Chapter 63: Man vs Hornets
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In the calmest voice that she could let out, Madeline uttered a short incantation as quickly as she could. In fact, she uttered it so quickly that I was unable to properly make out what she was saying. The only thing that I heard her say clearly was the last two words of the incantation, “Divine Shield”. 


The hornets, their stingers sharp and deadly, were pointed right at us. Just as the giant enraged insects were about to land direct hits on us coming from all sides, a shining light formed in the area. It was a familiar light. It reminded me of that endless white void that I have been in twice. 


It was a good thing. Comfort was the one feeling that I felt above all else when I was in that void, and that was the exact feeling that I got from this brimming illumination.


The light was so bright that it was almost blinding. I wince and close my eyes due to the brightness, and when I reopen them, I notice that the light was gone, but something else was in place: 


A large golden dome, practically a forcefield, formed around the two of us. Madeline strained as she held her golden staff out with both hands, the snake head at the top of the staff glowing. 


The hornets were all attacking the dome, trying their hardest to puncture through it with their razor-sharp stingers, but the magical shield was too powerful. At least for now it was. I know she won’t be able to hold it for long. After all, she already explained that she could only cast the Class C version of this spell. 


Grrr!” she groans, clearly trying to control the shield as efficiently as she could, "If I could cast a higher class of Divine Shield, things would be different, but we only have a couple of minutes before this goes away. That’s as long as I can keep it up!” 


Two minutes. It was definitely not a lot of time, but it was still something. 


If we do get injured, Madeline can easily cast a healing spell on one or both of us. But I’d rather not have that happen. She needs to conserve as much of her mana as she can, given the situation that we’re in.


I was definitely not a battle expert. I wanted to avoid it more than anything, actually. And given that there was so little time, there was practically no way that I could formulate a plan to kill these monsters.


But I guess I don't really need some kind of complex plan. This is a head-on battle, and no serious thinking was required. All I have to do is slice these things up to mincemeat.


I grab my bloodied dagger and move it upwards toward the closest hornet. My arm phases through the dome and reaches the middle of its thorax, and I stab with all of my might.


However, I'm unable to penetrate through the hornet. It was as if its body was made of steel. I try over and over, stabbing the hornet repeatedly, but I was still unable to do anything to harm it.


"These bastards are indestructible!" I cry in frustration as I pull my arm back into the field of the magic dome.


"Steven… I can't hold on much longer…" Madeline says weakly as she stumbles to her knees.


She was giving it her all and definitely overdoing it, using more mana and power than she could handle, all in an attempt to keep the two of us safe.


This was hopeless. We were going to lose our only form of protection at any moment and these hornets were going to go all out when they did so. 


I had to find a way to kill them. And fast.


But what could I do? My iron dagger is completely useless against their durable bodies. No matter how many times I stab them, I will never be able to puncture them.


At least not with this weapon…


I was reluctant to do this, but at this point, it was the only thing I was able to try. 


I had to use my Sacred Sword.


I wanted to keep the fact that I was a sacred weapon wielder a secret, but it seems that won't be happening. Because if I don't do it, they're going to kill us. Not to mention, time was running out.


"Come on, do something, Steven!" Madeline yells, straining even harder than before.


I am going to do something. 


I put my dagger at my side, knowing it would no longer be helpful in this situation. I extend my right arm out. I could already feel the intensity on my body as I did so. 


I was able to summon the blood-red longsword in a much shorter time. The time that I had hoped to reach. It only took me three seconds for it to appear in my hand.


Maybe I was able to summon it quicker this time due to my focus to slay these hornets. Whatever it was, it definitely helped me. 


Madeline takes notice of the sword in my right hand and gasps as the large dome around us slowly starts to deplete. The young cleric drops her staff and passes out on the ground, now unconscious.


Pain was surging throughout my entire body. I've never used my sacred weapon in combat before, only in training, and even then, I only had it out for a short while.


I can only swing it once and then my energy is practically wiped out. This one swing was for all the marbles. 


After the dome is finally gone, the hornets take advantage of the sight of the now fragile and unconscious girl, focusing their attention on her and forgetting all about me. This was the perfect opportunity, but I didn't want Madeline to get caught up in the impact of my slash.


From what I remember from the book, it said a Beginner-Level Wielder is able to kill a small to medium sized beast at maximum.


Would these hornets classify as small beasts? If so, did that mean I would be able to kill only one of them? Shit!


I had to try regardless.


I step back, almost falling over due to the amount of intense pressure on my body.


"Hey! Did you forget about me?!" I yell out, hoping to get the attention of the hornets. 


It was no use. They weren't paying me any mind whatsoever.  The only one that they were able to listen to and understand was that crazy old hermit.


I slowly approach the hornets, to try to get them to notice me by force, but as I do so, I see something that fills me with pure, unbridled rage: 


The hornets got to the vulnerable cleric and were all stinging her repeatedly with their stingers. Blood was getting everywhere due to this. 


 "You bastards!!!" 


My body felt as if it was on fire, but I was able to press forward due to seeing the sight of the girl I was desperate to save. 


"I'm sorry, Madeline… I have no choice…"


I had to pray that this didn't harm her. I didn't want her to get hurt more than she already has.


With both of my hands, I hold my sacred sword and prepare to swing as if I'm going to hit a homerun in a baseball game. 


The blade of my weapon glows brightly, and with every last bit of strength I had remaining, I make one clean slash, targeting all six of the hornets.


The exact moment after I do so, I extend my arm out once more, my sword disappearing.


The next second went by like a flash, and in that second, all six of the hornets exploded upon impact, the green blood from their bodies spewing everywhere, landing on Madeline, some of the trees, and the ground beneath.


I fell to my knees. I could barely move. I was able to kill all of them after all... 


But even so, at what cost?


My determination was the only thing that was keeping me from passing out. I couldn't afford to do so. I had to save Madeline no matter what.


But I couldn't walk now. So instead, I crawled.  I crawled slowly on the ground on top of the blood, both Madeline's and the hornets' until I reached the girl. I looked at her in complete horror when I got to her.


She had multiple wounds in her torso from the stings, and the punctures looked really deep too. The receptionist at the guild said that hornet stings are rarely lethal, but what about multiple hornet stings?


I press my head against her small chest. A few tears come to my eyes when I realize that she still has a heartbeat, although it seemed very faint. She wasn't dead yet. She was a strong girl. My slash didn't end up hurting her, either. I couldn't see any type of injury on her body that came from a blade.


I had to help her and make sure she wouldn't succumb to these wounds.


I lay beside her, taking my bloodied hand, reaching into my satchel and pulling out one of my health potions.


With my teeth, I pull off the cork of the bottle, and turn my body to Madeline.


I take the potion bottle and get her mouth open as gently as I can. I had to make sure she got every last drop of this potion, and that she wouldn't choke on the liquid either.


I grab her by the back and sit her up, and then I pour the thick green liquid into her mouth until the last drop is in her system. After doing so, I toss the empty bottle aside and gently lay her down once more.


I notice a glowing on Madeline's body. Her wounds were slowly healing. I'm grateful that I had these on me. If I didn't, she was definitely going to be dead within minutes due to blood loss.


I'm laying right beside her as her bleeding slowly stops. She was going to be okay.


I smiled slightly as I was now fully exhausted of all my energy. 


I close my eyes, and the last thing I think about is my hope that Madeline regains her consciousness soon.