Chapter 124: Triple Tribulations
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Within the group of 9 individuals that absorbed the pure energy the same way as Meng Lin, three individual’s body began to release intense light as a thunderstorm began to form above them.

From the body of a young mischievous man, a golden light rose from his chest as thunder rumbled above his head.

The scarred-faced man's body emitted a fierce gold glow, accompanied by crackling sparks of electricity.

And lastly was the burly man, his body also emitting a radiant golden light, but with a calming and steady energy.

As the thunderstorm intensified, the atmosphere crackled with electric energy. Dark clouds gathered above the three individuals, swirling and churning with an otherworldly power. The air became charged, causing the hair on their arms to stand on end.

The mischievous man raised his hands, and a sphere of shimmering golden light formed around him.

It pulsated with an ethereal energy, creating a protective barrier that shielded him from the impending storm.



A bolt struck down against the barrier and yet it didn’t budge, the golden light danced and flickered in his chest and it intensified as the second bolt arrived.


The scarred-faced man stood tall, his scarred visage illuminated by the golden glow emanating from his body. He extended his arms, summoning a swirling vortex of wind that encircled him.

The wind howled and roared, creating a barrier that deflected the lightning strikes with precision and finesse. His second tribulation lightning danced and twisted as it was redirected away from him and the golden light within his chest became more clear.

Meanwhile, the burly man's body seemed to not be bothered with putting up any barriers, he allowed the first and second bolt to hit him and course through his spiritual vains as he tried to strengthen his body with the tribulation lighting.


The third bolt decended and his body became charred as the ground trembled and shook with the raw power coursing through it.




The heavenly tribulation raged on, each lightning bolt more powerful than the last. The burly man stood resolute, his body radiating with an intense glow as tattoos began to cover his body causing it to expand twice its size, his body became harder yet it couldn’t protect against all heavenly lightning as his body showed dozens of areas burned.


The mischievous man began to feel strained as his sphere of golden light began to crack under the weight of the sixth lightning bolt, he realized that if he doesn’t do anything about it then the next one will be his last.

The scarred-faced man was even more unfortunate, his body seemed to be reaching its limits as the seventh lightning bolt struck him.

The swirling vortex of wind around him faltered, unable to fully deflect the immense power. His golden glow flickered, revealing the strain on his face as the lightning seared through his defenses, leaving scorch marks on his already scarred skin.


As the seventh lightning bolt descended, the mischievous man's protective barrier shattered into countless fragments, unable to withstand the overwhelming force.

He stumbled backward, his body shaking with pain as the golden light within him dimmed, threatening to extinguish completely.

The burly man, despite his immense strength and endurance, could no longer bear the onslaught of the heavenly tribulation.


Once the eight lightning bolt appeared he already knew he wouldn’t be able to stop it, without any delay in his actions he took out a small intricate mirror that he placed above his head.

Meng Lin instantly recognized it to be the same one he used to block her golden Lizard.

Meng Lin and the rest looked on with focus as an unparalleled force emerged from the lighting and the sky rumbled even more.


A powerful explosion erupted where the burly man stood as his mirror came into contact with the lightning bolt. The force of the explosion caused a shockwave that shook the ground, but the burly man stood firm, his body easily absorbing the shock of the blast.

On the other side, the mischievous man, also took out something from his robe, which revealed itself to be a pole, resembling a lightning rod. With a swift motion, he threw the rod a few meters into the air and stepped back.


The lightning bolt struck the lightning rod, causing a blinding flash and a deafening rumble. The mischievous man's body shook as the electricity surged through him, but he stood his ground, absorbing the light power without faltering.

Meanwhile, the scarred-faced man, in a desperate attempt to protect himself from the impending eight lightning bolt, drew upon his deepest reserves of energy.

He opened his mouth to chant incantations that drew the attention of the 7 other individuals watching.

His voice echoed through the air, resonating with a power that seemed to affect the very heavens themselves.

As his incantations grew louder and more fervent, the more powerful the thunderstorm seemed and with a final note, it decended onto him.


And yet right as the heavenly bolt was about to lash on him, it began to slow down before completely stopping and dissipating into qi.


Meng Lin gasped, her eyes widening in disbelief. The scarred-faced man's incantations had somehow nullified the lightning bolt, turning it into pure qi that dissipated into the air.

All the others held the same expression as Meng Lin. Both the middle aged man and the mysterious woman in black held a sharp curiosity and confusion in their eyes.

Even Liara, the one most likely to know out of all of them was stumped, his face showing a confused look.

However that seems to have taken all the energy out of the scarred face man as he held a dreaded look while the thunderclouds rumbled once again for the final strike.

“Haa haa” He panted heavily, his body visibly drained from the immense effort. But despite his exhaustion, he refused to fall as determination gleamed in his eyes.


A heavy pressure decended as the final bolts flashed in an instant to appear near their targets.


The burly man felt a large force coming through his hands as the mirror within his hand trembled from the impact of the last lightning.

“Ugh” a pained gasp couldn’t help but escape his lips as his arms began to shake uncontrollably with small cracks being heard within his hand.

The mischievous man, with his lightning rod still in the air, braced himself for the final strike. His body trembled as the lightning bolt connected with the rod, sending a surge of electricity coursing through the area, with him included.

And the scarred-faced man, already drained from his previous incantations, could only stand his ground, his body battered and bruised. He gritted his teeth as he knew he couldn’t survive this one.


Meng Lin looked towards the two Gold core cultivators, the middle aged man and the mysterious woman, and she held a hand under her chin as she began to think.

She inferred that they didn’t want to save the scarred face man as it was better to weed out any potential threats when it comes to an inheritance such as this.

She held the same opinion so she decided to watch and see what will happen, although she has her worries, she also didn’t want to help and risk herself getting hurt.

It was a Heavenly Law that If you help someone with their tribulation lighting then you will receive a tribulation lighting of your own, and it’s specifically designed for you so the lighting will match your strength and could potentially harm you and there is no benefit from it.


Yet the actions of the scarred face man caused Meng Lin’s eyebrows to raise as he seemed to have taken out a large tortoise carapace that was brimming with vitality.

And Meng Lin eyes widened as she realized that It was not just any tortoise carapace, It was the carapace of a mythical creature, one of the four divine creatures. The Black Tortoise.