B II, ch 16. The Way To The Place You Really Belong
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The strong wind was ruffling his hair, but Bruno wasn't even paying attention. He was too focused on the slow and precise movement of his fingers, threading an intricate, yet invisible web. The sun was already setting, casting a warm glow over the vast ocean, and the reflective water shimmered violently.

At least that part was good. The cold, though, was still very unpleasant.

There was no other choice for him because he needed this wind. The conditions weren't perfect, but with no other options available, he forced himself to concentrate on the task regardless of the noise and the pain. His mind filtered the voices of the working crew and all the sounds accompanying their labor, making them seem distant, so he could decently focus on the intricate symbols and gestures he was practicing.

These symbols had been taught to him by the mysterious mage, Heb Horemm. The archmage had shown him a plethora of arcane markings and explained their meanings, but he hadn't delved into the combinations of spells, leaving the exploration of their possibilities to the young alchemist himself.

A large group of these symbols revolved around the flow of the wind, and that's why it was necessary to get outside on the deck. Unfortunately, the biting cold began to numb his fingers, leading to a surge in mistakes that rendered the whole practice somewhat futile.

He sighed heavily, his breath forming a mist in the chilly air, and then started making his way back under the deck to his small cabin. The ship's lanterns cast dim, flickering light, guiding his steps. Each creak and groan of the ship seemed to accompany him on his way.

Just as he reached his cabin, the door to Viki's room swung open, and the girl emerged. She froze in surprise, her eyes locking onto him. It was as plain as day that she wanted to talk, but she didn't even know how to start. This made him stop a few steps in front of her.

"What is it?" he asked directly, his eyes showing genuine concern.

"N-no... It's nothing," she mumbled hesitantly.

"V... I can see something is troubling you. Let's talk it out," he said, a gentle warmth in his voice inviting her to share her thoughts.

For a moment, panic flickered across her face. Her eyes darted left and right as if seeking an escape, but then she surrendered.

"Why are we going to Frontier Island? Why can't we return to Blackrock? We had everything there," she pleaded, pain etched across her entire body.

Bruno responded with a question of his own, "Is it because of Tom? Because he decided to return and take back control of the gang?"

"No," she shook her head. "I don't want to return because of my brother. I want us to go back to how it was. We were somebody in the city, and here... I don't even know what we are doing here," she shrugged her shoulders.

The boy nodded thoughtfully, taking a moment to gather his thoughts. Then, he began to approach her slowly, his movements deliberate. He gently made her take a few steps back towards the door of her room, her eyes locked with his, brimming with apprehension.

"I know it's scary. A new place, new people, new manners, new morals. Everything is different, and you feel like a roach in a sea of sharks. You're scared they will tear you apart, but you don't have to be scared," he assured her, taking a half step closer so she could feel his breath on her skin as he whispered in her ear. "I'm here. I'll be your lantern in the darkness. I'll show you the way to the place you truly belong. All of us will. Together, we'll stand at the top of this world, V."

His right hand slowly moved, touching her belly so gently, that she didn't even register it immediately after it happened, only when those fingers moved, slowly going lower and lower.

„We will build an empire that this world has never seen. Not a company trading a single product in a city forgotten by the rest of the world. Everybody will know our names. You will be like a princess, equal to Hallel, if not above her,” his lips got even closer, as he whispered directly into her ear.

A wave of heat suddenly entered her body, making her gasp for air, as she blushed. His hand entered her pants, going down, and reaching her womanhood. The fingers moved, making her legs close on their own, almost crushing his hand already nested between her thighs, but he didn't stop. He caressed her, causing her breathing to become heavier and heavier.

She had to clench her teeth as pleasure shook her entire body eventually forcing a moan to escape her mouth. When it did, she was unable to close her lips, leaving them agape as heavy breaths left her lungs

„We both know that you followed my trace because you love me. I'm not sure what love is, so I can't tell you I feel the same, V. But I do care about you. You are very important to me. A precious gem. A beautiful flower blooming in my garden. I want you close. I want you with me, as I march to the top. Will you come with me?” He asked her while his fingers continued providing pleasure.

Her body was trembling. She was panting heavily with her face burning, just like the rest of her body. Even if she wished to scream 'yes' she just couldn't because another moan was about to escape, and she kept it caged, so other people in the rooms around them wouldn't hear.

„I'll take that as a yes,” Bruno whispered.

Then his face slowly moved away from her ear. He noticed the tears in her eyes, the trembling, and the immense pleasure painted all over her red face. His fingers still weren't stopping. He smiled at her, then leaned forward to place his lips on hers.

He kissed her gently, then removed his hand from her pants, and walked away, to his room. Viki collapsed, sliding on the door with her back until she sat on the floor. She was still shivering, biting her lip, so the treacherous moan wouldn't escape.

It was her first time feeling like that, so her mind wasn't able to process the intense experience. It was completely blank. She needed a few moments before she was able to pick herself off the floor, and then, with her legs put together tightly, almost making it impossible to walk, she entered her room again.