Arc 4 – Chapter 5: The End.
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At the Hakurei Shrine, the shrine maiden reclined on the ground, engrossed in reading a manga. Her tranquil moment was abruptly interrupted by a powerful earthquake that shook the entire planet.

Observing the tumultuous event, Reimu's expression turned somber as she voiced her realization, "It's a no, I guess..."

Amidst the unsettling aftermath, her phone suddenly rang, prompting her to answer with a professional tone, "Federal Bureau of Investigations is on the line, what can I help you?"

On the other end of the line, Yagoo's voice hesitated before speaking, "Excuse me?"

Recognizing the voice, Reimu responded, "How is it, Yagoo?"

Yagoo sighed in relief, "Oh! Reimu, I thought I'd dialed the wrong number for a moment."

Reimu chuckled, "Good thing you're not panicking."

Yagoo admitted, "I was panicking, but it's passed now."

Reimu's tone became more serious, "Now, what's the situation?"

Yagoo's voice conveyed a mix of frustration and resignation, "We failed to separate them because Alaya is very stubborn."

Reimu's response was expected, her tone carrying a sense of understanding, "As expected..."

Yagoo's voice held a mixture of incredulity and concern, "How can you prevent them from fusing?"

Reimu's response was straightforward, "Simple. I just need to drag Alaya to the 4th plane."

Yagoo's disbelief was evident, "Wait... that's absurd."

Acknowledging the audacity of her plan, Reimu calmly confirmed, "Yes, it is, but it will separate them for hundreds of years without severing their bonds."

Seeking more clarity, Yagoo inquired, "How would you do it exactly?"

Reimu maintained an air of mystery, "That's a secret, but you should calm them down, or everything will go post-apocalypse."

Yagoo expressed his hopes, tinged with a note of concern, "I see... I hope you wouldn't sacrifice your life or something."

Reimu's response was reassuring, "Huh? I won't. After all, I'm just an ordinary shrine maiden who likes a peaceful life. A life full of darkness isn't what I want."

Yagoo's tone reflected his relief, "I hope so..."

With the conversation concluded, the call was hung up.

Reimu's determination was unwavering as she spoke to herself, "I should do what I'm supposed to do."

She activated the mechanism that led to the Alaya side, and upon arrival, she found Marisa, Patchouli, and Ai waiting for her.

Reimu looked at her companions, a mixture of determination and reassurance in their eyes.

"Don't worry, I will make sure you won't do anything stupid," Marisa declared with her usual confidence.

"I will guarantee that you will live, no matter what you do," Patchouli affirmed, her tone unwavering.

"I gave you my full trust, so no matter what, please come back to us," Ai's voice held a genuine plea.

Reimu couldn't help but find their dramatic dialogues somewhat amusing. "What is this, a farewell scene from a play? I'll be totally fine after this," she thought to herself.

With a confident smile, Reimu reassured them, "Don't worry, it's just going to be easy! I'll handle it."


In Gaia's realm, the seismic upheaval gripped the world, prompting widespread evacuations as people sought shelter from the impending disaster. Panic and urgency permeated the air as citizens from every corner of the planet hurried to find safety.

Meanwhile, among the higher-ups, a grim dilemma was shared—a colossal meteor hurtling toward Gaia, threatening catastrophic impact. Faced with this dire threat, they joined in fervent prayer, hoping for a miracle to protect their world.

At Hololive HQ, staff members, the CEO, and fellow talents gathered in the empty parking lot, their eyes trained on the fractured skies above. The unfolding cracks in the atmosphere sent shivers down their spines, a silent acknowledgment of the impending danger.

In the third plane, a small group of determined individuals labored tirelessly, pushing against the currents of fate to prevent the untimely fusion. Their efforts were a desperate bid to buy time, to give Gaia a chance to survive without irreversible harm.

In the Kazama household, amidst the tumultuous tremors, Iroha clasped the hands of her mother and grandmother tightly. Her thoughts were a silent plea, directed toward someone she trusted and believed in. "Reimu, please be safe," she silently implored.

In another corner of the world, the Ninomae household stood resolute against the quaking earth. Ina, the protector of her family, guided them with determination, her unwavering faith in Reimu lending her strength. Amid the chaos, she held onto a steadfast belief that their shrine maiden would see them through.

As the world trembled and the skies cracked, the fates of these intertwined lives hung in the balance, bound by a common hope for survival and a shared trust in the enigmatic Reimu.


In the realm of Alaya, a figure of remarkable radiance stood before the shrine, a captivating blend of pure white and profound darkness. The sheer magnitude of magic emanating from this enigmatic being engulfed the land, casting an aura of both awe and terror upon the creatures that dwelled there. With an air of deliberate intent, the person's eyes opened, and in a soft, resonant chant, they began to enact an ancient incantation.

Slowly but surely, a barrier began to materialize in the vast expanse of the sky, a shimmering shield that gradually encased the entirety of Alaya. The appearance of this ethereal boundary defied all expectations, leaving the inhabitants of the land in a state of astonishment. Yet, as the moments passed, the delicate barrier transformed, forming intricate triangular patterns that radiated with a brilliance visible even to the unaided eye.

With each passing second, the barrier grew more substantial, its energy coalescing into a resplendent display of gold, blue, and purple hues, adding to the mesmerizing spectacle. The entire sky seemed to be painted with the intricate dance of light and magic, a fusion of forces beyond mortal comprehension.

Amid this extraordinary phenomenon, six determined individuals watched from the vastness of space, their eyes fixed on the unfolding events below. As the person within Alaya's realm continued to channel their power, a profound transformation occurred—the figure's luminosity intensified until it enveloped the world in an awe-inspiring radiance. The planet itself began to fade, its presence gradually diminishing until it disappeared entirely from view.

Omega's voice rang out, filled with a mix of awe and realization. "She pulled it off."

Mumei, though intrigued, admitted, "I can sense the planet, but I didn't sense its movement."

Sana chimed in, explaining, "That's because the planet has shifted to another plane."

Mumei's curiosity persisted, and she inquired further, "What is a plane?"

Kronii stepped in to clarify, "In simple terms, it's another dimension, a separate reality."

Perplexed, Mumei pressed on, "But why would the planet go to another dimension?"

Bae interjected, urging Fauna to explain. With a resigned sigh, Fauna took on the role. "Think of it like a protective measure. The planet has been moved to another dimension to shield it from the impending catastrophe."

As the exchange unfolded among these celestial beings, the intricacies of dimensions and planes became clearer, shedding light on the extraordinary event that had just transpired.


In the aftermath of the intense earthquake, the trembling of the earth gradually subsided, and the once-present cracks on the surface began to mend themselves. Amid the calm that returned to Gaia, Yagoo's voice carried a mixture of relief and emotion.

"She succeeded," he whispered, tears welling up in his eyes as a sense of profound gratitude washed over him.

At that moment, a glimmer of hope emerged, hinting at the possibility of a brighter and more promising future for the world and its inhabitants. The weight of uncertainty began to lift, replaced by a renewed sense of optimism that had eluded them for so long.


The intense radiance emanating from the shrine maiden gradually subsided, leaving behind a sense of stillness in the air. As the light dissipated, the scene before them became clear once again, revealing the shrine maiden collapsed on the ground.

"Reimu?" Marisa's voice carried a hint of concern as she rushed forward to catch the fallen shrine maiden. With a soft thump, the gohei she held snapped in two upon impact.

Startled, the others moved quickly to support the unconscious shrine maiden, preventing her from hitting the ground with a jolt. The magician, in particular, took a moment to check the shrine maiden's pulse, relief washing over her when she confirmed that Reimu was still alive.

"Still alive," Marisa exclaimed, a mixture of worry and relief in her tone.

As the news spread among the group, there was a collective sigh of relief. They had accomplished their goal, and Reimu's survival was a testament to their success.

"We should let her rest," Ai suggested, her voice gentle and caring.

Patchouli nodded in agreement, her expression serious. "Indeed, and I will address any potential consequences that may arise from this."

With their decision made, the shrine maiden was carefully placed in a comfortable position. Unbeknownst to the others, Reimu's consciousness remained intact, her mind briefly considering the situation before deciding to take advantage of the opportunity to rest.

For the next three days, Reimu remained in a state of deep slumber, her body recovering from the immense effort she had exerted. The world around her carried on, events unfolding as the consequences of her actions began to ripple through the fabric of existence.

Numerous events had transpired during the time of Reimu's slumber, including the emergence of a massive portal connecting Gaia and Alaya. This phenomenon had not gone unnoticed, sparking both awe and curiosity among the inhabitants of both worlds. The announcement of supernaturals and the revelation of their coexistence with humans had also been met with great reception, adding a new layer of complexity to the evolving world.

As the days passed, the shrine maiden gradually stirred from her deep sleep. Her consciousness began to awaken, pulling her out of the realms of dreams and into the present reality. As her senses returned, Reimu found herself surrounded by the faces of five individuals, each looking at her with a mix of relief and happiness.

At that moment, a mixture of emotions washed over her. The realization that she had completed her mission, coupled with the warmth of the group hug that enveloped her, filled her with a sense of accomplishment and belonging.


The awareness of non-lethal magic had spread rapidly among the inhabitants of both Alaya and Gaia. This newfound form of magic was dubbed the "Danmaku battle," a captivating spectacle where individuals engaged in combat using thousands of vibrant and intricate spells. The primary focus of these battles was not only to defeat opponents but also to create a visually appealing and mesmerizing experience for spectators.

The allure of Danmaku battles was such that it transcended age barriers, and it was not uncommon to find even children being taught the art of this magical combat. To ensure safety and encourage fair play, rigorous training and guidelines were established, ensuring that participants could engage in thrilling battles without causing harm.

The popularity of Danmaku battles reached a point where organized tournaments were held, drawing participants from all walks of life and corners of the world. These tournaments became grand events, attracting enthusiastic crowds eager to witness the dazzling displays of magic and skill. The battles were not only a testament to the power and creativity of the supernaturals but also a celebration of unity and cooperation among the diverse denizens of Alaya and Gaia.

As the non-lethal magic spread and flourished, it brought about a new era of friendly competition and camaraderie, contributing to the growth and harmony of both worlds. The enchanting dance of Danmaku battles not only provided a means of entertainment but also symbolized the remarkable progress made by the supernaturals and their human counterparts in creating a shared future.


The Hololive group continued to maintain its immense popularity, captivating audiences with its entertaining streams and engaging content. Amidst the ongoing success, a remarkable development took place as Reimu made a surprise appearance on Iroha and Ina's streams, introducing herself as their romantic partner. The comment sections of the streams were flooded with reactions from fans, although the specifics of these responses are of no concern.

Within the Hololive community, a jubilant atmosphere prevailed as the members celebrated together, rejoicing in their achievements and the bonds they had formed. However, amidst the festivities, it was evident that Ina and Iroha were not partaking in the celebrations.


At the Hakurei Shrine in Alaya, Reimu found herself confined within the protective barrier she had created, rendering her unable to venture beyond its borders. Her connection to the outside world relied on the updates and experiences shared by the other girls who were actively engaged with life in Gaia.

Inside the shrine, three of the girls were busy preparing a meal, their efforts culminating in a spread of delicious dishes. Meanwhile, the rest of the group gathered around a table, engaging in lively conversation and enjoying each other's company.

Seated at the table were Reimu, Ina, Iroha, Marisa, and Patchouli, surrounded by an array of tempting food. With a shared sentiment of gratitude and delight, they all raised their voices in unison.

"I'll humbly receive this!"

As they laughed, talked, and savored the meal, a sense of tranquility and harmony enveloped the scene. It was a moment of respite, a glimpse of the peaceful life that Reimu had tirelessly protected and cherished.

Though challenges and uncertainties may arise, the enduring bonds between these individuals, along with Reimu's unwavering determination, ensured that the peace they held dear would remain steadfast and unshakable.