Chapter 10 : MonsterTamer Guild
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A sunny day in City-Z, Hiro opened up his shop, and his munchies diligently carried the ingredients for him. Day after day, Hiro's gourmet dishes became tastier and tastier, showcasing a limitless potential. Restaurants all over the city eagerly sought to recruit him, despite facing rejection many times.

Amidst the bustling day, three men appeared in front of his cart and placed their orders. It was Lightning Lancer, Agile Gale Force, and Fiery Blaze Bomber—the group of Class B heroes who had fought against Insecta-Scale back then.

As Hiro served the heroes their orders, they sat down at a nearby table.

He then serves them their order, As the hero sit beside a nearby table, Fiery Blaze Bomber suddenly shouted...

-- Cockroach!!! --

Everyone around, including Hiro, turned their attention towards Fiery Blaze Bomber, curious about what was happening. He stood up and confronted Hiro, showing him the food, he believed had a cockroach in it. Hiro was taken aback by the accusation, as he had always been meticulous about the cleanliness and quality of his ingredients. He couldn't believe that such a thing could be present in his food.

Carefully, Hiro examined the plate of food, searching for any signs of contamination. To his relief, he found nothing out of the ordinary. There was no cockroach or any other foreign object in the dish.

Then Gale Blaze dramatically acted out choking on something he pretended to find in his food. The crowd around the food cart fell into a momentary hush, and all eyes turned to Hiro, curious to see how he would handle the situation. Gale Blaze then he picked something out of his mouth and loudly started talking again.

-- "Food cart chef!!! WHAT IS THIS? A hair? That's what happens if you cook with those monsters beside you. Who knows what we can find next?" --

People looked on, waiting to see how Hiro would respond to the accusations. Despite the tense atmosphere, Hiro remained silent and composed, choosing not to engage in a confrontation. Instead, he focused on preparing another batch of food for the heroes.

As Hiro served the new batch of dishes, Gale Blaze, fueled by his anger, picked up the plate and threw it back at Hiro in a fit of rage. The plate crashed to the ground, causing a commotion among the onlookers.

The people in the crowd were torn between their desire not to get involved in the conflict and their belief in Hiro's innocence. Some sensed that the three heroes might be trying to frame him, but others were unsure and had mixed feelings about the situation.

Despite the provocation, Hiro remained calm and collected, determined not to let the situation escalate further.

As the commotion heated up, Hiro remained undisturbed and picked up the food thrown at him, calmly eating it.

- What a waste," he murmured -

Lightning Lancer stood up and poured the curry onto the ground, then stepped on it.

- Eat this up, food cart chef! -

The Munchies started barking at them, and suddenly, Gale Blaze kicked Tora, one of the Munchies. Hiro unfazed look turned deadly. His eyes grew fierce and aggressive, causing Gale Blaze to feel somewhat scared. Despite this, Gale Blaze kicked Hiro on the forehead.

Hiro quickly stood up and retaliated, throwing a punch at Gale Blaze. However, Gale Blaze managed to dodge the punch. Then suddenly a solid punch out of nowhere landed on Gale Blaze's face, sending him flying towards the street.

In that moment, a white humanoid crow faintly appeared, punched Gale Blaze.

Lightning Lancer tried to attack the crow with his lance, but it passed through the crow as if it were a ghost—unable to harm it. The crow, seemingly invulnerable, punched Lightning Lancer in the liver, leaving him unable to stand.

Meanwhile, Fiery Blaze Bomber decided to flee from the scene.

Hiro was surprised by what happened as the crow began to turn into dust, eventually forming the number ninety-nine before dispersing in the wind.

He walked towards Lightning Lance, offering his help to stand up. As Hiro did so, a man approached him, holding out a letter. The letter bore an unfamiliar seal, piquing Hiro's interest. He accepted the letter, and the man then walked away, sitting at a nearby table.

Hiro opened the letter to read its contents:

--- Hiro,

We would like to invite you to join the MonsterTamer guild. Your skills are formidable, and we recognize that you can play a crucial role in bridging the gap between monsters and humans. By fostering understanding, we hope to bring about peace and eliminate discrimination and violence between our two worlds. We believe that you and our organization share the same goal. We eagerly await your response ---

The letter had indeed piqued Hiro's interest, as the organization's vision seemed aligned with his own. With a sense of curiosity and a willingness to explore, he made the decision to join, knowing he could always leave if things didn't turn out as expected. Hiro approached the man who had given him the letter and confidently expressed his desire:

- I want to join your guild. -

The man smiled warmly and reached into his jacket, pulling out a party popper. With a cheerful pop, he blew it up in front of Hiro.

"Welcome to the guild, Unassuming Food Cart Chef, Hiro!! My name is Sarutobi, and I'm one of the agents of the MonsterTamer Guild."

The next day, Hiro sat in front of the six executives of the MonsterTamer Guild for the interview.

--- So, you're the unassuming food cart boy who tamed a lizard monster with a tiger-level threat and then managed to tame a horde of 100 crows, each estimated to be of demon-level threat, using them to defeat a dragon-level threat monster. Is this all true, young man? ---

one of the executives asked.

Hiro took a moment to compose himself, feeling the weight of his accomplishments being acknowledged. With humility and pride, he responded,

- Yes, it's true. I never imagined my life would take such turns, but circumstances led me to discover my abilities and potential in taming monsters. It was an unexpected journey, but I'm grateful for the experiences that have brought me here. -

The executives exchanged glances, seemingly impressed by his feats. Another executive inquired.

--- How did you manage to tame such dangerous creatures? It's not a skill commonly seen among monster tamers. ---

Hiro took a deep breath and explained, "It was through understanding and compassion. I learned that monsters, like humans, have their own fears, desires, and feelings. By communicating with them and showing them kindness through my gourmet, I gained their trust. It wasn't about dominance or control, it was about forming a bond based on mutual respect."

--- You turned down the offers from the Hero Association and various 5-star and famous restaurants. We believe that your decision to accept our proposal aligns perfectly with our goals. ---

-- "Welcome to the MonsterTamer Guild, Food Cart Chef Hiro!" --

--- "We will thoroughly analyze your records and notify you soon of your ranks within the guild. For now, you may proceed to the lobby." ---

With the warm welcome and anticipation of new challenges, Hiro felt a sense of belonging and purpose. He thanked the executives for the opportunity and made his way to the guild's lobby.

As Hiro waited, Sarutobi approached him with a congratulatory tone.

"Congrats!! Can you come with me for a second? I want to introduce you to someone."

Intrigued, Hiro followed Sarutobi as they walked together. As they rounded a corner, a breathtaking woman appeared before his eyes. Her beauty was truly incomparable—her skin glowed like pure snow, and her hair was a stunning shade of white. Deep blue eyes gazed at Hiro, captivating him with their intensity. She looked ethereal, almost unreal.

Hiro found himself momentarily stunned by her appearance, but he quickly gathered himself and offered a polite bow.

-- Hiro, I want to introduce you to Alice, your new partner. Alice, this is Hiro, the infamous food cart chef. --

My body started to shake with a mix of excitement and nervousness as I extended my hand to shake hers. However, Alice seemed disappointed and merely looked at me, analyzing every detail without returning the handshake. Then, she abruptly turned and walked away through the main door.

Sarutobi leaned in and whispered in my ear, "Isn't she beautiful?"

I blushed and could only manage to nod, agreeing wholeheartedly.

-- Her beauty is not just skin deep. She's incredibly powerful; they call her the Snow Witch. According to our records, her eyes alone have the power to tame a demon-level threat. They say she can subdue any monster with just one glance. She's a Class A Tamer. --

- what is class a tamer!? -  I asked.

Sarutobi explained,

-- There are a total of 13 classes within the guild. The first nine are referred to as numbers, and they are the classes for MonsterTamer employees. Class nine is the highest, comprising the executives of the guild. I am currently in Class five, working as an agent responsible for recruiting tamers.

He continued, "Now, for the tamer classes, there are four in total. Class J, also known as Jack, can tame monsters with wolf and tiger-level threats. Class Q, or Queen, can tame monsters with threats ranging from tiger to demon levels. Class K, or King, has the ability to tame monsters with demon and dragon-level threats. --

Then, Hiro opened the letter given to him earlier, revealing his current class and rank.

--- "Welcome, Hiro. Your current class is Class K, Rank 5." ---

Upon reading the letter, I felt a sense of pride and accomplishment. It was an honor to be recognized as a Class K tamer, and I was eager to continue honing my skills to progress even further.

Sarutobi congratulated me once again, and we walked through the main door together. As we stepped outside, a world of endless possibilities and adventures awaited me as a member of the MonsterTamer Guild. With the support of my newfound companions and my determination to grow, I was ready to embrace whatever challenges lay ahead....