Prologue and Chapter 1. I’d promised.
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Evaline gasped in pain as she grasping her neck as if to stop something, but then she realizes she was still breathing 

As flashes of memories of a would be future glimpse in her mind.

I annulled this engagem-

What did I do wrong??

Funny how everyone thought you truly are the villaine-

How could you

When I was just one manipula-


why why

You deserve this and more!

By order of the first prince, Evaline will be hanged as of to-

It was like someone cramped every inch of her future into her mind as she hazed through it all gasping in phantom pain.

She didn't realized she staring at a much younger verison of her adopt mother who hugging and rocking her whisper soft words to calm her heart racing like steam train.

It took 3 weeks for my family to leave me alone after I said I was fine when the healer checked up on me..

'H-how am I not dead?' It was all evaline thought as she stared dead eyed at the ceiling wondering if this was a paradise or a dream.

Her heart was beating, her legs and hands weren't broke as she sweared she had before she was hanged, except all she see is milk white and pudgy baby hands of a 4 year old.

Her face wasn't scarred with a brand of a SSS traitor symbol to the kingdom as she stared at the dead eyes of a little girl with  pudgy and cute baby fat face. 

Soft red hair that was curly and bushy like how she used to had it as a kid, beautiful honey brown eyes and soft scatter of freckles to the top of her face down to her legs.

'It was like nothing had happen.. YET. It hasn't happen yet didn't mean it will.' Evaline's dark thought whisper to her knowing the truth. That pain wasn't just a pain of a little fever, but the future pain of her 16 year old self.

'I don't wanna go through that again.. please have mercy.' Evaline thought to herself as if praying to a god will stop this as she muffled a cry but her tears flow down from her 4 years old girl's eyes.

She sniffled wiping her tears with her wrist. 

'No, I'm not going to take this lying down like this, not this time.' She thought with renewed determination. She didn't had to marry the first prince, Andrew Diamondheart like in her first life.

She can marry the one who stood by her even though she was tainted with the brand til her very death and knew she was innocent this whole time.


The odd hybrid boy with no last name. He was guard's assistant and snuck food and fresh water to me. He didn't look at me with pity or Shame but a kindle of equality but he was supposedly killed when tried to help evaline escape that damn prison before her execution after a year.

'Oh beau...' Evaline sniffled before she realizing if she gone back in time, then beau would be 6 year old by now and in.. the orphanage.

He would be that orphanage on dairy Street like he once told her during his small talk. He been there since he was 4 before he got adopted by a guard and assigned as assistant since he was 7.

Evaline bite her lip a bit before thinking an idea as she rang the bell string that calls for a maid.

"Mimi, could you get my casual outfit ready, I wanna go to this place I saw on a map on yesterday studies." I asked mimi, my personal maid who used to care for me, but I know it was fake after knowing she stole and replaced jewelry of mine to give to my younger step sister for curry favor, she was the first true daughter conceived who was going to be born next year on July.

I was just a substitute playing as a daughter for them since they had a harsh time getting pregnant. It was only a matter of time before I an kicked out, disowned or framed. Father was the only one who cared but couldn't do anything since 'mother' was the Head of the household.

Evaline sighed, holdin her frog purse that her Father gave her as she had gotten dressed and follow mimi into the mana powered car ready for her.

"Take me to diary Street in front of the orphanage, I want someone there." Evaline said as she had the driver of the mana powered car a platinum coin. The driver nod with a gentle smile and drives towards the dairy Street. 

The orphanage look friendly and kind of clean from a distant but as you get closer you can see that there was a broken window, mold on the walls and weeds growing mostly everywhere on the grass.

'I'm only here for beau, I can give himna better life and we run away when we are older after I pawned off a few real jewelries I own thanks to Father.' Evaline thought to herself as she had a whole plan and backup plan in case that one fails as she enter the orphanage with her maid mimi.

The owner of the orphanage was a pudgy looking but cute women who look like she was struggling a bit before she noticed my clothed especially the pledge badge of my 'family' on my dress shoulder.

"Oh my milady, are you here to pick servant to train as a butler to be?" Said headmistress of the orphanage, her voice sounded too sweet and oversugary. She called out for the young boys to line up as ages 4-9 of similar ages were brought up.

Each boy had a different appearance, some were Elven, dwarf, goblin, and creature hybrids who were abandoned as they look nervous. 

I scanned looking for the one I need, the only one who had been by my side before noticing a similar grayish white hair and ruby cat slit eyed boy with pointy like ears, horned tip nubs on his head..

And a devil tail...?

Well he never told me he was half devil borne..

"This the boy i need." Evaline told the lady who look shocked before hiding that look in a second before smiling brightly while beau looked with his eyes widen in surprise and mouth opening a bit in either awe or shocked as well.

"Ahh yes, this is B, he be 6 year old and is excellent at handling tas-." The headmistress talk about him as if he was a object while she lead me to the office to handle the papers. 

Beau follow along silently as he scanned my back as if he trying to solve a puzzle. Evaline smiles unconsciously as she signed the papers.

Don't worry beau, I help you in this life that you experienced happy and greats things this time.

I promised.


second story and this be one of the story i been dying to see but never seen happen cause the villainess go with the first lead and never a yandere.