Arc 3 – Chapter 9: Meeting the Kazama Family.
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With Marisa unconscious on her back, Reimu made her way to the shrine, her thoughts reflecting her musings aloud.

"Though I didn't understand her obsession with beating me," Reimu mused, her steps steady as she carried her friend.

"I don't know where her house is, so I might just take her home with me," she decided, her determination evident in her voice.

As she soared through the calm and serene night, Reimu couldn't help but appreciate her surroundings.

"The night here isn't as dark as one might expect," she observed. "The two moons provide ample light, making it safe to traverse rocky terrain without needing an external source of light."

Reimu glanced up at the moonlit sky, admiring its beauty. "The moon is truly a magnificent sight," she remarked to herself.

"Especially the stars and the clear skies... it's truly a sight to behold," she thought, a sense of wonder evident in her tone.

With each graceful movement through the night sky, Reimu continued on her way, her attention divided between her surroundings and the unconscious magician on her back. A faint blush adorned Marisa's face, a silent testament to the events of the evening.


Arriving at the shrine, Reimu carefully placed the unconscious magician onto a futon, ensuring her comfort. She then took Marisa's hat and placed it neatly on the desk, followed by positioning her broom to the side.

"I feel like I want to eat something," Reimu mused to herself, her thoughts turning toward her appetite.

Leaving the room, the shrine maiden headed out, while Marisa, still unconscious, instinctively pulled the quilt over her head for added warmth and comfort.


Reimu stood in the kitchen, reflecting on her thoughts as she prepared a meal. "This is my first time cooking again for a long time," she quietly admitted to herself, a sense of determination in her voice. "I think I've been too reliant on them... I need to repay the favor somehow."

Just then, a voice called out from the table. "Reimu, are you here?"

"Yes, I am. Just wait for a bit," Reimu responded before finishing up the preparations.

With the plates of food ready, she carried them to the table, only to find two unexpected guests already seated. The shrine maiden felt a twinge of caution at the sight, her instincts alerting her to a potential situation.

"Umm... I didn't do something bad, right?" Reimu asked tentatively, her concern evident.

Ina reassured her, "Not at all, just sit here for a bit."

With a nod, Reimu placed the dishes on the table and took her seat, her curiosity, and wariness blending in her expression.

"Do you remember Kazama Iroha?" Ai's voice broke the silence, drawing Reimu's attention.

"Yes, she's one of the HoloX," Reimu replied, her tone thoughtful.

Ina chimed in, her voice carrying a hint of mischief, "Remember that time when she recruited you into a party, and you ended up going to a cemetery?"

A faint blush crept onto Reimu's cheeks as she recalled the memory. "Yes..."

Ai continued, her words more direct, "I've heard that you bridal-carried her."

Reimu's blush deepened, and she nodded slightly, her gaze shifting.

"At that moment, you made an oath with her, promising not to leave her side," Ina added, her eyes locking onto Reimu's.

Reimu's response was a mixture of embarrassment and acceptance, her voice barely above a whisper, "Yes..."

"Reimu, you should understand that you need to take responsibility for your actions," Ai's voice carried a note of seriousness.

Reimu met their gazes, her expression reflecting a mix of realization and commitment as she nodded in agreement.

"Now that it's settled, you must meet her parents with her," Ai declared, her tone firm.

Reimu's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Huh?"

Ina chimed in, her voice holding a hint of mischief, "That's right. We've had our little talk, and now it's time for you to go and take responsibility by meeting her parents."

Reimu's expression shifted to one of uncertainty. "Isn't that a bit too fast?"

Ai's response was direct and unyielding, "It's not too fast. After all, you did bully her, and you made an oath to her. Meeting her parents is the right thing to do."

Reimu's eyes widened slightly as the reality of the situation sunk in. "Right now?"

Ina nodded in confirmation. "Yes."

With her meal finished, the shrine maiden rose from her seat and made her way to the door, activating it with a sense of determination.

As the door opened, Ina's voice held a hint of concern. "But, Ai, is it really okay for us to push her like this?"

Ai's response was measured and understood. "It's fine, Ina. Trust me, if Marisa felt comfortable enough to bully Reimu, it means she's at ease around her."

As the door swung open, revealing the blonde Magician, a chorus of surprised reactions echoed through the room.

"Are you fine with it?" Marisa's question cut through the air, her eyes fixed on Reimu.

The suddenness of the inquiry caught both Ina and Ai off guard.

Marisa's gaze remained steady as she continued, her voice laced with curiosity and perhaps a touch of concern, "Why are you fine with it? Doesn't that make you feel jealous, hurt, or anything?"

Ai's response was swift, her tone holding a hint of certainty, "You know that she isn't bound to anything, right?"

Marisa's brow furrowed in confusion. "What?"

Ina chimed in, her voice calm and explanatory, "It means that Reimu isn't bound by the usual rules or limitations. That's why she can fly without using any magic."

Marisa's eyes widened in realization. "Because she isn't bound to anything? So that's why she can do things that others can't?"

Ina shakes her head. "No, it's because she isn't bound to anything, which means she isn't bound by the rule that's why she can fly"

Ina looked directly at Marisa, seeking clarification. "Marisa, tell me, what if she isn't bound to anything?"

Marisa's expression showed a hint of contemplation. "She can freely leave and not come back?"

Ina nodded slowly. "Yes, that's the essence of it. Although it might be a futile attempt to bind her with relationships because she doesn't fully understand them... but isn't it better than letting her go?"

As Marisa absorbed Ina's words, a series of memories flashed through her mind.

"I See... just like Kuro, she refused the seat because she wanted to explore the whole universe, and she sacrificed herself even though I and Fate desperately tried to stop her..."

Marisa's understanding deepened, and she replied, "I understand. I don't want her to leave either..."

While Marisa and Ina were having this heart-to-heart conversation, Ai observed the scene with a mix of emotions.

"Uwaah... the misunderstanding expands, but I guess it's better not to clarify it."

"I guess problems don't pose a threat to her peaceful life after all."

The room held a sense of realization and unspoken feelings as the trio contemplated the intricacies of Reimu's unique nature.


In the shadow of the building, Reimu stood, waiting for someone.

"Iroha said this is the meeting spot," she murmured to herself.

A voice called out, and Reimu turned to see the approaching samurai.

"Reimu-san!!! Here!" Iroha's excited voice reached her ears.

Reimu walked over to meet Iroha, a small smile on her lips.

"Hello, Iroha-chan. You're as cute as always," she said, a hint of a teasing tone in her voice. "Since when did my bad habit go this far?" she mused inwardly.

"Mou... Reimu, don't compliment me so suddenly," Iroha replied, her cheeks slightly flushed.

"But it's true, though," Reimu insisted, her gaze sincere.

As the scene unfolded, the people around them couldn't help but react, some inwardly cursing the shrine maiden's ability to be so casually charming.

"Mouuuu... stop it. Let's go. I'll introduce you to them," Iroha finally said, her flustered demeanor giving way to determination.

With the pedestrians stealing glances at the charismatic shrine maiden, Reimu nodded. "Let's go."


They both harnessed Reimu's power of flight to reach their designated location swiftly.

"I feel like I'm getting used to the speed of your flight," Iroha remarked, her voice a mixture of awe and amusement.

"I can go even faster if you want," Reimu offered a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"I beg you, please don't do that," Iroha replied, her tone half-serious and half-pleading.

"We'll see..." Reimu's playful response hung in the air, hinting at the potential for even greater speed.

As they walked along the mountain paths, the surroundings gradually shifted until the path seemed to fade away.

"Illusion? Huh..." Reimu pondered inwardly, her senses attuned to the strange ambiance around them.

Undeterred, the two continued walking until they arrived at a quiet, seemingly deserted village.

"Sorry about this..." Iroha apologized, her expression apologetic.

Reimu's thoughts remained contemplative as she observed the scene before them. "A test... I guess they won't hand their daughter over without a fight," she mused silently, her instincts sharpened by her experiences.

The shrine maiden's soft touch gently ruffled the samurai's hair, eliciting a surprised exclamation from Iroha.

"Ehh?!" Iroha's flustered reaction was clear, yet she made no move to pull away from the unexpected gesture. The scene seemed to exist outside the ordinary, but...

"You!!!" A masked figure, ninja-like in appearance and wielding a sword, suddenly materialized before them.

"YOU FLIRTING WITH MY DAUGHTER IN FRONT OF ME!" The masked man's furious accusation cut through the air, his anger palpable.

"DIEEEEEE!" With a swift and aggressive motion, he charged at them, sword poised for an attack. But before he could reach them, a new presence emerged on the scene.

A woman, equally mysterious in attire, abruptly appeared and executed a powerful dropkick, sending the masked man crashing to the ground with a painful, dying screech. With unwavering confidence, she stepped onto his back, her posture assertive.

"Honey, did you forget what we talked about last night?" Her voice held a mixture of amusement and reproach as she addressed the defeated masked man.

Iroha's father's voice wavered, his words filled with a mix of pain and surrender.

"I concede—"

The sound of cracking bones pierced the air as the man's body contorted in agony.

His anguished scream echoed through the surroundings.

Foam formed at the corners of the man's mouth, a disturbing sight amid the chaos.

"Mou... Mom, you should stop treating Father so roughly..." Iroha's voice carried a tone of mild exasperation, though there was a hint of familiarity in her words.

"Don't worry, my dear granddaughter. Your father has faced worse discipline from me," a pale blond woman chimed in, her voice laced with a sense of authority.

The woman's presence was striking, two swords hanging from her right hips, a testament to her formidable skills.

"So, you are the one that Iroha-chan likes," the woman continued, her words directed at Reimu. "I welcome you to the Hidden Ninja Village."