Chapter 5 – The First Time
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The next morning, Madison woke up and she realized she was still curled up on the plush leather couch, her head resting in Rex's lap. 

"Good morning," Rex said softly, noticing her begin to wake. 

Madison sat up, tucking a strand of her messy hair behind her ear self-consciously. "Good morning," she replied, unable to meet his gaze in her embarrassment. "I'm so sorry...I can't believe I used you as a pillow all night."

Rex gently tilted her chin up so their eyes met. "You have nothing to apologize for," he assured her. "You needed rest, and I was more than happy to provide you comfort." 

Madison let out a relieved sigh, comforted by his understanding. "So you don't mind that I just conked out on you like that?" she asked with a timid smile.

Rex chuckled warmly. "Not at all. In fact, I quite enjoyed having you in my arms as you slept." 

Madison's cheeks flushed pink at his words. "Can we just stay like this all day?" she pleaded playfully, nestling against his sturdy shoulder. 

Rex's expression turned regretful. "As much as I wish we could remain here together, duty calls, I'm afraid. There are matters that require my attention."

Madison nodded, knowing Rex had pressing responsibilities as director that demanded his time and focus. 

With a sigh, Rex stood and straightened his rumpled suit jacket. "I'll have my driver take you home for now," he said. "But I promise we'll continue our evening together at dinner tonight."

"I'll hold you to that," Madison replied with an understanding smile. She knew Rex's work was important to him.

Rex escorted Madison outside to the idling limousine. Before parting, he drew her in for a lingering kiss. "Until tonight," he murmured.  

As the limo pulled away, Rex watched it go, already missing Madison's presence. Yet he looked forward to their dinner later, a bright spot amidst his constant demands.

Later that evening, Madison stood in front of the floor-length mirror in her bedroom, carefully applying a light layer of makeup. She leaned forward and lined her brown eyes with a smokey black pencil, gently smudging it for a sultry effect. After adding a touch of blush to the apples of her cheeks, she stepped back to examine her work.

Satisfied with her makeup, Madison turned her attention to her outfit for the evening. She had picked out a flowing light blue dress made of soft, lightweight fabric that fell just below her knees. The dress featured a square neckline that left her shoulders enticingly bare. Madison slipped into the dress, loving the way the material floated around her body as she moved. She fastened a delicate silver necklace with a small sapphire pendant around her slender neck, letting it rest just above her collarbones. 

For shoes, Madison had selected a pair of black high heels with thin straps that wrapped delicately around her ankles. She stepped into them, buckling the small clasps on the sides. 

Ready at last, Madison gave herself one final appraising look in the mirror. She had left her long chestnut hair down in loose, natural waves that cascaded over her shoulders. With a spray of her favorite strawberry vanilla perfume on her wrists, she deemed her outfit complete. Just then, the doorbell rang, signaling Rex's arrival. 

Madison hurried to the door, her heart already quickening at the thought of seeing Rex. When she opened it, he stood on the doorstep looking impeccable as always in one of his tailored gray three-piece suits. His bright green eyes lit up when he saw Madison.

Rex offered his arm and escorted Madison down the steps to where his limousine idled by the curb. The driver opened the door for them, and they sank into the plush leather seats, immediately helping themselves to the champagne chilling in an ice bucket. They clinked their crystal flutes together in a toast to their evening before sipping the bubbly liquid. 

As the limo made its way through the bustling city streets, Madison snuggled up to Rex's side. He wrapped an arm around her bare shoulders and dropped a tender kiss on the top of her head. Soon, they had arrived at Rex's extravagant mansion. The driver came around to open their door, and Rex stepped out before turning to offer his hand to Madison. Together, they strolled up the stone pathway leading to the grand front entrance.

Inside the enormous foyer with its marble floors and crystal chandelier, Rex stopped and turned to Madison, an excited glint in his eyes. "I have a surprise for you tonight," he revealed. 

Madison looked up at him, curiosity rising inside her. "Oh? And what might that be?"

"You'll have to come with me to find out," Rex replied playfully. He took her hand and led her up the spiral staircase. Their footsteps echoed through the hushed halls as he guided her to a set of tall, intricately carved doors. 

"Now close your eyes," Rex instructed. Madison did as he asked, practically bouncing on her toes in anticipation. She heard the doors open with a creak and felt Rex's strong hand come to rest gently on her lower back. "No peeking," he reminded her as he led her slowly into the mysterious room.

"Okay, open your eyes," Rex finally said after positioning her in just the right spot.

Madison's eyelids fluttered open, and she had to stifle a gasp at the scene before her. They were standing in Rex's lavish greenhouse conservatory. The entire back wall was made up of enormous panes of glass, revealing a sprawling view of the twinkling cityscape at dusk. Lush exotic plants filled the room, and a bubbling marble fountain provided a soothing backdrop. In the center sat an intimate table set for two, complete with flickering candles and crystal wine glasses.

"Oh Rex, it's gorgeous!" Madison exclaimed, turning to him with eyes full of wonder.

Rex smiled, looking pleased by her reaction. "I thought a private dinner here would be the perfect way to spend the evening," he explained, pulling out her chair in invitation. 

Madison sank into the soft, plush seat and took a moment to admire the elegant room with its tasteful decor and soft lighting. Rex carefully poured a generous amount of rich red wine into each of their glasses and then revealed the first dish on the menu. The aroma of the food filled the room, making Madison's mouth water with anticipation.

As the meal progressed, Rex continued to bring out dish after dish, each one more delicious than the last. Madison savored every bite, marveling at the chef's skillful use of spices and flavors. Soft music played in the background, adding to the ambiance of the evening.

After dessert, Madison dabbed at the corners of her mouth with an embroidered napkin and leaned back in her seat, feeling content and satisfied. "That was really good," she said, meeting Rex's gaze. "Thank you so much for such a lovely dinner."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." Rex said as he rose from his seat. He walked over to where Madison sat and extended a hand towards her. 

"The night's not over yet," he said smoothly. "May I have this dance?"

Madison felt her cheeks flush as she placed her hand in Rex's strong grip. "I'd love to, but I have to warn you that I'm not a very good dancer," she admitted with an embarrassed laugh.

"Nonsense. Just follow my lead and you'll do fine," Rex assured her confidently.  

He led her to the open space in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows. The glittering city lights beyond provided a romantic backdrop as Rex crossed the room and switched on the stereo system. Soft notes of Eric Clapton's "Hungry Eyes" began to flow from the speakers.

Rex returned to Madison's side and drew her into his arms. Guiding her hands up to rest lightly on his firm shoulders, he then encircled her waist, his strong hands spreading warmth through the thin material of her dress. 

As the vocals began, Rex slowly swayed from side to side, coaxing Madison into the gentle rhythm. She stumbled a bit at first, peering down nervously at her feet.

"Eyes up here," Rex murmured, tapping a finger under her chin. Madison lifted her gaze to meet his reassuring one. Losing herself in the depths of his green eyes, her body relaxed instinctively into his.

As the song went on, Rex smoothly spun her out then back in, eliciting a breathless laugh from Madison. When he pulled her back close, her chest was flushed against his, their joined hands resting intimately over his heart. 

"See, you're a natural," Rex whispered, his warm breath tickling her ear and sending delicious shivers down her spine. Madison smiled up at him, filled with contentment. She hadn't felt so safe and cherished in a long time.

As the next song started, Rex gently pulled Madison even closer. She willingly moved into his arms, resting her head on his broad, sturdy shoulder. Breathing deeply, Madison caught a hint of Rex's cologne - a warm, masculine scent that suited him perfectly. 

Still swaying slowly to the music, Madison softly trailed her hand up Rex's back, feeling the smooth fabric of his suit jacket. Being close to him like this made her heartbeat quicken and blush lightly.

When the song ended, Rex pulled Madison's body tightly against his own and brought his lips to hers in a gentle kiss that quickly deepened as Rex tenderly traced Madison's lower lip with his tongue, asking silent permission. 

Madison opened her mouth shyly, allowing his tongue to explore her mouth for the first time. A shudder moved through her body at the new sensations as Rex tasted her deeply. Their tongues caressed each other slowly as Rex cradled her face gently in his hands. Madison wrapped her arms around Rex's neck, running her fingers through his long hair, ponytail and all.   

When they finally pulled apart, breathless, Rex looked into Madison's eyes. Madison blushed, looking back into Rex's green eyes.   

Rex then took her hand and led her over to the fountain, sitting down and pulling Madison into his lap. She curled up against his broad chest as he wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her close. Their lips found each other again in another passionate kiss, tongues dancing together. Rex caressed her back and sides while Madison moaned softly into his mouth as she ran her hands through his hair once more.  

Rex then began kissing down Madison's neck, eliciting another soft moan from her. His lips caressed her bare shoulders while his hands squeezed her waist. His kisses became more urgent and needy. 

Rex finally pulled back to look into Madison's eyes. "Lets go to my room where we can be more comfortable," he suggested.

Madison smiled and nodded. "Okay."    

Rex took Madison's hand and guided her out of the conservatory and through the grand hallways of the mansion. The high ceilings soared above them and paintings in ornate gilded frames lined the walls. 

Finally reaching his personal wing, Rex stopped in front of an imposing set of double doors carved with a condor design. He pushed the doors open to reveal his master bedroom suite.

The walls were draped in rich burgundy wallpaper with intricate golden designs. A massive four-poster bed stood in the center, with ornately carved mahogany posts and a feather bed topped with plush velvet blankets and pillows. 

On either side of the bed were beautifully carved nightstands, each with a Tiffany lamp that cast a warm glow over the room. The expansive windows were framed with heavy velvet curtains, pulled back to reveal sweeping views of the estate gardens below. 

Against one wall was an enormous marble fireplace with an intricately detailed mantle. Above it hung a large gilded mirror in an elaborate frame. The hardwood floors were covered with decadent Persian rugs in deep reds and golds.

In one corner sat Rex's massive desk and leather chair, the surface neatly organized. Along another wall was an entertainment unit housing a large TV and stereo system. Pieces of Rex's art collection adorned the walls, giving the room a sophisticated yet intimate feel.

The only personal touch was a photograph on the nightstand of Rex as a young man with his brother Roman. Though expansive in size, the bedroom still managed to feel warm and intimate.

Madison walked over to the bed, running her hands over the sumptuous linens. "It's beautiful in here," she murmured. 

Rex came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. "I'm glad you like it," he replied, nuzzling her neck.

Madison sighed, leaning back into Rex's strong embrace. She turned in his arms to face him, her fingers reaching up to run through his long grey hair. Their eyes locked, an unspoken passion passing between them. 

Rex's hands encircled her waist, pulling her tightly against him. He brought one hand up to caress her cheek tenderly. Madison's lips parted slightly in anticipation as Rex leaned in. 

He captured her mouth in a deep, passionate kiss that seemed to ignite every nerve in her body. Madison wound her arms around his neck, melting into the kiss. Their tongues intertwined as Rex's hands roamed urgently over her curves.

After a few minutes, Rex pulled away slightly to look into Madison's eyes. He then took a step back and slipped his suit jacket off, tossing it on the floor. 

Rex then moved back to Madison and grasped her waist, pulling her body against his once more. Their kissing resumed, impassioned and hungry. Madison tugged on Rex's ponytail playfully as she nipped his bottom lip with her teeth, eliciting another groan from Rex. Their hands explored each other eagerly, grasping shoulders, arms and sides firmly as they enjoyed the taste and feel of each other's lips and tongues. 

Rex's lips left her mouth to kiss a path along her jaw and down her neck, causing Madison to gasp in pleasure. This was all so new to her, but the feelings Rex stirred within her body were undeniable.   

Madison clung to Rex, losing herself in the sensations of his kisses, his touch and the feel of his body against hers. Her first exploration of intimacy was awakening desires that both thrilled and frightened her. 

"Rex..." she breathed his name softly.

Rex slowly lifted his head to look deeply into Madison's eyes. "We don't have to do anything you're not ready for," he said softly.  "Making you feel safe and comfortable is what matters most to me."  

Madison looked at Rex with warmth. "I know. And I do feel safe with you." She reached up to caress his face. "I want this. I want you."  

Rex smiled gently. "We'll go at your pace. Just tell me what you need and what feels good."  

Madison's body relaxed as she smiled back gratefully. "Thank you," she whispered.  

Rex kissed Madison slowly and sweetly. His hands rubbed her back in soothing motions, gradually moving lower to caress her hips. Madison sighed softly into his mouth, leaning into his touch. 

Rex slowly slid one hand up to cup Madison's cheek, kissing her more deeply. His other hand splayed across her lower back, pulling her body flush against his.  

Madison kissed Rex back eagerly, encouraged by his tenderness and expertise. She slid one arm around his neck while twining the fingers of her other hand through his hair.   

Rex trailed a series of soft kisses along Madison's neck and shoulder, eliciting quiet gasps of pleasure from her. He murmured words of comfort and reassurance between kisses, keenly attuned to her every reaction.  

Madison surrendered herself fully to Rex's tender ministrations, confident he would guide her through this new and wondrous experience. Letting out a contented sigh, Madison pulled Rex's lips back to hers, kissing him deeply. Rex responded eagerly, his hands continuing to caress and explore her body.  

Slowly, hesitantly, Madison's hands moved to the hem of Rex's shirt. She slid her fingers underneath the fabric and began lifting it upwards. Rex sensed her unspoken question and broke the kiss long enough to raise his arms, allowing Madison to pull the shirt over his head.   

Unable to resist, she began tracing her fingertips over his chest, caressing his pectorals and running lightly over his abs. 

"M-Madison..." Rex inhaled sharply at her gentle touch, his eyes fluttering briefly closed.  

Madison looked up at Rex with a shy smile. "Will you undress me?" she asked softly.  

Rex nodded and reached behind her, his fingers finding the zipper at the small of her back. Slowly, he tugged it down inch by inch, revealing the soft, porcelain skin underneath. The quiet crinkling sound of the zipper gliding down sent a shiver through Madison's body. Her dress loosened and eventually slipped from her shoulders to fall away, leaving her standing before Rex in just her simple cotton panties.   

Rex's gaze wandered over Madison's figure hungrily, taking in the sight of her curves and smooth skin bathed in the warm light. Madison blushed deeply as she felt Rex's eyes on her bare form.

Rex then brought his hands up to gently cup Madison's breasts, caressing the soft skin lovingly. Madison inhaled sharply at his touch, her body awakening further beneath his expert hands. 

As Rex began massaging her breasts, teasing her sensitive nipples with his thumbs, Madison let out a soft moan and grasped his shoulders to keep from falling.  

"Your hands feel so good, Rex." She gasped, trembling beneath his expert touch.  

Rex smiled and continued to knead and caress her breasts, applying just the right amount of pressure with his fingertips. Madison shuddered at the waves of pleasure that coursed through her body with each gentle squeeze and roll of his thumbs.   

Her hands moved tentatively to Rex's waistband, fumbling with his belt buckle. Rex paused for a moment, pulling back slightly to look at her. 

"Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked softly, bringing a hand up to cup her cheek.   

Madison nodded firmly. "Yes, Rex. I want to make you feel good." She said, looking earnestly into his eyes.  

Rex regarded her tenderly. "It's not about me." He said, stroking her cheek with his thumb. "We only go as far as you're ready and willing."     

Madison leaned into his touch, covering his hand with her own. "I'm ready." She replied. "I want you, Rex. All of you."

Rex smiled warmly at Madison and helped her remove his belt, sliding it from the loops of his dress pants. He then slid his pants down his long legs before stepping out of them. 

Next, Rex slid his boxers down over his hips, allowing Madison to see his naked form for the first time. Madison's eyes widened slightly as she took in the sight of Rex's cock. She had never seen one up close before and she bit her lip, feeling a flush of heat spread through her body as she took in the size and shape of him.  

Madison tentatively wrapped her fingers around Rex's length, feeling it grow hard and rigid under her touch. She stroked him gently at first, testing her movements.  But as she gained confidence, she began to stroke him more firmly.

Rex closed his eyes, letting out soft groans of pleasure as Madison continued to explore him with her hand. He was amazed by how good it felt to have her touch him so intimately. He was hard and throbbing under her fingers, and he couldn't wait to see what else she had in store for him.

Encouraged by Rex's reactions, Madison got on her knees in front of him. She looked up at him with a shy smile before sliding her tongue around the very tip of his cock, teasing him. Rex gasped softly, his fingers tangling in her hair as she tentatively took more of him into her mouth.

Madison pushed him in deeper, but when she felt his cock hit the back of her throat, she gagged involuntarily, her body convulsing as she tried to catch her breath.

Rex quickly pulled back, his hands moving to comfort her. "It's okay, Madison. Take your time, there's no rush. Don't do anything that makes you uncomfortable."

Madison nodded, feeling grateful for his understanding. She took a deep breath before trying again, this time taking him in more slowly. She used her tongue to tease and stroke him, enjoying the way his cock felt in her mouth. 

As Madison continued to pleasure him, she experimented with different movements, finding the ones that made Rex moan the loudest. She increased the speed and suction of her mouth, feeling his hips thrusting forward eagerly and his hands gripping her hair tightly.

Rex let out a low groan of pleasure, his eyes squeezed shut as he focused on the torrent of sensations coursing through his body. The way Madison teased and sucked his cock drove him wild.  

"Oh, Madison," he gasped, "That feels so good."  

Madison continued to run her tongue around the sensitive head of his cock before taking him deep into her mouth once more. She alternated between gentle sucks and intense pulls, bringing Rex to the brink of ecstasy.   

Rex felt himself getting closer to the edge, his body tensing with mounting pleasure. "Madison...I'm close," he groaned, his hands tightening in her hair.  

But Madison didn't slow down. Instead, she increased the suction and speed of her mouth, determined to push Rex over the edge.   

With a loud cry, Rex finally reached his climax. His body shook with pleasure as he released himself into Madison's waiting mouth. His hips thrust forward uncontrollably as he rode out his orgasm.  

Madison took in every drop of his semen, savoring the taste and texture on her tongue. As she gently eased his cock from her lips, she looked up at him and smiled, delighted to see the pleasure still etched on his face from the aftershocks of his climax.

Rex helped Madison to her feet, pulling her close to him and wrapping his arms around her. He kissed her deeply, his tongue exploring her mouth as he tasted her sweetness. 

"You have no idea how much I enjoyed you pleasuring my cock," he whispered when they broke the kiss. "You are so talented. I could let you do that to me forever."

Madison smiled as Rex praised her skills, feeling content at having pleased him. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her body against his as she kissed him. "I'm glad you enjoyed it, Rex," she murmured, her lips brushing against his. "I love pleasuring you."

Rex cupped Madison's face tenderly in his hands and looked deeply into her warm brown eyes. "Madison...I want to explore every inch of your beautiful body, to make you feel as good as you just made me feel," he said softly. "Are you ready for that?"  

Madison nodded, her eyes locked trustingly with his. "Yes, Rex. I'm ready. I want you to make love to me."  

Rex kissed her tenderly. "We'll go at your pace, and if at any moment you feel uncomfortable or want to slow down, please let me know. Your pleasure and comfort are my top priority."   

"Thank you, Rex," she murmured. "I trust you."

Rex took her hand and led her over to the bed. He sat on the edge and guided Madison to stand between his legs. Madison ran her fingers through his long grey locks as Rex kissed along her collarbone and up the graceful curve of her neck. She closed her eyes and let out a soft moan as his hands caressed her back, slowly moving lower.

When his hands reached her hips, she gasped softly, her body arching into his touch. She ran her hands over his broad shoulders and down his well-defined chest, feeling the hard muscles beneath her fingers.    

Rex gently grasped Madison's right foot, unbuckled the strap of her high heel shoe, and removed it. He repeated the gesture with her other foot before throwing her shoes aside.   

Rex then slowly removed her panties, exposing her naked body fully to his admiring gaze. He leaned in for a kiss, deepening it as his hands roamed over her hips and thighs.

Finally, Rex broke the kiss and stood, guiding Madison to lay back on the bed. She looked up at him with a warm, beautiful smile as his eyes traveled slowly down her body, taking in every curve and contour.   

Rex leaned down towards Madison, his lips brushing against her skin as he placed soft kisses across her neck and collarbone. He could feel her body responding to his touch, the way she arched her back and let out a soft moan. He continued moving lower, his lips reaching her breasts. Taking one nipple into his mouth, he flicked it with his tongue while his hand played with the other. 

Madison's breathing became faster and shallower as she felt the wetness between her legs grow. She ran her fingers through Rex's long hair, asking for more. He switched his attention to her other nipple, giving it the same attention as he had the first. As he moved his hand down her stomach, he teased her with his fingers, tracing circles around her navel. 

Rex's kisses continued down Madison's body, trailing over her stomach, hips, thigh, and down her leg. When he reached her foot, he gently grasped Madison's ankle and lifted her foot to his mouth.

Rex started by planting soft kisses on the top of Madison's foot. He then kissed across each toe before opening his mouth to suck them gently, one by one.  

"Oh Rex, that tickles!" Madison giggled softly at the unfamiliar ticklish sensations.

Holding Madison's foot with one hand, Rex switched to using only his tongue. He ran it firmly up and down her soles, exploring every crease and contour. Madison's breathing quickened as she felt the warmth of his mouth against her skin, her toes curling as shivers of pleasure ran up her spine. 

"Rex, that feels so good. I can't believe how much I like this," Madison admitted breathlessly.

"I'm glad you're enjoying it. You have such beautiful feet." Rex replied with a grin before giving same attention to Madison's other foot.

Rex then slowly kissed a path up Madison's calf, feeling the tension in her body as he moved closer to her pussy. 

He took a moment to inhale her intoxicating scent before parting her folds with his tongue. He licked and teased her clit, alternating between gentle licks and more intense pressure that made Madison cry out in pleasure.

Encouraged, Rex used his tongue to explore her warm, wet folds in wide strokes. Madison gasped at the pleasure, tangling her fingers in his hair to pull him tighter against her.

He slipped his tongue inside her pussy, exploring every inch of her wetness. He moved his tongue in circles, thrusting and flicking in and out of her, and soon Madison was writhing beneath him, her fingers clenching tightly in his hair.

"Oh, Rex..." She gasped, bucking her hips toward his mouth.

Rex could feel her getting closer to the edge, so he focused his attention on her clit once again, using his tongue to expertly pleasure her. He sucked gently on her sensitive bud, flicking it with his tongue until she was trembling with pleasure.

Madison cried out his name as waves of pleasure crashed over her, the sensation like nothing she had ever felt before. 

Rex cradled her thighs gently as he feasted on her, looking up at Madison as she came undone beneath his devoted attention. He sucked and nibbled at her sensitive clit while continuing to plunge his tongue deep inside her, bringing her to the edge over and over.   

"Oh God, Rex I'm going to...don't stop!" Madison screamed as waves of intense pleasure crashed over her. She squeezed Rex's head tightly between her thighs, grinding herself against his mouth as the orgasm ripped through her.   

Rex moaned against her wet, sensitive flesh, sucking and licking eagerly to wring every last drop of pleasure from Madison's shuddering body. 

Madison cried out his name over and over as the orgasm went on and on, leaving her trembling and spent. She finally released her tight hold on Rex's head, her body slumping limply against the bed.   

Rex tenderly laid down beside her, propping himself up on one elbow to look at her. 

"Are you okay?" he asked, his eyebrows knitted with concern. 

Madison's eyes fluttered open and she smiled up at him tiredly. "Yes," she breathed. "That was incredible. I've never felt anything like that before." 

Her body still thrummed with pleasure, pulsing waves radiating out from her core. She could hear her heartbeat pounding in her ears. 

Rex grinned, looking pleased. He reached out to cup her cheek, his thumb gently caressing her flushed skin. 

"You're so good at that," Madison said wonderingly. "How did you get so skilled at pleasuring a woman?"

Rex paused, his brilliant green eyes meeting hers. "I've had some practice over the years," he admitted with a slight smile playing on his lips. "But mostly, I just pay very close attention to what feels good for my partner. I want to make sure she feels completely loved and cherished."

Madison smiled up at him. "Well, you certainly know how to make a woman feel loved and cherished," she said. She reached up to tenderly stroke his cheek. 

Rex leaned in and gently pressed his lips against Madison's in a tender kiss. As they parted, Madison looked up into Rex's eyes.   

"Rex," she said softly. "I want you inside me. I want to feel all of you."

Rex nodded understandingly. "Alright. I'll be gentle. Tell me if you need me to stop or slow down."   

Rex then positioned himself between Madison's thighs, the tip of his firm cock pressing against her wet, warm entrance. Their eyes remained locked as he slowly and carefully began to push inside, the head of his cock stretching her delicate tissues.  

Madison felt a sharp pain shoot through her body as Rex entered her. She gasped and tensed up, her hands gripping the sheets tightly. The discomfort was intense, and she felt like she couldn't breathe. 

Rex immediately noticed her reaction and paused. "Are you okay, Madison?" he asked gently, his eyes searching her face with concern. 

"It hurts," Madison admitted in a small voice. 

Rex withdrew from her gently. "We don't have to do this if it's too painful," he said reassuringly.  

"No, I want to," Madison said. "I just need a moment." 

"Of course, take all the time you need." Rex lay beside her and took her in his arms. He cradled her close and stroked her hair soothingly.   

After a few moments, Madison felt ready to try again. Rex repositioned himself and slowly re-entered her, going even slower this time. Madison gripped the sheets and took deep breaths through the initial discomfort as Rex stretched and filled her for the very first time.   

Rex bottomed out inside her slowly and tenderly. He held himself motionless, waiting for Madison's body to fully adjust to his girth. Only when she wrapped her legs around him did he begin to move. 

Rex withdrew slightly before gently thrusting back inside her. Madison tightened her arms around Rex's neck and lifted her hips to meet his slow, steady rhythm.   

"That feels nice," she said shyly. 

Rex continued to rock in and out of her with incredible tenderness and care, his eyes never leaving hers.   

Madison felt pleasure building inside her with each gentle movement. Her body responded to his every rhythm and touch. A quiet moan escaped her lips and she pulled Rex closer with her legs.

Rex moved a little faster now but still with restraint, watching Madison closely. "Is this alright?"  

Madison nodded. "It feels good...But I want...more."

Rex smiled softly. "As you wish."   

He withdrew slowly before pressing forward with more force and depth. Madison lifted her hips to meet his harder, faster thrusts.

Rex quickened his pace, his breaths coming faster. Madison urged him on. "Yes...just like that."   

Rex grasped Madison's hips as each thrust filled her fully. Madison cried out in pleasure, her nails digging into Rex's shoulders and back.   

Rex grunted softly at the sensation but did not slow his rhythm. "You feel so good," he said, holding Madison's gaze as he brought their hips together with each deep thrust.

Madison moaned loudly, her hips rolling to meet each of Rex's forceful thrusts. Every drive of Rex's hips sent waves of ecstasy pulsing through her body.   

Rex grasped Madison's thighs, pushing them back to open her wider for him. Madison raked her nails down Rex's sweat-slicked back in response, crying out as pleasure climbed higher within her. "Oh God, Rex!"  

Rex quickened his pace, driving into Madison harder and faster, determined to bring her over the edge into release.   

Madison's nails dug into Rex's shoulders. "I'm so close," she moaned, her tight walls beginning to spasm around Rex's thick cock as her orgasm approached.

Rex held Madison tighter as she shuddered around him. "That's it, let go," he encouraged her.   

Madison cried out Rex's name, begging him not to stop. The heady sounds of her pleasure further drove Rex's desire and he slammed into her slick, tight pussy relentlessly.  

Madison's heels dug into Rex's lower back, pulling him deeper inside with each thrust. Wave after wave of intense pleasure crashed over her, causing her to convulse and gasp Rex's name.    

"Harder, Rex!" She cried out.   

Rex grasped Madison's thighs, lifting and pushing them further back to change the angle of his strokes. This tipped Madison over the edge and she screamed as a powerful orgasm ripped through her.   

Rex felt Madison's walls pulsing around him and it triggered his own release. He plunged deeply into her one last time and spilled his hot seed inside her as he growled out her name. They both trembled and collapsed on the bed into each other's sweat-slicked arms.

Madison lay there, her sweat-slicked body still trembling from the aftershocks of pleasure. She turned her head to look at Rex, who was breathing heavily beside her, his chest rising and falling.   

"Wow," Madison said, still trying to catch her breath.  

Rex smiled at her, brushing a stray hair from her damp forehead. "How was that?" he asked softly.

Madison had never felt so alive, so connected to another person before. She had always been a bit hesitant when it came to intimacy, but with Rex, it had felt natural, effortless.

"I never knew it could feel like this," she whispered.  

Rex leaned in, his lips brushing hers in a gentle kiss. "This is just the beginning. There is so much more for us to discover together," he said.   

His words sent a shiver down Madison's spine. She wanted  to explore this newfound passion, to discover everything intimacy with Rex had to offer. 

"Can we do it again?" she asked breathlessly.   

Rex chuckled and pulled her closer, wrapping his strong arms around her."As many times as you like," he said.  

Madison nestled her head in the crook of Rex's neck, sighing contentedly as he held her. Their legs entwined and their heartbeats synchronized as their breathing slowed.   

Rex placed a soft kiss on her head. "Today was perfect," he murmured.

Madison hummed in agreement. "It was. I could stay in this moment forever."

Rex stroked her hair gently."We'll have many more like it, I promise."

Madison smiled at the thought. She hugged Rex tighter, breathing in his familiar scent and memorizing the feeling of his embrace.

Their whispers and silence gave way to tiredness. Rex's breathing eventually steadied into deep, even breaths as he drifted to sleep. Madison stayed awake a little longer, listening to the rhythm of Rex's heartbeat beneath her ear and relishing how at peace she felt in his arms. Eventually, she too fell into a restful slumber.