Chapter 9 : Sky King
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Once, there was a small pet bird whose owner was a kind old man. The old man had rescued him when his own mother discarded him. 

As the old man lived alone, they became inseparable over time, cherishing each day as if it were their last. He allowed the small bird to roam freely in his backyard, and then, he would gently place him back in his cage, providing him with food and treats. Sadly, one of the bird's wings was paralyzed, making him unable to fly.

Every day, as the small bird sat in his cage, he would watch crows soaring freely through the sky. He couldn't help but imagine and dream of being just like those crows, roaming the vast expanse of the sky without any constraints or limitations.

One fateful day, the kind old man passed away, leaving the small bird in the hands of his cruel and narcissistic son. This heartless son began subjecting the poor bird to various cruel experiments, treating him as nothing more than a guinea pig.

One fortunate day, the son carelessly left the cage door open, allowing a glimmer of hope to shine through for the small bird. Seizing the opportunity, the bird desperately tried to escape. But luck was not on his side, as the son noticed the escape attempt and swiftly caught up with the frightened creature. In an act of sheer brutality, the son cut off one of the bird's feet, leaving him unable to stand.

The small bird was now reduced to a mere ball of feathers, unable to stand or fly. Despite his helpless state, he continued to gaze at the vast expanse of the sky, his heart yearning to see the face of the kind old man once again. According to human beliefs, when someone passes away, they go to a special place in the sky, and the small bird eagerly wished to reunite with his beloved old man.

Summoning every ounce of strength left within him, the small bird attempted to flap his wings, as if driven by sheer determination and love. However, his futile efforts only served to annoy the cruel son further. Consumed by his malevolence, the son decided that the only solution was to completely eradicate the defenseless bird.


As the son's cruel actions reached their peak, he tied the small bird's feet to a rope with a heavy rock on its end. Without any remorse, he callously threw the rock and the small bird into the river, submerging them both underwater. As the small bird descended to the riverbed, a wave of despair washed over him, and he couldn't comprehend what he had done to deserve such a fate. Anger began to replace the kindness that had once resided in his heart, as he felt the weight of his circumstances crushing his spirit.

Amidst the darkness and suffocating water, the small bird suddenly heard a faint voice, a gentle whisper cutting through the turmoil. It was as if a guiding presence was trying to reach out to him, providing a glimmer of hope in the bleakest of moments. The small bird strained to listen, feeling a strange mix of fear and curiosity at the unfamiliar voice echoing through the water.

--- I'll give you power, To Eradicate the humans ---

As the small bird found himself resurrected as a humanoid crow, his memories remained blurry, but a deep instinct compelled him to ascend towards the sky. As he soared higher and higher, he stumbled upon a wondrous kingdom inhabited by other humanoid birds. Intrigued and curious, he decided to become a citizen of this fascinating realm.

With time, he proved himself to be exceptional and talented, rising through the ranks to become a high-ranking soldier within the kingdom, burdened by the memories of the cruelty he had endured at the hands of humans, he suggested to the king that they should take drastic measures. He proposed to eradicate the humans completely, citing their harmful contribution to air pollution and the destruction of the natural world.

However, the king, wise and compassionate, did not immediately agree to such a violent course of action. Instead, he urged him consider the consequences of an action, emphasizing the importance of understanding and empathy. The king believed that while humans had caused harm they are still creature essential for the balance of the world. 

Devastated by the king's response, he couldn't shake off the anger and frustration that swirled within him, then he flew to the human realm, as he soared over the bustling streets, he spotted a familiar face below. It was the son, the same cruel individual who had inflicted so much pain and suffering upon him. The sight of the son filled the bird with a torrent of emotions, anger and resentment resentment, Then his body trembled, not from fear, but from the excitment of tormenting the man. 

Then he immediatly flew towards the son, attack its limbs and rippping off the son's arm, when the son realize that his arm has been ripped off, he started to run, then the humanoid crow attack again ripping off the son's legs leaving him with only torso and one arm, the son started to cry, and begs for mercy as the humanoid crow tied the son's arm with a makeshift rope, its end anchored to a heavy stone. Then he lifted the son and soared toward the river. As they reached a certain height, he released the rope, ensuring that the son would landed on the river's edge with broken bones . The impact was harsh, but the young man remained conscious. But not for long since the crocodiles living in the river walks toward him then bite off his flesh, feating his body until he die.

When he returned home, the king came to know of his actions, and disappointment clouded his face, and as a consequence, he suspended him from his position.

Angerly, Frustrayed, and feeling betrayed by the very kingdom he once served, he initiated a coup d'état with his black humanoid crows soldiers. And they successfully killed the king and claimed the throne. 

Then one day, blurry memories of the kind old man struck his heart. Although the anger within him remained strong due to the recollection of the son's cruelty. In that moment, he decided that today was the day to eradicate the humans...

Then one day a blurry memories of the kind old man strike in his heart, althouth the anger in his heart is a lot stronger as he remember the cruely of the son, so he decided that today is the day to eradicate the humans...

*/ Back to the present /*

As Hiro's gourmet dish melted in the Sky King's mouth, the blurry image of the kind old man suddenly became clear. As he lay on the ground he could see the vast sky he had once dreamed of flying when he couldn't fly, but had wasted the opportunity by focusing on anger and revenge. Tears fell from his eyes, and once again, he saw the kind old man. This time, the old man gently carried him, and together they slowly ascended to the sky. As they flew, he began to appreciate the scenery—the vast ocean and towering buildings.

His body then turned to dust and formed wings that attached to Hiro's back. The royal guards kneeled before him, but they started vanishing one by one.

Confused by what was happening, Hiro looked towards the defeated heroes and began mending their wounds. Other heroes arrived on the scene, but all they found were dead crows with Death Gatling bullets.

Hiro, still perplexed by the events, explained that Death Gun had annihilated the humanoid crows. Little did he know that a mysterious person in a nearby building had witnessed everything. This person recorded in his notes how Hiro had tamed the White Humanoid crows and turned them into his soldiers to defeat the Sky King.

 Then the mysterious individual stood up, leaving his binoculars on the table...