Chapter 3
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Chapter 3

It took about a solid minute of being dragged along the sidewalk for Rimuru to finally return to his senses, turning to his slime form and hitching a ride on Tanya's shoulder as she began to walk towards their 'home' in this world.

'The meeting at the diner was… eventful to be sure. We have, at least in theory, obtained an alliance with what seems like the only other faction here, but the process of obtaining it was… a mess. I swear you'd think this slime has never seen a woman in his life.'

As Tanya slowly walked home she contemplated the active threats to the stability of the alliance, concluding that out of all possibilities, it was Shuna, or more likely Shion who posed the biggest threat.

On paper this would make no sense, but after the interaction at the diner, Tanya couldn't imagine either of them taking it that well.

After a bit of walking they arrived at their house, it was a large mansion reminiscent in design of the main government building within Tempestia. Right above the large double doors was an ingraining of a slime clearly meant to be Rimuru. Such engravings were common within Tempestia, so seeing it here wasn't all too out of place.

At the front of the house was a fairly nice looking yard with numerous trees similar to those seen in the forest. Near the front of the lawn was a flagpole with the Tempestian flag waving in the sky.

Immediately next door, in great contrast to the white-colored house they lived in was a dark colored house which, due to the lack of any other houses on the road, Tanya assumed was the house of the other group.

Tanya and Rimuru went inside as the sun began to set and people began to prepare for bed, having located what rooms were theirs and adjusting it to their likings.

As Rimuru turned back into a human form, Tanya noticed there was still a slight blush on his face, but she opted to ignore it and go to bed herself, locating her room and going to sleep.

As Rimuru headed towards his room he felt a presence appear behind him, as if two sets of eyes were staring a hole right through him. These eyes didn't take any action, however, they stared as if they knew of what happened at the diner and weren't too happy about it.

Fortunately for Rimuru, it wasn't him their anger was directed at.

Now alone in her own room, Tanya looked around a bit and ultimately decided to just head straight to sleep.

Sleep was not something she should need, but it was something that she seemed to need now nonetheless. She couldn't even remember the last time she actually slept, let alone properly through the entire night.

Ever since she was reborn into this demonic body, she lacked the need to sleep and only ever did so when she desired a meeting with her demonic patron, Noir.

Noir was a valuable ally and a useful resource. The information she gained from him helped her out substantially in her early days and months in the world she was reborn into.

Now once more she needed his help. The demon as old as time, as one would expect from such an ancient being, had a vast array of knowledge, some of which may help her out here.

As she slept, she found herself materialized in a world of her own mind. Her surroundings were a mesh of various environments from all of her lives. Scenes from Japan, the Empire, and Tempest were all there, melted together into a single hodgepodge of environments, now seemingly including scenes from the schoolhouse too.

"It's been some time, Noir." Tanya commented, looking around until she spotted Noir offering a polite bow.

"Indeed it has, Tanya. You've proclaimed yourself a Demon Lord since we've last met, truly a bold move. Come to seek me for advice about that?"

"Don't play dumb, Noir, you know what I'm going to ask about."

Noir made a smile and nodded, a hand placed on his chin as he looked around at the warped surroundings they were in. "Ah yes, this strange new world we find ourselves in. Truly a marvel, isn't it? Who knew not only our plane existed but so many others. And to think beings out there can create and destroy them at sheer will."

"What are you talking about, Noir?" Tanya asked Noir, who, as she expected, clearly knew more about this world than she does.

"Oh, I'm sure you'll find out in due time. We've all been given a role to play, Tanya, and I'm afraid mine is merely the butler. You'll have to work the rest out on your own."

"Huh? What are you- Noir!"

Tanya suddenly jolted awake, as if she had been forced out of the dream, whether it was by Noir himself or something else she couldn't tell. She knew little of the 'travelers' Ainz and his companions talked about, but if they were anything like Being X, they would be a headache to deal with.

{X} {X} {X} {X} {X}

"They sure are fun people. We should drink with them." Pero said with a laugh.

"That could work to loosen him up…" Buku watched as the flustered boy got dragged away by his friend.

"Or it might be an act. For now, keep things friendly but watch your back. We should test if Gate works so there is a better chance to respond to any threats." Ainz glanced at both siblings that rather quickly had dropped their more serious personas and returned to how they were soon after arriving in the new world.

"I don't think there is much need to worry about those two or their group in general. The slime is too friendly for his own good and although I couldn't read their mind, the body language gave away enough. Rimuru tries to be friends with everyone around him, while Tanya is the cautious one. But unless cornered I doubt she will try anything against us." Ulbert reported his observations.

"Yup. For now, we should get to our new home… Wait, do you know where we live too?" Pero asked somewhat confused.

"It seems we all do." Ainz replied.

The fact that they instinctively knew where they lived wasn't that surprising at this point. 'I guess I could just start making sense of what laws govern this palace, or let Tabula do the research.'

His own disposition too was changing. If just hours ago he barely thought of anything else than matters regarding the Empire then now it felt more important to get home and spend time with his wife and daughter like a regular family.

Finding no better time to try if the transportation spells worked, he attempted to cast gate. There was this instinctive knowledge that the spell would work as long as he didn't attempt to get to restricted areas.

And lo and behold the spell worked like a charm leading them right to the entrance of their new home that had just one house next to it on an otherwise empty street.

"Ten gol.. I mean ten bucks that is where our new friends live." Pero pointed at the neighboring mansion that was about the same size as theirs.

"The rest of the space is empty. It would indicate that there is the possibility of more people arriving through similar circumstances." Tabula took a long look at the grassy lawns without any buildings.

As they looked around another gate opened and the remainder of their group arrived with Shalltear in the lead closely followed by Albedo.

"Papa! Papa! I met all our friends. They are small like me!" Splendora shouted on top of her lungs jumping into her father's embrace.

She continued to retell her day in a rapid and incoherent way making it hard to understand what she was saying. The only thing Ainz understood from all that was that Pestonya and an orc resembling the head chef were looking after them and she was playing with Neia who now, for some odd reason, was not much older than his daughter.

Now united the whole group walked inside the mansion with Sebas waiting for them inside.

"Lords, ladies, welcome home. Your personal items are prepared for your use. Despite the new and confusing circumstances I will try to perform my duties to the best of my ability." Sebas said with a light bow.

As if downloading the map in his mind Ainz instantly knew the layout of the home. The first floor consisted of the guest room, kitchen, dining room, a few playrooms, and other spaces dedicated to home activities. The second floor was for bathrooms and bedrooms for each and every one of them.

On the table in the guest room, there were rows of small packs with each of their names written.

A quick exploration of their contents revealed a phone and a credit card and a tourist guide for the city they were in.

Before any other plan could be discussed everyone dispersed through the house. For the most part, the floor guardians had no difficulty in adjusting to using modern technology which was abundant in the mansion.

Buku and Pero were the first to jump on a gaming console and soon enough were teaching their children how to play.

Ulbert showed Demiurge how to gather information on the internet which would help to get more sense of the world they were in.

Ankroro disappeared into the kitchen and not even a moment later could be heard raiding the fridge. The werewolf's already ferocious appetite was seemingly growing by the hour.

Tabula with his wife just disappeared in their room.

'It looks like everyone is getting used to the new life.' Ainz mused.

For his own part, he and Albedo followed Splendora to her room as she wanted to show off all her new toys waiting for her there.

{X} {X} {X} {X} {X}

After getting a bit more sleep following her fruitless talk with Noir, Tanya woke up exactly at 5AM, several hours before she even needed to leave for school.

Despite this, Tanya immediately set out to wake everyone up, stepping out into the hallway she saw Otto, Hakurou, and Benimaru, all having woken up around the same time.

As soldiers, waking up early was something they were to get used to, it was a habit she had somewhat formed in her first life, one that was only reinforced in her second, and now had become instinct in her third.

Of those that weren't awake it was Milim, Shion, Shuna, Gabiru, and Rimuru. Without hesitation she set out to wake everyone up. She sent Benimaru and Hakurou to wake up Shuna and Shion respectfully as she herself went to deal with Gabiru.

She walked up to Gabiru sleeping lazily on the bed, shaking him to get him to wake up. After this failed, she placed her hands on the bottom of his bed, flipping it into the air.

Gabiru spun several times in the air before him and his bed crashed back onto the floor, the bed landing straight on top of Gabiru as he made an exaggerated scream of agony.

Knowing his dragonewt body was more than capable of taking a bed falling on him, especially after he had survived being run over by a tank, Tanya simply left him there, confident that he wasn't going back to sleep anytime soon.

As she went back into the hallway, she noticed Shion and Shuna having woken up without issue as Shuna attempted to wake up Rimuru. These attempts were seemingly failing.

Stepping into Rimuru's room, Tanya saw Rimuru sleeping arguably just as lazily as Gabiru, looking down at him with a questioning stare as she then looked at Shuna who was told to wake him up.

Shuna shrugged and muttered "He wasn't waking up, and he just looks so cute when he's sleeping, I couldn't wake him up."

Tanya shook her head and looked back at Rimuru with disappointment, "Don't worry, you did your job. He's awake. He's just pretending to be asleep. I thought I should just tell him that if he doesn't get his ass out of bed I'm telling that elf what his search history looks like"

Rimuru launched his head up and looked at Tanya with fear in his eyes, "How do you know what that looks like?!"

"I didn't. I was bluffing. Glad to see you're awake Rimuru, get up." Tanya turned and left the room, leaving Shuna confused.

"What's a search history?"

"Nothing!" Rimuru shouted angrily as he rushed out of the room with a flustered and annoyed expression.

Milim was still asleep, however Tanya had no intention of even trying to force her awake. 'She'll be out here the second she smells breakfast. There's no point in getting her up earlier.'

As Shuna cooked with Benimaru assigned as the kitchen's anti-Shion bodyguard to make sure breakfast was at least edible this morning, the others looked for other things to do to pass the time.

Otto became fascinated with the various technologies located within the home. Things as simple as lights or fans to more complicated technology like televisions and computers all caught his attention. To him these were all truly marvels of engineering, ones he would work diligently to recreate once he was back at the lab.

As Tanya walked by Rimuru, he stopped her, "You know, Tanya, some of these rooms seem to be replicas from my last life in Japan. My room is basically just a direct copy of my room in Japan. It's missing a lot of the stuff in it, but the bed and positioning are all the same." Rimuru pointed to a door on Tanya's right, "Heck I even know that's the bathroom."

"Because you went in there? Do you even need to go to the bathroom?" Tanya asked.

"No, or at least I don't think so. I didn't need to sleep before. Anyways, I meant that the door to it is the same as the one to my bathroom from my past life!"

"I'm surprised you can even remember that minor detail," Tanya commented as Rimuru stepped to the door and opened it.

"See, look, it's my bathroom!" Rimuru froze as he entered it as Tanya peered in, confused.

"Do you normally keep a computer in your bathtub?" Tanya asked as she looked at the computer and monitor both soaked in the middle of the bath.

Tanya looked at Rimuru before being startled as she saw tears in his eyes, Rimuru muttering "Tamura really did it… He truly knows how to treat his senpai"

"Rimuru what the fuck are you talking about?"

Rimuru slowly closed the door and nodded, "I shall never touch this

bathroom again," before promptly walking away.

As Otto approached, confused at the commotion, Tanya sent him a Thought Communication, { Go into the bathroom and get that computer. See if you can salvage the electronics. I want to see whats on that hard drive }

{ May I ask why, Kanzlerin? }

{ Potential blackmail. It'd be best if you don't question it }

{ Understood. I'm not sure how I would go about salvaging anything, nor do I know what a hard drive is, but I'll do my best! }

Tanya sighed and watched as Rimuru walked out into another room, 'This slime…'

{X} {X} {X} {X} {X}

The need to sleep wasn't fully returned so Ainz awoke about an hour after dozing off. With Albedo holding onto him, leaving the bed wasn't an option.

'What should I do?' Staring at the ceiling and listening to his wife's calm breathing wasn't the worst thing in the world but the boredom ate even at his undead mind.

'Hmm, why can I feel bored? I didn't before. Could it be that I am becoming more human again?' The answer to this question wasn't a particularly pressing one as his Emperor persona wasn't that vastly different from the guild master he played in the game.

After laying like this for a while he remembered that the phone existed and it was within arms reach on the nightstand.

The next few hours were spent trying to make sense of information found on the internet. The almost nonsensical news reported very minor local events as if the existence of them was an afterthought.

The games and other entertainment were so numerous that it seemed whoever had created the reality had a weird collector's habit regarding all sorts of creative outputs.

Settling to waste time on a simple connect three colors game he let the hours fly by.

Albedo started to stir with the first morning light like she always did, even when they were sleeping in their quarters in the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

Together they walked out dressed in morning attire found in the dresser. Whoever had made the clothing choices surely had a sense of humor.

All the morning robes meant for him were with an overly cute aesthetic. But since his regular attire was missing from the room he just picked one at random.

Dressed up in a white fluffy morning robe with bunny slippers, Ainz resembled a parody of himself. 'Ehh it could have been worse.' He mused and stepped out of the room followed by his wife who had the privilege to have her regular silk morning robe.

The first thing when meeting them outside the bedroom was the loud Pero's voice.

"Just make eggs and bacon. We are not in Nazarick anymore."

"But, my Lord, this is beneath the standards of a Supreme being. Besides, just bacon and eggs are not enough for a proper meal." A feminine voice responded arguing back in a rather uncharacteristic manner for a homunculus maid.

'Increment?' Ainz clearly recognized the voice. Another homunculus maid rushed past him and went into full assault mode to his bedroom.

"They weren't here yesterday?"

"It's natural that servants follow their master," Albedo commented, seemingly unphased by the change.


As Pero argued with the maid about the breakfast options Ulbert emerged from his room in a silk morning robe that had chibi goats as decoration. Noticing Ainz's stare he said, "You are not looking any better."

"Let's just carry on." Ainz sighed, resisting the desire to snicker at his friend suffering a similar fate to his.

The situation around the dining room table wasn't any less chaotic. With most floor guardians and players present, the maids were delivering the morning coffee and plates of breakfast.

The only ones missing were Buku, Shalltear, Tabula, and Mariposa.

"We should wake them. School is starting in two hours." Ainz remarked.

"I am not risking my life and waking her up," Pero exclaimed.

"Mare can do it." Aura gleefully threw her brother under the bus when it came to walking their mother at such an early hour.

"What about the rest?" Ainz asked, choosing to avoid dealing with Buku's habits altogether.

"Let Tabula's wife worry about him. With any luck, we won't get any math today if he oversleeps." Ulbert said.

"Mornin…" Came a barely audible grumble from Shalltear who slowly approached the table looking overly tired.

Without anyone asking she explained her rather disheveled look, "This phone thing had a lot of p-"

"Sweety! Less details!" Pero cut her off.

"Huh? Daddy but it's true. I was trying to watch it all but there was too much." Shalltear said, confused about why her father cut her off.

"What was too much?" Aura asked, none the wiser.

"Nothing!" Pero practically shouted, imagining the gory murder scene that would occur if he introduced his sister's children to porn.

"Why are you screaming?" Buku approached the table looking no better than her niece.

"No reason." He squeaked.

'If all the mornings will be like this I should just find a way to sleep in.' Ainz mused as the siblings started to bicker.

The last two to show up were the brain eater and his lovely wife, greeted by a groan from Pero, Buku, and Aura.

"You know if we overslept there simply would be another teacher in Tabula's stead," Mari said nonchalantly, taking her seat next to her husband who took advantage of his tentacles and grabbed a coffee cup and a toast.

"It's still bullshit. Why do we have to study?" Pero asked no one in particular.

{X} {X} {X} {X} {X}

The walk to school wasn't that bad, frankly it would've been nice if it weren't for the fact that two of their group seemed to be out to murder someone. Tanya intentionally opted to ignore the murderous intent behind Shuna and Shion and focused on getting to school.

The walk there was mostly calm however as she heard a rumbling down the road she didn't need her magical radar to detect who it was. Rushing past them on the road was a hot-pink modified Panzer IV, though officially titled the Magier I.

The tank was the first model of a Magi-Tank that Milim had practically claimed for herself. The paint was originally red but Milim painted it pink, making it hers completely. Whoever was running this world clearly didn't care for its safety if they let someone with the title of 'Destroyer' drive around in a tank as their mode of transportation.

She decided to simply hope Ainz and his gang didn't fire an anti-tank rifle at it at first sight. While they seemed to come from a medieval world like Tanya, the 'like' part of that sentence was what Tanya placed the most emphasis on. If she could make a modern military force, they probably could make a futuristic military force considering the Japan they came from.

For Ainz, morning preparation had dragged out much longer than it needed to be for the sole reason of the maids being insistent on wanting to help anyone dress.

The result was that they once again used the gate. One by one they arrived right at the school gate as a pink tank drove past them without any intention to stop and collided with the massive concrete wall of the school sending pieces of concrete in all directions.

"Do we-" Ulbert started to ask as he leaned his head to the side to not get hit by a projectile, but was cut off by Ainz.

"Not our problem," Ainz said with a deadpan tone. The best approach to this world's oddities was 'not my monkeys, not my circus.'

The pink-haired Dragonoid poked her head out of the tank with a wide smile. The tank seemed to have a glowing cover as if a magical shielding had been applied to increase its durability. Portions of the tank glowed a bright pink color before slowly fading out as the barrier around the tank did as well.

Milim floated out of the tank and onto the ground, proudly placing her hands at her hips with a wide grin as the others in her group casually walked in like normal people from behind.

Tanya just stared in silence at the broken wall and the tank on top of it for a few moments. Eventually she decided not to comment on it, walking away from the rubble and into the school.

As the other group approached them Buku noticed Shuna and Shion glaring at her with murderous gazes.

'Huh, it seems I have a competition. Time to show dominance.' Buku boldly approached the group and Rimuru froze up on the spot. "Hey." She flashed him a smile and tried to get closer than would be considered polite.

Buku suddenly heard Tanya communicating with her directly. { Here's the deal, I'm not gonna be spending all day keeping them from snatching Rimuru away. I can get them away from you now, but you're gonna owe me one. }

Tanya had plenty of ways to trick and get the two Kijin away. It would be slightly tedious, and probably get them pissed off at her at some point, but it would work at least.

{ Good luck with that. Although I could owe you a small favor if you manage to keep them away. Just don't get any silly ideas like making me a double agent. } Buku responded with a laugh, knowing how such things usually went down. With her own popularity and her brother, she had plenty of experience with more than one suitor fighting for someone's attention.

Tanya, already having a favor in mind, set about what she did best; lying. Utilizing her [Illusion Master] skill, to everyone without some skill or spell to bypass it, it looked as if Buku had backed off of Rimuru after he stepped away. This illusion was not visible to Rimuru, however.

As the two saw this, Shuna and Shion seemed to somewhat calm down, confident that Rimuru wasn't under any immediate 'threat'.

Using the opportunity Buku went for a kill, ignoring the illusion Tanya had cast. She leaned down closing in on Rimurur's flustered face and asked "So want to do something together after school?"

{ You know this will bite us in the ass. } Ulbert commented on what was going on.

{ Probably, but do you think she will stop if we tell her to? } Ainz asked.

{ Nazi Loli is getting on Sis' side. Who cares about the grunts? It's not like they'll try to murder her. } Pero said.

Tanya didn't know why, but she felt like someone was trying to piss her off right now.

{ That is what I'm worried about. I trust Buku won't do anything overly stupid but the Nazi Loli is cunning. If she wasn't so uptight I would predict her going after you. } Ulbert glanced at Tanya who returned his gaze both acknowledging that the illusion was not fooling anyone from Ainz's team.

{ Let's just see where it goes. Maybe it will go in our favor. } Ainz said and turned away from the unfolding scene.

"I-I uh…" Rimuru looked back to see Shion and Shuna, while tense, still remaining fairly calm, calmer than he expected. With the illusion not cast on him he couldn't tell that they were being tricked, "I-I g-guess if that's what you wanted…" Rimuru didn't really know what to do in this situation, but believing that nobody would die over it, thought it was at least worth a shot.

Buku put her index on his chin to make him look into her eyes.

"Girls like it when boys show some initiative. Don't play too hard to get."

"I-I-Alri- I uhm… O-Okay…" Rimuru was too nervous for his own good, spending most of his life playing H-games rather than actually socializing with women was now backfiring heavily on him.

She backed off and added. "I'll pick you up after school."

Rimuru nodded as the two separated, Tanya silently synching up the illusion with reality before dispelling it as everyone in her group was none the wiser. The only one who noticed was Milim, who Tanya had simply bribed with more snacks.

{X} {X} {X} {X} {X}

The second day in school went even slower. The presence of the science teacher named Vesta failed to surprise Tanya, however his lesson was far more bearable than Tabula's.

The main thing that slowed the day down for Buku was what was planned after, but the wait was worth it. It was rare to catch someone so cute and so inexperienced.

With her old and more seriously aggressive demeanor partly fading away due to the new circumstance she could return to acting more like she did in her early twenties. And why wouldn't she? With a now immortal and near indestructible body, there was no need to worry about the old problems.

She did get in a bit of heat with Ainz on how fast she had forgotten her duties but it could be remedied later.

'I'll just see if we can get followers in this world and maybe start figuring out what to do next. But that is a problem for later me.'

Currently, she needed to switch up from her full plate to something much more eye-catching and luckily there were enough outfits to choose from.

Buku picked one of the more daring dresses. It has a rather low cut giving ample cleavage and the dress stopped at mid-thighs.

She retreated to the school bathrooms and stepped in front of the window over the row of sinks.

With a practiced manner partly reverted back to her slime form, while still retaining her current proportions and sucked in the armor inside herself replacing it with the dress and returning to her elven form. Best of all, with a near limitless shapeshifting, was that she could just make an impression of wearing makeup without actually applying anything.

True to her word Tanya had kept away her competition from Rimuru so Buku could snatch him right up with a charming smile, "Ready to go? There is an ice cream place nearby."

Rimuru bounced over in his slime form, his slime body starting to look like Buku's from how much he blushed seeing her in a different outfit. Feeling like it would be rude to wear the outfit he normally wore, he bounced up into a human form wearing a more formal attire.

Rather than a basic sweater he wore a black vest with a white long sleeve shirt under it. He also had blue pants and brown boots with a blue tie around his neck and a black ribbon tying his hair into a ponytail.

The outfit was designed by Shuna at Tanya's insistence to be used for official formal meetings, though the actual 'royal' attire also included a regal red cape which he left out for the time being.

He had worn it previously to the meeting with Demon Lord Carrion, but it would do fine for a date, one which he never expected to come on when he was sent here, but his own fumbling had somehow gotten him into this situation. Though there was no way he would reasonably turn down a date with an EILF.

The place she had picked was just a few minutes walk away from the school. With access to modern technology navigation of the city was easy.

'I guess I'll have to take full charge. Boy, he is as shy as Ainz was before getting laid.' Buku glanced at her date. He did look handsome in the formal outfit but the more regal presence was somewhat dampened by his obvious nervousness.

He followed next to her as they walked to the ice cream place. He had seemingly gained some semblance of confidence, enough to more consistently make out sentences at the very least. That was mostly due to sheer force of will rather than the end of his nervousness as he tried to use every ounce of confidence in his body to push through the date.

'How the hell did I get into this situation? I'm not complaining by any means but… Why? How? I feel like I'm at that bar with Kajin again except there it was a bunch of elves whose job it is to be nice to you. Since then I've been carried around under a woman's cleavage so many times that I've lost count, but never have I actually been on a normal date. Fuck, this is hard, how did Tamura ever do this?'

The cozy small cafe was completely empty as if set up for them. The waitress gave them menus the moment both sat down. Considering that Rimuru was mostly silent and still only answered questions she asked the lead on question while trying to pick which delicious-looking treat she wanted, "So what would you like to know about me?"

Rimuru wasn't quite sure what to ask, from what he knew they both came from completely different worlds. Even their Japans were vastly different. He could've asked Great Sage, but even he had standards. Cheating on tests was one thing, he wasn't going to take a date on easy mode. "Well what was your life back in Japan? Even if it was a very different Japan than I know."

"It sucked real hard. Our world was so messed up we couldn't leave our tiny shitty apartments without protective suits. At least I liked my job. What about yours? Earth in the early twenty-first century was still normal, right?" Buku replied.

Rimuru was mentally panicking, "Ah I-I'm sorry… I didn't know the future was so… fucked I guess… twenty-first century was fine, Japan had been at peace for nearly a hundred years at that point, but from the sound of things I don't know how long that lasts. But it is interesting, the last person that I met from Japan actually lived there during the twentieth century. They died in World War II as a child, or nearly died I believe."

"Must have been nice to live there," Buku said, accepting the decent-sized bowl of vanilla and strawberry ice cream covered with a generous amount of jam from the waitress.

"Japan must be the go-to place to snatch people from it seems."

She dug into the treat and waited for Rimuru to say something. With him slowly opening up there was at least some hope he would try to carry conversation.

Rimuru got a fairly basic bowl of ice cream, consisting of vanilla and blue moon flavor. In fact, it looked exactly like Buku's, however, it was blue rather than pink. Rimuru shrugs, muttering "Well aside from Tanya, it seems every otherworlder from my world comes from Japan or at least Earth. Tanya seems to be the only exception, but even she was originally from Japan."

"If I didn't know you came from different times I would assume you are siblings. Kinda gives that vibe you know."

"I'd be concerned if she was my sibling. I wouldn't be surprised if she's wanted for war crimes in whatever world she came from. I'm pretty sure her country was losing too, so that probably won't look good on her. Though considering she was like… Nine I think she said she enlisted? Whatever, the higher ups are probably going to deal with trials over child soldiers anyways" Rimuru replied, not knowing much about Tanya's old life, but she had been told a decent bit. Since neither needed sleep, they usually got bored and talked about things like this at night before they came here.

"Aren't you running your own country? Some good old war crimes are part of the deal." Buku said casually. "Hell, we have done some numbers on our enemies. Remember, I am the Goddess of War."

"She blew up Moscow!" Rimuru said as if blowing up strategic targets in an enemy's capital was even close to the worst thing Tanya did in that war.

"You can't be so soft to your enemies. We did blow up…" Buku stopped, noticing Rimuru's growing horror, and quickly changed the topic. "So what did you do for a living? I mean in Japan?"

"I worked at a major general contracting firm, not really that exciting though. I suppose it's better than what Tanya had to deal with, so I can't really complain about it. It paid well and that was it." Rimuru tried his best to explain his fairly basic and ultimately very boring job without coming off as too basic and boring. Continuing he said, "How about you? What sort of jobs even existed in a Japan like that?"

"You definitely would get along with our leader. He also worked an office job. I was a voice actress and a fairly popular one at that. Had my own fan club and everything." She said with excitement remembering how much fun it was changing voices. Considering her serious role she hadn't spoken in a high pitch voice for a long time.

"Y-Yeah that's way more interesting than general contracting I suppose." Rimuru's nervousness returned. He had only tried to get a girlfriend three times in his life and each one failed, while he never fully cared much about it, it always felt like it was more because his job or life was just deemed too basic or boring for them. Perhaps he was overreacting, however, but that didn't help his anxiety nonetheless.

Seeing that his nervousness returned Buku decided that it was time to have some fun and see how Rimuru would react. She glanced around to see if the waiter was far enough away and then asked with a mischievous smile "Want to guess what I voiced?"

Rimuru didn't really have any clue at all where to even start guessing, quickly giving up and shrugging, "I don't really have any clue. I'd imagine there's probably a lot of things to voice for in the future."

"I voiced lolis," She took a dramatic pause, "In porn games. Want to hear how it sounded?"

"W-Wha-? E-Eh? Huh?" His structure collapsed, his face was red as he was completely taken aback by every word that came out of her mouth. He tried to mentally structure it all together but completely failed. Despite his confused stuttering, Buku technically never heard a 'no.'

"You are so cute when you get all flustered." She giggled and cleared her throat for a killing performance. With a minor strain, she managed to get out her old loli voice. "Uuh sempai, it's too big it won't fit," adding a cute short moan at the end just loud enough for the waitress to overhear.

Rimuru was practically frozen up, his face so red that one would've mistaken him for Buku with how pink he appeared to be. He attempted to stutter out words, but this time he failed to even get noise out of his mouth. He was thankful that Great Sage hadn't decided to make him genitals, because he was certain this table would've lifted off the ground by now. Though, it likely would've been from the very start considering his thing for elves.

Seeing the devastating effect her actions had on her date she leaned forward giving an even better view of her cleavage and said, "I can play any role you like, all you have to do is ask nicely."

Rimuru continued to collapse, practically melting back into his slime form as suddenly the wall to their side completely collapsed. Stepping through the rubble were two women, their eyes glowing with rage.

Shion moved through the ruble, picking up the still trembling Rimuru, now in slime form, and carrying him perfectly under her breasts. Shion raised her hand as several magical circles appeared and glowed a golden color in the sky.

"Disintegrati-!" Before she could finish casting it she watched as all the magical circles shattered as Tanya approached to clean up their mess. Shuna was confused at how her spell was so easily dispelled by Tanya, however upon seeing Tanya's intimidating glare, quickly rushed home now that they had secured the target.

Tanya planted her face in her hand, turning to Buku, "Sorry about that, assuming they had calmed down for the night. Turns out they didn't. I doubt you were gonna get much farther with him anyways. I don't know how, but I think you broke him."

Tanya turned as Otto finally approached behind her, carrying a computer in his hands as he placed it on the table, "Now I may have technically failed my part of the deal. As a demon, deals are absolute, so I can't reasonably ask you to find a way to fix this. But instead, I can offer you proper compensation."

"I got the hook in nice and deep." Buku smirked as she walked up to Tanya and leaned in, adding in a half whisper, "If she had landed that hit I would not have held back. So keep them at bay for their own good. As for the compensation, I am listening."

Tanya gestured for Otto to leave as she began to speak, "When Rimuru died, he apparently asked his friend to dump his computer into the bathtub. As I'm sure you can guess, nobody tells their friend to destroy their computer if they don't have something to hide. When we were brought here, we found his computer still in the bathtub. If you or your friends can restore it to me and not look at it, I will let you and you alone look at anything you want on his computer. I don't care what's on it so long as I can use it as blackmail to make sure he doesn't do something stupid. That means nobody else can see its contents."

"He wasn't some government agent so what do you think you'll find there? It's likely just full of porn." Buku taped the computer.

"Of course I know that. All that matters is that he doesn't want anyone to know about it. That's enough for him to do as I ask if he ever tries something stupid. Not that he would, but a failsafe is good to have. Of course, as the one trying to seduce him, I'm sure you'll take an interest in knowing what his… 'special interests' are. After all, the more you know, the more efficiently you can seduce him."

Buku stood silent for a moment. It was tempting as hell to see what Rimuru was into to use as an extra tool to get him good. But at the same time, the blonde devil could hold him by the balls too. Once their alliance fell through the situation likely would not be too favorable. 'Fuck it, it's probably some vanilla shit anyway.'

"You got me there. Fine. Let me ask if something can be done." She said out loud and contacted the one person who likely could help.

{ Hey Tabula. Can you draw out data from a fried computer? }

{ Shouldn't be too hard but I would put all the information in a data crystal. } The brain eater responded, sounding curious.

{ That works. Can you come do it right now? }

Tabula appeared through a portal and stopped noticing the destroyed wall. Considering that the rather trigger-happy girl from the allied team was there the question was instantly answered.

Deciding that it wasn't investigating he took out an empty data crystal from his inventory and while holding it in his left hand he put the right hand over the destroyed computer and cast an information retrieval spell.

Since there was no arcane encryption or any protection spells put on the device the data retrieval went on without a hitch.

{ Do we need to fix the data or make a copy? } he asked Buku.

{ Make a copy but don't change anything. She is clever and might notice tempering. } Buku replied.

Tabula closed his right palm covertly, took out another data crystal, and made a copy putting the crystal back in the inventory just as covertly.

Finishing with the work he handed Buku the first crystal, "Here you go. Is there anything else?"

Buku gave Tanya a glance at a silent question if she wanted to request additional actions from Tabula.

"That's all, thank you," Tanya replied simply, satisfied with the results.

Tabula departed just as quickly as he arrived and Buku handed over the crystal to Tanya.

"I think you'll know how to use it. But give it a try just in case."

Tanya nodded as she got it to work, looking at the data stored on the crystal. She didn't look too deeply, simply checking that folders and files were copied over. Knowing what likely lurked in the search history and in the pictures folder, Tanya stopped looking and stored the crystal away. "It works fine, thank you. You can take that copy you made as payment."

"Nothing goes unnoticed by you? You would fit right in Nazarick. We could offer you a job should we ever find a way out of this place."

"I'd consider it, but I feel like you'd make me drink a chalice filled with blood that causes immense pain as a sort of 'trial' to join your ranks. Either way it's probably a much more stable position serving the strongest beings in the world than having to juggle around the politics of being a Demon Lord and a rising political force."

"Hmm, oddly specific, but probably nothing of sorts. Anyway, see you around." Buku said as the gate appeared behind her. She gave Tanya a two-finger salute and disappeared into the dark void.

Tanya sighed again, 'This is a mess. Whatever the case, I got my blackmail in case Rimuru decides to try something stupid that sabotages everything. Though, if that Buku person shares a last name with Ainz, does that mean her and Rimuru together would count as a political marriage? That would be one way to secure the alliance for the future. I don't really care if we're subordinate to them so long as I end up with the modern future I'm trying to build.' Tanya looked around at the rubble in front of her, 'It doesn't matter anyways, if we get out of here we're probably all being sent back to our original worlds. But one can hope, right? If we could bring these guys as our allies back to our world the Demon Lords would have a run for their money.'

{X} {X} {X} {X} {X}

AN: With this crossover fanfic consisting of only two fanfics, we are still open to new fanfics joining the crossover. If you have a fanfic which doesn't involve Overlord, Tensura, or Saga of Tanya the Evil (or at least brings significant change to it) and are interested, feel free to DM either swisschocolates or dukecheburek on discord and we can discuss it further.