered into the teachers seat by Gazel and assigned the math teacher position. Next to him stood his wife Mariposa dressed in a not so conservative dress suit with a skirt not reaching her knees by a landslide. She was practically Albedo's copy save for her having leathery wings, a tail with a spike at the end, and a more mature look.


"Do you have any idea of what is going on and why you’re a teacher?" Ainz asked the brain eater.


"You all will be attending a school and I will be teaching some classes," Tabula spoke, sounding just as confused as the rest. “For now let's play along, I feel there would be unforeseen consequences if we acted out.”


"Try not breaking rules. I appeared here a few minutes ago with all the knowledge I should know as an assistant teacher.” Mariposa said, nervously shifting around, but she quickly regained composure.  


“First start with the introductions. The headteacher of your class will be Tabula Ooal Gown." Mariposa said with a smile as she presented her husband.


"My name is Mariposa and I will be the assistant teacher."


She pointed at herself. Her smile faded for a moment replaced by the same confusion. "I'm unsure why we are doing this but we should all go along with it or there will be disciplinary action. I am fairly sure it’s not lethal but I would prefer to not risk it."


'I feel this is the case as well. We better play along for now. I suspect it could be one of those travelers doing this. It feels similar to when Regoz was talking with us and I couldn't even think of attacking him.' Ainz tried to make sense of the current situation.


{ For now, play along. I don't think we have any means to break free at the moment. } He messaged his team.


{ We have to find a solution fast. If we will be away for long, not only the Empire but the tomb itself could be destroyed. } Buku commented.


{ You know, I have a suspicion that won't be the case. Remember Regoz said that we are pieces on his side so he obviously wouldn’t let us be randomly transported to another world.} Ulbert joined in. He, true to his nature, leaned back on the school chair and put his legs on the table.


{ My best guess is we are in a pocket world and time outside is not moving forward. We might spend millennia trapped here while time stands still in our home. For now, go along with it and we'll start analyzing what is going on in our free time which there’ll be plenty off. } Tabula joined the conversation as well.


{ I hope that is the case. I wouldn't care as much if we had brought the entire Great Tomb with us but for now our priority is to lay low and look for a way out. Put attention back to class to avoid any disciplinary action.} Ainz said, ending the discussion.


Tanya leaned her head against her hand as her arm rested on the desk, looking over at Rimuru as she sent a [Thought Communication] { Any luck with a way out? Surely Great Sage told you something. }


{ Great Sage doesn’t seem able to really figure out anything. For what it’s worth, I know for certain that this is a different dimension, not just some unknown part of our world. }


{ I think most of us are able to guess that, but it's good to have it confirmed. If Great Sage doesn’t know anything, I doubt they know a way out either, do they? }


{ Nope, nothing. My main worry is Tempest though, will it be good without us? }


Tanya glanced over and explained, { Tempest should be fine. Rigurd’s more than capable of managing, I’d imagine if we’re gone for too long he’ll make an organized temporary government. I trust that Kurt and the Lizardmen should be fine as well. I’ve beefed up the military enough that they should be able to defend against most threats. }


{ That’s a relief. If this is another dimension, time might be working differently anyhow, so for all we know a year could be a few seconds. } Rimuru said, his face showing a little less anxiety as he seemed a bit more comfortable with the situation.


{ I’m more worried about our survival here. We need to prevent hostilities with those guys as much as possible } Tanya’s gaze now fell upon Ainz and his group, most notably on the stronger individuals which easily stood out amongst them.


{ Hey! Hey! Can I fight them? This isn’t Tempest anymore so I can fight em’ right?! } Milim interrupted their thought communication to try and push her own desires of having strong opponents to fight.


Tanya’s head collapsed into her hands as she shook her head, { Milim if you start a fight with them, I’m decommissioning your tank }


Milim’s face turned into a pout, prompting Tanya to extend a flattened hand towards Rimuru as he took a cookie out of his storage, placing it on Tanya’s hand. Tanya moved her hand over, handing Milim the cookie as she quickly took and ate it, happily devouring it as she completely forgot why she was upset.


Ankoro glanced at the exchange with a slight drool escaping her jaws. 'Those cookies smell so delicious.' While no one was looking she pulled out a muffin from her inventory and shoved the treat in her mouth.


To not drag it out, Ainz stood up and introduced himself. "I am Emperor Ainz Ooal Gown, the God of Life and Death. Ruler of the Empire of Nazarick."


Ulbert stood up next, "Grand Inquisitor Ulbert Ooal Gown, the God of Trickery."


"Grand Marshal Buku Ooal Gown, the Goddess of War."

(‘Great, more gods to deal with. Though I suppose if you have that much power, you could probably call yourself whatever you want. If they’re calling themselves gods, then the world they come from must have some serious balance of power issues’)


"Assassin Grandmaster Pero Ooal Gown, the God of Murder."


There was a slight pause as all the floor guardians waited on Ankoro to introduce herself as the werewolf just slid deeper into the seat in hopes of remaining unnoticed.


“Ankoro, your turn,” Buku whispered to deaf ears as Ankoro just sank deeper into the chair.


Albedo, seeing that there was some sort of delay, stood up and introduced herself. “Empress Albedo, The Goddess of Love and Family.”


“You can’t ignore this. Ankoro get up and introduce yourself!” Buku whispered louder with a hiss.


Finally, the werewolf reluctantly stood up and said with a stuttering whisper. “Ankoro Mocchi Mochi, the… the… the Goddess of Compassion and P-Protection.” 


After pushing those words out she slammed herself down on the chair and tried to be invisible with no apparent success.


The next sets of introductions went on without a hitch.


“Shalltear Bloodfallen, The guardian of the first, second, and third floor of Nazarick.”




“Aura Bella Fiore, the Guardian of the sixth floor of Nazarick.”


“M-Mare Bello Fiore. Also t-the guardian of the sixth floor of the Nazarick.”


“Demiurge, the Guardian of the seventh floor of Nazarick.”


Tanya, recognizing their conclusion, uniformly stood up, standing straight as in the next instant Benimaru, Hakurou, Otto, and even Gabiru joined her in form.


Shuna and Shion were able to pick up on what was going on and stood up quickly as well, Rimuru nearly fumbled out of his seat in a sudden shock but stumbled up quickly as well.


Gabiru spoke first, “Major Gabiru Eidech, commander of the 203rd Aerial Dragonewt Battalion.” 


Otto was next, “Chief of Engineers for the Tempestian Army Corps of Engineers, Otto.”


Hakurou offered a polite bow as he introduced himself, “Chief Inspector of the Tempestian Armed Forces, Hakurou.”


Benimaru placed a hand on the hilt of his katana as he bowed as well, “Field Marshal of the Tempestian Armed Forces, Benimaru.”


Shuna and Shion, taking a guess at the order Tanya had intended, went next with Shuna bowing first, “Kijin Princess and advisor to the King of Tempest, Shuna.”


Shion placed a hand on her chest and proudly proclaimed, “Official secretary to King Rimuru, Shion!”


Tanya willingly ignored her overly egotistical behavior for the time being as she gestured for Milim to go, though half expected her to want to go last.


Surprisingly, most likely due to being in a good mood following Tanya’s bribe, Milim bounced up and placed her hands at her hips, “I am the Destroyer Milim Nava! One of the Eleven Great Demon Lords! Hahahahaha!”


Milim’s laughing went on for longer than Tanya liked, but once she finally calmed down, Tanya continued, “Recently proclaimed Demon Lord as well as Chancellor and Grand Marshal of the Imperial Tempest Federation, Tanya von Tempest.”


Rimuru, able to have taken the hint from a mile away, followed her, “By divine right of the Storm Dragon Veldora, King of the Imperial Tempest Federation, Rimuru Tempest.”


“And my name is Arta. I am a mage.” A youthful voice drew everyone's attention.


In the middle between two groups sat a teenage girl with a gray, oversized wizard’s hat and a purple robe, that wasn’t there before.


‘Where did that girl show up?’ Weighing his options Ainz tried to use a message to contact Rimuru. 


{ Is that girl part of your team? }


{ H-Huh?! Wher- Wha- Oh, you guys can use Thought Communication… I should’ve assumed that… No, I have no idea who that girl is. I take it she’s not with you either? }


{ No. I suggest we hold a meeting after class. Take only your inner circle not the whole team. }


{ Technically my entire team is my inner circle, but I can probably just bring Tanya. Give me a bit after class to shake off Shion and Milim though… }


Momonga gave a subtle nod of agreement.


With introductions out of the way, Mariposa poked Tabula who was in full swing of taking his own notes and ignoring his duties.


The brain eater looked up, startled, and with an awkward cough started.


“Today's study topic will be introductory trigonometry.”


Pero’s hand shot up.


“You have a question, mister Pero?” Tabula asked.


“Can I just kill myself to avoid you teaching us math?”


“No. Take your notebooks and be sure to write everything down. There will be a test at the end of the week.”


“For a supposed god you seem to be complaining about basic mathematics.” Tanya muttered with her arms folded


“You call this basic?!” Rimuru shouted, slamming at his table in shock.


Pero glanced at the young girl and said with a pained laugh, “It not about bening hard. Be prepared for a lecture as interesting as watching flies fuck.” 


Tanya rolled her eyes, though she wasn’t inherently surprised to hear Rimuru say that. { I thought you worked in general contracting? You learned this in high school! You went to college didn’t you? } she asked Rimuru through Thought Communication.


{ We didn’t need to do trigonometry! Besides, I haven’t been to high school in over thirty years! } Rimuru sighed and turned to his mental supercomputer for the answers ‘Alright Great Sage, you’re up, all you need to do is go into auto mode and we’ll-’


«Notice: Cheating is not permitted»


‘What do you mean ‘cheating is not permitted?!’ You’re my skill! Why do you care for school rules!’


«It is not a school rule, but a fundamental law of this universe. It is ill-advised to ignore it.»


‘God dammit!’ Rimuru slammed his desk slightly in anger, causing Tanya to give him a confused glance which seemed to show a slight disappointment as if she had just guessed what he was trying to do.


Those who knew what to expect breached themselves for what would be an extremely boring two hours. As knowledgeable as Tabula was, he had little concept of what other people would understand, and his rather monotone speaking voice didn’t make things better. 


Even Mariposa sneaked in a yawn as Tabula rambled on, often repeating the same thing two or three times.


Most of his team, Ainz included, just started to take notes. Buku tried to slack off and pass all the work on to her daughter but got shut down as it was against the rules.


Even though all of the floor guardians, Shalltear included, understood the rather rudimentary topic, they still took notes as it would be disrespectful to not do so when a Supreme Being was teaching them.


Ankoro, getting hungry and bored increased the tempo of which she took out muffins from her inventory one by one, shoving them in her mouth and swallowing them like berries.


Milim had slowly inched her desk closer and closer to Ankoro, eventually leaving it until she was discreetly peeking her head up from the side of her desk, looking like a pleading puppy wanting a treat.


With Tabula too busy rambling about math and his assistant trying not to fall asleep, she was able to get away with sneaking this far without detection.


Ankoro noticed the pink-haired girl’s stare and instantly found a kindred spirit in the pink-haired girl and in the next attempt took out two muffins offering one to Milim.


Milim took the muffin with a smile and snuck back to her desk, still completely ignoring the lesson as she happily ate the muffin.


While Milim ate her newfound muffin, the rest of her group tried their best with the lesson. Of those there, Hakurou, Benimaru, Shuna, and even Gabiru listened intently and took down notes to the best of their abilities.


Shion and Rimuru ended up lost and confused, Rimuru more so since he spent half of the lesson sulking about the fact he had to solve his own problems for once.


Of the group, two didn’t take any notes at all, mainly Tanya and Otto. Tanya, having a college education, considered this high-school level stuff basic-level mathematics.


Meanwhile, Otto, as the head of the Army Corps of Engineers saw trigonometry as a fundamental and basic aspect of engineering and would’ve considered himself a failure of an engineer if he didn’t understand the ins and outs of it.


Mercifully, the torment session did end after the ringing of the bell and Mariposa stopping Tabula from continuing.


After a long sigh, he announced. “Class has ended. This is all for today. Be sure to be on time tomorrow. School starts at 8 am.”


{X} {X} {X} {X} {X}


Finding a way to split off from the group, namely Shion and Milim who would’ve wanted to come along, was a surprisingly easy task for Tanya to pull off, even if it was a bit cruel.


A simple illusion spell hid them from everyone’s eyes, and while they had to leave without telling Shion, causing her much confusion and worry, Milim on the other hand had to be bribed not to follow or tell. 


This meeting was meant to be between the upper brass of two nations, for all intents and purposes Tanya saw it as a diplomatic meeting and didn’t want or need the chaotic nature of Shion and Milim, even if they had their value as intimidation tools, fucking it up.


They had established communications through their respective [Message] and [Thought Communication] spells and skills, agreeing to meet at a diner nearby the school.


Though it was not easy, Ainz managed to convince Albedo to let him and the other players attend a meeting with the leaders of the other team. His wife, now that Rubedo was not present, was adamant to be his protector, even though Ainz was vastly more powerful than her. With an excuse that Buku would be there as a shield and someone needed to pick up Splendora from daycare, he managed to get away from the floor guardians.


Together with Ulbert, Pero, Buku, Ankoro, and Tabula who joined them for the meeting they arrived at the agreed meeting place; the diner.


Tanya had already made sure to secure a table ahead of time, though the diner had barely anyone in it, making such a precaution ultimately unnecessary.


Regardless, as the two teams arrived they both were able to find the table and sit down, Ainz, Ulbert, Ankoro, and Tabula sitting on one side, Tanya, Rimuru, Buku, and Pero on the other. Buku made sure to get the seat directly next to Rimuru who, at Tanya’s command, managed to hide his lust for elves.


Pero was the first to speak. “By the way I wanted to ask what was that about the friendly slime? I have heard that phrase somewhere.”


Rimuru practically jumped out of his seat, leaned up on the table as he said “I can’t really explain it unfortunately. It’s sort of like a ‘if you get it you get it’ kinda thing…” Rimuru muttered nervously. He wasn’t going to just go around revealing he was an otherworlder. Even his own subordinates didn’t know that. The only ones who did know were any fellow otherworlders which he came across like Shizue and Tanya.


Ankroro looked at Rimuru and then mumbled under her breath, “He knows about Dragon Quest.”


Buku already gave her a look to not reveal more but it likely was too late already.


Rimuru practically jumped up, hands on the table as his face lit up, much to Tanya’s and the others’ startlement, “So you guys know what it is?! That means you’re otherworlders right? Japanese I assume?”


Rimuru, as always, was far too eager for his own good when it came to otherworlders. While he had only so far met Shizue and Tanya, he had hoped to find more. Ultimately he was shocked to find out that he would find them here of all places.


Tanya, meanwhile, wasn't so easily convinced, but decided to let Rimuru go on with it, half expecting them to reveal that they weren’t Japanese at all and likely disappoint Rimuru in the process.


“You’re from Japan too!? I played the series up to Dragon Quest 47…” She suddenly stopped talking seeing the glare Buku was giving her.


“Just Great.” Ulbert leaned forward and supported his head with his right arm. “Cat is out of the bag. We should have put her in daycare with Splendora.”


“F-Forty Seven? How many have they made in the short time since I died? We were only up to like… the tenth one…” Rimuru muttered, his face showing visible confusion as he seemed lost.


Tanya was quick to question whether or not they were actually Japanese, but the possibility was there for some time shenanigans to be going on. After all, this dimension for all they knew could’ve pulled them from completely different times, too.


“Ok let’s not bullshit around. Safe to assume you both were pulled from Earth but likely either a different time period or different reality altogether.” Pero said.


“We are from Japan and got transported in year 2138,” Buku added to her brother's statement. “Though we did become Gods soon after transportation so it’s not just us blowing our own horn.”


Tanya simply let out a quiet and partially sarcastic ‘mhm’ as Rimuru was taken aback by the time they got transported “2138?! I died in the early 2010s! Tanya, when did you die?”


“First time, 2013. Second time, 1925” Tanya replied, much to Rimuru’s slight relief.


“So you come from Japan over a hundred years in the future? And you were transported? Not died and reincarnated? Man I wish I could’ve skipped the whole ‘dying’ part. It's not a fun experience.”


“You should try getting hit by a train or disintegrated in a high-density magical beam from an enemy. Instant death, rather painless actually.” Tanya said frankly too casually for Rimuru’s liking as he simply looked at the child which so easily brushed off death.


“I see a common pattern here. Did you recognize other people we met? We know the man who was with the principal.” Ainz asked.


“Yeah, the principal was Gazel Dwargo, hero king of the Armed Nation of Dwargon. They’re probably our biggest allies right now. Tanya here helped organize the construction of an ‘autobahn’ connecting our capitals.” Rimuru said, pointing at Tanya who nodded.


‘German? Why? Like I need another Pandora’s actor.’ Ainz suppressed the desire to shudder. ‘They both wear uniforms. If she jumps on the table and swings her arms around I’ll just let Ulbert blow everything up.’


Tanya added onto this, “He’s considered to be one of the best sword fighters, though he was apparently trained by Hakurou. I believe he has some ability to read minds with his ‘[Tyrant]’ skill, so be careful around him. As for others, I’ve had my Magical Radar on since class ended and I believe I’ve located a few key individuals, some of our own and one which I assume is yours.”


“May I present a theory?” Tabula spoke up.


“Just give us the short version.” Ulbert groaned.


Tabula grumbled under his breath something unintelligible and then continued. “It is safe to assume that Regoz is not behind this current circumstance for the sole reason that it would go against his goal. But his opponent would have an easy time striking Nazarick while all of us are gone. Lilith spoke of an entity known as the Crawling Chaos or Nyarlahotep. One of the Outer Gods. This entity might be behind what is going on.”


“Ainz you still have a book, right?” Ulbert asked.


“Yes, but I prefer to not test what effect it would have on our new allies.” 


“May I ask what this ‘book’ is? I’m afraid I really have no idea what you guys are talking about with all these entities and outer gods or whatever. We’ve never encountered such things, so it makes no sense for them to drag us into it. If they wanted to take you out with us, well they should’ve gone for someone stronger, or honestly just sent Milim. Out of everyone they definitely wouldn’t need to send Gabiru.” Tanya replied blankly, having tried her best to comprehend anything that the brain-eater had said, but came up more confused than before he started talking.


“I would have assumed that your universe also contained the writings of H.P Lovecraft. In short, it’s nothing we can fight directly. But if you didn't even know about such beings then there likely is another explanation. I think the common denominator is that we all were transported to different worlds.” 


Tabula scratched his chin with one of his tentacles lost in thought. After a moment he added.


“The book is called Al-Azif or Necronomicon but it would have little use to us if outer Gods are not involved.”


“If it comes down to fighting one of those supposedly out-of-reach beings, we really only have one possible solution.” Tanya sighed and looked towards Rimuru who seemed to understand what Tanya was referencing.


“In our world there’s these beings called ‘True Dragons’. We don’t quite seem to have gods like you do, but these True Dragons are supposedly the gods of the world. One of these True Dragons was sealed away and he’s been stored in my [Gluttony] skill as one of my other skills continues to analyze his imprisonment to break him out.”


Tanya added onto this, “We aren’t sure how strong Veldora is compared to these ‘outer gods’ but supposedly according to my chats with Veldora, his brother was the one who created all the worlds. Mind you, I don’t completely trust that statement, but that may be my own skepticism, and I’m not sure if your world was among the ones he created, especially if we’re from completely alternate realities with different rules. For all we know this could be the doing of some power above those ones you reference.”


{ If anyone tries to suggest we break out that God I’ll punch his tentacle-filled face. } Ulbert glanced at the brain eater. 


{ I am not stupid. } Tabula retorted.


{ It might be one of the options explored in the future. But for now, we should treat them as the temporary allies they are and be mindful of what we reveal. } Ainz said, glancing at Ankoro who looked down resembling a scolded puppy.


“I propose we form an alliance and look for any clues that could help us understand where we are and what we can do to escape,” Ainz said.


“I don’t see any problem with it, best if we aren’t fighting each other anyways. Rimuru?” Tanya turned to Rimuru for their approval, though she could already guess that they were on the same wavelength about the decision.


“Of course! I wouldn’t really consider it an official treaty or anything but depending on how you look at it the Imperial Tempest Federation and the Empire of Nazarick are now allies!”


“This means any conflict between us should be resolved peacefully if possible.” Ainz glanced at both Ulbert and Tanya with the demon goat just giving a nod of agreement.


“He’s the one who wanted a show of force. War is a waste of resources, but if someone wants to threaten violence, you need to show you’re ready for it.” Tanya said as Rimuru stared her down.




“Yeah, yeah, I ain’t gonna start a conflict. All of my wars have been defensive anyways.”


“Weren’t you serving in the German army in your last life?” Rimuru asked, gazing at Tanya speculatively.


“It was a ripoff Germany, but yes. My point still stands.”


“Mhm sure, Nazi loli”


Rimuru then heard a slam on the table as his right arm had been forcefully removed and slammed down by Tanya who looked at him with a stare that could’ve killed any normal human who saw it.


Blue slime flowed out of the top of the arm as Rimuru quickly took the hint and reattached his arm with his regenerative skills.


“Just don’t!” Buku glanced at Ulbert knowing that he likely had already assigned that nickname to the trigger-happy girl. Meanwhile, she also took advantage of the ensuing chaos and not so subtly rubbed Rimuru’s upper thigh.


Rimuru practically let out an ‘eep!’ in shock, though managed to quiet his own voice down as his face turned red, though this too he tried to hide, knowing Tanya wouldn’t believe him if he told her why he was making that face.


Doing his best to avoid eye contact he had to use Great Sage in order to not risk angering Tanya further. An arm was easy to regenerate, but next time Tanya would certainly take more if he pissed her off again.


“It fits. Look, she even has a the right uniform.” Ulbert cackled, but calmed down once the flames in Ainz’s eyes sockets grew more intense.


Tanya rolled her eyes, standing up out of her seat as she floated out of the booth and began to walk out of the restaurant and towards where her new house was.


Rimuru took the opportunity to make a bit more space between him and Buku, assuming her hand placement was an accident caused by cramped space.


Buku gave him a subtle but unmistakable glance of disappointment.


{ You just couldn’t help yourself? } Ainz asked in a deadpan tone.


{ Relax. I can fix things. } Ulbert replied and then sent a message to Tanya before the alliance fell apart.


{ I didn’t expect that would get under your skin. If an official apology is required I give one. } 


{ Well for one, the Empire was a monarchy, while I can admit that some of the leaders of certain ideologies were sadistic geniuses in their manipulation of others, their ideology tramples on the individual freedoms I seek to uphold. Regardless, that’s not why I left, nor does my departure impact the alliance. Rimuru has all the power to make alliances, I left partially because of Rimuru’s comment and partially because I don’t want to find out what slime sex looks like. }


{ I’ll keep in touch. You seem a better ally to exchange info with anyway. Although with a bit of a short fuse that works against you. }


{ Rimuru has the charisma of a leader, and the ideals to back his power, but he’s lacking in other departments. He’s learning, but it’s slow. It’s hard to suddenly have to figure out how to lead a nation. He can be quite smart but if I have a short temper, he definitely has a crazy libido for a slime. Oh right. I haven’t seen this first hand, so don’t take my word for it, but I’ve been told by a friend of mine that he might have a thing for elves. So tell your friend to watch out, he won’t try anything but he might take certain moves the wrong way. } Tanya replied, stating that last warning not knowing that the elf had very much meant it the way Rimuru interpreted it.


Ulbert sent a burst of laughter in response. { You have no idea what the slime boy is in for. }


{ I don’t want to know. }


With Rimuru left alone Buku flashed him a predatory grin.


“Just shy or I’m not your type?” 


Ainz just sighed. It was just a matter of time before either she or Pero tried something. To his surprise Pero had shown an amazing amount of restraint and not tried to flirt with Tanya thus far. Knowing he would not achieve much by trying to stop her until things had gone out of hand he decided to wait for Rimuru’s response.


Not that he could blame both too much. Sure it was just a few hours but with both their harems gone it was only a matter of time before they were back to their old shenanigans. 


Ainz also considered the possibility that the fact Rimuru was also a slime may have caused some sort of instinctive reaction. Ainz’s undead body was capable of suppressing his emotions, perhaps organic bodies had impact on their libidos? Ainz decided it wasn’t worth testing anytime soon. 


“I-I- Huh-? W-Wha?” Rimuru was visibly flustered, obviously not having expected any of this. He had gone thirty-seven years in his past life without so much as a girlfriend, and while he had met Shizue, she felt more like a close friend than anything romantic. Never had Rimuru experienced or expected a girl to be so forward with him. The fact the girl was an elf certainly didn’t make the situation any better for the flustered slime.


Rimuru continued, “W-Well it-it wasn’t that… I-I just… Didn’t expect…” Rimuru’s brain seemed to be working overtime trying to keep him together and piece together any sort of coherent sentence. 


“My, you are the shy type. Don't worry I don’t bite unless you are into it.” Buku continued her relentless assault and leaned closer to the young-looking boy.


{ Shouldn’t we stop her?} Ainz asked the remainder of his friends, leaving Buku out of the conversation.


{ Let sis have her fun. She’ll back off if he straight out rejects her. } Pero said.


‘We are starting this alliance on very shaky grounds.’ Ainz mused seeing that the young-looking boy started to resemble a silver-haired tomato. 


“W-Well I-I have pain nullification anyways…” Rimuru muttered, scratching the back of his head even more nervously than before.


‘What the FUCK am I saying?!’ He asked himself as his outward ramblings seemed to completely fall apart. He’d ask Tanya for help but this was the last place he wanted Tanya’s input.


«In utilizing phrases from your memories, you are ‘fumbling the bag’, however it is likely that this is having a positive effect overall»


‘That’s not helping!’ Rimuru shouted back at his skill.


“Is that an invitation to try?” Buku asked with a cheeky smile and licking her lips.


“W-Well… I-I’m… I just…” As Rimuru continues to stutter, Tanya walks back into the diner, grabs Rimuru by the collar of his sweater and begins dragging him out of the diner, able to detect his nervousness a mile away, though mostly via the rapid fluctuations of his aura she picked up on radar.


“This went well,” Ainz remarked dryly once both figures were out of the diner. 


“Don’t stress it. They seem like fun people and them being isekai’d like us works in our favor. As long as sis doesn't cause too much drama.” Pero glanced at his sister who glared back at him.


“Aha, who is willing to bet that the birdbrain will get his ass feathers burned off by the nazi loli when he tries to make a move on her.” Buku retorted.


“Just keep it to a reasonable level. I don’t want to have a war with another group while we try to break out of this place.” Ainz shook his head. 


Both leaders of Tempest were reasonable people with a desire to cooperate, but that could all come crashing down if one of them was pushed beyond limits.


{X} {X} {X} {X} {X}


AN: With this crossover fanfic consisting of only two fanfics, we are still open to new fanfics joining the crossover. If you have a fanfic which doesn’t involve Overlord, Tensura, or Saga of Tanya the Evil (or at least brings significant change to it) and are interested, feel free to DM either swisschocolates or dukecheburek on discord and we can discuss it further.