Epilogue (Volume 2)
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Finally, we reach the end of the arc and of the volume my dear readers.

I really didn't expect it to take me a whole month to write a volume that doesn't even reach 250 pages.

Even if I say it is the end, it remains to be seen what the interlude and my final notes will tell us.

Thank you for reading volume 2 of this novel, the grand finale will come tomorrow!

Eliza suddenly opened her eyes.

She was in a room she didn't know.

She looked around for her master.

But she only found the room empty and her body was heavily bandaged, even one of her eyes was blindfolded.

She had lost her limbs except for her only arm left.

She sighed in disappointment.

Someone would think she was sighing out of sadness at seeing how she lost her limbs, but no, for Eliza that was not the reason to sigh.

"Regenerating my limbs and repairing me will take a long time this time."

Eliza being a magidroid could repair herself the same way cells do.

By removing unnecessary parts and generating new cells.

Eliza only had to use the magic power inside her which is a magic nucleus fused with Millinium to ensure her survival more than other magidroid´s.

This was the final gift from Professor Foncas.

"At least two weeks or maybe a month it will take me to regenerate without proper equipment to speed up the process of using the ether."

Again he sighed in disappointment.

"In the end I wasn't any useful to the master if he had to come to save me."

"That's not true, I'm very grateful to you indeed. Thank you for all your help Eliza."


Eliza heard Lion's voice, but he was nowhere to be found.

Suddenly he got up from the floor, apparently he was lying there so as not to inconvenience Eliza.

"M-M-M-M-Master! What are you doing down there?"

"I fell asleep taking care of you and I didn't want to make you uncomfortable so I just threw a pillow on the carpet and slept there."

"Why did you do that? You could sleep on the bed and leave me on the floor."

"What nonsense are you talking? In your condition you need more space than anyone else."

"I was really worried about you as I really cursed myself thinking that because of me you ended up like this, I did so much that, Estelle and Alice told me that you can regenerate your wounds, but wounds like this made me worry a lot."

Eliza reassured Lion because she considers it her fault what happened.

"Master, you don't have to worry about anything. This was my problem and this is the result that happened. It's not that big of a deal either, my body will regenerate soon, it will just take time."

"Don't say it was my fault!"


Lion walked over to the bed and hugged Eliza.

"This happened because I told you to prioritize Alice's safety over mine. If the four of us were together, none of this would have happened. I'm truly sorry."

"M-Master, it's okay. No one could have imagined this would happen, don't say it's guilt."

Now Eliza was trying to deny what she said earlier, so Lion wouldn't blame himself.

"It's not just that."

But Lion didn't want to admit it.

"It's my fault you ended up like this. You probably tried to carry everything by yourself, if I had been there I would have left you with those two so you'd be safe to face me alone against that dragon."

Eliza reacted to that.


That word bothered her so much that she remembered her past.

She remembered Lion's death.

Lion then and Lion now were different in physique, but the way he spoke and his eyes were identical.

"You are always like that..."

"Excuse me?"

"You're always like that was what I said!"

Eliza yelled at him and for the first time she was showing a real expression of pain.

Being a magidroid her emotions and feelings are erased, but in Eliza's case the feelings for Lion were so great that only that remained of her former self.

"Master is always like that, he prioritizes others or things more important than his own safety."

"You can't deny me that this time it didn't end badly for you!"

Lion couldn't deny it.

"My arm ended up badly wounded to the point that you could say my arm died from having its cells destroyed. But thanks to the goddess' blessing I was able to fully regenerate it after an hour of waiting."

"You see! You talk about me putting myself in danger, but you're the one who sacrificed your arm being a human!"

"If I lose my limbs or my head I will be able to regenerate them, but you are different. You can do it just for that blessing, what if you can no longer regenerate?"

"Do you want me to see you continue to fight without an arm, a leg or an eye?"

"That's why it's okay for me to go fight and you─"

"I don't want to!"

Lion stopped Eliza with words he didn't mean.

"I didn't have someone make me fight to protect his life. I was only fighting for my desire for happiness, but when I came here."

"I liked being with everything."

Sadness was marked on his face.

"I don't want anyone to die. For the first time I have people I love, I don't want any of you to die, using myself as a shield is better than seeing you lose your lives, what does it matter if I lose my arm, my leg or my eye, I can replace them with magic."

"That's why it's wrong!"

"They... I... I don't want you die."

"I want you to live and be by your side. To be next to you, to know that you sleep in a bed where I can come and wake you up every day. That's what fills me with happiness."

"Your life is my reason for existing. And that's what Professor Foncas wanted, for you to live longer than anyone else."

Lion was unaware of the professor's actual death, so, he believed those were his final words.

"I understand what you're saying, but also understand me, I don't want anything to happen to you."

"If you don't want anything to happen to me or them, there's only one thing left to do."

"And that is?"

Eliza suggested something Lion would never have thought of.

"You need allies. We must get people to help the master in his mission to stop this black order."

"Then the master can rest, because there will be people to fight alongside us for our cause."


(I never thought in my life that I would need the help of others, I always did everything alone.)

It was a big step for Lion to need help other than from the goddess Amylene.

But Eliza showed him that she was willing to sacrifice herself for him.

"I'm sorry, I understand what you're saying."


Eliza was glad for his next words.

"Next time I'm gonna do something risky, I'll look for allies, that way we not only manage to minimize the damage, but we can also have more people to help us. Is that okay with you like that?"


She hugged him in happiness.

"I'm really okay with that. I really think it's fabulous the master stops wanting to hurt himself to win."

"It's not like I like being half-dead in combat."

Eliza erased her sadness for a new feeling.

"Master, can I ask a favor?"

"Say it."

"Kiss me."


For Lion, that proposition was very unexpected.

"Umm, I have no problem with it, but I'm one of those who believes there should be feelings before doing that."

"No problem. I love Master, Professor Foncas designed me to be your woman every night, I have all the basic needs of a woman."

"That's why he made sure my breasts and ass are very big, so the master enjoys doing anything to them."

(That's one detail the professor didn't have to add.)

Lion thought for a moment and said to her.

"Do you really want to be? I'm not formally engaged yet but I already have four fiancées."

"I don't care how many women the master has, whether it's my turn to be a wife or a concubine, a mistress or even a sex slave."

"For the simple fact that I will be the master's woman makes me happy."

"In that case."

Lion gently took Eliza in his arms and brought his lips close to hers.

"Master, this is a good opportunity to tell you this."

"A method of recharging my ether magic core that was designed by the professor was intended for you to take advantage of."

"Really? What is it?"

"The professor told me that you have a large amount of magic power and that amount can be introduced orally by sending your saliva into me."

"That way I get magic power back while we're kissing."

"... I don't know what to say about that, but better for me."

Without hesitation, he kissed her.

He expected a kiss similar to metal since she claims not to be human herself, but her lips were plump, the inside of her mouth was warm, her tongue was very soft.

All of that could not be cloned.

"Mmmh, Ngh, Hna."

The soft sensation of intertwining their tongues was so pleasurable that they were kissing for almost thirty minutes.

Lion removed his tongue, generating a bridge of saliva.

Eliza with a full red face asked.

"Why did you stop master?"

"I'm sorry, but I'm just really bothered by this and can't do anything in your current condition."

Lion pointed to his crotch.

Eliza was surprised and then blushed.

"Master must have a lot of buildup."

"That's right, but I've been stressed lately so I haven't been able to get rid of it."

"In that case when I recover, I'll make sure master releases everything he has inside, okay?"

"Sounds good to me."

Someone knocked on the door suddenly.

It was Louise who entered.

"I'm sorry for the intrusion, but Lion-sama, Her Majesty the queen is calling for you."

"There I go."

Before standing up, he gave Eliza an affectionate kiss before taking his leave.

"Rest well, I'll come visit you daily."

"Thanks to you, I'll only be a week or less now."

"Fare you well master."

Eliza's honest smile showed how happy she was in her current situation.

"Professor Foncas, I'm really happy now, all thanks to you."

"H-Hello, nice to meet you, I'm Lisa. Lysithea Lillia Atley, nice to meet you."

"We've met before, but it's a pleasure to see you again. Again, my name is Lion."

Louise brought me into a room where the group of women I know were, including the marquise and her daughter who is already better.

She was embarrassed to see me for some reason, held out her hand and I greeted her.

I then asked Angely.

"Is there a reason for bringing me here?"

The queen approached me and said.

"You see, recently with this issue of Bellmoth's invasion and now with this other one from Argrand, the kingdom is in a strange crisis."

"Bellmoth has sent a distress signal, they said they want to be part of the kingdom even as a vassal state, but being part of us."

"It seems that what happened yesterday involved the last surviving member of their royal family, they don't want to have any more trouble with us so that happened."

It's been a day since I defeated the dragon, the Argrand soldiers who wanted to invade us came home with their tails between their legs.

Of course, I threatened them all to be a vassal state as we will use their training grounds to plant vegetables and grains.

They didn't surrender of course, but I asked Estelle to give me a hand and in about 25 minutes we finished most of them off.

I didn't want to kill them, but these guys are mercenaries, they understand only when they see a pile of corpses.

So now we have two vassal states.

I continued to pay attention to Angely.

"That leaves us more work than we have, but because of that we shouldn't slow down what's important."

"What's important here?"

She smiled and then her daughters joined in shouting.

"Our wedding is in a week!"

"Wedding! Weren't we just going to get engaged?"

"Of course not."

Angely said wagging her finger in denial.

"If you get engaged, I'd have to assign you a title of nobility. In and of itself the registration to make you a genuine citizen of the realm is very annoying."

"The best way to get around it is to marry someone from that country directly so that it doesn't matter where you come from."

"For that reason in a week's time you will be marrying the six girls here."

"... Six? Wasn't it just the four of you?"

The marquise came up to me and entwined her arms in mine.

"I hope it doesn't make you uncomfortable that a mature woman wants to be with you, or do you dislike the idea?"

"This was possible because Alice-chan talked Lisa and then Angelina told me about it and since I am now a widow again, no man will want to marry a woman who has had two husbands who have passed away."

"Not to mention that Lisa has zero contact with the male side, it's important for her to relate to others since that time of year has come."

"What time of year?"

She told me something I didn't really want to know.

"Ah, that's right, you shouldn't know."

"Well, in less than a month from now Mary will be returning to the royal academy and Alice-chan as Lisa will be entering her first year."

"It should be clarified that it won't be here because there isn't one, it will be abroad, precisely in the Crossfode Kingdom that shares territory with the empire of─"


"What's wrong?"

"R-R-R-R-Royal Academy you say!"

I was startled to hear that.


A school in a fantasy world.

Not again must I go through that torment!

I hate academies in fantasy worlds.

Their teachers look down on you.

The students are classist and think they are better than you.

The girls or heroines are two-faced bitches.

And the crown princes are jerks who will try to get the country to kill you just for telling them the truth to their face.

I don't want to go to one!

I don't want to get involved in trouble again that I never asked for!

I was about to refuse when Lisa took my hand.

"I'm sorry to be a bother, but I'm really interested in you, we don't have a real connection, but I want to get to know you, so if you give me the chance..."

"Ah, I have no problem with you not wanting my mother as your wife either. She should be happy and I don't want her to be unhappy because of me."

If I was the me from before who was a fan of any anime where there were pretty girls, I would have accepted without hesitation.

But now I grew up and will accept them of course.

Having a mother-daughter combo is still my dream.

But I'm not kidding what I said about I'm interested in knowing their feelings.

"I have no problem with it."

I hugged mother and daughter to indicate that I agreed.

"I already said that the goddess gave me permission to have multiple wives."

"I'll be happy about it."

"Yes! We'll get married soon!"

"I'm very happy about it, Princess Alice."

Alice was happy and grabbed Louise's hands to jump for joy.

"Fufufu, I can't imagine having a wedding like this. A lot of preparations will have to be made."

Angely commented.

"Lisa, I'll teach you a few things every bride should know."

"I don't understand what you mean, but I will pay attention to what you say mother."

Shirley and Lisa were conversing with each other on topics one never thought possible.

All was joy and happiness as they should be.

Suddenly Mary tugged at my shirt neck and pulled me out of the room.

"Is something wrong?"

"Actually, yes. I wanted to show you this."

She took me to a far room where Eclair was standing.

She asked me what would happen to her now.

I told her "You are not our enemy, you are free to go back to your home" but she immediately replied "E-Even if it is as you say, I really don't want to go back to that place, I have bad memories only there... and I would like to start over".

She said very shyly, then I suggested.

"In that case you can come to the kingdom, I'll tell the queen to let you in and give you citizenship."


"Sure, I have no problem with that."

That was how she Eclair became a court mage of the kingdom.

Now, what was she doing standing there?

"Sorry for the delay. Something happened?"

"N-Nothing really."


Mary turned to look at me and said something odd.

"Lion, what's the last thing you remember about your fight?"

"Huh? Are you talking about the one I had with the head of the assassin's guild or the dragon?"

"How do you want me to know the first one when you omitted details clearly? I'm talking about your fight with the dragon?"

"... Well, I gave him a heavy blow and sent him to sleep forever."

"Why do you ask?"

Mary looked at me seriously.

"Did you wonder what happened to the dragon after that?"

"No, should I?"

"I would say so."


Mary opened the door.

And inside there was chaos going on.

"Get a hold of yourself!"


The place was almost destroyed.

And for some reason Estelle was fighting someone.

They all accepted Estelle without a problem after hearing her story, we moved the remains of her older sister's body to the kingdom cemetery.

And it looks like Estelle will be going in there soon because of all the bruises on her body.

She looked at me and shouted.

"Master, run away fast!"

She said before she saw a tail hit her hard and send her flying into the wall.

The tail was not human, nor the appearance of the person it belonged to.

That's right, it was a person with a tail.

Her skin was a dark, almost purple color.

Her clothes were a long sheet which had perforations.

A long tail that was almost half a meter long.

Her hair was light blue and her eyes were golden.

She had two large red horns on her head.

Her body was large, her ass and breasts were huge.

She was a beauty almost two meters tall.

She approached me, her voice radiated a strange familiar power.

"We meet again boy. It makes me happy to see that your arm has recovered."

(My arm?)

(Who is she?)

Then I looked at something familiar, on her neck was the slavery collar that the black dragon had.

It was the same collar and even the same inscriptions.

(It can't be!)

"Don't tell me you are!"

"That's right."

She introduced herself as...

"I am part of the Seven Royal Celestial Dragons, Sapphire of Darkness."

"I came for one thing only."

I gulped, imagining what she would say.

This is really bad.

"What did you come for?"

I started to gather my magical power in my fists.

I was about to tell Mary to run when that happened.

She was looking at me very serious and all of a sudden.

"I was looking for you, my little love!"

"... Excuse me?"

She pounced on me and hugged me the way a huge dog jumps on you.

"I was looking for you when I woke up, then I followed your scent and ended up here."

I looked at Mary looking to understand what was going on.

"It's like you say, I got scared when I saw a strange woman show up and say she wanted to see her husband."

"Her husband!"

"That's right my little love."

She rubbed her cheeks with mine.

"In our race when a male and female fight it is for one reason, courtship."

"You defeated me, so it's only natural that I'm looking for my husband."

"Really that happens!"

"Sure. Oh, by the way, think of a new name for me since abandoning your name for your husband's is a tradition."

There was only one thing to do now.

"This unfolding of events, it's too damn surreal as a joke, even for any generic novel!"

My goddess, please help me... even if I haven't contacted you lately.


Somewhere in the world, a war was going on.

It was the shortest war of humankind.

An army of 50,000 men against a battalion.

To call it a battalion is an exaggeration.

It was one man.

That's right, 50,000 men were fighting against one.

The combat lasted only 1 hour.

The sun was slowly going down.

One man was crawling on the ground covered in the corpses of his vassals.

"This should not have happened."

"I am the greatest mastermind in the world."

"I have moved many kings to fight for my interests. I cannot die here!"

Exclaimed the man who had no legs and was crawling like a worm in that orange hell.

Suddenly a foot stepped in his way.

"Where do you think you're going, worm?"

He was a huge man at least six feet tall.

His muscles were heavily toned until he looked like a marble sculpture.

His face looked just like that of a wild animal, especially his grin and sharp eyes.

His long blond hair was combed back and in his hands he carried two huge iron masses he called swords.

"Tell me, where are you going?"

The man on the ground was frightened.

"Let me live please!"

"I promise I'll give you anything you want! Do you want women, money or territories?"

"With my influence we can make it happen. You can have anything you want in the world, I guarantee it as the Colorless King that I am."

"I know, I know who you are."

Said the man looking at him as if he saw a large pile of excrement in his path.

"I don't care if you are part of the remaining seven, not now it will be the Six Uncrowned Kings left alive."

"No, wait!"


The man raised his huge sword and dropped it on the man crushing him.

"It was very boring."

"I never thought 50,000 men to defeat would be so boring."

He turned and walked away.

A strange bat approached him.

"Good job."

"Loki, isn't it? What do you want? I've already fulfilled your request."

"Yes, I saw it. Thank you for it."

"No thanks at all, you told me that Voldenova's northern army was among the most powerful on the continent. They were wimps!"

"By the normal standards of the common people, they were very powerful. I'm sorry that you're a monster in human form."

"Who cares about that. Tell me, is there anything else you want or can I go wherever I want?"

"You are very perceptive no doubt. I have another favor, this one is personal, taking down the Colorless King of the Ten Crownless Kings was necessary to eliminate the enemies of the order."

"Now there are six of them."

"You killed one of them I recall."

"Yes, Akaza Gyutaro, I would have entrusted you to take care of him, but you were elsewhere satiating your lust for war that you missed the opportunity."

"Tch, hurry up already and say what you want."

Loki was sipping a glass of wine while smiling, he was communicating with him through a familiar.

"Currently the Red King is causing me trouble. He is messing with me. I want you to take care of him."

"He's not another weakling, is he?"

"He's stronger than the Golden King."

The burly man's grin was unpleasant to hear that proclamation.

"That does get my attention, where is he?"

Loki spoke words that would mark the flow of the world.

"He is in the Crossfode Kingdom, on the next continent. Make sure you don't leave him alive."


"Count on it."

"I'm counting on you..."

Loki's smile watching his enemies being eliminated grew with each news of them being eliminated.

"Third seat of the Rounds, Siegfried."

Siegfried, the third seat of the Rounds, smiled as he walked to a new course.


"The war is my woman, and she calls me to please her often!"

"I can't wait for a real battlefield! Zehahahahahaha!"

The world moves in mysterious ways, but under the gaze of that huge eye that watched them all.

"Ufufu, this is going to get really interesting, don't you think?"


Volume 2 completed.

The Magidroid and the Black Hero Arc, completed.

Now let's get to the really important part, the surprise!

That's right, I lied to you again *evil grin*.

The Storyteller was not the surprise but this, the new waifu of the novel and the introduction to the academy.

We'll see more of the world and how Lion stresses about repeating the cliché of magic academies.

The fanservice in this chapter is for the novel's new waifu.

Sapphire, tentative name for now.
