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AN: New story and new beginnings! Welcome all those coming with me on this crazy journey~


The sun was just peeking over the edges of the cityscape, bringing about a brand new day. It was a beautiful sight many never got to see but it was the one that greeted Yang Xuetian this morning.

It was also one he loathed to see because it meant he wasn’t home and was instead at a hotel. Which meant he’d probably be late to work this morning.

He let out a breath as he slipped from under the covers and grabbed his scattered clothes. The air was heavy with the scent of the previous night's activities but Xuetian paid that no mind. He had more pressing matters to attend to.

He buckled his pants, wondering if he’d have time to get back home and change for work. The distance from here to his house was a bit much and he’d have to double back if he wanted to make it.

“Cutting it close this time.” He muttered, glancing at his watch. But if he caught a taxi now, maybe-

“Eh, where are you going?” A feminine voice called out to him.

On the bed behind him, a voluptuous woman was laying back. She didn’t bother to hide her body from him, as he had seen and touched every inch the night before. The marks on her skin made it clear what had occurred the night before.

Damn. Xuetian thought, sighing. I was hoping to slip out before she woke up.

“Me? I'm heading out.” He replied plainly, moving to retrieve the rest of his things. “Don't worry about the bill though. I'm not so inconsiderate as to leave that all on you.”

“L-leave!?” The woman was shocked by his sudden coldness, as if they were strangers and not a pair who shared an intimate moment mere hours before. “But why not stay a bit longer? We could have breakfast together and talk about-”

Xuetian held up a hand.

“Ah, no, that won't do at all.” He said, shaking his head. “Talking after intimacy is for lovers. Acting so familiar just because we slept together... Aren't you a bit too presumptuous?”

The woman paled, reaching out to him. “B-but I thought-”

“Oh, I'm absolutely sure I know what you thought,” He grumbled, feeling annoyed. It was always the same thing, every time. “but I'll be clear, as I had been last night. We aren't lovers. You used me and I used you so there's no need to complicate things any further, right?”

He really hoped she’d just let it go so he could catch a bus or something.

“But…” She lowered her head, her voice breaking off into sobs. “you took my innocence…”

Ah, this again. Xuetian rolled his eyes.

“Tch, you gave that up yourself.” He snapped, no longer feeling good about the night before. He knew he shouldn’t have gone any further after she confessed to being a virgin but he was sure she wouldn’t pull this shit on him. She’d promised. “Freely offered with no coercion needed. Why should I take responsibility for your choice?”

“You!” The woman’s face flushed, anger radiating from her. She grabbed a pillow, throwing it at the man with all the strength she had. “Bastard! If I had known you’d be like this, I would have never asked you to help me make A-Chen jealous.”

“Ah, I was hoping we could part on better terms.” He sighed, slipping out the room. He could hear the woman trashing the hotel room, most likely as a petty revenge against him for rejecting her.

Jokes on her. He thought, fixing his hair. The card the room is on isn’t so limited as to be burdened by a single room.

Still, he wished he didn’t have to deal with such things so early in the morning. That woman, whatever her name was, was actually kind of fun to talk to. Had she not tried to get close to him, they might have even become friends with benefits.

Yet in all his years of sleeping around, he’d never managed to leave without a fight. He never understood why though. He was always upfront and honest about his intentions.

He never promised anything but a good time in bed yet he always awoke to women thinking they were dating or something. Was it something he said? He didn’t think so but it was getting old now.

Now it was cutting into his personal life and his actual passions in life.

He jumped into a taxi, checking his watch once more.

“Damn, I’m gonna be late.” He groaned, giving the driver the address of his job. “Might as well bite the bullet.”


When Xuetian arrived at work, bleary-eyed and sore from the long drive, his mood was dark. But he brightened up as soon as he spotted a familiar face staring up at him. He embraced her, letting her rain kisses on his face.

“Ah, you are my only true love, Mao Mao.” Xuetian cried, his eyes gleaming with a love that anyone would yearn to receive themselves. “When all the world has abandoned me and brings me down, at least I have you, my love.”


The pomeranian, having just left her observation cage, was overjoyed at being hugged. Her barks were excited and joyful, brightening up the man’s sour mood.

“Ah, you are so cute!” Xuetian beamed, scratching the small dog’s head as he carried her. “I love you!!!”

[Woof Woof]

Out of all the jobs Xuetian could have had after graduating, no one had expected the playboy to strive to become a veterinarian. Even fewer thought he’d actually do it yet here he was. Years later and with a small clinic of his own.

Xuetian loved animals, being openly affectionate with all his charges. This, in turn, made it easier to treat them, as they saw him as not a threat. While most pets felt wary of vets, most who came to him looked forward to his treatments.

Mao Mao was one such charge, having been brought in days prior for surgery.

“It's too bad we'll be parting ways today.” He sighed, placing her down. The dog circled the examination table a few times before sitting down, her tongue out. He gently pressed down on her back, making her lie down so he could examine her.

After checking to make sure she hadn’t gotten a fever, he checked her stitches to ensure the dog hadn’t messed with them overnight. Along her barrel, a bald spot could be seen through her thick fluffy fur. The skin around the stitches was still a bit red and warm but none of the threads had come out.

“Good girl. You behaved yourself.” He praised, stroking the dog's fur. He was worried she’d scratch at the opening. Had she done so, he wouldn’t be able to give her up to her owner like he’d promised.

“I'll miss our time together but make sure not to get yourself sick anymore, okay?” He whispered, his tone soft and caring, like a parent to their child. “I'd hate to have to shear any more of your beautiful coat off.”

The dog snuggled closer, happy to be embraced. While it usually hated going to the vet, it adored this particular person. He had the clothes and scent of a vet but none of the scariness of other vets.

“Sir?” Xuetian’s assistant, Yilin, peeked into the examination room, spotting his boss. “Ah, so you made it, doctor. Was traffic bad?”

His boss wasn’t usually late. He was very passionate about his work. Otherwise, why would the sight of Xuetian holding a dog like one would hold their child be a familiar sight not even worth noting?

“Sorry about that.” He replied, feeling bad. He was the one who was supposed to open the clinic yet he left it to his employees this time. He’d have to make it up to them later. “Long night.”

“I see.” So it was that then. “Mrs. Wu is here to pick up her dog.”

“Hear that, Mao Mao?” Xuetian held the dog up, smiling as he spoke. “Your mommy is here to pick you up. Be sure to give her all the love she deserves. I'm sure she missed you just as much as you missed her.”

Mao Mao barked, licking Xuetian’s cheek excitedly. While it couldn’t understand human speech, it knew its owner was nearby. The inherent desire to return home had the dog scrambling to leave the pleasant warmth of the human’s embrace.

“H-hey now.” Xuetian placed the dog on the floor, watching as it circled around his legs for a moment, and rushed to the door. Only the leash around its body kept it from slipping past Yilin. “Be good, okay?”


Outside the office, an elderly woman stood by the front desk. As soon as she was spotted, Mao Mao let out an excited bark. The woman, Mrs Wu turned and smiled as the dog rushed into her arms.

“Dr. Yang, thank you so much. I was so worried about her.”

“Mao Mao is fine now,” Xuetian assured, happy to see the pair reunited. “She probably just ate something that didn't agree with her. Be sure to watch her until the stitches heal.”

The owner received her dog's prescription and nodded as Xuetian explained how to administer it.

“Thank you so much, Doctor!” Yet upon thinking about how she had only come in for a general check-up but ended up with Mao Mao needing surgery, she worried about the price she’d paid. Surely it was a lot more than the general cost. “How much do I-”

“No, it's fine.” Xuetian waved off her concerns. “What you paid is enough.”

It was a simple procedure anyway so there was no need to make the poor old woman pay more.

Mrs Wu, on the other hand, looked unsure. “But…”

“Don't worry about it. I'm not so stingy as to press you on money.”

“Right… Thank you so much.” She looked down, staring at the tattered edge of her skirt. There were few things she could spare money on so it was always an issue when additional costs were added. Yet she wouldn't dare take such kindness without paying it back with something. “I... Oh, my husband got these from work so-”

She leaned down to hand Xuetian a basket of fresh vegetables. They were large and firm, with just a smidgen of dirt on them. Mrs. Wu was a small-town woman who had only recently come to the city to visit her grandchildren. Such gifts like these were highly valued.

“Really, it's fine.” Xuetian tried to dissuade her, feeling awkward at the gesture. “I don't need-”

“No, I insist! Someone as kind as you deserves a little treat every once in a while.”

“...Thank you then.” He took the basket, taking in the earthy smell. “I'll be sure to share this with my loved ones.”

Mrs. Wu left, chatting with Mao Mao as she did so. Her grandchild, a young man a little younger than Xuetian, bowed and helped his grandmother as they left. This left Xuetian and the clerk with a basket of vegetables and a question.

“Who should I share this with?” Xuetian wondered aloud. He couldn’t eat this much by himself after all.

“Maybe boss can share it with your girlfriend?” The young woman suggested, snatching a plump carrot from the bundle. It would serve as a quick snack later. “Girls love free food.”

“You know I don't have one.” He shot back, still trying to mentally divvy up his gift.

“What about that pretty girl who comes by all the time?” She pressed, giving her boss a coy look. “The pregnant one?

“Xiao Mei?” Xuetian grimaced with distaste, shivering as he pushed such gross thoughts from his mind. “She's my sister. Well, not really but kind of. She's the sister of my best friend so we all were like siblings. Besides, she's married.”

“When has that stopped you?"

This he couldn't deny but felt a bit insulted by. He had slept with a few married women before and could only regret that choice after being confronted by so many jilted husbands. He never understood why it was his fault though. It wasn’t like he deliberately chased married women. They came to him so why was he the villain?

And really, wasn't it good for them to learn that their wives were unfaithful? If it wasn’t him, it’d have just been some other guy. Might as well cut your losses. Really, he should be thanked for his service but meh.

“I happen to like my balls where it is, thank you.” He retorted, rolling his eyes. “Besides, I respect my brother-in-law too much to touch what isn't mine."

That and brother-in-law was kind of scary. Xuetian was a pretty resilient guy but that dude looked like he could bench press him. He wasn't willing to test the theory.

“Okay.” The clerk sounded a bit unsure but knew her boss was very very clear on his boundaries. If he said he wasn’t interested, he definitely wasn't. “Well, your sister said she's coming by so-”

“Actually, I'm already here!” From the doorway, a heavily pregnant woman, Liang Mei, called out. Her face was sweaty and flushed but she was beautiful as a flower.

"Xiao-Mei!" Xuetian beamed, rushing over to help the woman to a nearby chair. She eased her enlarged body carefully into the chair, letting out a sigh. "Babe, you look beautiful."

"I'm seven months along, haven't slept in days and I'm craving things that shouldn't even be in the same sentence let alone the same plate. In what way am I anything close to beautiful?”

Xuetian, ever the charmer, didn’t miss a beat as he replied.

“My Xiao Mei is carrying a child of her love and is visiting me. How can I not find such a thing beautiful?”

Liang Mei stared at the man for a moment before sighing.

“I can finally see how you keep seducing women.” She said, shaking her head. “If only you were this honest with them.”

“I'm still waiting for my true love, babe.” He said with a wink, though Liang Mei didn’t look convinced. This brother of hers was a notorious flirt and couldn’t be taken at face value.

Still, she smiled and laughed, amused by his antics. After a half hour of rest, she got up to leave. She had only come by to say hi and sit for a little while. She had other things to do and asked Xuetian to accompany her.

“I am forever your knight, my dear.” He said with a bow, offering his arm. While Liang Mei could walk on her own, having some support was always welcome. He even made it a joke so she couldn’t refuse.

How very like him.

Xuetian’s clinic was never that busy so he was free to leave for a little while before his next appointment. He knew his assistant would call him if anything happened so he left without any worries.

Yilin moved aside, watching as the pair left. It always surprised Yilin whenever he saw his boss smile like that. The doctor was notorious for being cold and distant with his lovers so one would assume he was a complete bastard. The assistant had even witnessed one of his jilted lovers confronting him on the street once.

Even as the woman cried and begged to be with him, his eyes showed no interest at all. Even when she got angry, he showed no response, waiting for the desperate woman to tire herself out.

Clinging onto those who don’t want you is disgraceful.”

Such cold words that cut deep and even had those nearby shudder. Many wanted to chastise him but none stepped forward until the man walked away, talking on the phone like the confrontation had never happened.

Yilin worried about this man’s future. To be so cold to those who love him, surely it won’t have a good end.


Elsewhere, Xuetian and Liang Mei walked down the street, their chat light and casual. While they saw one another often, with how hectic their lives were, there was always something exciting to tell the other.

Then Liang Mei dropped her bombshell, the reason for her visit.

“Oh, by the way, his birthday is coming up.” She started, wondering if she’ll get a different answer this time. “Will you be visiting Da-ge with us?”

Xuetian’s arm tensed slightly, though his expression remained the same. Had she not been holding his arm, she wouldn’t have thought anything had affected him.

“Ah,” Xuetian kept his eyes forward, his smile remaining present despite the dampened mood. “...perhaps not.”

Liang Mei let out a soft breath, disappointed even as she knew what his response would be. It was the same every time.

“You're busy then?”

“I have work.”

She snorted at that. While it was probably true, she knew that even without that excuse, he would never come with them.

“You sound just like him.” She chuckled, her eyes shining with a sad light. Thinking about her brother always made her feel a sense of sadness and fondness.

Seeing her dampened mood, Xuetian wrapped his arms around her.

“Hey, don’t say that! I’m not that bad.” He grumbled, looking wronged. “Ugh, if I knew how rough things were for him, I wouldn't have teased him so much back then.”

That elicited a laugh from Liang Mei. She couldn’t imagine a situation where Xuetian would ever miss a chance to get a rise out of her straight-laced brother.

“Yeah, I doubt that.”

Xuetian made an effort to look insulted at the jab but after being stared down, he too broke into a wide grin.

“Yeah, me too.”

They laughed together, the mood-brightening despite the slightly somber subject. Even if that man was gone, those left behind could still take joy in their memories of him.

“By the way, any new girlfriends?” Liang Mei asked, her smile a lot lighter than moments before.

“None. Same as always.”

She grimaced, disappointed. “One night stands?”

“Ack, I hate that my pure Xiao Mei knows such things.” He complained, looking heartbroken. “Where did my innocent Mei Mei go?”

The look she gave him made it clear such a question was ridiculous to ask.

“Spending time with you would do that to anyone.”

While Xuetian wasn’t inappropriate toward her or her friends, how could they not know about his escapades? Xuetian was the story parents told their teen daughters to keep them on the straight and narrow. If not for her brother, she would have never even met the man.

“Ah, are you saying that it's my fault? I'm wounded!”

“Don't try to distract me.” She scolded, smacking his arm. “Tell me the truth. Have you found anyone you want to marry?”

She’s really not letting this go. He sighed, wishing she’d drop the subject.

“Ah,” His smile remained steady as he poked her cheek indulgently. “So Xiao Mei wants to share the love now that she found her own hubby?”


Xuetian stared down at his friend, watching her earnest expression as she tried to read him. She could never see much further than his surface expression. Even though he smiled often at her, she always thought he was lonely.

He didn’t want to lie to her so he never really answered her unspoken question.

“Ugh, fine.” He groaned, looking away. “No, there's no one like that.”

Liang Mei wilted slightly. “Aw, that's too bad.”

“Not really. Very few women in this city are as kind and sweet as you.” He assured, slipping his arm into hers once more. “Brother Yu is lucky to have you.”

"Yes, he is." She whispered, her expression softening as she thought about her beloved. It was a sweet and loving expression that warmed Xuetian to the core.

It was all he wanted for her.

But a frown formed as Liang Mei's eyes darted back to him. "But I also want that for you too. You've been alone for so long."

“What? Who says I'm alone?” He shot back, cocking a brow. “I have my Xiao Mei.”

“You know what I mean!” A pout appeared, making her look adorable in his eyes. “I want you to be happy with someone. Someone you can trust and open up to. Like with Da-ge.”

Xuetian looked away, really hating that she kept bringing him up today. Xuetian and Liang Fei had been best friends for over 15 years. Truly, he was Xuetian’s only friend. The one he could be the most honest with.

But he is gone now.

“Liang Fei was a different breed of person.” He countered, still not looking Liang Mei in the eye. His smile, however, didn't falter. “And a guy, so I doubt I'll find a girl that straightforward.”


Xuetian rested a hand on her head, stroking her soft hair. She stopped, habit making her relax under his touch.

“Don't worry.” He assured, his voice low and sincere. “I promise I'll be happy, just as long as you, Auntie, and Uncle are happy.”


Xuetian held up a hand.

“Ah ah ah, no buts.” He interjected, giving her a wink. “This Laozi is a breast man.”

It took a few seconds before Liang Mei understood his words and scowled at the man.

This guy!

“Ugh, don't be gross like that!” She cried, smacking his arm over and over again. Her strikes here are light but Xuetian made the effort to look like a wronged girl.

“Ah, I seem to have wounded my dear princess Xiao Mei! Mercy mercy!”

Liang Mei blushed, the sounds escaping her friend sound a lot more ambiguous to passerbyers. Crying Out like that, won't it sound like she was assaulting him? This guy was too much!


“Yang Xuetian!?”

The pair stopped their game, turning to the source of the voice. A beautiful woman stood nearby, having noticed them after their game had gained the attention of those around them.

Her eyes darted between the two, stopping as she noticed how close they were and Liang Mei’s swollen belly. Her gaze sharpened, looking at Liang Mei like she was an enemy.

Liang Mei looked confused while Xuetian’s expression darkened considerably.

Who was she glaring at?!

Xuetian stepped forward, blocking the woman’s view of Liang Mei.

“Uh, who is that?” Liang Mei asked from behind him. “A girlfriend?”

He glanced back at her with a wink. “You know I only have eyes for you, little sis.”

“Don't be gross.” She grumbled. Anyone hearing such words was bound to have some sort of misunderstanding.

The woman paled, seeing their easy conversation despite her presence. As if she was nothing but air.

“Xue…” She started but stopped when she saw the man glare at her. She recalled that he never allowed his lovers to call him that. To do so now would hurt her chances so she started over. “Yang Xuetian, who is this woman?”


“That's none of your business.” Xuetian snapped, keeping Liang Mei out of sight. “Now, what do you want?”

"But..." She tried again but the look on Xuetian's face silenced her quickly. While she knew little about him, she knew he had very little patience. She had to make this quick. "I just wanted to tell you... I broke up with my boyfriend."

She confessed, her heart fluttering as she waited for his response.


Shocked by his cold reply, she couldn't help but doubt her ears. "Eh?"

"And?" He pressed, cocking a brow derisively. "What does that have to do with me? Do you want a medal?"

“W-what do you mean? I thought…” Her eyes began to fill with tears. “You said you didn't want to spend any more time with a taken woman so I broke things off with him.”

She had weighed her options and chosen him. While her boyfriend was impressive, he wasn’t nearly as charming or good-looking as Xuetian. If anything, she felt like she was getting a better deal with him.

As if seeing the calculative glint in her eyes, Xuetian’s expression shifted to disgust.

“Do you think I'd want some dirty woman who cheats on her boyfriend? Who's to say I won't be the next one wearing a green cap?”

“I would never-”

"Yeah, I'm sure that's what you said to your boyfriend too." He pointed out, rolling his eyes. "Either way, I'm not interested in dirty women. Who knows who else has touched you." He grimaced at the thought. "God, I should have gotten myself checked out after that night. I hope I didn't catch anything."

Tears were falling in earnest now, giving the woman a pitiful look. Just looking at her, one would feel she is being ruthlessly bullied by this uncaring man.

“X-Xuetian, why are you saying such things?” She shouted, wiping her tears. “I thought you wanted to be with me.”

At this, Xuetian snapped, now truly annoyed.

“Ugh! Why do I have to explain this every time?!” He growled, scratching his head with frustration. “No, I'm not interested in you. Yes, I fucked you but so did every other guy at that bar so why don't you go harass them? They might take such a shameless woman.”

Silence fell as the woman crumbled to her knees. Her sobs could be felt through the crowd and the masses gave Xuetian scathing looks.

What scum.

How could he insult a woman like that?

Doesn’t he have any sympathy?

These people, without knowing what kind of person they were pitying, judged him and criticized Xuetian. Their ‘whispers’ were ruthless, calling him all kinds of unsavory things but Xuetian showed no shame as he walked past the crying woman.

Liang Mei quickly followed after him, not sparing the woman a glance. While she felt slightly bad for her being insulted in public like this, she knew the woman wasn’t good.

She cheated on her boyfriend, dumped him, and yet tried to lay the blame on Xuetian. If she wasn’t shamed for her callousness, wouldn’t it be letting her off too easily?

Still, this left the air filled with tension as she watched the now-annoyed Xuetian walk her down the street.

“I'm starting to remember why it is that I don't hang out with you.” She sighed after a few minutes. “You have way too many exes' running about.”

“No, I have a bunch of clingy women who can't take no for an answer.” He grumbled back.

This was why he was always straightforward with his one-night stands. He never promised anything but a good time. Yet for some reason, every woman thought she was special and harassed him after the fact. The woman from before was a common reaction so Xuetian showed no care even when she cried.

They always cried, thinking he’d falter in his decision if they did so. It was shameless manipulation and he hated it.

“That's why I raised you with more self-respect, Xiao Mei.” He continued, letting out a breath. “I can't have you ending up like that.”

“I'd be more worried about yourself.” She pointed out, frowning. “Aren't you scared that one day, you'll get hurt?”

Before, she had seen him and her brother coming back with bruises and cuts after being ambushed by love rivals. Xuetian would always joke around afterward but Liang Mei knew that women were much more vicious than men.

Especially when burned by a loved one.

Seeing her concern, Xuetian tried to comfort her

“I'm pretty tough, so no need to worry, sweetheart.” He assured her but she looked unconvinced. He hugged her, rubbing her arms.

The rest of their walk was uneventful, though the nagging concern about the future never truly faded.


After locking the doors and checking on all the animals, Xuetian left his office, tired from a long day. He smelled of fur and sweat so he wanted nothing more than to go home and shower. Since taking the train would just be cruel to the passengers so he decided to walk home.

It was a short distance anyway.

He let the cool air relax him, the night being much quieter during the winter. There were fewer people on the street but that was for the best. He really didn’t want anyone else around.

The day's events had made him think about his life a bit more.

He didn’t regret the way he lived. He was honest and upfront, so what fault did he have? He cared for those he loved, just as any other person.

Yet he had no one truly to open up to.

As he strolled down the street, he saw a toy display in a window. It was filled with all kinds of stuffed animals and toys. He could imagine dozens of times in which children would stop and stare, tugging on their parent's arms for them to buy them just one.

He could also imagine his late friend stopping to stare at the displays himself.

Xuetian chuckled, thinking about that guy and his weird interest in dolls. He thought it was well hidden but Liang Fei would always stop and stare intensely at things that interested him. It was adorable how he’d deny interest despite never taking his eyes off of the object.

His smile faded as reality set in.

That guy was no longer here.

Back when his best friend died, things were chaotic. The family he'd grown to see as his own was in tatters. Xiao Mei was beside herself with grief, Aunt and uncle were suddenly saddled with bills, and to make matters worse, devious men started showing up to cause trouble.

Had it not been for Xuetian's connections and influence, the Han family would have been quickly buried under all debt they'd suddenly accrued. When asked how he'd done it, an enigmatic smile graced his lips.

"I know people." Was all he said in response.

Liang Mei knew better than to ask any further than that. She was close to her brother's best friend but knew little about his life outside their interactions. Xuetian had always been a bit of a mystery, smiling when he shouldn't and refusing to speak his true thoughts.

Even now, the only one he'd open up to was her late brother. Liang Fei had a way of tearing through all his walls and feints to see through him. Xuetian could smile and fool others, even Liang Mei herself but not him.

Thinking back on, that was probably why they'd remained friends so long.

But now he was all alone.

Xuetian's face fell, losing all mirth as he walked. He was happy to stay with the Han’s, finding a sense of joy he hadn't had a chance to with his own family.

Yet he felt empty now.

And then, like the world sought to mock him, a familiar ringtone flowed through the air, souring his mood ever further.

It was that fucking old man.

Unfortunately, he couldn’t continue to ignore that old bastard's calls or else he’d show up at his apartment. Or worse, try and use the Han’s to contact him.

“Yes?” He grumbled, his fingers itching for a cigarette now. He had quit some time ago but the craving reared up every once in a while. “What do you want?”

“So you do know how to use that damn phone then!” An older voice snapped. “Why didn't you meet with Miss Chen? I arranged it for you.”

Miss Chen? Oh, right, the daughter of one of his associates. Nice girl actually. As such, he didn’t treat her badly at their ‘late night meeting’.

Not that this guy knew anything about that though.

“Yes, you did but when I noticed who it was you set me up with, I felt it was only right to decline.” He admitted, smiling as he thought about how pissed that old man would be hearing this. “Me and Miss Chen are... well acquainted already and I have a strict once-only rule.”

“So you stood her up?!”

“Well, she's a nice girl so I sent her a card. It has the number of one of my friends. They'd be good together.” He explained, searching his pocket for something to snack on. “What? Upset I didn't send her your way? She's about the right age consider who you sleep around wi-”

“Yang Xuetian!”


“How dare you speak like that toward your father?!” The man shouted, the loud bang of a fist hitting the table echoing through the phone.

He was really mad and that pleased Xuetian just a bit.

“Oh? Does Father want me to lie and talk about how faithful you are?” He mocked, finding a lemon candy to munch on. How fitting. “Ah, you are so hard to please~”

“If you did as I said-”

“If I was gullible like my brothers you mean?” He interjected, no longer feeling the desire to speak with this man. “Look, father, you have 3 legitimate sons and god knows how many bastards. Can't you nag them and leave me alone?”

He’d managed to live his own life yet this guy never got off his ass. Why him? He was no one special yet it never ended.

“As long as you bear our name, you are my son.” He proclaimed, as if it was something to brag about. “You will-”

Xuetian didn't bother to listen any further, hanging up mid-sentence.

“I wish I wasn't though.” He muttered, the chill air being his only audience.

For good measure, he blocked the number even though he knew that the old man would just find a new one to contact him with. It was the same as the last six times he blocked the man.

Xuetian sighed, wanting to smoke all the more. Anything was better than being like this.

The desire to visit his friend's grave grew, wanting to air his worries. Even in death, the only one he could open up to was Liang Fei.

He stared up at the sky, his chest aching as he mustered the courage to take that step. Perhaps with this, he’d feel a bit better and then-


His head screamed out in agony as he felt a sharp pain in his side. Gasping, he fell to the ground, clutching his side as blood poured from him. His coat had taken most of the stab but he knew something had been hit.

“I’m s-sorry.”

He looked up, seeing the tear-stricken face of a woman as she lunged at him, her blade held high as it dripped his own blood onto his clothes.

He was still in shock when she stabbed him again.

He gasped, choking on the blood that erupted from his punctured lungs. His once pristine face was stained with blood. Still, the woman on top of him smiled manically, digging the knife ever deep.

Still, her gasping words echoed in his mind as his warm blood cooled in the air.

“Now... Now we can finally be together. I'm sorry, A-Tian!” She sobbed, as she plunged the knife into his chest. “I'm sorry. I know it hurts but just wait, I'll be with you in a moment. Just wait for me and we'll be together forever.”

He could vaguely hear the screams of passerbyers as they ran for help or to just get away. None tried to help, as they saw him as already dead.

Just as the last light of life drained from his body, his last words echoed through the woman's heart, breaking it one last time.

"Who... who are you again?"


AN: To those wondering, yes this is the hedonistic bestie of Liang Fei from Naive Master. I was on the fence about how to tell his story and came up with a fun way to tell it.

I was really on the fence about whether to tell his story as a transmigration story or one that occurred in his first life but I REALLY wanted to tell the story about a dragon and putting one in his normal world was just... there would be a lot of explanation and not as much fun~